Bryan lay in a hospital bed. He has been there for days. The doctors swarm around him daily, saying things as, "What could've done this?" But problems abide. The wounds would not, or could not close. They still bled.
Inside he was having his own problems. He looked around. He could not feel his mortal body. He could see, but not move, nor feel. He then felt the instant sensation of gravity, and fell. His body was back, but there was no ground. He suddenly stopped, as if hanging on a wire.
He looked, left and right. He asked, though none could hear, "Where am I?" Soon, an answer came to his mind. You are in the abyss... The shadows... The voice repeated itself in his mind, louder, and louder. He attempted to block it out by grabbing his ears, but it did not help. He screamed, trying to drown it out, but it did not change.