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Fanfiction ► Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 68 posted)

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New member
Sep 25, 2011
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 12 posted)

... I screamed "Yes!" aloud when I saw that a new chapter was posted. Krhm. Anyway... I liked the arguing with Cid and Merlin, I can very easily imagine that happening. XD And gotta like seeing more Isa and Braig as well. "it's no wonder you always look like someone has drowned your goldfish and scare people away." Drowned your goldfish. :D Love it.


Oct 31, 2007
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 12 posted)

Hehe~It's funny when i imagine Braig's face when he is stalking Aerith xD
Such a jerk~
Looking forward for your coming chapters :D


New member
Oct 23, 2011
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 12 posted)

It is nice to see other characters again. And soon Sora will start his new adventure, right?

Haha, we need more appearences from Braig, he's so funny (but still a jerk)! You write him so well.
And he should really tell us his little secret: How, exactly, do you drown a goldfish? XD

Already looking forward for the next chapter! keep up the good work!

Kiwi +

Aug 30, 2009
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 12 posted)

Awesome, seems like I didn't miss much from place I last left off. Was able to catch up! :)

Haha, this chapter made me giggle. Mostly from the Braig part. I could imagine him stalking Aerith, and making snark remarks to others. So like him! Anything with him is pure win. ^^
I await your next chapter Sephi. C:


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 12 posted)

..There invisible!? Lol at Braig and Isa. Nice to see the gummi ship is almost complete and that Leon an the gang are going to investigate. I would say more but I missed a chapter or two, so I will add in more later :) will we be seeing more of this arc now btw? Since I think you said you were done with Ven and Roxas? Anyways I look forward to more like always Seph.

Yep, they are invisible to others, shouldn't be too difficult to figure out how...next chapter will also spill it out directly. ;)
The different paths are going to slowly move towards each other now, as the gummi ship-part with Donald and Goofy moves towards merging with Sora,Riku and Kairi's path while the FF-gang and Braig/Isa also move towards each other.

I wonder when you add in more then...*ggg*

We will have more of them now, yes, although we also soon switch to the main trio again to get some more things moving.
Ven and Roxas have a pause for quite some time now, so we will see more of other characters now.

... I screamed "Yes!" aloud when I saw that a new chapter was posted. Krhm. Anyway... I liked the arguing with Cid and Merlin, I can very easily imagine that happening. XD And gotta like seeing more Isa and Braig as well. "it's no wonder you always look like someone has drowned your goldfish and scare people away." Drowned your goldfish. :D Love it.

Haha, what motivation.

Cid and Merlin do have such a sort of "feud" in KH2 so I choose to go further into that. ;)

That was a straight-out reference to Xigbar's lines in Days, lol. I am actually torn which is more fun to write: Braig's snarky and cocky inputs or Isa's reactions to it.
Oh, there will be more Braig...actually much more Braig later on...he is a major player in one of the four main "parties" clashing in the story.

Hehe~It's funny when i imagine Braig's face when he is stalking Aerith xD
Such a jerk~
Looking forward for your coming chapters :D

Yep, a jerk, but a dangerous jerk on top of it.
Will do, next one is around the corner this weekend. ;)

It is nice to see other characters again. And soon Sora will start his new adventure, right?

Haha, we need more appearences from Braig, he's so funny (but still a jerk)! You write him so well.
And he should really tell us his little secret: How, exactly, do you drown a goldfish? XD

Already looking forward for the next chapter! keep up the good work!

I'm striving to give as much characters a decent share of screen time as possible. ;)
So when very important characters like i.e. Ven and Roxas take a story-driven break it's the best opportunity to let some other characters take the spotlight.
Scrooge McDuck, Gyro Gearloose or the FF-gang aren't so much main major players, but nevertheless help up the overall mood and picture.

As for Sora, yes, in fact, it starts already on Destiny Islands itself in the second half of the next chapter and we will follow him, Riku and Kairi for quite a while then.

Of course Braig is a jerk, and also (morally) an asshole, but he's just too good of a villain to pass up on...and Isa's temper really supplements his attitude well for some solid laughs. :D

Will come at the end of the week. ;)

Awesome, seems like I didn't miss much from place I last left off. Was able to catch up! :)

Haha, this chapter made me giggle. Mostly from the Braig part. I could imagine him stalking Aerith, and making snark remarks to others. So like him! Anything with him is pure win. ^^
I await your next chapter Sephi. C:

You indeed missed not much as you were one of the commentators on chapter 11, so you have actually not missed anything up to now.

That's what Braig is there for, providing another form of "comic relief" than i.e. Donald provides.
In time one will see though that he's still a dangerous adversary working for the main big bad out there, although he's no longer the big bad's right hand man completely.

Like already said, I will see to chapter 13 on next Saturday or Sunday. ^___^


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 12 posted)

Jeez, this time we have another double-post, but that won't be a hindrance for me to post the next chapter.

I'm a day late I know, but last weekend I apparently left my brain in bed and simply forgot some things...XD

Anyways, let's now take a look on what Braig really plans, some more mystery with our hooded chief and especially take a look on what's up with Sora and co.

There's actually a close connection to chapter 9 in here...;)

XIII. Infiltrators and worries of a Princess

Braig turned away from Aerith, giving Isa another cocky grin which nearly drove the other man crazy. "You need to cool down...maybe I should ask the boss to freeze you solid in ice for once...might help with that. Ienzo's illusions work nearly to perfection as you see..." He extended his hand as if to ruffle a girl's hair shortly, stopping just inches before contact, causing a sharp hiss from Isa. "..., she didn't notice anything."

"I know, but it only works without real physical contact and weapons...and as I said..." Isa stated, growling.
"So you think I'll be as stupid to risk real physical contact? AS IF...!!!" Braig interrupted, waving his hand. " You really need to loosen up, blueberry. These committee dickheads going there trying to investigate is actually a boon for us..."
"Even if that's true...your lackluster behaviour invites unnecessary additional risks. And why would their interference be good??? The boss doesn't want that the Radiant Garden-committee gets any valuable information!"

Braig snorted, somewhat with a disappointed look. "Now take a look at this...don't you even have an ounce of creative energy? Really buddy, your talent for improvisation needs quite the improvement..."
"If you would not goof around we wouldn't need improvisation...jerk." Isa spat annoyed. "What's with all those risky games you play...the boss won't approve of this."

"What the boss doesn't know doesn't concern him...it's really that easy. And in the end only the success counts."

"Bah...and what will you do when you fail? Cover it up with constant blabbering? I'm sick of this...I will start the distraction right now to lure them away from Ansem's study..."
"Nope, you won't just yet blueberry...we'll wait until they access the main computer...then we start the distraction."

"You moronic..." Isa started, but then stopped, an evil smirk appearing on his face. "...correction: You sneaky bastard...now I get what you're planning...very savvy."

Braig roared with laughter. "See now blueberry, just because I'm acting cocky and carefree doesn't mean I'm stupid. I just don't give a damn about carefully laid out plans which have close to no flexibility. Furthermore, me doing work if you can let even your enemies work for you...as if!"

"How could I forget you're certainly more than big talk...alright...no time to waste. We'll let them type in the new password, gaining access to their system in the process, and then give them something to worry about."
"Exactly, and then we'll go find the blackbox with the uncorrupted data as well as blasting the whole heartless manufactory to pieces. Don't get too fussy about that memory thing. I still don't fully understand the re-assembling of the full being and what this means for the "nobody"...but I slowly got back both my Braig- as well as the Xigbar-memories." Braig smirked as they continued walking towards the castle, now more or less "stalking" Leon.


In the meantime the black coated figure was still on the cliff overlooking the town and castle, now accompanied by another figure clad in black, a teenager around 16 to 17 years in appearance with steel blue hair, which fell over his face on one side.

"Everything moving on alright, Ienzo?" The hooded figure asked.
"The illusion is...working fine...no real problems." The teen answered with a slight strain in his voice.

The hooded figure turned around, hands on his back. "It's more stressful than you are used to, isn't it?"
Ienzo only let out a small grunt. "Tsk...no wonder, as my powers are effectively halved and only recover at a slow rate."

Nodding slightly, the figure let out a small sigh.
"Yes...that replica absorbing so much energy from your nobody wasn't part of the schedule..."

"Hmph...the replica got destroyed as well, so the energy is free to return to me. But as it is "delayed" due to not coming from the essence of my nobody the recovering of it takes longer." Ienzo again grunted, this time with an angry tone. "Axel, that goddamned hideous traitor...he was no better than Marluxia..."

The hooded figure turned around again, shortly looking into the distance.
"It seemed like Axel had his own agenda somehow, and at first Saix was in it as well."

"Well, whatever, Axel should be gone for good, disappeared into the darkness without a way to return."

"I would not be too sure of that, Axel touched Sora's heart and also befriended the other one, the new one, Number XIII, that connection to both of- no, the three of them might have set something up we could not even dare to foresee."

Ienzo blinked confused. "Huh? What are you talking about? I don't get it."

The figure chuckled. "It's too early, Ienzo, way too early to make any clear statements."
Hearing that, the teen just shrugged and focused now again on reinforcing the illusion he kept on the Radiant Garden, which made both Braig and Isa invisible and inaudible to everyone in a certain radius around them.


The 'strange lifeform' however had in the meantime really other things to worry about. His head still dizzy and blurry with memories swirling through it unordered, it almost seemed as if he had the memories of two persons within him.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde or what? Heck, would you now please cut out that stupid memory swirl, silly messed up brain!
Lea firmly shook his head again trying to get it clear before taking the last two steps to the door.

Ghh, like I thought, locked. What the heck, this place somehow feels familiar, agh, why can't I focuse on a single straight chain of memories? I have to get out of here.

Slamming his fist against the door several times Lea yelled loudly for someone to come, but only his own voice echoed back from the strange walls on the corridor.


The sun was sending bright warm light over the verandah where Riku sat on the fence a bit apart from Sora and Kairi, who were preparing the table for a breakfast outside, thinking deeply.

How to get to Disney Castle, that's the main question now. I can't open Corridors of Darkness anymore, and we haven't a gummi ship ready.
Sending another letter in a bottle asking to fetch us would probably work after some time, but actually I don't want to waste that much time, not if there's the danger for Sora to getting overwhelmed by the torment of someone connected to him.
Despite everything I still think he wasn't completely honest with me this night, a scream in a dream, no matter how horrible, does not suffice to explain the state he was in, there has to be!

Riku's face froze as he heard the sound of breaking porcelain and Kairi screaming Sora's name in distress.
Without thinking he jumped from the fence, rushing over to the table.

Coming to a halt just before crashing into the chair before the table, he saw that his fears were correct.
Sora stood there with a pale face, his expression a mixture of surprise and pain, clasping his chest with one hand while the other rested on the table, supporting his trembling figure.

Kairi was across him, having let go of the teapot in shock, her eyes wide with surprise.

Riku slammed both hands on the table, looking Sora straight into the eyes. "Sora! What happened??"
The brunette shortly blinked, before gasping for air a few times and placing the other hand also on the table.
"Wave." He muttered.

"Excuse me?" Riku wondered while Kairi now stood already beside him, highly worried.
Still slightly trembling, Sora stared back at his two friends, a shocked and sad expression forming on his face.
"I-I suddenly felt it, an-an immense wave of pain washing through, not my own, someone else's, I never thought such horrendous agony is even possible."

Riku bit his lower lip. Caution, don't let slip anything about what happened this night! Kairi is already worried enough. Why does it happen only now? Why not earlier if these tormented people are connected to Sora. It's been only two days since the letter from King Mickey arrived here, and almost a month after we came back from defeating Xemnas, nothing happened in that time!

Eyeing his best friend suspiciously, Riku searched for appropriate words.
"So...you felt pain which was not your own...does it have any lasting effect?"
This is worse than last night, first a scream and now a wave of pain!

Sora sighed, sinking back into his chair. "No, it doesn't have a lasting effect...I didn't even feel real pain myself...at least not much. I only was greatly surprised by it...and while it was distant, it nonetheless felt disturbingly intense."
Kairi crossed around the table, settling down in the chair beside Sora.
"At first you say you didn't feel it, then suddenly it's not much...what's now the truth? Has this something to do with the suffering people King Mickey spoke of in his letter and the truth that is supposed to lie in our hearts?"

"It's very hard to explain...I...I did feel pain, it hurt, but I don't think I'm actually injured. Furthermore it was almost as if my heart was jumping up...trying to do something to help." Nodding shortly in Kairi's direction, then looking down, he continued. "If I ever had any doubt about venturing out again it is washed aside by now...I just can't sit idly here on our island paradise while there are people out there connected to me who are suffering this badly. I don't know how long it may take or what there's actually to do, but with the help of my friends we will find ways to put things right."

Settling down in the chair across from Sora, Riku let out a sigh as well. "Very well then, so that only strengthened your resolve. Still, we can't let that occurrence go unchecked...it didn't cause actual damage this time, but who knows if it remains that way?"

Kairi pushed back a strand of hair behind her ear. "Their torment must be really horrible if Sora can even feel it for himself. Nonetheless...I wonder why this didn't occur earlier then. I mean, these people are not just suffering for the last week or so..."

Riku turned to face Kairi. Right on the spot...that's what I am thinking as well.

"Hey..." They both turned to face the spiky-haired brunette again. "...I know this might sound stupid...but isn't that irrelevant now? I thought about it nearly the rest of the night..."

Riku bit his lip. Sora...you idiot...

"..., and while it may be disturbing, I will take it. It counts now to get off from here and meet with the King." As Sora finished, he noticed Kairi's surprised expression. Riku fought hard to suppress the urge of facepalming.

Sora made a face.
Agh...no, me and my blabbermouth.

The girl sighed unhappy. "So this wasn't the first time you had something like this...!?"

"No...I just had a nightmare...it was different from the issue now...really, no need to worry." He hastily exclaimed, wanting to lay that issue to rest.
Damnit...why had it to occur right before her...

"No need to worry you say..." The princess of heart squeaked. "...how can I...there's obviously something strange happening with you...and you dismiss it like nothing. Of course I'm worried. Riku! Why won't you say anything?"

Kairi's voice had got noticeable higher, and Sora winced at seeing her this worried.
That's what I wanted to avoid all the time!

He thought with bitterness.


Here we are again. Pretty much location hopping this time but also brings up more mysteries and some answers (if one can connect the dots ^__^).

The next three chapters will focus on our main trio though before we get something entirely different. ;)
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Kiwi +

Aug 30, 2009
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 13 posted)

Heh, I don't know why, but I feel like you are brewing something of major importance and it's gonna happen soon! Or, I might be completely wrong. :I

Whichever. Oh, and don't worry about when you post it too. We look forward to it whenever you can get to it. :D


Oct 31, 2007
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 13 posted)

Isa and Braig are acting funny here, they couldn't talk with each other peacefully~lol
Braig's favorite quote "As if"!.. So cute here~:-DD I wonder what are they planning :D
Poor Sora, wonder what happen to his "inside" D:


New member
Sep 25, 2011
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 13 posted)

Hmm~ I've got an idea of what Isa and Braig are planning~ But I won't tell you though, haha. I'll probably find out soon enough if my idea was correct or totally wrong, lol. But I'm betting that it will be the latter.

Anyway, yay! We got more Lea~ :3 I somehow love reading his parts and I can't wait that he gets to interact with other characters. I hope that he'll get to do that quite soon but I don't mind waiting.

I really liked SRK part here as well. I can very easily imagine them having that conversation.

I'm excited to see what happens next~ c:


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 13 posted)

Heh, I don't know why, but I feel like you are brewing something of major importance and it's gonna happen soon! Or, I might be completely wrong. :I

Whichever. Oh, and don't worry about when you post it too. We look forward to it whenever you can get to it. :D

Seems you have some sense for situations...*ggg*.
Chapter 14 and 15 have indeed some major plot points. Although they might not jump one into the eye so directly. ^__^

That's a great relief, lol, as due to Jump Festa and Info-mania I didn't update last Sunday.

Isa and Braig are acting funny here, they couldn't talk with each other peacefully~lol
Braig's favorite quote "As if"!.. So cute here~:-DD I wonder what are they planning :D
Poor Sora, wonder what happen to his "inside" D:

That's the idea behind it...somewhat funny but also threatening since they are part of the main villain's party nonetheless.
Braig just can't leave an opportunity out to annoy the heck out of Isa...HE has fun doing it as well.

Well, regarding Sora, it is actually an important point that we saw what happened "inside" already.
Sora's "fit of torment" as Kairi called it corresponds to a particular scene in chapter 9.
There happens something that already gives a hint on how these "harbingers of torment" work.

Hmm~ I've got an idea of what Isa and Braig are planning~ But I won't tell you though, haha. I'll probably find out soon enough if my idea was correct or totally wrong, lol. But I'm betting that it will be the latter.

Anyway, yay! We got more Lea~ :3 I somehow love reading his parts and I can't wait that he gets to interact with other characters. I hope that he'll get to do that quite soon but I don't mind waiting.

I really liked SRK part here as well. I can very easily imagine them having that conversation.

I'm excited to see what happens next~ c:

Good that you're theorizing, ^___^, shows the plot manages to gather some interest. ;)

Lea got quite a mini-arc for his own, but it will eventually merge with the others. The story arcs of Lea, Isa & Braig as well as Leon and the FF gang are moving towards each other plotwise.

The conversation between the hooded figure and Ienzo holds btw also some tidbits that will become important later on.

Oh yeah? Well, then let the action in the next chapter commence:


XIV. Trouble in the stone quarry

Looks like I have to mediate again...oh well.
Riku chose his words very carefully, his gaze flickering between Sora and Kairi several times.

"I won't go so far to say that Sora is dismissing the issue...it's just that we can't do anything about it right now...so constantly worrying will just hamper our decision-making ability. It's by no means wrong to worry, Kairi, and it's no question that I am concerned as well...but no one of us can really claim to have a clear understanding about the heart or the connections forged between them, right? What we need to do is investigate a way offworld and then contact King Mickey as soon as possible."

Both of the younger teens nodded to this, causing Riku to lean back with a low feeling of relief.

"I still can't say that the prospect of Sora having such 'fits' of torment once in a while during a probably highly dangerous journey again is very pleasant!" Kairi sighed while closing her eyes shortly before turning firmly to Riku.
"but I trust that you will watch out for him Riku. As much as I want to do it myself, I can't, so-"
"Don't worry about that, Kairi, I will." Riku answered with determination.

"Eeehh, now what? It's not like I'm suddenly crippled or so!" Sora pouted, now clearly annoyed, causing both Riku and Kairi to laugh at the stupid face he made.

"It's ok Sora. I just assured Kairi that I will watch your back."
"Ah, I see, that's acceptable I guess, and besides Kairi, I always have this!" Sora now grinned and pulled out the lucky charm made out of Thalassa shells.

The girl blinked. "Yeah, but what does this have to do with..."

"Easy..." The spiky-haired teen snickered. "...it'll always remind me of the support and light I can fall back on in times of dire need. I'm pretty convinced now these glimpses of torment I experience also serve a purpose...and my heart will be strong enough to face it somehow. I may be pretty confused...but with you, Riku, the King as well as Donald and Goofy by my side in one way or another...I know I will be able to withstand all the trials and help those poor beings."

Kairi gave another nod in approval, somewhat relieved by now, just as she noticed Selphie coming running down the road, seemingly quite out of breath.
"Ugh...looks like more trouble is on the way." Sora mumbled. "Hey, Selphie's not that troublesome." Kairi snorted.
"That's not the point...she looks upset." The silver-haired older teen answered, getting up to meet her at the garden gate.

As Sora and Kairi followed, Selphie came to a halt right before the gate, panting.
"Morning Selphie, what's the matter?" Sora asked, by now fully back in his cheerful demeanor.
"...huff, huff, Morning...it's Tidus and Wakka, they're planning something stupid." Selphie retorted.

Riku crossed his arms before his chest. "Since when are that so alarming news? Those two are planning stupid things on a regular base..."
Selphie shook her head determined. " No, not the usual pranks...they want to explore the old stone quarry in the pit outside of town..."

"The stone quarry? That's crazy..." Sora shouted.
"That thing has been closed off for years for good reasons..." Riku added, already opening the gate.
Kairi jumped over the fence while Riku and Sora took the gate.

"That's why I wanted to fetch you...they won't listen to me alone." Selphie explained while they rushed up the road, right through the town, as the old stone quarry was on the other side of the town, behind a small patch of forest in a deep rocky pit.
It was used once to gain stones for repairing and building houses, but was closed off for safety reasons.

"I don't know the exact full story, but my dad forbid me even going near that pit under threat of severe punishment. He even once said that place is cursed...that everyone who gets down there is gripped by a weird, eerie feeling on some days." Sora explained.
"What? I got told to never go there, but the mayor didn't really want to give me the backstory." Kairi replied.

"It happened about 11 years ago, so it was one or two years before you came here. All of a sudden the workers got really weird, reporting of an uneasy feeling that was creeping up on them. At first the town elders dismissed it as overworking issues, yet even after that the workers complained about something "not right" down there. Several days later, two of the workers who had to work in the lowest level of the stone quarry, only narrowly escaped a rockfall. After that the accidents in the pit mounted up significantly and the mayor chose to close it off before someone would die." Sora continued, while increasing his pace.

"The story of the uneasy feelings, and some tales of the workers that the stones in the lower levels started to blacken were of course great ghost stories to be told to us children to keep us away from the dangerous place. Tidus and Wakka however made a bet to see if the stones in the lower levels are really black now..." Selphie added, displeased.

"Of course, the uneasy feelings down there only getting to people on some days made the whole story even weirder and more mysterious." Riku explained further, increasing his pace as well.

"What careless nonsense." Kairi said in disbelief.

Having caught up with Sora at the forefront, Riku growled annoyed.
"What's the matter?" Sora asked.
"Y'know, as I think of it now...while it may have been a fitting fairytale in the past...I now fear there really is something down there that stirs uneasy feelings...something that is infused with..."
"...darkness?" Sora finished the sentence, his mouth changing to a sour expression.
Riku made an agreeing noise. "I think we should leave Kairi and Selphie out of it...for safety reasons."
Sora only nodded at this in agreement.

What the silver-haired teen had concealed however was that he had an uneasy feeling ever since he saw Selphie running towards them. "Girls, stay put please...we'll get going to fetch Tidus and Wakka...hopefully they are not too deep into the stone quarry already."

"What...you can't leave us here..." Selphie protested as they reached the edge of the pit, a rope going down indicating where the other two boys had gone into the stone quarry.
"Regardless of the ghost stories, there's also the danger of collapsing still there...what point would it be if we put us all in jeopardy?" Sora replied with emphasis.

"Alright, if we don't hear from you in 10 minutes we'll go fetch help, be careful." Kairi answered with a firm look.

"Ok...let's go, Sora." Riku already had started to climb down on the rope, with Sora following close behind.
"Tidus! Wakka! You jerks, come out from there...it's too dangerous." Sora shouted loudly.

As if to prove that, a small stone slab Sora put his foot on suddenly broke, sending him nearly falling off.
Gripping the rope tightly, Sora let out a surprised hiss.
"You ok?" Riku asked from below. " Yes, yes, I won't fall."

The rest of the descent was only interrupted by Riku grabbing a loose rock once which caused a small rockfall, but caused no damage.
"It's really a hideous place..."
"Indeed, the deeper we get the more stuffy the air feels...meh." Sora agreed, wrinkling his nose.

Reaching the ground, both boys looked around in search.
"Where the heck are they?"
Riku walked around a big boulder, turning his head several times.

Sora narrowed his sapphire-blue eyes as he spotted a small stone...which was blackened. "Riku! Take a look at this."

The older teen returned to Sora's side, shrugging annoyed. "No sign of them...didn't think that the base level of the stone quarry is that wide...oh..."
Noticing the stone Sora was pointing at, Riku bent down on one knee. "No signs of the smell of darkness...but it does look like the stone was exposed to some strong energy..."

"HA! You think you can beat me, antenna-head? Think again." Tidus's voice now echoed through the rocky area, making both Sora and Riku jump in surprise.
"Where did that come from?" Sora asked.

"Take this, black abomination." Wakka was heard now. "There..." Riku pointed to a big stack of rubble, the voices were coming from the other side.
"Let's go." Sora shouted, running around the bunch of rocks...and into a unfolding battle.

As Riku reached the other side as well, he had to immediately dodge a black creature flying at him, hit by Wakka's Blitzball.
Tidus was just in the process of a jumping attack, bringing his wooden stick down on a black creature...which was obviously a shadow heartless.

Heartless!?" Sora roared, the Kingdom Key appearing in his hand with a flash. Five shadows immediately turned around, recognizing the keyblade.

As Wakka had shot his Blitzball, he needed to fetch it back. Before he reached it however, another shadow leaped at him with extended claws...only to be blasted apart by a fireball of dark energy fired by Riku.
Swirling around quickly, he vanquished two more heartless which had crept up to him with one stroke of the Way to the Dawn, which appeared in his hand in a dark flash.

Sora had in the meantime leaped directly between the heartless, felling one with a direct two-handed strike, slicing another in half and sending a third one flying with a wide horizontal swing.

Both Wakka and Tidus stood there with their mouths wide open...stunned.
"Filthy wretches." Sora snarled, stabbing another shadow before turning around to kick a second against the rock formation.
After destroying another shadow with his blade, Riku noticed a small pack of four neoshadows, busy digging in a pile of blackened smaller rocks as if searching for something. Leaping up, kicking another shadow out of the way in the process, Riku closed in on the neoshadows, conjuring a Thundara-spell amidst them.

With a loud bang two of the neoshadows disappeared in a puff of black smoke, the pile of blackened rocks torn apart. Of the remaining two neoshadows, one was stunned by the Thundara-spell while the other leaped at Riku, only to be ripped apart by a swing of Way to the Dawn. Running closer, Riku raised his hand and blasted the last of the neoshadows to oblivion with another Dark Firaga.

"Get out of here, you two!" Sora barked at Tidus and Wakka, blocking the leap-attack of a shadow and destroying it along with two others with another wide diagonal swing of his weapon.

Finally coming back to their senses, Tidus and Wakka now headed for the rope leading out of the stone quarry.

"What the heck...why are here heartless?" Sora asked, shooting a ball of flame from the tip of his blade, annihilating three more shadows.
"I have no clue...but here there is some smell of darkness...strangely mixed with some light as well...maybe that attracted them." Riku replied, swinging Way to the Dawn around, releasing a crescent shaped wide projectile of dark energy which blasted five more shadows.

The last seven shadows stopped now, ceasing to attack and only looking around, their antennae twitching erratically.
Sora looked on dumbfounded. "What's wrong with them? They won't attack!"
Riku only shrugged, going back into his usual battle stance.

Without any warning, the remaining heartless disappeared.
What...??? Riku lowered his weapon, but still fully battle-ready.

"Hey...who are you?" Sora shouted, pointing his Kingdom Key at a figure in a very familiar black coat standing beside the broken pile of blackened rocks.
Riku turned around. "Organization XIII? That's impossible..."


Pretty mean cliffhanger again I would say...;P
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New member
Sep 25, 2011
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 14 posted)

That chapter ending... how can you do this to me? ;^; I very much dislike cliffhangers but on the other hand, what fun would it be if there were none. Now you made me want to have the next chapter right now even more.

Oh yes, more SRK<3 But Selphie, Tidus and Wakka work very well in this chapter as well. You fitted them into the story quite nicely and smoothly as I can very well imagine Wakka and Tidus do something stupid like that.

Also, awesome that we also got some Heartless to the story and Riku and Sora got to do some fighting.

And well, as I kind of said already, I'm really looking forward to the next chapter. c:

Kiwi +

Aug 30, 2009
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 14 posted)

Heh, cliffhangers! They are like my best friends in my friend's stories. Uh... ^^; Perhaps that slight intuition I had was right. I'm pretty sure (kinda) that something really important is going to happen soon. What it is, I can't wait! I'll have to though of course. haha

As always, I await your next chapter. :D


Oct 31, 2007
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 14 posted)

Aww. Seph, you really have talent in writing, i really love how you describe all those scene when Sora and Riku destroying Heartless :D
Poor Kairi, she couldn't help them even she wants to.. Will Kairi get her "princess-fighting" role soon? xD
Teehee~i wonder who is the black-coat :p
Looking forward for your next chapter~
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New member
Jan 23, 2011
Stuffed in a sack and being thrown through a magic
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 14 posted)

You know, I haven't posted on this story before, and I regret it. Because this is one of the most beautiful pieces of fanfiction I've ever read. I know that might sound corny or a little over dramatic, but it's true. I know in your first post you said that English isn't your first language, but I honestly can't tell. And you write with better grammar and spelling than most English-speaking fanfic writers I've read from.
Your story is very well put together; the description is amazing, your characters are spot on, and your story is heart-touching. Especially the Roxas and Ven parts. :( Poor guys...
As a fanfic writer myself, I enjoy to see someone else out there that puts as much effort and feeling into their work as I do. Keep up with the great writing! I look forward to the next chapter!


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 14 posted)

That chapter ending... how can you do this to me? ;^; I very much dislike cliffhangers but on the other hand, what fun would it be if there were none. Now you made me want to have the next chapter right now even more.

Oh yes, more SRK<3 But Selphie, Tidus and Wakka work very well in this chapter as well. You fitted them into the story quite nicely and smoothly as I can very well imagine Wakka and Tidus do something stupid like that.

Also, awesome that we also got some Heartless to the story and Riku and Sora got to do some fighting.

And well, as I kind of said already, I'm really looking forward to the next chapter. c:

*scratches head* Well...I can't help it but I have a thing for ending chapters sometimes with those cliffhangers...and I see it works. :D

We will stay with the main trio for a while now. ;)
Thanks, I thought for a longer period how to involve them into the story a bit without taking too much away from the main plot. Then I got it: Why not make them the trigger for the next major event as it should have happened on DI anyways. ^___^
Citing Tidus's and Wakka's action as stupid makes sense in the context and also allowed for a small inclusion of Riku's sarcasm...*ggg*

Hmhm, this is the second actual bigger fight scene I wrote and the third overall (the first was the duel Roxas vs. armored Ven and the second Roxas & Xemnas against heartless in the flashback).
Can't get always emotional and touchy, right? Sometimes we'll need some action. ;)

Can imagine that, lol, with such a cliffhanger. Although, unlike as with chapter 5, this time we won't have a location change.

Heh, cliffhangers! They are like my best friends in my friend's stories. Uh... ^^; Perhaps that slight intuition I had was right. I'm pretty sure (kinda) that something really important is going to happen soon. What it is, I can't wait! I'll have to though of course. haha

As always, I await your next chapter. :D

*grins* Suspense-builder at your service.
Yes indeed, there will be events of much importance in the next chapter...although one might be a bit subtle and becomes not fully clear until later.

Lol, so much wanting for the next chappie around here. ^__^

Aww. Seph, you really have talent in writing, i really love how you describe all those scene when Sora and Riku destroying Heartless :D
Poor Kairi, she couldn't help them even she wants to.. Will Kairi get her "princess-fighting" role soon? xD
Teehee~i wonder who is the black-coat :p
Looking forward for your next chapter~

Wow, thanks Stars, I'm really giving it my best...also since every comment that comes on motivates one even further.
Heh, before Kairi can be "princess fighting" first she must become aware of her own powers and then of her role. Be ensured though that Kairi won't be just twiddling her thumbs. ;)

Yeah, yeah, who could it be? *ggg* I can say as much that it isn't a form of Xehanort.

You know, I haven't posted on this story before, and I regret it. Because this is one of the most beautiful pieces of fanfiction I've ever read. I know that might sound corny or a little over dramatic, but it's true. I know in your first post you said that English isn't your first language, but I honestly can't tell. And you write with better grammar and spelling than most English-speaking fanfic writers I've read from.
Your story is very well put together; the description is amazing, your characters are spot on, and your story is heart-touching. Especially the Roxas and Ven parts. :( Poor guys...
As a fanfic writer myself, I enjoy to see someone else out there that puts as much effort and feeling into their work as I do. Keep up with the great writing! I look forward to the next chapter!

Oi, a new reader-comment, I'm honored. :)
That really flatters me *uneasy laugh*.
What I said in the first post holds true though, my mother tongue is German. Nonetheless great to hear that my English is apparently this good.

I'm so glad you like what I put together and you think I mostly stayed in character with the people. ^__^
Heart-touching...aww, if it's really like that I have reached my intentions. To be honest, the Roxas and Ven parts were so far the most difficult to write for me, especially chapter 9 to 11.

Ah, another FanFic writer...that gives your words even more credibility. I will do my very best to keep up that quality.


Thank you all for the comments and reviews. ;)


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 15 posted)

It's time to solve that last cliffhanger with the quite important chapter 15 now. ;)


XV. The ominous shard

The figure tilted its head at Riku before speaking with a well modulated male voice.
“As a clever young man who once wore this marvellous piece of fabric you should know that these are not only worn by the now defunct Organization, Riku.”

Both Riku and Sora changed into their battle stances.
"Why do you know my name? Who are you?" Riku demanded, eyes narrowed.

The figure raised both hands in a disarming gesture.
“There is no need to let this encounter end in unproductive violence. So please relax and put down your keyblades.”

Sora eyed the figure with suspicion, only marginally lowering his Kingdom Key.

"Then why the heartless? Who are you and what do you want in our world?" He shouted at the figure, observing his every movement.
"...and while we are at it...why do you know my name?" Riku added, his battle stance not lessened one bit.

The figure moved his head to face Sora.
"Ah yes, Sora, the hero of the keyblade..involuntary saviour of the worlds, the key that connects everything..."
Sora's expression changed to utter surprise while Riku snarled angrily, gripping Way to the Dawn tighter.

"..., I honestly have to say I am pleased to finally make your acquaintance, Sora. You as well as Riku are quite famous in "involved" circles of the greater picture out there in the cosmos.
Be ensured that those heartless weren't set up on this place by me. As for what I do in this world...well, I was just going to do your world a favour and rid it of the small but troublesome element which is really responsible for attracting the heartless and for haunting this area from time to time."

Sora stood there dumbfounded, not sure if to lower his weapon fully or not. Could it be a ruse?
Riku didn't flinch one bit, fixating the figure with a stern gaze from his narrowed green eyes.

"Could you get anymore vague? I despise riddles...and while that may all sound nice and dandy you still don't reveal who you are."
The older teen shot back at the figure.

"Ah yes, excuse me, where are my manners? I am a servant of the worlds you could say, travelling them in search of elements who attract things that should be better left in the Dark Realm. When I find one, I remove it from the world in question to make it safer."

"So...you're somewhat like a sweeper?" Sora asked, scratching his head while now lowering his keyblade.
"Sora! Don't let your guard down!" Riku hissed in a troubled tone.

"I understand you're cautious, but I assure you I'm not interested in causing a disrupting upheaval. I will remove the element and then be gone from this world as fast as I came here."

Riku smirked a sardonic grin. "Of course...like I would outright believe that. Give us an actual name to the "servant" and what this element is and we may come to an understanding..."
In reality, Riku actually wanted to find out more about what haunted the stone quarry for so long and why it attracted heartless.

"Riku, why are you still so mistrustful...he doesn't even look like he has a weapon." Sora said to him in a low tone, raising a brow.
"Magic is a weapon you don't see until it's too late...and besides, I want to get as much information as possible...might come in handy when we talk with the King about it." Riku answered while still not taking his gaze from the figure.

"Very well...you're quite an insistent fellow, keyblade wielder of balance. As much as I would like to play a game for it, time is rushing fast and I need to get go. So I'll make this easier with a small riddle..." Under the hood, the figure could be spotted having a playful smirk.

"What?" Riku shouted.
"It's pretty easy...think of a card game in which aces are only worth one point, while jack, queen and king are worth nothing at all and the highest possible score is nine...and you'll have a name."
"Eeeh...?" Sora frowned, brooding over an answer.
Riku on the other hand growled annoyed. Stupid riddles...that guy is playing with us.

While leaving them to think, the figure turned to the pile of blackened stones blown apart by Riku's Thundara-spell, grabbing into it and pulling out a small object.

Seeing that, Sora stiffened somewhat as he saw the object...a small dark metallic shard vibrating with dark energy, crackling bursts of light-energy rushing over its surface.
"Such a little thing has so much energy it attracts even heartless...interesting." The figure mumbled.

"What isthat?" Sora whispered.

"Baccarat!" Riku's voice cut through Sora's thoughts, making the figure with the shard in hand turn towards Riku.
"Err...excuse me?" Sora turned to Riku as well.

"Baccarat...it's a gambling card game to which the rules you stated apply...so your name is...Baccarat?" Riku ignored Sora's question, directing his answer to the figure, Way to the Dawn now resting on his shoulder.

"Splendid Riku, indeed, my name is Baccarat...Rudol Baccarat to be precise. Although I doubt it'll be much of use for you. Well...take care you two...I have to go." Rudol replied, raising his hand and opening a dark corridor in which he stepped without delay.

"Hey...wait!" Riku shouted after him, but too late.
The silver-haired teen clenched his left fist, dismissing Way to the Dawn.

Sora dismissed his keyblade as well...his face giving away a deep thoughtful expression.

"What was that all about? Baccarat...strange name...and what the heck was this for a weird shard?"

"I've no friggin' clue...and that annoys me." Riku answered in a pissed tone.

"Y'know...I wondered as well from where you know the rules of a gambling game..." Sora squeaked, grinning and putting his hands behind his head.

Surprised at this sudden mood change, Riku could only gape at his best friend.
"Err...it's not a big deal...my mother is a avid fan of all kinds of card games and has a big book explaining many card rules. It just happend I once read in that thing while I was grounded due to a heavy cold." He finally said, somewhat calming down.

Seeing that his attempt on soothing him worked, Sora gave away a satisfied hum at which Riku could not hold back a low chuckle.
He's good at cheering people up...no question.

"Alright Sora, let's go back up before Kairi and Selphie have alarmed the whole town...we'll have to think about that shard and this weird guy later."

"Agreed...let's go." Sora stated and eagerly walked away towards the rope hanging in the distance.

As Riku wanted to follow the brunette, suddenly a cold feeling crept down his spine as a voice echoed in his head, chuckling evilly.

("You better never let your guard down, Riku...everything is VERY far from over...")

Ghhh...no!!! That's...
Swirling around again, Riku froze in shock.
It can't be...ANSEM!!!
Hovering over one of the bigger boulders, semi-translucent in appearance, was Ansem, Seeker of Darkness, displaying a very arrogant grin.

("What's wrong, Riku? Don't you remember my words from way back then in Castle Oblivion? Someday...I WILL return...hahaha!")

"Nrrrr..." Way to the Dawn reappeared in Riku's hand as he rushed towards Ansem. "...not today, ANSEM!"
Slashing away at the heartless with several swipes, it was apparent that it didn't have an effect, as Ansem just kept laughing.

"Sora, what's going on down there?" Kairi's voice came from above as Sora grabbed the rope.
"We're alright, all set...Riku just needs to catch up...huh?"
Hearing Riku scream, Sora turned immediately and rushed back. Ansem? That can't be...

Reaching the place where the battle had took place again Sora stopped, wondering. "Riku, what are you doing?"
"It's Ansem, Seeker of Darkness, he's still not completely finished..." Riku snapped back, continously slashing away at "Ansem".

"Err...what? Riku...I don't see any Ansem...just you slashing away at a boulder which lies on top of another boulder." Sora said in confusion.
"WHAT??" He stopped, shortly closing his eyes. As he opened them again, the laughing face of Ansem was gone...just plain rock surface was in his sight.

"Ok...now that was weird...I heard Ansem talking in my head...and there he was in a half-transparent manner, am I hallucinating?"
"Huh? Weird occurrences don't cease to appear..." Sora answered, not doubting what Riku had seen for one second.

"Exactly...and that's why we need to talk with Mickey...I mean the King. I fear there are things unfolding that mean more trouble than we bargained for." Riku continued, with a somewhat pressed tone.

"Then lets hurry back up there...I bet Kairi's already worrying again while Tidus and Wakka...well, I dunno." Sora retorted, heading slowly back to where the rope was.
This time Riku followed immediately, still deeply in thought.

“I can’t shake off the feeling of familarity with that Rudol-character…and it’s not the coat…”
Scratching his head again, Sora was seemingly trying hard to remember something.

“Inform me if you grasp it…” The seriousness in the silver-haired teen’s voice indicated how honest this request was.

As they reached the rope leading up Kairi’s voice was heard again.
“What’s up down there? Won’t you come out already?”

“Yea, yea, we’re on our way.” Riku responded.
“Getting impatient, isn’t she?” Sora grinned.
“More like still worried we could get crushed by a rockfall, which is still possible, mind you.”

“You two gotta hurry up, we have visitors…” Kairi sounded not worried however, it was more a mixture of excitement and joy.

“Hah? What’s going o…”
“A-hyuck…Sora, Riku, how long do ya want to play moles?” A familiar voice now echoed down the pit.
Sora’s grin changed to a wide, happy smile. “ That’s Goofy! Let’s hurry up.”
“No recklessness, flattened by a falling boulder isn’t on the program.” Riku retorted, smirking.

“Sure, Sure.” Sora hummed, starting to climb up.
After shaking his head shortly Riku looked up, where he could see the heads of Kairi, Goofy and Donald lurking over the edge.
Ha…I think our transport question has just been resolved.

After a while, Sora reached the top and noticed Donald extending a hand to pull him further up. Nodding thankful he took it, having now finally left the pit behind.

As Riku followed shortly after, Goofy also offered help…which the older teen after a short moment of hesitation accepted, taking Goofy’s hand.


Happy reading again. ;)

Should also not be that difficult now to recognize the guy in the black coat, huh?
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Feb 26, 2011
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 15 posted)

As promised, this super long review :3

Chapter 11:

Fluff was promised. And fluff was delivered. It’s cute how Roxas blushes or feels happy when Ven compliments him or informs him that what he’s doing has a positive effect *U* it's just d'aww and aww I can't explain xD I swear, some of the things that Ventus says and how roxas reacts can be taken in a romantic way xD (Or maybe I’m just seeing things lol) but their developing friend ship is shown nicely here. Roxas wanting to help Ventus as much as he can, even though he’s pretty confused and Ventus getting concerned about Roxas’ torment. It’s cute. (Have I said this already? Yes xD) I’m curious how Ven will react to his torment, since they’re similar in a way (Both of them lost their friends). I also liked how you described the affects of pain on Ven, it made me feel quite sorry for him and how he’s helpless. :( Another way him and Ventus can relate huh? I hope when Ven wakes up, he’ll feel slightly better~ Good bye to them for now, right ._.

Chapter 12:

Seems the Disney gang are planning on making their way to DI huh? Hmm, probably to get Sora. Despite them being Disney characters, you kept them in character and even kept Goofy’s ‘Garwsh’ and ‘a-hucks’ lol.
In terms of other part of the chapter, things are looking creepy. The fact that some kind of unidentified lifeform appears in a place that it should appear…kinda creeps me out even though I know it’s Lea. I wonder how the RG gang is going to deal with that, their reaction to who it is >.> Lol Isa is so…weird. Why was he stalking that flower girl? xD What the actual hell and Braig’s last line…totally captured their relationship and the humour they shall give to us in the upcoming chapters lmao. Unpleasant to look at xD

Chapter 13:

It's nice to have a continuation from where we left off :D yay xD I love this intereaction between Isa and Braig, it’s accurate and humorous lol. I think I know who the boss is…Since you mentioned freezing and reminds me of a certain memory from BBS. Or did everyone else already infer this? A question though: Are they still nobodies? Or are they somebodies now, but they’re still working under ‘the boss’ for some reason? But wow they’re planning something sinister. I can just feel it :|
Ienzo *U* :DDD ! Replica Riku took some of his powers? Is that canon in the game as well? This is scene, I’m guessing that was a way to foreshadow that connection will play some part in this story? Am I right or just..wrong? xD
Poor lea, so confused about everything at the moment, kinda sad ._.
SRK are back ^^ I’ve been waiting to read about them. I feel like saying, ‘No worries Riku, they’re already planning on collecting you’ xD It’s cool how characters are oblivious to certain things. But wow, the torment is really effecting Sora and Riku isn’t saying anything. Poor Kairi is just being left out :\ -sigh- I wonder what’s their plan is to meet the king? I have a feeling they’ll try escape the Islands and miss the king as he comes to collect them. ~_~

Chapter 14: (I was kinda reviewing it as I was reading it lol)

Oh, Tidus and Wakka. *facepalm* I have a feeling that ‘uneasy’ feeling is heartless or some kind of heartless. Hmm. But why would they want to explore it when people have almost died there >.> This is Tidus and Wakka after all, but I’m not too surprised. Nice way to draw the characters into trouble though :3
lol. I love how the girls let left behind…but it makes sense, they’re probably not useful right now xD Kairi needs to know how to use her keyblade as soon as possible. We need a strong girl character around here, excluding Aqua.
I knew from the minute they decided to go and rescue them that sometimes bad was going to happen. It was heartless. I had a feeling it was! But what are they doing on Destiny Island? Why are they down there? And who is that figure in the coat…this is a pretty mean cliff hanger >_>

I regret not reading these chapters earlier! (Why do I feel like I’ve missed a chapter out *searches through thread* :\) They’re certainly action packed and nicely written. It makes it easy for a reader to catch up, because it just pushes you along. I had fun reading and review these chapters Sephi, I’m sure you’ll keep up the good work. I’ll be waiting for chapter 15 anxiously now :D

-5 hours later-

Chapter 15:

I’m happy that I’m able to get a hint lol…a guy in a black coat…talking about gambling..and cards. It’s not going to anyone but Luxord. Which is a surprise! At first I thought he was an OC. xD This brings up many questions though. What’s he doing there and is he in his Somebody form? What was that rock? Why does it attract heartless? Why did he take it?
It’s so like Riku to not trust someone at all and for Sora to let his guard down xD It’s not even surprising that Riku had to remind him lol. That’s very in character. I guess I was wrong about them leaving the islands before Goofy and Donald could come. It would have been a good development though lol. I look forward to the next chapter! (which could be about anything lol) As I've said before, Keep up the good work :D


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 15 posted)

Such a great and detailed review deserves its own post with answers from the author. ;)

As promised, this super long review :3

Chapter 11:

Fluff was promised. And fluff was delivered. It’s cute how Roxas blushes or feels happy when Ven compliments him or informs him that what he’s doing has a positive effect *U* it's just d'aww and aww I can't explain xD I swear, some of the things that Ventus says and how roxas reacts can be taken in a romantic way xD (Or maybe I’m just seeing things lol) but their developing friend ship is shown nicely here. Roxas wanting to help Ventus as much as he can, even though he’s pretty confused and Ventus getting concerned about Roxas’ torment. It’s cute. (Have I said this already? Yes xD) I’m curious how Ven will react to his torment, since they’re similar in a way (Both of them lost their friends). I also liked how you described the affects of pain on Ven, it made me feel quite sorry for him and how he’s helpless. :( Another way him and Ventus can relate huh? I hope when Ven wakes up, he’ll feel slightly better~ Good bye to them for now, right ._.

It's intended as somewhat cute, but also to emphasize that both Roxas and Ven feel lonely and are now happy to have some company.
On Roxas's side there comes on top that he isn't used to such treatment as Ven now gives him.
Xion was his friend, yep, but she wasn't really open and outgoing all time and I think I don't need to elaborate on Axel...he's an entirely different type personality-wise than Ventus is.

How some of these things are taken are completely up to the individual reader. If one wants to see romantic implications I'm sure that is possible, in the context of the story itself however it is clearly a deep friendship in development (and somewhat clingy attachment on both sides due to aforementioned loneliness and Roxas's inexperience).

In fact, their torments being similar was one of the main ideas why I choose to let them meet first and befriend each other. It's like Ven proposed, when they share their torment they will both feel slightly better and also have a better understanding of each other.

Yes, the feelings of being "helpless" is indeed another similarity between them, Ven because of his crippled state now and Roxas actually in a double manner since while he had still an existence he was used by everyone around him and now he's helpless because he can't influence anything in the physical world anymore.

It's good-bye for now, the next time we'll see anything about the "twins" will be in chapter 32.
Chapter 12:

Seems the Disney gang are planning on making their way to DI huh? Hmm, probably to get Sora. Despite them being Disney characters, you kept them in character and even kept Goofy’s ‘Garwsh’ and ‘a-hucks’ lol.
In terms of other part of the chapter, things are looking creepy. The fact that some kind of unidentified lifeform appears in a place that it should appear…kinda creeps me out even though I know it’s Lea. I wonder how the RG gang is going to deal with that, their reaction to who it is >.> Lol Isa is so…weird. Why was he stalking that flower girl? xD What the actual hell and Braig’s last line…totally captured their relationship and the humour they shall give to us in the upcoming chapters lmao. Unpleasant to look at xD

Indeed, Mickey is urging them to hurry up. ;)

Keeping that style for Goofy is actually easy, the one of the Disney cast who's constantly harder to write is Donald. *ggg*

Why Lea appears there has to do with how a full being is reassembled after heartless and nobodies are destroyed.
The RG gang has indeed quite a task at hand in the future, but I use these episodes to show that things can be moved without having Sora around, all this is actually alluding to the point that while Mickey is going crazy to prepare Sora & co and they have issues with the tormented ones Xehanort is already moving his plans along.

To be specific, it was not Isa stalking Aerith but Braig who was just messing around again, which caused Isa's annoyance.
The main point was to show that other characters can't see Isa and Braig. ;)

Anything involving Braig is going to have some level of fun. *ggg*

Chapter 13:

It's nice to have a continuation from where we left off :D yay xD I love this intereaction between Isa and Braig, it’s accurate and humorous lol. I think I know who the boss is…Since you mentioned freezing and reminds me of a certain memory from BBS. Or did everyone else already infer this? A question though: Are they still nobodies? Or are they somebodies now, but they’re still working under ‘the boss’ for some reason? But wow they’re planning something sinister. I can just feel it :|
Ienzo *U* :DDD ! Replica Riku took some of his powers? Is that canon in the game as well? This is scene, I’m guessing that was a way to foreshadow that connection will play some part in this story? Am I right or just..wrong? xD
Poor lea, so confused about everything at the moment, kinda sad ._.
SRK are back ^^ I’ve been waiting to read about them. I feel like saying, ‘No worries Riku, they’re already planning on collecting you’ xD It’s cool how characters are oblivious to certain things. But wow, the torment is really effecting Sora and Riku isn’t saying anything. Poor Kairi is just being left out :\ -sigh- I wonder what’s their plan is to meet the king? I have a feeling they’ll try escape the Islands and miss the king as he comes to collect them. ~_~

Glad you like it.
And yep, Braig mentioning freezing is actually him making a throwback to BBS, and the "boss" is Mr. Main BigBad himself.

They're somebodies, as inferred by Braig in the last sentences before the focus shifts to Ienzo and the cloaked figure. He has his "Braig"-memories as well as the memories of "Xigbar".
If they wouldn't do something sinister they wouldn't be villains, right? ;)

Yep, Repliku stealing Zexion's powers was a topic in Chain of Memories and that now hampers Ienzo's abilities a little.
Not necessarily a connection between Zexion and Repliku is the main point of the scene but the remarks the cloaked figure makes about Axel...and his connections to the three, which implies the figure has thorough knowledge on Sora, Roxas and Ven.

Lea's scene actually corresponds a bit to the scene before with the cloaked figure and Ienzo, as you might see that Lea's confusion stems from having problems with his own and Axel's memories, while Ienzo, Isa and Braig have absolutely none with their own and Zexion's, Saix's and Xigbar's.
It's worth to keep that in mind. ^___^

Yeah, Riku is already trying to plan things around since he's worried.
Making characters not know-it-alls adds another layer of realistic storytelling me thinks.

Yeah, the torment is affecting Sora but in a certain way. If you remember Ven was in constant, horrible pain for a while yet Sora doesn't feel constant pain.
In chapter 6, Sora heard Ven's screams when Roxas scored hits with his keyblades, but did not feel Ven's actual pain.
He did feel a short pain though between the screams, and that was when Ven hit Roxas with his Spark Raid attack.
Now here Sora also felt one wave of pain, which was no doubt pain from Ven but not "delivered" by Ven's heart (it's still sleeping!).

Riku not saying anything is more meant on the bandwagon not to unneccessarily worry Kairi, which Sora bluntly oversees by blabbering the other stuff out nonetheless, cue Kairi having a worrying-fit, lol.

That's the main problem, they haven't a plan yet...^___^

Chapter 14: (I was kinda reviewing it as I was reading it lol)

Oh, Tidus and Wakka. *facepalm* I have a feeling that ‘uneasy’ feeling is heartless or some kind of heartless. Hmm. But why would they want to explore it when people have almost died there >.> This is Tidus and Wakka after all, but I’m not too surprised. Nice way to draw the characters into trouble though :3
lol. I love how the girls let left behind…but it makes sense, they’re probably not useful right now xD Kairi needs to know how to use her keyblade as soon as possible. We need a strong girl character around here, excluding Aqua.
I knew from the minute they decided to go and rescue them that sometimes bad was going to happen. It was heartless. I had a feeling it was! But what are they doing on Destiny Island? Why are they down there? And who is that figure in the coat…this is a pretty mean cliff hanger >_>

I regret not reading these chapters earlier! (Why do I feel like I’ve missed a chapter out *searches through thread* :\) They’re certainly action packed and nicely written. It makes it easy for a reader to catch up, because it just pushes you along. I had fun reading and review these chapters Sephi, I’m sure you’ll keep up the good work. I’ll be waiting for chapter 15 anxiously now :D

The want to do it because they are older now and in an adventurous mood. ;)
So you think it was a good way to weave Tidus, Wakka and Selphie in the story as well?
Nice, seems I had a good idea.

Not useful or Sora and Riku just being gentlemen not wanting to put the girls into harms way. I leave it to the reader to decide that for themselves. ;P

What the heartless are doing there and why gets pretty much elaborated upon in the next chapter. ;)

Oh thanks, I do hope I manage to get along a fitting pace so the story doesn't get too drawn out and at the same time not too few in detail.

-5 hours later-

Chapter 15:

I’m happy that I’m able to get a hint lol…a guy in a black coat…talking about gambling..and cards. It’s not going to anyone but Luxord. Which is a surprise! At first I thought he was an OC. xD This brings up many questions though. What’s he doing there and is he in his Somebody form? What was that rock? Why does it attract heartless? Why did he take it?
It’s so like Riku to not trust someone at all and for Sora to let his guard down xD It’s not even surprising that Riku had to remind him lol. That’s very in character. I guess I was wrong about them leaving the islands before Goofy and Donald could come. It would have been a good development though lol. I look forward to the next chapter! (which could be about anything lol) As I've said before, Keep up the good work :D

Hehe, yep, a surprise that wasn't so easy to expect.
Since he goes by Rudol, it's obviously Luxord's somebody.
What he is doing there is pretty much shown, he came to fetch that item which attracts heartless.
Firstly, that item is not a rock but a metal shard, a metal shard that is loaded up with dark and light energy.
As for why it attracts heartless and why Rudol takes it, that is a very important plot point that will be touched upon later greatly.
Riku meeting "Ansem" will actually also have a meaning...I did that sequence not just for freaky stuff or to introduce Ansem, Seeker of Darkness.

Always good to hear when I managed to keep characters in character. :D

I agree that SRK leaving DI somehow before Donald and Goofy arrive could have been an interesting twist, but this would diverge too much from the plot and open up an additional problem which to solve would only draw the story out.

Next chapter will be the conclusion of the first SRK-arc and the Disney-arc (which are by now already converged into one).
Chapter 17 will then introduce some new players to the mess and we will have some more of our shard-collector. ;)


New member
Sep 25, 2011
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 15 posted)

Aah, it was him. Well, I can't remember if I thought of that possibility as well but mm, yeah, my "main" guess was totally wrong, haha. But yeah, to be honest, my "main guess" was quite impossible anyway so not really surprising it wasn't that person. XD This is an interesting turn of events indeed and I do have a slight idea of why he wanted that shard~ ... I guess. :'D

SRK meeting Donald and Goofy, yes~<3 That happened actually a bit faster than I thought it would but I'm not complaining~ :D

Really liked this chapter. I love how I can read everything that the characters say with their actual voices.
And as always, looking forward to next chapters.

Kiwi +

Aug 30, 2009
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 15 posted)

I'm a little late, but no worries. You know how I try to respond on debut of the chapter. Oh, wells! ^^;

As per usual, you don't disappoint! I was wondering what you where going to incorporate from that last cliffhanger. I'm absolutely joyous of who you introduced! Rudol or Luxord's somebody is something I am actually hoping they would explain in the actual games. Heh, doesn't hurt that certain individual is probably like my second favorite. I'm glad you are having a situation with this. I can't wait and see what way you will go from here. <3
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