Yea I never really had a beef with her and for a while couldn't really understand why so much of khi did as well.
While I have everyones attention I'm going to throw something out that I didn't think needed its own thread, but is kind of relevant here.
The real reason roxas can dual wield (Xion related):
As soon as Roxas is created he can instantly use the keyblade right? Well why is this? Because he has a portion, if not all of Ven's heart inside him and is therefore wielding a version of his keyblade. We only see him dual wield as a result of absorbing Xion at the end of days, and she certainly has nothing to do with ven, so what if the whole time Roxas has been wielding a version of vens keyblade, and Xion, being an imperfect clone of Sora, thereby wielded a cloned version of Sora's keyblade. And when she was absorbed, Roxas then found himself able to wield 2 keyblades.
Thinking about it, if Xemnas found Roxas with the intention of having a keyblade wielder, he would have expected him to summon sora's keyblade. What if when Roxas tried to summon it he awoke a long dormant power of vens to do so, because he was unable to summon Sora's. How could he use sora's, if sora was still using it until the end of KH1 all through chain of memories? So without anyone knowing it Roxas accidentally summoned Ven's keyblade, and upon reabsorption with Sora, allowed Sora to dual wield as well. The ability lying dormant idea could explain why Sora was never able to dual wield in KH1, and if its not true, then Sora's dual wielding ability isn't really explained. If it isn't vens keyblade that he is able to dual wield with, than it is Roxas's, which in a ven-less dualwielding theory doesn't really make sense, since Roxas's keyblade would then be soras, and sora can't exactly wield 2 of his own keyblade.
This does kind of make sense, and give Xion a bit more importance as a character in my opinion.
Watcha think?