People confused hatred with justified criticism and complaint. imo
Haha. Though...their complaints
do have validity, I just find nearly all of them laughable. Still, I respect them...regardless as of to how ludicrous they
sometimes get. That does not go to say I am an ardent "Xion supporter", because I am not.
For example, if you think of her as a "Mary Sue" all means...hate the *****. Not insinuating that I am in concord with this manner of thinking, but if that character archetype annoys the living hell out of you, that type of dislike is completely justified.
If you *cough*goldpanner**cough**cough* think she is a
self insert from a fan-fiction and do not believe she is authentic as Nomura played "little role" in her creation, well then...once again, hate the bitch. I
loathe self-inserts myself and
spurn fillers that do not contribute to the main story in any shape or form:

*looks at DmC reboot/prequel*
Self Insert + Filler=
So...while I do not see her as a filler character (as I feel she contributes to the plot in a small form) and not as a self-insert (I have no clue what Tomoko Kanemaki's personality is.) -therefore I feel I lack the grounds to label her as such. Yet, if someone feels that way...once again:
Hate Xion. Because clearly, Don'te is a ******* self-insert and gives nothing to the main DMC story, and I get pissed off just looking at it.
The two above examples I listed were some of the more reasonable ones.
In fact, the only thing that "irks" me is when people just scream out: "Pointless Character!" with only sophistry and flamboyant opinions masquerading as facts. ...It can get...
extremely annoying after reading too much of it. In all due honesty, using this logic, Aqua is also a "pointless" character as she is self contained in Birth By Sleep (not including her Armor in the KH2:FM+.) But I go out of my way to call her a useless character that was totally unneeded? No, I don't. Someone is bound to say "The same rules don't apply to Aqua." when that is total BS. If I can play every game with the exception of Birth By Sleep and understand the story perfectly: there is literally no difference between the two.
Don't get me wrong, I found Aqua to be
FAR from useless. In fact, her role thus far is far more integral than Xion's. Yet, this is not my point.
I first thought as "Ansem the Wise" being unneeded, as I felt the original concept of "Ansem" was perfect as it was: former Lord of Hollow Bastion gone pyscho. Instead, I find out I was really fighting a damn imposter and is truly "Xehanort's Heartless" who was just using ******* identity theft. Suffice to say, I ended up liking him less.
But, I never threw a fit about it like most of these people. The only difference between Ansem the Wise and Xion (other than Nomura presumably coming up with the idea for him) is that Ansem the Wise was given significance to the plot as the series expanded (Chain of Memories, 358/2 Days, & Birth By Sleep.)
His character was thought of after completion of Kingdom Hearts 1. Meaning AnsemSOD, has been "retconned"- keep in mind, I am using quotation marks when I say that. Only in the practical sense that it expanded the universe, thus nullifying anything we thought we knew about him previously.
As of now, Ansem the Wise/ Diz's story now greatly affects the tide of the plot, and I am now satisfied with it. ...No idea what made me ***** about it in the first place.
Xion, as of now, is
mostly self-contained in 358/2 Days, not fully. She has not has such an impact as of yet, and is thus regarded as: "pointless", which I find bewildering. Give the character a chance. Just because she has no critical impact on KH2's story, does not constitute her being instantly fruitless. I mean:
Her being referenced in Coded & making a cameo appearance in BBS' "Blank Points", hint that she has yet to be fully explored.
If the franchise ends without delving deeper into Xion...
then I feel we have the right to say she is arguably pointless, and mostly self-contained in Days. Now, I feel it is too early to pass such a bold judgement. *Sighs* Oh well...haters gonna hate. :wink:
Xion haters can hate all they want. The fact is: she's
canon and she
Whether you hate her or love her, she's here to stay. I mean...if a character wins a nomination for "best new character" or whatever...I have a feeling Square/Nomura will not ignore that.