• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


Kiwi +
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  • I'm good. :3

    I just got my mark of mastery edition! Now I have cute dream eaters! *w*

    Ok! When I have wifi. xD
    My friends do it to annoy me sometimes, but they know it does not bother me that much. XD
    I am going to start saving now! Haha I would love to go to Hawaii. I could not survive in Alaska very long.

    It would be cool to do something involving both, but there are lots of other things I love to do too. Math makes me sad too. :(
    I am going to take my time too I think, but I honestly stayed up like all night last night playing it. XD I got addicted. What else are you going to get?
    I think Wreck-It-Ralph is coming out in November. I cannot think of any others this year. The only one I can think of for 2013 right now is the prequel to Monsters Inc.

    That is alright haha. Maybe you can make it some day. XD
    At the rate I am going my guess is about two to three weeks for me. Just for the main storyline.
    ;~; i am abandoned....*sniff*

    its slow to me o3o
    I KNOW!!! >X'D

    pffft your TO slow sir~
    the krab one seems to it has a defender ability *o*
    WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN HO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i is good im burning thru DDD like axel for grass!!!!!! >X'D

    how is you? o3o got DDD?
    Nah, I'm sure Aldrain doesn't mind at all. ;)
    Well, then you're two fave taggers are in the same shop now, so you'll only have to request from one place, right?
    Good idea, lol.

    And yeah, it was great to get Traskix and Sparks on the team. Funny, Aldrain's the only guy. We're like, the chicks with one dude shop, lol.
    Hey, Kiwi! Your set is done. I posted it in my new shop, Madman's Revenge. Pick it up soon! :)
    Hey, at least I managed it reasonably quickly for it being in the middle of the night right now here. I also have to go to bed after answering this, as work also awaits tomorrow.

    Ah, I see.
    I'm on here regulary, altough often in short bursts due to time constraints.
    Hehe, I'll inform you about the specific dates once I've worked them out with my boss.
    Playing it fo hours nonstop is exactly what I can't do at the moment, lol, that's probably a reason why I didn't switch for FF.
    I would probably finish it in three days if I could dedicate almost all time to it, *ggg*.

    I'll do, once I reach the next save point in DDD (and if the access point feels like going online). As I have only cable i-net I have to use a free access point from down the street, lol.

    Ew, such things are always annoying. I sure do hope that I get my guidebook next week. Since Germany (as usual with handheld entries) didn't get it I had to order an import from the USA. (Luckily guidebooks aren't region-locked. ;P)
    Of course I'll try to help as much as I can.
    Thanks buddy, we really seem to ride on the same wavelength very often. ^__^
    Ahahaha, that's my bro. <3
    Huh? Wheeee...now we're already from my apartment to myself, *ggg*. Alluring? Gosh...*blush*. Hiding? Me? Lol, I'd rather say I simply don't like to be such an exhibitionist in the net, hahaha. Well, you're surely constantly scratching on that "shell", <33
    It's just a single player RPG experience. Ahh I wonder if there will be anymore good multiplayer games in the future. Mario Kart seems to be "it" and one of the few good ones. Although I have heard of Super Smash Bros on the 3DS.
    In this case that is really a splendid Idea, lol.

    I noticed as well, that you two seem to converse elsewhere, *ggg*.
    Yea, I noticed that too. With me it's more like it stays constant right now in terms of how busy I am. Our company is expanding and one of our new, big customers of course expects a certain quality. In September I finally managed to get some vacation approved though.
    There's still time. ;)
    Bored? Could never happen with me, especially with the chronicles, glossary and character-compendium where you can unlock stuff the farther you get in the game. I'm preparing right now to visit country of the musketeers.
    If you rush DDD you will be underpowered anyways, lol, there are over fifty friendly dream eaters and you can play with them and befriend them, many extra challenges and more to keep you entertained.

    Gotta exchange that number then, right? Here it is: 3652-1713-1225

    Several "asking threads" for specific topics are there already, but a general help thread I couldn't spot yet.
    Right. ;)
    I'm doing my very best. <333. I'm really honored and flattered by that trust, true thing. ^___^
    You can definitely trust me, but of course share only stuff that you feel comfortable with. ;D
    Aww, no bro, you misunderstand. Even if I had Skype there would be nothing to see because the computer remains here, lol. That's what I meant. If you wanna see my apartment I may be able to take some pics with a Digi-Cam I could send you per EMail. <3
    Don't make such a pouting face, cuties like you can melt other people by doing that. XD
    Oh my bad lol it means Bravely Default: Flying Fairy. It's made from Square Enix.
    I think KH3D might be my only one at the moment unless they decide to make a BDFF award.
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