OOC: Hey, Sticky! The thing I'm working on is going faster than I expected X3. I might be back 100% by friday ^^ (Got some extra compy time, so I decided to read through this Rp, since I'm gunna join XD)
(Just because I'm so "hardcore", I refuse to write that silly Mango sentence XD)
Name: Darren Ryoshi
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Wears baggy black pants (Not jeans!) with a few metal studs in it. ^_^;
Items: Since Music is Darren's passion, as well as savior, he always carries an iPod with his favorite songs with him. He has a laptop that he keeps in his room. It's supposed to be used for homework or papers, but Darren mostly uses it as a music storage. He also has a electric guitar in his room (Like he could take it with him to classes) on which he sometimes, when he feels like it, plays on. You know, play the solo of that song you can't get out of your head, or maybe that song that almost makes you burst into a giant fountain of tears. The guitar is, however, the one possession Darren couldn't be without. He got it when he was twelve, and was very happy about it. His parents had bought it to him so that he wouldn't die out of boredom one day.
Strengths: He has always been good with languages. He learns new things fast and has a thing for rythm. On every English test he had in school, he was always the last one to come, and the first one to leave, still scoring top grades. The same with other languages, although English is his strongest point, he still got out of school with A+ in all. Since none of his parent were from the US (Mother from Japan and father from Sweden in europe), he speaks different languages wherever he goes. At home, he speaks mostly swedish (His mother isn't the best teacher) cuz he never really learned Japanese good enough, but he also speaks English, when he feel like it.
He has caught interest in the ways people's minds work. How they react when they're sad or happy.
Psychology, in other words.
Darren likes to observe when people opens a gift, or when they call the one they love, just to check if they still love them. The reserved, the shy, the clowns; all are subject's of Darren's observations. Darren knows why they act like they do, and mostly he knows the source if their behaviour. Darren read people. That's one of his passions.
Weaknesses: (Still can't stop the laughing from when I read your comment on that part about Split-personality thingy... XD)
Darren rarely does homework... actually, he doesn't do them at all, most of the time. Only when it comes to crucial assignements, like term paper reports and things that has to get in, or else you'll fail. He doesn't really care about coming in time for lessons. He just plainly don't give a crap. He comes and goes as he wants, but is always careful not to anger his teachers so that they might lower his grades.
(for Another weakness: see the ability part.)
Abilities: When Darren touches something with his palm, he immediatly receives information about the object's (or person's) history, thus he can see things that has happen through the thing's point of view (

;P). Gift or burden, call it whatever you like. Darren doesn't consider neither of it. He defines it as a Curse. Though he has never told anyone about it, and as far as he knows, he is the only one who knows about it.
As a pre-caution, he always wears Gloves that covers his palm, in case he'd bump into something and immediatly gets tons of information that he doesn't want or need. A backlash regarding this "gift", is that Darren sometimes can't remember what is what, if that smiling face belonged to someone
he knew, or someone someone else knew, or maybe if that kiss was meant for him, or the person whos memories and story he'd only seen in his mind.
Personality: Around people such as friends, he is the cheery and sceptic guy, but always keeping a smile on his face. Around people he doesn't like, he seems like that guy who glares at you as you walk by, planning on how to make this day the worst one in your life. In classes, he is the one who always sits in the back of the room, sometimes whispering to the friend who told him something funny to be quiet and tell him afterwards, while smiling. And when teachers talk to him, he kindly respond to them, even though they critisize him, not hating them for doing their work. Most teachers consider him a nice and decent boy. His friends sees him as the funny guy with attitude issues. His foes sees him as the guy who'd better be left alone with his friends, while hating his guts.
Around girls, he is kind and gentle. The one who would kick a guy if they even suggested to a girl to start smoking or drinking.
Darren doesn't Smoke or drink.
Why should I? Where's the fun in that? is what he usually responds to it.
He doesn't like smokers/drinkers in general, but has learnt not to consider all smokers or drinkers to be bad people.
But all the different sides of him, the cool one, the funny one... they're all just shields that protects his emotional side. The one he was born into. The one he never shows...
Bio: As long as Darren could remember, his parents has always held him down. They never let him go to sleepovers when he was 7, they always gave him times on which he would be home in the evenings. Darren became almost everything his parent's despited. He dressed in dark clothes, wore make-up, listened to "bad" music. Everything that would annoy his parents the way they had annoyed Darren all his life.
The only thing he did that his parents liked, was doing great at school. The one thing both him and his parents was proud of. The thing that got him into Blackwing University...
Other: He likes soda and tends to drink too much sometimes, giving him the same effect as coffee does to hyperactive kid; Blackout.