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[ Softly did the Shadows Bloom ]

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Ashes Remnant

It's All Crazy! It's All False!
Sep 10, 2005
Bryan walked in, latest of them all. The teacher had even begun teaching. He opened the door, and let it swing open. He moved some hair out of his eyes, and the teacher said, "Joining us today?" Bryan's response was a middle finger.

Bryan sat down, in the last seat, at the back of the room, and got out his book. Stupid teachers, and stupid classes...


New member
Jun 24, 2006
On the stage.
Darren got to the study room, only to see that everyone had left for class. Darren was suprised of how slow he had walked. Well, seeing as he had stopped to decorate a wall on his way there, it could have taken more time than usual to get to the study hall. Darren felt kinda embarrassed, for reasons unknown.

"Gah! That wall just had to become more alive!" He thought to himself. Then he smirked, "I'll probably get into trouble for that."

He wasn't really vandalizing that wall, he was just making it look nicer, rather than that pale numb appearance it used to have. He then started to walk towards room 305, where he had class. What kind of class he had though, he didn't remember. All he remembered was that it was in room 305. He started to walk fast, just so that he would be in time to interrupt the teacher's little morining speech.

When he got to the door to the classroom, he put his ear to the door and listened. The teacher hadn't finished talking yet. "Yes!" Darren thought and kicked the door open and barked in.

"Hello, ms. teacher!" He shouted and looked at the teacher, "Oh, sorry... Mr. teacher..." He added, smiled, and took a seat.

OOC: Sorry, I was in a hurry >.<


New member
Apr 12, 2006
a pale blue dot
OOC: Just a reminder, well two. First is that, for future referance, we all don't need to be in the same class at the same time, especially on weekend classes.

Second "spoken" 'thought' written or flashblack

Naya watched out of the corner of her eyes as the boy as he approach and sat next to her. She kept her head tuned toward the desk, not responding to the teacher’s response to the boys entrance. She wasn’t shocked, after all, she was a teacher, she just expected more here. The boy asked he her name and she responded still not looking up. “The Prime Minister of Turkey calls me Ateshia.” She paused. “You can call me Naya though,” she said finally looking up at him. The first thing she looked at in people was their eyes, as a matter of habit. He noticed his eyes were different colors. He seemed nice enough to get to know.

Naya turned back to her laptop and pressed a few buttons and a word document opened up. Do you have a laptop? she typed and turned the computer towards Tavish. Teacher seems edgy, actually, nervous in my opinion, but never the less, talking in whispers isn’t the best plan. she was a fast typer. She allowed him to look at the words for a while and then turned it back and opened another document, as well as a simple looking IRC-type program.

OOC: Sorry this one was short.
Wait, what class is this anyway?


Bronze Member
Mar 10, 2005
The teacher had introduced himself by saying his name was Mr. Cunningham, and this class was about Math.

Mr.Cunningham then went by telling the students about the rules of the classroom.

Mr.Cunningham then went by going what they were going to learn this year.

Anthony didnt pay attention much, "This class is going to easy, i just hope it aint going to be boring.

"hmm..i wonder how i ever got the power to move objects with my mind" wondered Anthony.

Suddenly he remembered memories that were hidden in his mind.

"Woah, now i remember..it was when i was walking near an experimental chemical facilty, and suddenly it exploded, and i got expose to the chemicals.., I wonder if anybody has special abilities as well..."

Anthony then turned to the girl which helped him get to his class.

"Hey, thanks for helping me find the class, by the way my name Is Anthony, whats yours?" said Anthony.

Then suddenly the bell rang and Anthony said to the girl "Well, the class went by kind of fast huh, Lunch is next want to grab a bite to eat?"

Hazen Gregory

doWnloAd ProgoNOSKES 99% cOMplETeD
May 10, 2006
Tavish quickly read the words on the screen and nodded. He opened his hag and pulled out his laptop and opened a simple word type document. He typed with one hand and turned the screen towards Naya. It read......." Yeah I really don't know what's up with the staff here. You should have seen the dean.............."

He thought back for a moment and remembered that when Naya had first looked at him there was something about her stare that most likely meant that she was looking at something in particular. He sighed. It was probably his eyes. He left the screen facing her until he figured she had read what was there and turned it back around, then put another piece of gum into his mouth.
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New member
Apr 12, 2006
a pale blue dot
I told you, I think its nerves, a whole new class of certified geniuses to deal with, some of them might know more than the teachers.

‘Math, just my luck, math first period.’ She had signed up for as few math classes as possible. Supposedly this school taught all the students at their own level, so that means the math geniuses were here too. She sighed, and hoped that the class wasn’t going to be way out of her league. She bent over and pulled a calculator pad from her bag and plugged it in. It was a gift from her best friend, Adin who was a total math whiz.

”Hey, Naya, heard you got a Blackwing letter!” Adin came running towards her before school the first school day since the letter came. “

“Oh, yea, did my mom tell you?” Naya answered timidly. Adin was a genius or close enough himself, but fell just short of Blackwing level.

“Yea, I wish you had though.” He smiled and before she could apologize, he pulled a box out and handed it to her. Don’t open this until Blackwing!” he said before running off to class.

She had opened it the day she arrived. It was this silvery calculator pad. It was a graphing calculator, and a digitizing tablet so all her scrap work could be on the computer. It had come with a card too, that simply read Told you that you didn’t need perfect math grades to succeed. –Adin She opened the program and waited for the teacher to finish the introduction.

Ashes Remnant

It's All Crazy! It's All False!
Sep 10, 2005
Bryan, instead of using a laptop, drew Liz again. He didn't really know why he drew her, but he just did. She just seemed to be the perfect representation of the female form. Of course he couldn't say that in public, but he could think it. When the bell rang, he stuffed it in his pack, and stood. He grabbed his things, and walked out quietly. Noone paid any mind to him, but he didn't care. He actually enjoyed being the odd man out. He'd rather be ignored than paid attention to.

He walked out into the hallway, and started to head for his room rather than the cafe. He was almost there, almost to his safe haven, when someone bumped him, and his bag fell, and dropped it's contents. Before anyone could see it, he grabbed the knife.

The Midnight Channel

My Photoshop Just Died TT_TT
Jan 18, 2006
OOC: Hey guys, moving a little fast, yes? You guys might want to check your spelling and sentence structure. They're kind of lacking.

And sticky, post please.

Hazen Gregory

doWnloAd ProgoNOSKES 99% cOMplETeD
May 10, 2006
OOC: Hey guys, moving a little fast, yes? You guys might want to check your spelling and sentence structure. They're kind of lacking.

And sticky, post please.

OOC: Yeah things are moving fast, but I am doing just fine with my spelling(spell check) along with the structuring of my sentences(grammar check).........yay

The Midnight Channel

My Photoshop Just Died TT_TT
Jan 18, 2006
OOC: I know you are tavish. Im refering to others who wont let anyone else post during their class. Apparantly Im the only one not in the class at the moment. Sticky hasn't posted once during class, and Im pretty sure she would. So tone it down everyone, make more detailed singular posts, and let others post more often.

Im not trying to be mean. I'm just trying to help you all become better Role Players.


New member
Apr 12, 2006
a pale blue dot
OOC: Agreed. And sorry if i did anything like this. Let some time pass before ending the class. Maybe ending it should be something everyone ok?, or we can set a real life time, around a day-ish per class.

Like i said earlier, no need for us all to be in the same class, There are other students that are NPCs. They ca be in the classes, so we don't have to fill them.

A tip, type things on Word or whatever you use then copy and past, especially if your browser lacks spellcheck.


New member
Mar 11, 2005
A happy universe filled with bunnies.
OOC: Okays.

ONE: Yus. Posting length. Thank you Inferno for reminding them of this. You guys are working on it, too. A lot of you don't even need to be told this because you're doing fine. But remember to put some meat on those paragraphs, if you know what I mean.
TWO: It's like, past noon when this class starts, I hope y'all realize.
THREE: HeartofTwilight raises a good point--its college, and students usually have wonky schedules because of it. So we don't have to all have the same classes at the same time. We don't even have to have 6 periods if you didn't sign up for them. :D
FOUR: Uh... Sorry, I've been busy. But I'll post more now! :T
FIVE: Yeah. Spellcheck is god.

And that is all. You may now return to your regularly scheduled programs.


Alexa scooted into a chair in the back the second the bell rang. She sighed, relieved. She'd been a little worried she wouldn't have made it--it was a gutsy move holding the door open in a gentlemanly fashion with the current time constraints and all. Le sigh. A genius's work is never done.

However, she really shouldn't have worried. There were several students that also came in late, most of them entering in a rather... Theatrical fashion. They all took their seats and the like, although a couple of the students were rather rude in their entrance. She inwardly groaned at the bad social moves they were making. It was a bit like playing a chess game with someone in her head, and watching the other player make one mistake after another, constantly forgetting where the pieces on the board were. No matter. It was their grades that would suffer, not hers.

She opened her planner to take notes in. She added her 8:00 appointment in, just in case. This math class was similar to the one she'd taken last year, except it was one that dealt with algebra more than anything. Not terribly exciting, but she wanted to at least play with the cards she'd been delt. Algebra was, embarrassingly enough, her specialty.

The class went by tantalizingly slow. About halfway through the class, the guy who'd come in at the same time of her said, "Hey, thanks for helping me find the class, by the way my name is Anthony, what’s yours?"

She smiled, and whispered so that the teacher wouldn't hear, "Nice to meet you. My name is--"

"Miss Elizabeth, would you care to give us the formula for a biquadratic equation?" the teacher spoke across the room at her, "Since you seem so intent to share?"

Ouch. It was like loosing a pawn to the other player’s knight. No matter, she could counter with her bishop and make it look like she'd planned the whole thing. So this was basic algebra review, right? She pulled the equation out of her head.

"It's uh... 'ax' to the fourth plus 'bx' squared, plus C?"

"...Good. Now, who can tell me..."

She relaxed again. The teacher had given her a look like he didn't think she knew the answer, but she proved him wrong. Nice and easy. Biquadratic.

"Anyway," she turned back to Anthony and whispered, "You probably got the name from the teacher, but just call me Liz."

The class continued. Finally, the bell rang. Most of the students left the second the first tone sounded. Some, including herself, were a bit slower. Anthony inquired about lunch. Her face kept up that small smile, but inside her head she sped through her possible answers, searching for the best one at the moment.

"Sorry, I'd love to, but it's honestly a little late for lunch, and I promised someone I'd be somewhere tonight, so I should really start getting ready soon..." she turned to leave the classroom, but looked over her shoulder, "But I'll see you around, mmmkay? It was nice meeting you."

She walked on her way back to the room that connected the dorms. She hummed a little tune while thinking to herself about what she'd just done. Maybe that was too much. She didn't want to give that Anthony guy the wrong idea. But she didn't want to be mean, either. Oh, such a delicate balance...

She wasn't paying attention to where she was going, and she was honestly walking pretty fast. She turned another corner and SLAM, ran right into someone, sending them both to the ground. She looked up and saw that it was the guy from earlier that was drawing her. He'd been in her math class just a while ago, right?

"Oh, jeez..." she got up into a crouching position and picked up her bag. Nothing had fallen out, thankfully, but the contents of his bag had fallen all over the place, "I'm really sorry. I just keep running into people today..." she noticed him pick up... A knife? But he stuffed into his bag too soon for her to really get the details. She decided it would be better to let sleeping dogs lie. She apologized quietly again and picked up a couple of books and such that had slid near her and handed it back to him.

Ashes Remnant

It's All Crazy! It's All False!
Sep 10, 2005
Bryan looked up at her for the first time since he hit her, in which she was a blur. He immediately recognized her. He didn't know her name, but he knew her. He knew every detail of her, but her name.

He looked away, and took the two books she handed him. He threw them into his bag, and saw that the drawing of her had spilled out too. He turned a slight shade of red, and put it into his bag. He knew she had seen it now. He would either get yelled at, or attacked. He sighed, and said, "It's okay... My name's Bryan. What's yours?"


KHI's Idiot of the Year
Oct 24, 2006
Boldly going nowhere...
OOC: Agreed, agreed. Sorry I haven't been posting much. Just waiting for the right moment to jump in.

After her little chat with Naya, Jayde played around on her laptop while her media teacher was giving her media class a long speech. She looked on her laptop and accessed her e-mail address.

Welcome Jayde! You have 1 new message!

Jayde clicked on her inbox. She looked at the address:


The address translated to "Someone from the Abyss" at Eclipse at Midnight mail dot com. Jayde never heard of this person before. She clicked on the e-mail title "ONLY WARNING". Jayde's eyes slightly widened at the disturbing message.

We have outsmarted your brightest...

We have created a source...

The dense silence has become our weapon...

And the ever-growing fear has become our shield...

Softly did the shadows bloom as they whispered our name in fear...

With the power of the Eclipse, we shall awaken It...

With the power of the Abyss, we shall reach our destiny...

This is the only warning you'll ever get...

Jayde cringed at this ever-disturbing message. When the teacher wasn't looking she quickly made a reply.

Is this some kind of a sick joke? Who the hell do you think you are? If I find out this is a joke you WILL be sorry.

After she sent the reply she waited for five minutes. Then...

Welcome Jayde! You have one new message!

It was from the same e-mail address. Jayde quickly opened it and read through it. It only said:

Wait and see.

OOC: This is a mystery RP right? I hope you don't mind if I give the title a small purpose...^^;.

The Midnight Channel

My Photoshop Just Died TT_TT
Jan 18, 2006
Terran was getting far to bored riding his little pink scooter/mopeg thingie. He had drove around the town multiple times and it was quite boring. He looked at the timer on the scooter. 3:47 pm. Terran sighed. He had nothing to do for a little more than 4 hours. He decieded to head back to the Acadamy and dock the scooter in the garage for the next few hours.

He came up the backside that led to the school's garage. He put the scooter in his little mini room that stored all of his gardening and boring shop tools. He picked up the flowers from the sidecar and closed the door to his mini room and locked it up. He turned and headed into the main building.

He followed the familiar pathway up to the dorm and as he turned a corner he saw Liz talking to some guy Terran really didn't recognize. Terran halted suddenly and turned on his heel. He went around the corner and peeked his head around the corner. He watched until Liz picked up something that look shiny. Many thoughts came to Terran's head but Terran pushed them away. He decieded to go another way which was, unfortunatly, was much longer. He walked around, following the many halls and eventually reaching the stairway to the Boys dorms.

Terran walked into his room, wondering if he would have a roommate this year. His question was answered as he saw the suitcase on the second bed. He put the flowers on his bed and started digging through his drawers fro something nice. Yet all of his urban clothes really didn't fit a nice date. Terran sighed and grabbed his only button down shirt, a leather belt, and a pair of jeans with just a little fringe on on them. Terran decieded to take a shower and then maybe mess around with some of the pictures he took with the schools cameras on his Photoshop CSX.

Terran hopped into the shower and started singing. And very terrible might he add.


New member
Mar 11, 2005
A happy universe filled with bunnies.
OOC: You brought in some plot! *hugz*

Liz saw the drawing too, now. They both got up. He seemed just a bit embarrassed with it. Liz didn't really mind, though. She wondered... She wouldn't mention the knife, but how about the drawing. Chess pieces... Chess pieces, a board full of them and hardly anywhere to move.

"It's okay... My name's Bryan. What's yours?"

That's good. She'd been a bit worried that he might be mad at her for bumping into him like that. He hadn't seemed the most... Socially adept person in class today, so she really had no idea what would happen. Then again, she probably shouldn't be thinking on appearances anyway.

"Call me Liz." she said, trying to bring some cheer into an otherwise awkward situation. She wandered a bit towards the student's rooms. It looked like he was wandering the same way too, so she continued, "You know, that was a really good drawing. Looks just like me, if I do say so myself." she grinned, "You know, I envy you. You and my friend Terran, both. You guys are such great artists. I think the only thing I've ever been good at is abstract, and anyone can do that..."


Bronze Member
Mar 10, 2005
Michael had asked Liz if she would like to eat lunch with him, but she said something about meeting someone tonight. Michael sighed and sarcastily said "you really got a way with the ladies, michael..". He then headed to the cafeteria, and as he was headed thru the halls, he saw a note on the schools billboard about trying out for football. "hmm i should try out, i'm a pretty good quarterback..". He then he noticed on the note it said that the last day for tryouts was today, it also said try outs will be during lunch or after school.

"Aw great..now i have to either miss my lunch or come after school to try out.., i dont have time to try out after school, i'll just skip lunch today, and try out now..". Anthony read that the try outs were being held outside at the football field. Anthony then headed outside, and finally made it to the football field. He saw that alot of people were trying out, and then went to the section were people were trying out for quarterback, "This people are pretty good, but i'm better" said Anthony with confidence. He had to sit on a bench with the rest of the other kids to wait for their turn.

Then suddenly it looked like the coach picked somebody for quarterback assuming that he was the best before even the people including Anthony tried out. But he still let the others try out nonetheless. Finally, the coach said "Next is Anthony Anderson, it was Anthony's turn to try out, "for a minute there i thought i had come here for nothing, alright it seems is my turn to try..". Anthony got up from his bench, and the coach gave him the ball. Anthony had to throw the ball to the receiver with fast speed and accuracy.

"Alright here it goes.." he took a step back, and threw the ball straight forward with speed at the reciever, the ball went so fast that when the receiver caught it, his breath got knocked out. "wow, good job kid, it looks like you will be our new quarterback!" said the excited coach. "wow thanks.." said Anthony but he already knew he was going to be picked quarterback anyway. "Hi my name is Coach Wright, and it looks like you have a bright future in football" said the coach, "Thanks, Coach Wright, So when does practice begins?" said Anthony, "Practice begins next week on Monday, afterschool" said the coach.

"Oh man..afterschool.." said Anthony not wanting to practice after school, but then again, this could be a great experience thought Anthony. Suddenly the bell rang, Anthony then looked at his schedule "it seems i have History next in room 687" he then headed inside the building..
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Fear the Mist
May 25, 2006
Shifting through the spaces like only Mist can.
Roand packs his stuff and quickly goes to his dorm. Upon walking in, he's hit by the worst sound ever, Terran's singing. He covers his ears and traces it to the shower. He bangs on the door and yells for him to shut up. He plops down on his bed and pulls out an empty bottle and a can of dip. He looks at the green background for the Grizzly Wintergreen and thumps it several times with his finger while holding it with the same hand. He opens it and puts a wad in his mouth between his gum and cheek.

He spits real fast in the bottle and smirks. He grabs his laptop and opens the story. He starts to think as he reads the last bit and smiles. He spits in the bottle again only now it's brown and smells like wintergreen. He smirks as he puts his fingers to the keys and lets the words flow.

Lazerith smiles evily and vanishes with so much speed, that the only thing giving away the fact that he was there, is a faint image of himself. He reappears behind the leader only his blade is once more covered in blood. He sheaths the sword and smiles as the man explodes when a click is heard.

In a flash of black light, he stands as he once was in his human form. He turns to Princess Jayde and extends a hand to her. To his surprise, she backs away in fear on account that she saw him in his frightening form. He sighs and kneels to her eye level.

"I won't hurt you, Princess. I came to rescue you and I am sorry that you had to see me like that."

Hazen Gregory

doWnloAd ProgoNOSKES 99% cOMplETeD
May 10, 2006
Since class was over Tavish said bye to Naya and left the room. He tried to avoid contact with as little people as possible because he was still feeling the effects of what had happened earlier. Once he had made it to his dorm Tavish pulled out his head set and controller and logged into his favorite and the most popular online game..........."The World."

Of course over the years all kinds of things had happened such as upgrades and such it was really called The World BVX:25 version 14........as he logged in and began to play he heard a scream come from down the hall. At first he figured that it was just some accident, but it happened over and over. " Geez juts when I was gonna level up too......." He dashed out of his dorm and found a guy who looked to be about 19 lying on the floor.

He was bleeding pretty badly and had weird slashes all over his body. Tavish was freaked out and didn't know what to think, so he asked the guy what was wrong. " It was them.....it was them...IT WAS THEM!!!!!!", was all he kept saying. He passed out and Tavish took off to get help.

OOC: Oh yeah drama baby!!!!!!

Ashes Remnant

It's All Crazy! It's All False!
Sep 10, 2005
"You know, that was a really good drawing. Looks just like me, if I do say so myself." she grinned, "You know, I envy you. You and my friend Terran, both. You guys are such great artists. I think the only thing I've ever been good at is abstract, and anyone can do that..."

Bryan kept his head down, not wanting to look in her face. You wouldn't want to envy me... The cutter... My name for the last twenty schools... Inside, Kyn was aching. He felt odd around her. He only just met her, and knew of her...friend. The one she was having lunch with. Bryan decided it better to not say anything, so he got up, and ran off.

He was almost to his room, when out of nowhere, an arm came in front of him. He fell back, and people in strange outfits gathered round about him. They had strange...weapons? What were those? Suddenly, blood rushed into his mouth, and he spat it out on the floor. He quickly looked around, and realized noone else was near.

"W-who the **** are you?" He asked madly. They all simultaneously replied, "We have outsmarted your brightest...We have created a source...The dense silence has become our weapon...And the ever-growing fear has become our shield...
Softly did the shadows bloom as they whispered our name in fear...With the power of the Eclipse, we shall awaken It...With the power of the Abyss, we shall reach our destiny..." Bryan's eyes widened, as they began to strike him with the weapons.

During the severe beating, Bryan screamed. The people rushed away, and Bryan got on his knees. He looked up, and saw a dorm room door fly open. He looked up at the man, and said, It was them.....it was them...IT WAS THEM!!!!!!" He was weak, and fell over, a bloody mess.

OOC- Oh noes!!! Bryan got hurt by the wierdos!
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