Why yes, yes it does. 8D
ROFL. xD I get that way sometimes, too. Took me forever to realize what Bwahopl meant, even though I had heard it before.
Just about every character suffered from lack of development in KH2, so it's no surprise. xD I hope they all develop more as the series progresses, especially with Axel and Saix, and SRK.
I want to read the manga version now.
It's possible. I don't think this is the last we've seen of good ol' Xiggy. <3
H-he's just so awesome that I felt he didn't need to be named. 8D;; /failexcuse
I think so, too, that he is slowly being expanded upon as time progresses. I cant wait to see what they'll do with him next. <3
Personally, I'd like to see him be the next major villain. It could really pull his personality out and flaunt it.
*gasp* It's almost like they ARE brothers. 8D Or two halves of the same whole.
OOH, I just had an idea. Eraqus hates the darkness and fears it. What if Xigbar/Braig was his darkness manifested in human form? Like Braig is the Vanitas to Eraqus' Ven.
I think the Keyblades were cookies, anyway. xD They looked like it.