Been seeing this board for a while now, and considering that Days is my favorite game out of the series, I thought...well. Why not?

I'll try my hand at this. Although it might take a bit. Anyway, here's my list.
~Playing as Roxas, and getting more depth in regards to him than in Kingdom Hearts II. Made me love him as a character and no longer hated him as I did before hand. All together, I loved the game for this.
~Xigbar's character in this game. Oh dude. Yes please! With him getting more backstory, making him less like another member in the Organization and more interesting with more depth than what was shown in Kingdom Hearts II and his kindness towards other members. Yeah, another reason I ADORED this game.
~Axel's darkside from COM shows itself in this game, another nice touch that I liked with his character. Really nice, and reminded me that he was capable of being someone other than a goofy older brother figure to Roxas that loved to say "Got it memorized" all the time.
~Teaming up with the Organization members throughout the game was a nice treat. (Heck, I even liked teaming up with LARXENE. Twus' fun!)
~Meeting Xion, and learning about her. (*raises flag* Ahhh, ahhh! Well, I actually like Xion and her character and her story. Don't murder me. :O EEK!)
~The adorable Roxas, Axel and Xion bond with one another. Very touching and all together tragic.
~The relationship that was shown between Xigbar and Roxas throughout the game.

P Deeeerp.)
~The panel system! I really liked it, it was totally fun and not at all annoying as I thought it would be. (I all together dreaded another system like COM. >__>)
~The bittersweet ending that ties right into Kingdom Hearts II's opening. Left me in tears when the credits rolled. Was a perfect way to fit them both together. Great touch.
~Every single one of the callbacks and callforwards to Kingdom Hearts I and II.
~Wonderfully written dialogue. The character's lines were written far better than Kingdom Hearts II in my opinion.
~Magic was quite useful to me throughout the game, and this is coming from a player that hardly uses ANYTHING other than Heal and Fire.

I believe that I ended up using one of EVERYTHING near the end of the game.
~All together seeing the different relationships between Roxas and the members. Also how other members of the Organization treat each other. (Axel/Saix Xigbar/Xion/Axel Xion/Saix, and so forth.) That alone was one of the things that made the game worth while.
~Too few voice acted cutscenes. May be a personal thing, but I would have liked to have seen more JPS doing Xigbar and the other members than just Axel, Roxas, Xion and Saix. Needed at lest one with some other members and not focused on just text scenes. (Another reason why I wished this would have been on PSP. *sigh/shrug*)
~Gotta say, Neverland was pretty bad when it came to the controls and the flying missions there. Very crazy and hard to get memorized, and by the time you really need them, you can easily get confused. Case in point? That stupid BOSS in the SKY. Ugh. I HATED THAT THING.
~Wonderland. Just...Wonderland. With those stupid Heartless in the main room with the bottles, with the maze that Roxas and Luxord has to go through, to those HUGE floating Heartless that you have to set a trap for. All together, the WORSE world in the game.
~"That One Boss" in Halloween Town. The coffin one. At this time that I am writing, I have totally forgot the name. But you know what I mean. That boss was SO difficult that one of my neighbors came by house just to BEG that I help him with it. Even then...I failed. So many times.
~Actually, all together, most of the main bosses in some worlds were just awful. Especially if you get trapped with characters that are little to no help at all, or you are alone and not knowing WHAT the heck you're going up against. One up on my list would be the Dustflyer (Got mauled in TWO hits. DARN YOUUUU!)
~As much as I did like Xion, (Still do in fact.) half way through the game with her leaving, coming back, leaving again, and the tension and awkwardness between the main group (RAX) really began to drag on with me. I felt like there should have been more story development and not so much...awkwardness. Not sure how to really explain it, but all in all...some of Xion's motives bugged me.
~Sorry to disappoint, but how Saix was towards Xion and Roxas. I liked the relationship they had with Axel, and it made for some extra tension. But near the end, I just was so happy I could finally smack him around a bit.
I'm sure they are more reasons on my Hate list, but right now, I'm far too sleepy to think.
Goodnight everyone~!