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Who do you prefer to play as in Kingdom Hearts 3D?

Sora - 100%
Riku - 0%

Total votes: 1, but the poll doesn't work yet

About Us

Welcome to! It is with deepest pride and greatest pleasure to welcome you into our little corner of the world wide web! We invite you to relax, let us pull up a chair as we proudly present our introduction! (also known fondly as KINGDOM HEARTS Insider to this and that and him and her), is a KINGDOM HEARTS aficionado's news and community site designed by the fans, for the fans. We'd like to think our little party is comprised of the best and brightest in their fields of expertise from various backgrounds and all corners with the globe, each bringing forward their own unique perspective to this beloved series, whether they've just recently began playing from the newest titles or entered the community starting with KINGDOM HEARTS on the PS2 back in 2002. As the site and series develops onward over the years, we've been forging strong friendships and stronger bonds, linking towards the future. If you'd like to learn more about the team that handles the daily dos and don'ts of the site, please visit our staff page.

Our passion for KINGDOM HEARTS span from the games themselves to the far corners of the community that's burst forth with its creation and continues to flourish since then. While definitely not the first of its genre, this is the series that drew together fans of various ages, backgrounds and cultures by merging the beloved characters and worlds of Disney and SQUARE ENIX in a grand spectacular presentation. We've seen it bound over obstacles, jump through various consoles and mediums, and bless us with a wonderful new story and characters to love and grow along. These days, you'd be hard pressed to encounter any gaming or anime convention or gathering without catching sight of spikey brown locks bobbing through the crowd or a gleaming metal Keyblade sparkling in the sun.

And that is the basis upon which this website was founded - we exist to provide everyone far and wide with a one stop shop for all your KINGDOM HEARTS needs, whether it be news, media, discussion, and just all - around fandom. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions, suggestions, or would just like to contribute in however way you can!

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SIA "khinsider"
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Just as we link back to many individuals, we'd love to be linked back to in return! You're the lucky ones, however, who have the opportunity to sport these neat little images our graphics team made special for you, rather than continue to utilize boring text links.

180 x 60 Pixels

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110 x 32 Pixels


Are you a fellow gaming or entertainment website aiming to expand your visitor base while networking with other successful communities? Kingdom Hearts Insider is always looking for other websites to exchange links and engage with, and pride ourselves in the relationships we strive to build with others.

In order to maintain consistency in the affiliation process, all forthcoming affiliation requests must first satisfy the following conditions:

If you feel your website meets these conditions, then please feel free to get in touch with us. We would love to hear from you.

Membership FAQ

We here at Kingdom Hearts Insider understand that not everyone may be accustomed with the laws of the land, or in this case, the general rules and conduct of the forum-going experience. This FAQ exists to enlighten everyone new and old to the community and to answer the questions that arouse on a typical need-to-know basis. And because these are things members of the general Kingdom Hearts community feel they need to know, this FAQ was born.

Kingdom Hearts Insider is run entirely by volunteers who aim to deliver a bright and friendly community where people can come together to participate in friendly discussion and activities revolving primarily around the Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy series in accordance with our sister site, Final Fantasy Network. In order to make the experience enjoyable for every single individual, we'd like everyone to understand that membership access to our forums is a privilege earned, not a right to have regardless of actions and consequences.

If a member by any chance goes forth to breaks the rules or do anything in the vein that the Administrators and Moderators may view as unfit for the community, we have the right to act in response, ranging from distributing infractions to denying an account completely. Once again for clarification, every single person has the right to participate in discussions here at Kingdom Hearts Insider. However, like it is in the real world as well, that right only remains so long as you follow the rules. By accommodating this small request, a person has the right to be a member at Kingdom Hearts Insider.


Who is registration open for?

Anyone and everyone from all corners of the globe is welcome to join!

I sure hope I don't have to pay to register.

Absolutely not! We would and will never ask anyone to pay for what we have to offer. It is a completely free experience.

Are there any neat benefits in registering at Kingdom Hearts Insider?

Being a member of Kingdom Hearts Insider grants you access to our forums, reserved specially for our members. You'll be able to share your creations in our Creative Corner, contribute your opinions in General Discussion, participate in all of the events and activities our staff plans for everyone, and above all, have the opportunity to expand your horizontals with all of our members far and wide!

Please tell me if there are any terms and conditions I have to agree to upon registration!

Before you can register, you must agree to follow our Terms and Conditions, displayed when you make your account. You are also required to conditionally follow our forum rules in order to be fair to the rest of the community and make the forum-going experience enjoyable for all members. We urge you to please read everything over prior to registration!

So, say I were to violate a few rules...

Please say it isn't so! Should a member fail to follow the Terms and Conditions they agreed to upon registering their account here at Kingdom Hearts Insider, we hold every right to act accordingly in response. Depending on the level of the violation, we may distribute warnings and infractions, up to banning the member from accessing the forums for a certain period of time. In rare cases, we may resort to permanently banning a member's account or even their IP address from our site/server. Thankfully, this does not need to happen often.

What about my own personal information? You won't share that without anyone, will you?

Certainly not. Any and all personal information you give us upon registering serves merely for basic statistical purposes, and will not be shared with any third party under any circumstances. Unless a member brings attention to himself or herself that we feel would be necessary to look into that data, we will not touch it. That occasion is fairly rare. You can read more information about this here in our Privacy Policies.

Why can't I start posting in the forums right after I register?

For safety purposes, an email confirmation must be made in order to confirm that it really exists before you may begin posting. The second you press that [Register] button, an email is sent to the address you used to register with, providing a link you have to follow to confirm and thereby activate your account. If the possibility that you failed to receive the confirmation email, simply send an email to us at kingdomheartsinsider at, and send us your username so that we may activate the account for you manually.

I don't know why but I'm having some difficulty logging onto the site. Help!

Please make sure you're using the right login information and have typed in your username and password correctly. It is also possible that the current version of your browser may be utilizing outdated technology, so in that case it would be best to upgrade to the most recent version or to switch to another browser. We would like to recommend either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

If I have any questions regarding Kingdom Hearts Insider, who can I go to ask?

The best and most efficient way to get in touch with the staff is through our email. We try our best to respond to all of the questions we get through the site and forums quickly and proficiently though admittedly we may not be able to respond as quickly as you'd like. In that case, we'd ask that you please be patient with us and that you will receive a response soon. And as you know, we are always available through the forums, so feel free to leave a visitor message on our profiles or send us a private message. You can also view the Forum Leaders page at the bottom of the forum index to choose a member of staff to contact for your needs.

©2016 KHInsider. KINGDOM HEARTS official artwork, trailers, characters, merchandise, and music is copyrighted to Square Enix and Disney.
Original material is licensed under a Creative Commons License permitting non-commercial sharing with attribution.
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