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Who do you prefer to play as in Kingdom Hearts 3D?

Sora - 100%
Riku - 0%

Total votes: 1, but the poll doesn't work yet


Powerful foes await you as you progress through the story and complete special events! They are a cut above the rest, so be on your guard!

[Common]  [Event [Bosses]  [Raid Bosses]

Wretched Witch

ウィッチボマー (Witch Bomber)

A wily witch wielding potent poison apples as weapons. Using special attacks with healing capabilities is recommended.

Wily Bandit


The number above the monster gets smaller as you attack. Once it reaches 0, watch out! Don't let this conniving crook rob you of your HP!

Wayward Wardrobe

ノイジーワードローブ (Noisy Wardrobe)

A fashion-forward Heartless that boosts its magic defense. Use Speed Medals to take it out in style!

Enraged Elk

マリシャスレインディア (Malicious Reindeer)

This hot-headed Heartless lowers your defense, but keep your cool. Skills like Paralysis and Defense Boost will help you defeat and calm this angry monster!



This beast's bite is worse than its bark! It has high HP and strength, so be prepared for a long battle.

Mean Maiden

ミセスインソレント (Mrs. Insolent)

The number above this fashionable foe gets smaller with every Medal you use. Once it reaches 0, watch out! Prepare to dispel status ailments whenever possible!

Thorned Snake

ソーンスネーク (Thorn Snake)

This slithery serpent has a lot of HP and the the power to poison its enemies. Keep your HP topped off and don’t let this snake in the grass rattle you!

Ferry Reaper


This armed adversary inflicts numerous status ailments and can heal itself! Once the number above it reaches 0, it'll hit you with poison.

Nimble Reaper


This foe paralyzes its enemies, restores 30% of its HP, absorbs Speed attacks, and has a resistance to all attributes! At least it doesn't hit very hard!

Vile Reaper

バイオレントリーパー (Violent Reaper)

This foe poisons its enemies, restores 30% of its HP, absorbs Power attacks, and has a resistance to all attributes!

Sorcerous Reaper


This foe absorbs Magic-based attacks, lowers your strength, and absorbs energy from its allies to unleash a healing ability when you're on your slot 5 attack!

Furious Reaper

タントラムリーパー (Tantrum Reaper)

Volcanic Lord

ボルケーノロード (Volcano Lord)

The number above this fiery foe gets smaller as you attack. Once it reaches 0, it'll unleash an attack that'll lower your defense.

Blizzard Lord


The number above this frosty foe gets smaller as you attack. Once it reaches 0, it'll unleash an attack that'll lower your strength.

Pot Centipede


The number above this monster gets smaller with every Medal you use. Once it reaches 0, it’ll unleash a paralyzing attack!

Apricot Opera

ジョンプリアンオペラ (Jaune Brilliant Opera)

A variant of the Yellow Opera, this enemy absorbs attacks from Speed Medals. You'll want to equip Power Medals for an advantage.


Brilliant Opera
ヴェールブリアンオペラ (Vert Briand Opera)

This foe has low defense, but has various healing abilities, lowers your strength, and unleashes a powerful attack when its HP gets low!

Ferocious Fins

ラージシャーク (Rage Shark)

This fierce fish has lots of HP and paralyzing attacks. Keep your HP topped off so you don't find yourself dead in the water!

Shipwreck Shark

サベージシャーク (Savage Shark)

The number above this ocean menace gets smaller as you attack. Once it reaches 0, it'll paralyze you with more than just fear.

Icy Beast

アイスフィスト (Ice Fist)

This frozen foe has a lot of HP and uses abilities to lower your defense. Equip yourself with Dispel to defeat this monstrosity.

Royal Pretender

クラウンプリテンダー (Crown Pretender)

This sly creature has lots of HP and an array of powerful attacks. Use special attacks to bury this treasure!


Poisonous Pretender


ポイズンプリテンダー (Poison Pretender)


Disguised as a treasure chest, this Heartless unleashes attacks that poison its prey. Its allies will try to lower your defense; keep an eye on the count!


Iron Giant


This mecha menace has a lot of HP and unleashes powerful attacks! Don't be intimidated by its steely gaze; give it all you've got.

Metal Giant

甲冑巨人 (Armored Giant)

This metallic monster has lots of HP and hits hard. Use special attacks and defeat it quickly before you get stomped on!

Martial Monkey

マーシャルエイプ (Martial Ape)

This mischievous monster has a lot of HP and hard-hitting attacks. Use special attacks to defeat it before you go bananas!

Pink Agaricus


This colorful creature has lots of HP. Use special attacks to wear it down quickly!


レックストード (Rex Toad)

This nimble nocturnal has lots of HP and high attack power. Defeat it quickly before it has a chance to poison you!

Savage Vanguard


This foe strikes first and has abilities that can poison you!

Savage Vanguard Ω

サベージヴァンガード亜種 (Savage Vanguard subspecies)

This foe casts and Upright-reflect barrier and unleashes attacks that poison its enemies. It also casts an attribute-reflect barrier upon attack!



This foe poisons you and has a critical-chance ability that lowers your strength!

Weapon Master


This skilled swordsman wields an array of arms. The longer the battle, the tougher the fight! Use special attacks to defeat it as quickly as possible.



This monstrous menace greatly boosts its defense! The number above its head gets smaller with every attack, and it counterattacks at 0!



This empress of ice gradually weakens your strength. When she overwrites it to weaken it greatly, she will continue to do so every five turns!



This lightning-wielding mage uses abilities that paralyze you and lower your strength. Be careful of his powerful lightning attacks that hurt as well as overwrite your strength!



You'll receive 10% of the damage you deal with Power-based attacks. This fiery foe also resets your boosts and lowers your strength with its critical attacks!



This sea monster absorbs Magic attacks, and lowers your STR while boosting its DEF!

Gummi Dragon

カラフルグミドラゴン (Colorful Gummi Dragon)

Its fiery breath at the start of the battle has a paralyzing effect! It also counters with a strength-sapping ability after your slot 3 attack!

Gummi Golem

カラフルグミゴーレム (Colorful Gummi Golem)

This foe paralyzes you, lowers your strength, and reflects 10% of the damage you deal with Upright Medals!


Gummi Adventurer

カラフルグミアドベンチャラー (Colorful Gummi Adventurer)

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