Finally we have the event we've been waiting for! Square Enix is hosting their own event called DKΣ3713 Private Party 2008! This seems like a strange title compared to the previous years "Square Enix Party", but the title is actually a code for what games are going to be at the event. =)
Games at the Event
It is no doubt Kingdom Hearts news has been slow the first half of the year (but it is already looking better!) This has left the KHInsider staff with some extra time to dirty their hands in a brand new project. While it is not Kingdom Hearts, we are sure it will be a treat to most of you guys, introducing!
This site has been created by Owner Kyle Wynen (you should remember Kyle from the FXN podcast that KHInsider had an opportunity to guest star on) and wi...
The immense amount of hype surrounding the recently leaked Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep trailer is certainly unsurprising! I was pleasantly surprised when I stumbled upon this much more higher quality trailer, and with English subtitles as well! Check it out!
Downloadable Versions:
[Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep Trailer - Megaupload]
[Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep Trailer - Easy Share]
[Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep Trailer - MediaFire]
A new trailer of Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep has been leaked online. We won't hold you up any longer from watching the awesome video, click play already!
Here's what you can expect to see in the trailer:
- Master Xehanort speaking with Terra in a deserted wasteland.
- Terra summoning his keyblade.
- Actually gameplay footage with the new system.
- Master Xehanort's confrontation with Ven in the Coliseum.
- Ven & Mickey vs. The...
I just love it when Kingdom Hearts fans go above and beyond, and I love it even more when I see Kingdom Hearts out there in passing (for example, someone used Kingdom Hearts music as their background music for their English Project - surprisingly half of the classroom picked up that it was KH Music, and everyone immediately got excited, that does not happen a lot!)
KHInsider member SolidMetal, AKA Josh had his own special Kingdom Hearts experience earlier this year. His school (No...
Comments below!
Here's the report segment on mobile gaming, the original report of the press conference can be found here.
In March 2008, Square Enix President Yoichi Wada held a press conference discussing the development of Dragon Quest IX starting this yea...
A shot of how the set was displayed in the shop.
The keyblades are made from materials different than the Kingdom Key that the Sora and Roxas Play Arts figures come with. The chain part of the key is made of plasti...
A release date for the US is currently unannounced, but don't fret! The KH:II Manga Vol.2 was released earlier this month. Also, releasing on August 5th is Kingdom Hearts Short Stories Vol.1&2! Keep your eyes out for these!
The second volume of Kingdom Hearts II Short Stories is revealed!
The Disney Worlds ...
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