It's the disease of the age, it's the disease that we crave,
alone at the end of the rain, we catch the last bus home.
Corporate America wakes, coffee republic in case,
we open the latch on the gates, of the hole that we call our home.
Protect me from what I want, protect me from what I want,
protect me from what I want, protect me, protect me.
Maybe we're victims of fate, remember when we'd celebrate?
we'd drink and get high until late, but now we're all alone.
Wedding bells ain't gonna chime; we're both of us guilty of crime,
and both of us sentenced to time, and now we're all alone.
Protect me from what I want, protect me from what I want,
protect me from what I want, protect me, protect me.
alone at the end of the rain, we catch the last bus home.
Corporate America wakes, coffee republic in case,
we open the latch on the gates, of the hole that we call our home.
Protect me from what I want, protect me from what I want,
protect me from what I want, protect me, protect me.
Maybe we're victims of fate, remember when we'd celebrate?
we'd drink and get high until late, but now we're all alone.
Wedding bells ain't gonna chime; we're both of us guilty of crime,
and both of us sentenced to time, and now we're all alone.
Protect me from what I want, protect me from what I want,
protect me from what I want, protect me, protect me.
The year is 2050. Schools have finally caught up with the times. No longer are they teaching redundant facts and formulas on a blackboard that students won't remember more than a week anyway. They've moved on to more important things. Students are being taught about technology. History class has become about the history, culture, and current events of other places besides just the United States. Classes are being taught in different languages. Projects involve having to apply skills from the real world. School is no longer just about tests, it's about learning how to work in a community and get things accomplished through abstract thinking, innovative ideas, and teamwork.
Of course, with every advancement humanity makes, the evolutionary chain is one step ahead of all of us. With these new steps in learning comes new ways of thinking. Suddenly, more and more cases of what we call "genius" came up. What usually happened once every hundred years or so suddenly started happening every year. Younger and younger, brilliant minds appeared.
It was only a matter of time before the school opened. "Blackwing University," they called it, a place for gifted teenagers and young adults to study and learn and expand their horizons among others that thought at their same level. Whether you were a scientific, mathematical, linguistic, or even an artistic genius, it's said that you could find a place there. There are also rumors that this school houses those with another kind of gift, the kind where the mind can do more than just think. The kind where the very internal thoughts of a person can influence their external environment. These kinds of people are still a bit of a mystery to the world. Some think they're unnatural, and some think it's just a course they should let run itself out. Whatever the case, both the sharp of mind and gifted of thought are welcome into the university's doors.
So there you are, for one reason or another. Some of you have been there longer than others. The inside looks just like a normal school--lockers, classrooms, heavy backpacks, term papers, that annoying blue-and-grey tile floor in all the hallways, the dorms where you're forced to take up the roll of "roomie" with whomever's stuck with you... On the outside, it looks a lot like a castle out of a fantasy movie. Old stone, gargoyles on the walls, vines growing everywhere... The only thing that reminds you that you aren't in 7th century BC is the fact that the lawn and gardens are so well kept.
Although, something strange has been brewing lately. Trust me when I say that having a school full of geniuses is pretty weird, but some things have been getting... Weirder. People keep having strange dreams. Stranger dreams that usual. Some of them are scary. Really scary. And there have been more rumors lately that there are things in the school that aren't supposed to be. We're talking more than just your old Bloody Mary ghost stories. Some people have said they've seen shadows in odd places that disappear when you look again, or they say they feel like they're being watched. Maybe it's all just a big hoax. Or maybe it's all paranoia. Whatever it is, people are getting nervous.
What awaits us, here at Blackwing University?
[ so is this an X-Men rip off, or what? ]
[ so is this an X-Men rip off, or what? ]
First off, I would like to say that I just got all four of my wisdom teeth removed yesterday. So if something doesn't make any sense here, it's the pain medication talking, not me.
So, when most people think of a "school for the gifted" RP, they think of a school for people with special powers, like the in the classic X-Men example. This is not one of those schools. This is a school for geniuses. You know, future Einsteins, Picassos, that sort of thing. But since I know everyone likes powers, I've made it in the future where some super-natural type abilities are possible if you really, really want. More info on that is in the template.
This school is like a normal school. You can't carry weapons around, because if you came to school with a sword or an AK-47, you'd be expelled faster than The Flash on speed. The closest thing you'd get to a weapon would be a pocket knife, a small taser, pepper-spray, or anything you find that you can pick up and whack someone with.
The setting isn't too far into the future. Some things like books may now be digitalized, and laptops may have gotten more advanced, and some of you geniuses might be able to create a nuclear reactor out of buckles, chewing gum, and human hair (yay, McGuiver!) but the technology is still pretty close to home.
You may leave campus on occasion if you wish, but be back before the gates close. The school provides you with some allowance, in case you want to go out and buy stuff. :3
I'm aiming for this game to being a little darker than usual. If you like gritty details and scenes of horror and things that mess with your mind, this is the place for you. I don't really want this to be a fighting RP--this is more of a mystery. There can be fights, but let's face it: You're a bunch of normalish-smarty-pants, maybe with a bit of psychic power to back you up, against a mysterious force that even I haven't figured out entirely yet. Just... You know. Don't make it rated R. Blood is okay, but don't go too overboard. Same with romance, if this RP gets that far.
Other than that... Have fun with it. The plot will be driven by the players, just like in my other RPs. If you want to push the story in a certain direction, start adding in little bits here and there. Plot points, maybe an NPC, that sort of thing. Build on what each other brings to the table and soon we'll have a metaphorical RP feast. Woot woot.
[ jeez grandpa, why're you reading me this stuff? ]
[ jeez grandpa, why're you reading me this stuff? ]
[01] No Godmodding or acting like a god. The only one who is allowed to mod is myself (who will not do so unless someone seriously screws something up, and that's only happened once, and it was all okay in the end) or an actual mod of the forum. And let’s hope that doesn't have to happen, yes? D: About acting like a god, know that your characters are not perfect, are not all powerful, and not walking dues-ex-machinas. Please and thank you.
[02] Try to make your characters original, or at least original-ish. You can re-use old characters if you really like the concept, just make sure they fit in with the game. You can also borrow ideas from other series and genres and such (because we all do, all the time), but I don't want to see any Sasuke or Witch Hunter Robin clones walking around, eh?
[03] Play realistically. As I've said before, if you get thrown through a brick wall, it will hurt, and you will not get up five minutes later unless you were protected by special circumstances such as a power-shield. But in this game, even with a shield up, it would still hurt your head, at least. It takes a lot of strain to keep a shield up. Also, if you get stabbed, you better patch that thing up fast or you might collapse due to blood loss. What I'm saying is, these characters are human, and will thus take damage and feel emotions and have reactions like real humans. While there are some cases where the rules can be bent, keep a sense of reality in mind--please and thank you.
[04] Just because a character is being a jerkwad (because, lets face it, some characters are nasty and deserve to die horrible, karmatic enforced deaths), doesn't mean that the player is also bad. They're just playing a character. Please remember to keep OOC and IC separate, and if you're having problems with a character or a player, discuss it with them or me over PM instead of clogging up the thread with your OOC angst. This isn't usually a problem on these forums, but just in case...
[05] Two paragraphs a post, at least. Please. It's not that hard. Just type a short paragraph about what they do, and then what they're thinking. Or maybe what they're smelling. Or what the room looks like. Or whatever the hell you'd like. I'd just like some substance to your posts, and I'm pretty sure this is a standard forum rule anyway.
[06] Literacy is a must. If I don't think your typing skillz are up to par, I won't include you on the player list, and that's the end of that. Sorry, but I want to be able to read this without getting a headache. Most of you are pretty good with literacy--I know, I've seen you and played with a lot of you. Don't worry if your writing isn't professional (I know mine is far from) just try for literacy and you should do just fine.
[07] Put "tango with a mango" somewhere near the top of your template to show that you've actually been hardcore enough to read through all this stuff! Keep reading though, there's a bit more important goodness yet.
[08] It's been scientifically proven that people like to have their characters talked about. Well, okay. Not scientifically. But don't you get a little inner squee whenever another person's character pays attention to yours? Do the same to the other people's characters every once in a while. Give a thought on what your character thinks about so-and-so here and there. It helps build character relationships, rivalries, and story depth. And hey, other people will be obliged to do the same to you. This way everybody gets some love!
[09] Normal forum rules apply, blah blah blah. I don't have to repeat them, I'm certain. Be kind to your neighbors, respect all life, and don't run with your spears.
[10] Um... I dunno. I just wanted the list to go to ten.
[ the stuff in italics is just me explaining; feel free to delete it ]
[ the stuff in italics is just me explaining; feel free to delete it ]
Name: There's something wrong if I have to explain this one. :|
Gender: Male, female, hermaphrodite, whatever floats your boat.
Age: 16-22. Students under 18 are assumed to be students that skipped grades and/or graduated highschool early. Grades are not separated anyway... You're like one giant hunk of students that are separated by what classes they take.
Appearance: Please, no giant pictures that stretches out the page. If you have to go into MS Paint to shrink it, please do. Or you could just give us a written description, which is equally loved. Or both.
Items: Besides your book bag, what does your character carry with them? A laptop? Music? Cool anime gear? Pocket-knife? Remember, some things can and will get taken away if you're caught with them in class, so be careful. Also, make sure they're all things that a person your character's age could get a hold of. No laser-blasters, thank you.
Strengths: You got accepted into this school for a reason. What are you so good at that you got accepted into a university of geniuses? Musical brilliance at age twelve? Damn good test scores? And what other strengths might your character have, mentally, socially, and/or physically?
Weaknesses: As they say, genius comes hand in hand with insanity. There's got to be something wrong with your character. Are they secretly insecure about everything they do? Do they trip and fall over their own feet half the time? Are they always late? Are the autistic? Do they have problems expressing their ideas to people in words? Are they colorblind? Are they total wimps when it comes to rodents and things with eight legs? While I don't want such extremes like a murderous split-personality (only because it's been done too many times, let me tell you), you're welcome to otherwise go crazy with the little kinks in the character's chain of living. Remember to play on them occasionally--it's half the fun!
Abilities: If you want your character to be an average Joe when it comes to abilities other than smarts, skip this one. If you want to have some ability like being a super-good gymnast (with the ability to flip over things or bend and twist like no one's business) or a karate master of sorts, that should be mentioned here. Nothing too insane, though. Keep it within human capabilities. As for "powers," they should also be kept within reason, despite the fact that they don't really happen in real life. The kind of things I'm willing to let happen are pyrokinesis, telekinesis, slight mind-reading, being able to pull information off 2-D objects, annoying psychic visions of the future, that sort of thing. But note, that these powers are not very strong and hard to control. If you've got pyrokinesis, you're not gonna be able to shoot fireballs out of her hands any time soon. You'll be lucky to aim it well enough with enough energy to get a candle going. Mind-reading sucks because you have to dig through people's heads for information, running into a bunch of stuff you didn't want to know anyway. If you have the ability to put up a psychic shield, it's very, very energy consuming. It's hard to stop objects with your brain, you know? So choose wisely, and know that you only get one power. Feel free to get a bit creative, but remember the limits you'll be playing under. Also, only one power per character. Mmmmkay?
Personality: What're they like? What are they like around girls? Around teachers? Around boys? When they're alone? How do they seem to other people vs. what's going on in their heads? How are they likely to speak? What kinds of things could cause their personality to go a bit out of whack? How would they react if a car almost hit them in the street? If there was a sale in the middle of their favorite store? Anything and everything you'd like to include about your character's personality helps add to their three-dimensionality.
Bio: Since these characters are going to be relatively normal (at least, I assume), I'm not going to be so tight-up on the bios this time around. Just describe a few important events in your character's life. If you've got a ton more to say about what's happened to your character, then by all means, go for it!
Other: My favorite category. Anything else you'd like to add about your character goes here. Do they have a theme song? A favorite food? Least favorite class? Do they have any standing relationships, good, bad, or neutral, with any of the other players (you might want to PM the players first) of note? Do the characters have any odd habits? Anything else you'd like to add about your characters that don't quite fit anywhere else goes here.
[ you're lucky i didn't make you take a test ]
[ you're lucky i didn't make you take a test ]
[umazak] Roand Lee Daugherty \\ Male \\ 19
[TwilightExternal] Joan Corscher \\ Female \\ 19
[protofan] Bryan Haynes \\ Male \\ 19
[Twilight_Moon93] Jayde Malcolm \\ Female \\ 18
[Frozen Inferno] Terran Stromrider \\ Male \\ 19
[.:EngetsuDrake:.] Ivo L. White \\ Male \\ 17
[stickxkeyblade] Ilizabeth Parks \\ Female \\ 18
[HeartofTwilight] Naya “Ateshia” Zaldock \\ Female \\ 17
[TwilightExternal] Jonas Orville \\ Male \\ 20
[AxelRoxas] Darren Ryoshi \\ Male \\ 18
[Trunks] Anthony Anderson \\ Male \\ 18
[tavishmithos] Tavish Wilson \\ Male \\ 17
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