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[ Softly did the Shadows Bloom ]

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New member
Apr 12, 2006
a pale blue dot
Naya sat on the floor of the study hall room cross-legged with her book sized electronic in both hands. She stared intently at it. Her lips moved as she read each word. Occasionally a small sound would escape like “Audite me!” or “Romae” Her bag was slung over her shoulder. She lifted a hand off the device to push the hair out over her face, She raised it as if emphasizing something before replacing on the black plastic.

Scipio. Some of her favorite orators belonged to the Ancient Roman senate for at least some part of their lives. She had taken Latin just to be able to speak them In their original words. Something was really lost in translation, especially the flow and the rhythm of the words. It was a shame very few people could appreciate it its original form. She liked that a few people here could. She was this was her first year, and it was still taking some getting used to.


< Mango a with Tango <

Name: Jonas Orville

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Appearance: Here. He wears casual jeans and black shirts.

Items: Jonas carries a necklace around him. He doesn't wear it, for some reason, but still feels that it must be kept safe. It is chained and silver and has a silver 3d heart at the end of it with pink swirls on it. It belonged to his sister that he never met.

Strengths: Jonas was accepted in this university for his excellence and achievements in science. He's good in it, but finds it boring. His foster parents wanted him to take science, but he didn't, although, alas, eventually he was forced...very, very much...

Weaknesses: He finds it hard coping with change. And moving to the uni was definetely a huge change. It takes a REALLY long time for him to settle in when he moves somewhere, resulting in touchy mood-swings...

Abilities: Jonas can take part in lucid-dreaming, or sleeping and dreaming into an alternative reality. He doesn’t know why he can do it, but often finds it peaceful and amazing.
Furthermore, related to sleep, Jonas can wake up at any time when he is asleep. He lucid-dreams almost every night, except for the odd day, and can do things beyond what normal lucid-dreamers can do. He is so good at it because he began practicing in preschool, which was an optional lesson at the time. He soon became obsessed with it.

Personality: Jonas’ a little up-tight, but isn’t difficult and too serious. He finds it easy making friends, and reacts well to the opposite gender. However, he has troubles with self-esteem because of his past, and often cares more about people than himself, even if he barely knows them.

Bio: Jonas was born five after his sister. Not long after, her parents gave her away to an orphanage. Whilst in preschool, Jonas was taught an optional lesson which his mother said she took part in when she was a child [out of school]. The lesson was lucid-dreaming. At the age of ten, Jonas was obsessed with it. But his father rejected it ever since Jonas began it, and so he neglected his son. One day, Jonas found out that his mother was brutally beaten by her husband, and so she set fire to their house. The father burnt alive, but the mother escaped with Jonas and nurtured him, although she used a different name. Jonas never understood why she did all this, but she never told him. Not even when he finished high school.

Other: Jonas likes rock music, and his favorite food are fries. His sister is Joan Corscher, who he never managed to find.

The Midnight Channel

My Photoshop Just Died TT_TT
Jan 18, 2006
Music still blared loudly in Terran's ears as he sat in the corner in front of his wide easel. His was painting the room before him, which was the study hall. One was sitting crosslegged on the floor, medding with a handheld planner or something of the sort. Another was on the couch typing, or working on something because she spaced out every now and then.

Terran looked down again at his painting. He was really trying for something similar to Monet, and it looked quite like a Monet. Minus the fact that Monet wouldn't be using the size of brush Terran was using, but all the same. Terran countinued to finish the girl sitting on the couch, adding depth to her.

A new song came on. Well not really new because it was about 50 years old. Terran loved what was now considered "oldies" and he didn't care what others thought of it. Terran countinued to act like he was painting, but really dancing a little, slightly singing the lyrics.

"I still remember the ways that you touched me
Now I know I don't mean anything to you
You're Easy Breezy and I'm Japaneesy
Soon you'll mean exactly nothing to me
Does that mean anything to you"

Thats when footsteps came. And they stoped, right infront of Terran.

"Mr. Stromrider. You should know better by now. This hall is ment for study and quite. If you don't refrain from your horrid singing, I will have to kick you out." One of the teachers had obviously stoped by to get something from the study, which happened to be connected to the library. She then leaned closer. and spoke in a whisper, "Would you mind letting me look at your painting for class?"

This was Ms. Ricardo, one of the Art teachers here. She taught all the painting classes. Terran simply nodded in response, scooting back, allowing her a good look at the painting. She walked around the easel, and stared it down for a few minutes. "Your brush is far to large." Terran blushed because he already knew that. "And for that large of a brush the strokes are far to far appart. Not your best Terran."

"Meh, I tried. I wanted to do something different, and I did that. But I'm not finished, so your gonna have to wait to see the rest in class tommorow." Terran gave a little smirk as she walked away. Once she was out of the room Terran put down his larger brush and reached into his bag for his smaller one.
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KHI's Idiot of the Year
Oct 24, 2006
Boldly going nowhere...
Naya sat on the floor of the study hall room cross-legged with her book sized electronic in both hands. She stared intently at it. Her lips moved as she read each word. Occasionally a small sound would escape like “Audite me!” or “Romae” Her bag was slung over her shoulder. She lifted a hand off the device to push the hair out over her face, She raised it as if emphasizing something before replacing on the black plastic.

Scipio. Some of her favorite orators belonged to the Ancient Roman senate for at least some part of their lives. She had taken Latin just to be able to speak them In their original words. Something was really lost in translation, especially the flow and the rhythm of the words. It was a shame very few people could appreciate it its original form. She liked that a few people here could. She was this was her first year, and it was still taking some getting used to.

OOC: I'm going snowboarding so I'll be gone for about half of the day.

'Ah, damn.' Jayde thought to herself 'I can't find any good special effects!'

Jayde typed in some keys and in the backround some falling snow came while a video of some girls walking around the school yard was playing.

'Oh well. Looks like this will have to do for now.' she thought

Something caught Jayde's eye. She saw Naya reading out of a Latin book. Jayde closed her laptop for a bit and walked over to her. She thought that she could be a nice person to get along with.

"So... you're taking Latin eh?" she asked interested "My name's Jayde. What's yours?"


Fear the Mist
May 25, 2006
Shifting through the spaces like only Mist can.
Roand suddenly bursts into the study hall room and looks around. He sees Jayde and instantly starts to blush. He quickly makes his way to a couch and sits down. He listens to the old Japanese music as opens his laptop. He opens a specific file in Word and reads a bit. He then starts to think and smiles right before he started typing.

Lazerith simply smiled under the hood of his cloak and draws a sword. The blade resembled that of a silver flame only now it was covered in blood. His opponent, who didn't even move for his sword, now layed on the floor in a puddle of blood. Lazerith kicks the torso of the man to the side and cleans his blade before sheathing it once more. He walks to the small child that lies in the corner and extends a hand.


He stops once more and starts to think. He finally comes up with a name for the girl and smiles. He yells out the name Jayde to see how it will fit and smiles as it fits quite well. He continues typing and starta to get hyper at the way the story is starting off.


The girls looks up at the man and takes his hand seeing as how he had a kindness within his eyes. Lazerith smiles to her but snaps around as the leader of the kidnappers shows himself in the doorway. Lazerith curses himself for not getting rid of him first and draws his blade once more.

"You will pay for kidnapping the princess with your life."


New member
Mar 11, 2005
A happy universe filled with bunnies.
Liz blinked lazily and rolled over in bed. It was so nice, so warm... She just wanted to stay sleeping for a few more minutes... And she was having such a nice dream about fancy balls and talking punch bowls and...

Then she sat up, spun around, and looked at the clock, realizing that she should have been up and about five hours ago. She'd told herself over and over last night that she shouldn't have stayed up that late reading Fan Fiction, but it had been a very good one and... Damn. Now she'd have to re-plan everything.

"I guess I didn't really need to spend an hour in the library today anyway." she said to herself, as everyone else in the girl's dorm seemed to be gone. She untangled herself from the blankets and shuffled around in her drawers. Another bright, fun shirt (the one with the little dragonflies on it) and a pair of jeans. She searched around the shelve top for her favorite pink bow and stuck it in her hair. After a good look in the mirror she cheered herself up, "Oh well, at least it's Sunday, right? Lazy Sunday..." she grabbed her sandals, her book bag, and whipped out her electric planner, headed out the door and down the stairs to the study room.

She looked around. A couple of girls were together, possibly getting introduced, or something to that nature. It looked like Terran had been there too, his signature easel sitting in the corner. It was abandoned, however, so she guessed he must be off getting something. Someone was writing on the couch--she recognized him, but couldn't recall his name at the moment. In other news, it was sunny outside, and her planner claimed temperatures of a nice 80 degrees. Wonderful, wonderful.

"Good morning!" she greeted everyone happily upon her entrance, and then headed to the door to the library. She wasn't paying too much attention to where she was going, however, and accidentally ran into someone who was going the exact opposite direction.

"Ouch--Oh, I'm sorry! Are you alright...?" she looked up to see who she'd bumped into.

The Midnight Channel

My Photoshop Just Died TT_TT
Jan 18, 2006
OOC: Sticky, you slightly powerplayed Terran... He never had left his seat XD I'll play off of it anyways though =]

And Terran looked down, seeing Liz sprawled on the ground from bumping into him. "Well good morning!" Terran shouted with a smile on his face. "I see you've come to join us in the land of the living." He laughed a little and sat down on the ground next to her. Terran set his book down, the one he had went into the Library to get.

He leaned back on his hands and turned his head at an angle to her. "So. Might I ask what Fan-Fic you were reading last night that made you stay up all night and not get up until, oh," Terran acted like he was reading a watch on his wrist, "This time of day?"

He smiled again and got up. He held his hand out to her and asked simply, "How would some good food do you for lunch? And you can pick. As long as one of the desserts has some kind of..." Terran let out a small chuckle, "chocolate."


Fear the Mist
May 25, 2006
Shifting through the spaces like only Mist can.
He looks up as Liz greeted everyone and smiles as he nods a hello. He then looks back to his story but then hears a collision. He looks back to Liz and fights a laugh from her hitting someone but fails. The laugh errupts out but he quickly gains control over it. He knew he was going to get an ear-full now. He gets up but stops when he sees Terran.

"I'll leave the two alone."

He sits back down on the couch and grabs his computer. He thinks a bit once more as he tries to regain his train of thought.

After a flash of light, their swords clash and sparks fly. By now, Princess Jayde is hidden safely behind a pillar and watches as her rescuer seemingly looses the fight. Lazerith growls as he is slowly overpowered and contemplates on releasing the demon.

"It looks like I have no choice," he thinks to himself.

He pushes the man off of him and sticks the sword into the ground. He yells out in pain as his body is engulfed in a black fire. On his skin appears black armor made of onyx from Hell itself with spikes all over. His sword turns black but is now consumed in black flames. His human side is now no more and the demon blood in his veins has taken over.

"Now you will die a most painful death!"

Ashes Remnant

It's All Crazy! It's All False!
Sep 10, 2005
Bryan walked into a class room, a blank expression on his face. He sat, alone in the room. He took out his laptop, and wrote,


First day, yay. So far, nothing. A whole lotta idiots here for a genius school. I don't think I'm gonna fail this one though. Something about it.

He closed it and reached into his bag. He took out a black binder, and a pen. He copied down the same thing.

"Lame school this is..."
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New member
Apr 12, 2006
a pale blue dot
Naya didn’t turn. She kept her eyes on the text as she spoke. “Ateshia…or do you want my real name,” She spoke in a friendly enough tone. She pressed a button and the screen went black. Naya returned the gadget to her bag and took out her laptop. After turning it on, she turned to Jayde. “Salve, Naya sum,” She smiled for a second. “Yea, I am, but it is more textual study than learning the language.”

Her computer had finished booting up. She changed positions, sitting with her knees hugging her chest and balancing on the balls of her feet. She slid her thumb over the recognition plate and the computer started, revealing a dark toned picture of the murder of Julius Caesar. She never did like the way Brutus was depicted, but the rest of the picture was excellent. She clicked on a document and turned back to Jayde. “So, how’d you get in?” The question was awkward and lacked any subtlety, but Naya didn’t seem to see that when she asked it.


KHI's Idiot of the Year
Oct 24, 2006
Boldly going nowhere...
Naya didn’t turn. She kept her eyes on the text as she spoke. “Ateshia…or do you want my real name,” She spoke in a friendly enough tone. She pressed a button and the screen went black. Naya returned the gadget to her bag and took out her laptop. After turning it on, she turned to Jayde. “Salve, Naya sum,” She smiled for a second. “Yea, I am, but it is more textual study than learning the language.”

Her computer had finished booting up. She changed positions, sitting with her knees hugging her chest and balancing on the balls of her feet. She slid her thumb over the recognition plate and the computer started, revealing a dark toned picture of the murder of Julius Caesar. She never did like the way Brutus was depicted, but the rest of the picture was excellent. She clicked on a document and turned back to Jayde. “So, how’d you get in?” The question was awkward and lacked any subtlety, but Naya didn’t seem to see that when she asked it.

"Not much. Just movie genius," said Jayde "Yeah I know what you're thinking. They accept movie geniuses? Since when? That's what I thought at first."

OOC: Sorry, writers block ^^;.


New member
Apr 12, 2006
a pale blue dot
Naya looked at Jayde for a while with a look that could be seen as either rude or curious. "I can act," she said finally in a matter of fact tone. “Acting is the same as oratory really.” She looked back at her computer, reading over what was on the document. “Movies can change the world y’know,” she said not looking up.

In truth, Naya was a bit shocked at Jayde’s answer. But movie making she thought, isn’t all that different that knowing how to write and give a good speech. She eventually looked up from her own work and craned her neck a bit to see what was on Jayde’s laptop.


New member
Jun 24, 2006
On the stage.
OOC: Hey, Sticky! The thing I'm working on is going faster than I expected X3. I might be back 100% by friday ^^ (Got some extra compy time, so I decided to read through this Rp, since I'm gunna join XD)


(Just because I'm so "hardcore", I refuse to write that silly Mango sentence XD)

Name: Darren Ryoshi

Gender: Male

Age: 18


Wears baggy black pants (Not jeans!) with a few metal studs in it. ^_^;

Items: Since Music is Darren's passion, as well as savior, he always carries an iPod with his favorite songs with him. He has a laptop that he keeps in his room. It's supposed to be used for homework or papers, but Darren mostly uses it as a music storage. He also has a electric guitar in his room (Like he could take it with him to classes) on which he sometimes, when he feels like it, plays on. You know, play the solo of that song you can't get out of your head, or maybe that song that almost makes you burst into a giant fountain of tears. The guitar is, however, the one possession Darren couldn't be without. He got it when he was twelve, and was very happy about it. His parents had bought it to him so that he wouldn't die out of boredom one day.

Strengths: He has always been good with languages. He learns new things fast and has a thing for rythm. On every English test he had in school, he was always the last one to come, and the first one to leave, still scoring top grades. The same with other languages, although English is his strongest point, he still got out of school with A+ in all. Since none of his parent were from the US (Mother from Japan and father from Sweden in europe), he speaks different languages wherever he goes. At home, he speaks mostly swedish (His mother isn't the best teacher) cuz he never really learned Japanese good enough, but he also speaks English, when he feel like it.
He has caught interest in the ways people's minds work. How they react when they're sad or happy.
Psychology, in other words.
Darren likes to observe when people opens a gift, or when they call the one they love, just to check if they still love them. The reserved, the shy, the clowns; all are subject's of Darren's observations. Darren knows why they act like they do, and mostly he knows the source if their behaviour. Darren read people. That's one of his passions.

Weaknesses: (Still can't stop the laughing from when I read your comment on that part about Split-personality thingy... XD)
Darren rarely does homework... actually, he doesn't do them at all, most of the time. Only when it comes to crucial assignements, like term paper reports and things that has to get in, or else you'll fail. He doesn't really care about coming in time for lessons. He just plainly don't give a crap. He comes and goes as he wants, but is always careful not to anger his teachers so that they might lower his grades.
(for Another weakness: see the ability part.)

Abilities: When Darren touches something with his palm, he immediatly receives information about the object's (or person's) history, thus he can see things that has happen through the thing's point of view (o_O ;P). Gift or burden, call it whatever you like. Darren doesn't consider neither of it. He defines it as a Curse. Though he has never told anyone about it, and as far as he knows, he is the only one who knows about it.
As a pre-caution, he always wears Gloves that covers his palm, in case he'd bump into something and immediatly gets tons of information that he doesn't want or need. A backlash regarding this "gift", is that Darren sometimes can't remember what is what, if that smiling face belonged to someone he knew, or someone someone else knew, or maybe if that kiss was meant for him, or the person whos memories and story he'd only seen in his mind.

Personality: Around people such as friends, he is the cheery and sceptic guy, but always keeping a smile on his face. Around people he doesn't like, he seems like that guy who glares at you as you walk by, planning on how to make this day the worst one in your life. In classes, he is the one who always sits in the back of the room, sometimes whispering to the friend who told him something funny to be quiet and tell him afterwards, while smiling. And when teachers talk to him, he kindly respond to them, even though they critisize him, not hating them for doing their work. Most teachers consider him a nice and decent boy. His friends sees him as the funny guy with attitude issues. His foes sees him as the guy who'd better be left alone with his friends, while hating his guts.
Around girls, he is kind and gentle. The one who would kick a guy if they even suggested to a girl to start smoking or drinking.
Darren doesn't Smoke or drink. Why should I? Where's the fun in that? is what he usually responds to it.
He doesn't like smokers/drinkers in general, but has learnt not to consider all smokers or drinkers to be bad people.
But all the different sides of him, the cool one, the funny one... they're all just shields that protects his emotional side. The one he was born into. The one he never shows...

Bio: As long as Darren could remember, his parents has always held him down. They never let him go to sleepovers when he was 7, they always gave him times on which he would be home in the evenings. Darren became almost everything his parent's despited. He dressed in dark clothes, wore make-up, listened to "bad" music. Everything that would annoy his parents the way they had annoyed Darren all his life.

The only thing he did that his parents liked, was doing great at school. The one thing both him and his parents was proud of. The thing that got him into Blackwing University...

Other: He likes soda and tends to drink too much sometimes, giving him the same effect as coffee does to hyperactive kid; Blackout.


KHI's Idiot of the Year
Oct 24, 2006
Boldly going nowhere...
Naya looked at Jayde for a while with a look that could be seen as either rude or curious. "I can act," she said finally in a matter of fact tone. “Acting is the same as oratory really.” She looked back at her computer, reading over what was on the document. “Movies can change the world y’know,” she said not looking up.

In truth, Naya was a bit shocked at Jayde’s answer. But movie making she thought, isn’t all that different that knowing how to write and give a good speech. She eventually looked up from her own work and craned her neck a bit to see what was on Jayde’s laptop.

"They can? Huh, I never really knew that." smiled Jayde

OOC: Writers block ><


New member
Mar 11, 2005
A happy universe filled with bunnies.
OOC: HOSNAP. Sorry about that Inferno, I could have sworn you left the room to go get artsy stuff. Guess I'm still delusional from all the chocolate I ate over Christmas. =P And Twilight_Moon, writers block or no writer's block, you're gonna need a lot more than just a couple of sentences per post, mmmmkay? Just saying. ^__^;


Liz let Terran help her up. The boy on the couch was laughing, and she turned a bit red. Then again, she couldn't help but start laughing too. Laughing was contagious, after all.

"As a matter of fact," she continued forward, playing on that lovely comment of his, "It was a wonderful Fan-Fic. Full of all my favorite things..." she spun off a little ways and acted out each little motion, "Fencing, fighting, torture, poison," she put her hand over her heart in a dramatic fashion, "true love, hate, revenge, giants, hunters, bad men, good men, beautifulest ladies--and that was the actual word--snakes, spiders, beasts of all natures and descriptions..." she wiggled her fingers about in front of her in a silly nature to suggest creepy-crawly legs, "pain, death, brave men, coward men, strongest men, chases, escapes, lies, truth, passion, miracles..." she gave an over-acted and intentionally girly sigh, and then burst out into a fit of giggles, "and all that Jazz. That's exactly what kept me up. But now that I am up..."

She scooted next to him and looped her arm through his, "It would be downright rude of me to not accept such a wonderful invitation for food. Chocolate sounds yummy."

The Midnight Channel

My Photoshop Just Died TT_TT
Jan 18, 2006
Terran stood as she ranted about the Fan-Fic. About halfway through he started leaning against the door way, acting uninterested, saying "Uh-huh," teasing Liz in a semi- mean way. He smiled at her as she finished and said simply, "And all that Jazz, huh?" He gave a small chuckle.

She then looped his arm around Terran's and said she would love to join him. And that chocolate sounded yummy. "Well then," Terran said blushing that she had said yes, "Shall we walk, skip, or walk like drunken pirates?" Terran was personally hoping for one of the later.

Ashes Remnant

It's All Crazy! It's All False!
Sep 10, 2005
Bryan walked into his dorm room. He dropped his bag, and set his laptop on the bed. He took his notebook, and a pen, and left. He walked though the school, and arrived at a balcony. He took his pen, and sketched a girl he saw in the courtyard. After he finished the shading, he looked at it. Almost perfect. Almost wasn't good enough. He crumpled up the paper, and threw it in the nearest trashcan. He went into the room where most of the other's where, and sat down in a chair. He began sketching Liz.
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