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Who do you prefer to play as in Kingdom Hearts 3D?

Sora - 100%
Riku - 0%

Total votes: 1, but the poll doesn't work yet


First Appearance: KINGDOM HEARTS III (2019)
 Frozen (2013)

Sora, Donald, and Goofy found themselves on a freezing, snow-covered mountainside. While battling the cold and the Heartless, Sora saw a woman run across the frozen sea and up the mountain. They decided to go after her.

As she introduced herself as Queen Elsa of Arendelle, they were suddenly ambushed by more Heartless. Elsa wiped one of them out with a magical blast of ice. It was that power – and the possibility that she might hurt someone with it – that had convinced Else she must leave her kingdom behind. She ran from Sora, asking to be left along, but her sadness and selflessness struck a chord with the boy.

It was then that a member of Organization XIII going by Larxene appeared and tried to trap Sora in a winding, wintry maze. They escaped and followed Elsa’s trail up the North Mountain, where they watched in awe as she constructed a magnificent palace of ice. But again, Larxene prevented Sora from speaking with Elsa. It turned out the Organization had been observing Elsa to see if she might be one of the New Seven Hearts. Before they knew it, Larxene had flung Sora, Donald, and Goofy back down the slopes, where they soon found themselves caught in a massive avalanche.

Soon after digging themselves out of the snow, Sora made some new friends: a walking, talking snowman named Olaf Elsa’s younger sister, Anna; Kristoff, her guide; and Sven, Kristoff’s reindeer companion.

Anna had come up the mountain to find Elsa and put an end to the unnatural winter affecting Arendelle. She told Sora about her childhood, and how she and her sister grew apart. Elsa’s choice to live in solitude to protect her sister reminded Sora of Riku’s actions in the past.

When a pack of Heartless attacked, Sora told Anna and her friends to hurry on to Elsa’s palace while they handled the threat.

After getting bounced from the palace gates by an enormous ice creature, a frustrated Anna fought back – an act that literally snowballed into a full-blown panic. Sora tried to buy time for her and the others to escape, but they were backed up against a cliff that crumbled beneath them. Falling down the mountain was starting to become routine. 

Sora was determined to speak to Elsa, but on the way back to the ice palace, he saw a suspicious man carrying her toward Arendelle. Further along, he crossed paths with the ice creature they had battled before. Sora realised he was trying to save Elsa too, so they all joined forces and made their way towards the town.

Sora soon learned from Kristoff that Anna was in danger, too. Time was running out. As Kristoff and Sven ran ahead, Sora did his best to keep pace, crossing the icy sea with the help of his big snow-pal.

He watched helplessly as Anna stepped in to defend her sister and turned to solid ice. A powerful Heartless took shape from the darkness in the man who had attacked them. Knowing only they could stop it, Sora, Donald, and Goofy stepped in and did their small part to defend Arendelle.

Then, they watched in wonder as Anna thawed. It was her selfless act of true love for her sister that dispelled the magic. Elsa, in turn, realized she could control her magic with that same love. Each of them proved to be one of the New Seven Hearts.

Sora still hadn’t reclaimed all seven of the guardians of light, but Larxene claimed the Organization was all but ready for the final flash. He knew Elsa and Anna’s happiness would be short-lived if he didn’t gather their numbers, and soon.

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