Edit: (July 14, 2008) A fourth insider source has also confirmed it. =) We may finally have some truth!
Edit: (July 13, 2008) Despite the fact that some other Kingdom Hearts Sites are preferring to play this news down, we now have a third Neogaf Confirmation from Dragona Akehi. Hopefully it is all of Kingdom Hearts 2: Final Mix+ and not just Re: Chain of Memories. =) Thanks for sticking with us!
Edit: Neogaf's Duckroll is also confirming this to be true. Because of var...
Juat finished translating the whole interview, thanks to Final Eclipsefor posting it!
A recent article in Dengeki PS Magazine contained an interview with Tetsuya Nomura discussing more information on whats expected at the Square Enix Party, DKΣ3713. He mostly spoke about Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete, relating that its release date and another "big announcement" will be revealed at the party.
Regarding Kingdom Hearts, Nomura said the followin...
We hate to be the bearers of bad news. We really do. However, we'd rather everyone be informed before getting their hopes up and having them shattered. According to a recent Square Enix press release, it looks like Kingdom Hearts will not be at E3. The full roster of games available are below.
Square Enix at E3 2008
-Chrono Trigger(DS)
-Dragon Quest: The Chapters of the Chosen(DS)
-Final Fantasy IV(DS)
-Infinite Discovery(Xbox 360)
Hopefully good news! Square Enix will be having a press conference at this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo! (Don't know what E3 is? Why, it's the largest gaming convention in the United States, where all of the industry's biggest companies get together to announce and show off the latest and greatest surrounding videogames!)
According to Kotaku, Square Enix will be holding their conference on July 14th, 2008 at 12:30 PM Pacific Standard Time, shortly after Microsoft's Confere...
I haven't been this excited for a long long time! There is lots of great stuff happening on the KHInsider forums right now, we recently hit our three millionth post! That is such a grand benchmark! =) Three million posts and almost six years live as well!
KHInsider recently had a massive forum upgrade, implementing many new features regular visitors have likely already discovered. Alongside that, we added brand new forum designs! Personally, I think they are exceptionally done! To ...
The Riku figure is the Kingdom Hearts version, not Kingdom Hearts II. A little unusual to track back, but regardless the doll looks great. Still no release date set for Riku figure. The Sora figure is listed with a December 31 2008 release date in most online stores. If you plan on buying it, I recommend shopping around!
Comments Below!
Well it's summer again, which means we're welcoming back a KHI tradition in the Digital Media Section. It's our fourth AMV Worm, where some of our most talented AMV (Anime Music Video) Makers that we have to offer help out with the cause. This time our theme will be the Square-Enix franchise. The clips can cover anything from Kingdom Hearts to Final Fantasy to Fullmetal Alchemist. You can view our past three worms be visiting The Worm's thread to get an example of what it's going to t...
This Week's Picture
What a wild ride this past month has been for us! With E3 coming up next month, as well as the DKΣ3713 Event in August, followed by the Tokyo Game Show around September, we have some amazing months ahead of us! The Kingdom Hearts community is really energized, as are the staff here on KHInsider.com! To celebrate and have some fun, we are once again beginning a quite popular tradition here on KHInsider, our caption contests! It's time for the Caption Cont...
For a while now, people were debating on whether or not Kingdom Hearts: Coded would end up even making it to the market with the other two titles. But Famitsu did update, pretty recently, with some news dealing with the game.
Looks like Coded is still in development. Nomura is still adjusting the motion and feeling of the characters to fit in with the Kingdom Hearts atmosphere, but thinks it's been reproduced sufficiently. The team is making a test edition for the game, but it ...
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