I like Roxas better, because Sora seems all happy and giddy....ish
But both of them can fight, at least
But both of them can fight, at least
People don't care, all they see is a kid who doesn't grunt enough and thus think he's too happy go luck or immature compared to the misplaced emo fucks in the game.
Hence he's the 'cliche hero' that wants nothing but to save the universe - when it's stated and showed in-game that's hardly the case, otherwise, lol, why sacrifice himself for Namine when doing so means he wouldn't be there o save the universe and would even be used against it? Lololololol.
Hence why he's saving Kairi because he loves her. People don't wanna stop to think that *gasp* maybe she's just a friend. *gasp* maybe he HAD to release her Heart because otherwise the Keyhole to Darkness would've went a nice big BOOM BOOM! Maybe he's upset that he needs to save her AGAIN. *Gasp gasp*
But the italicized part seems to contradict that, and seems factually incorrect to me. The Keyhole was much more dangerous completed than partially completed - Ansem SoD wouldn't have been able to get to Kingdom Hearts if it had remained sealed. And Sora had no way of knowing he'd be able to come back (besides, if he did, it wouldn't have been much of a sacrifice).
Back on the topic of Sora and Roxas, I like them both. They work surprisingly well as two sides of the same person while remaining unique people at the same time. And it's fun to see how Roxas influences Sora, too.
You know what's wrong with this?
The poll.
There shouldn't be a "Both" selection, forcing people to choose one over the two they think it's better.
It's too easy and it's no fun when there's a cop out T_T. Aww.
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Xion should be up there too![]()
Overall? Roxas, the dude seems so much more down to earth and easy to relate to than Gary Stu Key Kid Sora.
Roxas as a kid or a Nobody who just wants to hang with his friends and work hard to preseve those bonds he's made even though he's left in the dark and constantly ponders his own existance and relevance of it all.
Hell Nomura seems to think Roxas is more popular than Sora since the new game has a roxas look alike.
Sora, he's way shonen jumpish for me to apperiate, and he has no human flaws other than recklessness, being childish and playing with disney characters, he's like the equvilant of every shonen cliche that ever exist in the form of a final fantasy concept with some disney themes.
And I don't like how he can beat everything and anyone with sheer experience with that friggin key, which is the biggest tripe I have with him, he picks up a key and starts being demi gods and giants with finesse which makes no sense since I've never seen him wield a sword and carry fighting experinece before he gets into the worlds of disney.
At least Roxas was created to be as good as Sora
and quite frankly without PIS he would own Sora and Riku since he has two blades and more fighting agression.
Overall, Roxas and Axel are better as main leads than Final Fantasy versions of Naruto and Sasuke with Keys.
I prefer Sora, i think he would beat Roxas. oh and you put this in the wrong section, but youre new so its cool:lol::lol:
he may be on drugs LOL