OOC: Okays.
ONE: Yus. Posting length. Thank you Inferno for reminding them of this. You guys are working on it, too. A lot of you don't even need to be told this because you're doing fine. But remember to put some meat on those paragraphs, if you know what I mean.
TWO: It's like, past noon when this class starts, I hope y'all realize.
THREE: HeartofTwilight raises a good point--its college, and students usually have wonky schedules because of it. So we don't have to all have the same classes at the same time. We don't even have to have 6 periods if you didn't sign up for them.

FOUR: Uh... Sorry, I've been busy. But I'll post more now! :T
FIVE: Yeah. Spellcheck is god.
And that is all. You may now return to your regularly scheduled programs.
Alexa scooted into a chair in the back the second the bell rang. She sighed, relieved. She'd been a little worried she wouldn't have made it--it was a gutsy move holding the door open in a gentlemanly fashion with the current time constraints and all. Le sigh. A genius's work is never done.
However, she really shouldn't have worried. There were several students that also came in late, most of them entering in a rather...
Theatrical fashion. They all took their seats and the like, although a couple of the students were rather rude in their entrance. She inwardly groaned at the bad social moves they were making. It was a bit like playing a chess game with someone in her head, and watching the other player make one mistake after another, constantly forgetting where the pieces on the board were. No matter. It was their grades that would suffer, not hers.
She opened her planner to take notes in. She added her 8:00 appointment in, just in case. This math class was similar to the one she'd taken last year, except it was one that dealt with algebra more than anything. Not terribly exciting, but she wanted to at least play with the cards she'd been delt. Algebra was, embarrassingly enough, her specialty.
The class went by tantalizingly slow. About halfway through the class, the guy who'd come in at the same time of her said,
"Hey, thanks for helping me find the class, by the way my name is Anthony, what’s yours?"
She smiled, and whispered so that the teacher wouldn't hear, "Nice to meet you. My name is--"
"Miss Elizabeth, would you care to give us the formula for a biquadratic equation?" the teacher spoke across the room at her, "Since you seem so intent to share?"
Ouch. It was like loosing a pawn to the other player’s knight. No matter, she could counter with her bishop and make it look like she'd planned the whole thing. So this was basic algebra review, right? She pulled the equation out of her head.
"It's uh... 'ax' to the fourth plus 'bx' squared, plus C?"
"...Good. Now, who can tell me..."
She relaxed again. The teacher had given her a look like he didn't think she knew the answer, but she proved him wrong. Nice and easy. Biquadratic.
"Anyway," she turned back to Anthony and whispered, "You probably got the name from the teacher, but just call me Liz."
The class continued. Finally, the bell rang. Most of the students left the second the first tone sounded. Some, including herself, were a bit slower. Anthony inquired about lunch. Her face kept up that small smile, but inside her head she sped through her possible answers, searching for the best one at the moment.
"Sorry, I'd love to, but it's honestly a little late for lunch, and I promised someone I'd be somewhere tonight, so I should really start getting ready soon..." she turned to leave the classroom, but looked over her shoulder, "But I'll see you around, mmmkay? It was nice meeting you."
She walked on her way back to the room that connected the dorms. She hummed a little tune while thinking to herself about what she'd just done. Maybe that was too much. She didn't want to give that Anthony guy the wrong idea. But she didn't want to be mean, either. Oh, such a delicate balance...
She wasn't paying attention to where she was going, and she was honestly walking pretty fast. She turned another corner and
SLAM, ran right into someone, sending them both to the ground. She looked up and saw that it was the guy from earlier that was drawing her. He'd been in her math class just a while ago, right?
"Oh, jeez..." she got up into a crouching position and picked up her bag. Nothing had fallen out, thankfully, but the contents of his bag had fallen all over the place, "I'm really sorry. I just keep running into people today..." she noticed him pick up... A knife? But he stuffed into his bag too soon for her to really get the details. She decided it would be better to let sleeping dogs lie. She apologized quietly again and picked up a couple of books and such that had slid near her and handed it back to him.