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[ Softly did the Shadows Bloom ]

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New member
Apr 12, 2006
a pale blue dot
“Of course they can. Anything that attracts the masses in the numbers movies do has a proven impact on peoples views and mindset.” With that she turned away, back to her laptop. She watched Liz, though she didn’t know that as her name, act out aspects of the fan fiction she had read. When she heard them mention food, she suddenly realized she was hungry, and moreover, she realized she had no good idea of where to get food. She watched the boy and girl talk and decided it would be wise not to interrupt. She sighed. Chocolate sounded delicious as well.

Shrugging off the hunger she looked back at her screen. A message popped up in the corner of her screen, One new message Naya clicked on the window and the letter popped up. It was from her other birth-cousin. She was the only one from her birth-family that she was in touch with. Her cousin, Elisa, or Ell, had always been like a big sister, even before she was adopted by another family. Naya scanned the words.

Hey Genius Girl!
Just finished getting situated here at normal people University. I am so psyched for grad school! Setting up my new (tiny) dorm, I was thinking of you, first time setting up for a dorm of your own. How are the other kids. First impressions, you know, you tend to be good at them. Wow. I still can’t believe it, you at Blackwing. Got to admit, I am still kind of jealous. Being valedictorian at high school. Well, thing are ok by me. I think I already told you, but Steve got into the same school as I did, luckily they have a good department for both psychology and mathematics. I got to go. There is a meeting for all first year grad students. You better write me. I know you are good at it.

Love you lots,
Ell, your just above average cousin.

Naya finished the letter and smile. ‘You’re too hard on yourself Ell’ Ell had been the top of class at a prestigious private school, and attended one of the best universities in the world. She had been Naya’s first debate coach, too. Naya closed her laptop with a sigh, resolving to write back later, and placed it in her bag. She crossed her legs and rested her elbows on her knees. Lowered her head and closed her eyes and allowed herself to get lost in thought.


Bronze Member
Mar 10, 2005
I would like to join this rp.

Tango with a mango

Name: Anthony Anderson

Gender: Male

Age: 18


picture him without the gun.

Items: A knife, laptop, ipod, and a USB memory stick.

Strenghts: He was accepted for his high IQ in math, and is a computer genius, he doesnt back out of a challenge, he can answer math question with ease without thinking about it and always keeps his promises.

Weaknesses: He is not very sociable, he cant start a conversation by himself, but if someone went up to him and started a conversation, he would talk to you.

Abilities: Anthony is a very skilled fighter, and can lift objects with his mind.

Personality: He is easy going, and likes to have fun, and treats everyone with respect, but if someone were to cause trouble with him, he wouldnt hesitate to fight back.

Bio: His parents died when he was a child, but his grandfather had taken him in, and has taken care of him thru out his life. His grandfather decided to teach him to be a fighter because along with this it would make him build character, and has become a very skilled fighter. He had to constantly move to different schools due to his grandfather being in the army as a general, and had to always move to different military bases. Due to this he has few friends that live near him but keeps in touch with the friends he made at the schools he had moved away from.

Other: He enjoys listening to music, his favorite band is Linkin Park, His favorite class is Math, has a red corvette, and can play the piano.
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Hazen Gregory

doWnloAd ProgoNOSKES 99% cOMplETeD
May 10, 2006
Name: Tavish Wilson

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Appearance: Tavish is an attracitve black guy with black hair in cornrolls and a gotee. Tavish is often seen wearing polo shirts and jeans, but it's not unuusal to find him wearing more dressed up clothing, or the goth type look. His tongue is also pierced and one eye is brown and the other green.

Items: Tavish carries around a laptop, and lots of gum.

Strength's: Tavish is able to almost instantly come up with a solution to any problem. He is also very fast on his feet and doesn't tire easily. He has an IQ of 167(omg this is my IQ in real life!!!!!) and can hack into almost anything.

Weaknesses: Sleeps late and never shows up on time for anything. he also has a weak spot for people in extreme need and woman(doesn't matter what age.)

Abilities: Tavish is a telempath. He has the ability to feel, interpret and manipulate other human's feelings. Though he has control of this ability to near perfection, there is always a chance that people have very high mental protection. In such a case(often) his powers are rendered almost useless, or he takes recoil from trying to probe.

Personality: Not very serious. He is always joking around about something and seems to always be trying to have fun.

Bio: Tavish is from a very wealthy family and never had a care in the world..............during his very early childhood. Once he got into middle school, Tavish began feeling strange. He would go form being happy to instantly depressed or angry.(etc). He couldn't control his emotions and it seemed that the people around were always fighting or too chipper.

It was in 8th grade that Tavish realized that he was the problem. He was somehow manipulating the flow of emotions. At first Tavish was unsure of how to use this power, but eventually got a hang of it. This power allowed him to get almost whatever he wanted from anyone, until he met other people like him.

They all realized what Tavish was up to and began to torture him and block his power. This went on until just recently when his parents sent him to Blackwing University. He is happy to be in such a place, but has heard rumors that horrible and unexplainable things have been happening on campus. He is slightly worried and his powers are a little rusty..........he heard that one of his childhood friends, Anthony Anderson was also coming here and wants to see him.

Other: Tavish speaks Latin, Italian, Japanese and know sign language.


New member
Jun 24, 2006
On the stage.
Darren was lying in his bed and listening to some music. He'd been in bed for about an hour, since he'd woken early, but didn't feel like being on time so he stayed in bed. He checked the watch on the wall.

"About twenty minutes to class... Then I'll get up in twenty-five..." He said to himself, and turned to the left. What he hadn't realized, was that he had been turning around so much the last hour, that he was very close to the edge. And now that he turned again, he ended up on the floor.

"Oww..." He said and held the back of his head, "Dammit..."
He got to his feet. Luckily, noone was there to see it. His dorm-mate had gone to the study hall. Or at least that's what Darren assumed his dorm-mate had gone to. He didn't really care that much about it.

He headed for the study hall as well. He was already up, so he could as well do something with the time left.


Bronze Member
Mar 10, 2005
The alarm went off, and Anthony woke up half asleep, "First day class...." said Anthony as he got out of bed. Anthony looked at the clock "i got 20 min left before class starts, better hurry". Anthony took a quick shower, and put on his clothes. He ate breakfast, and then got everything got his laptop and everything else he needed for school. He then got the keys to his car which was a red corvette, and drove it to school. He parked on the students parking lot, and went inside the school. As he was trying to find his first class he saw a piano in a room. He stopped and said "hmm its has been a long time since i played the piano, it wouldnt hurt to play it". Anthony then sat at the seat and started to play a beutiful tune....


New member
Mar 11, 2005
A happy universe filled with bunnies.
She surpressed another laugh.

"Drunken pirates would be hilarious, but I'd prefer to make it to class uninjured this time." she smiled. Out of the corner of her vision, she noted that a guy had come in--she'd seen him hanging around here and there but had never actually talked to him before--and seemed to be drawing her. She didn't really mind, as Terran had drawn her too several times. She was used to being put into artwork by now.

She just assumed she had a natural artistic balance about her or something that made her frame-worthy. It was a thought that still amused her, even to this day. She started to wander down the hallway with Terran, but her pocket started buzzing. She pulled out her planner and snapped her fingers.

"That's right~! I've got to go to that Sunday class today... In about..." she counted the hours in her head, making sure to note the time lost since waking up, "Seventeen minutes. Which means that lunch has got to be quick today, eh?" she rubbed the back of her head, a little embarrassed over her bad timing, "Jeez, talk about tight scedule. Maybe I should just catch you for dinner inste..."

She got distracted by a few musical notes that wafted through the air. She put her head up and listened, as the notes formed a song and the song formed a memory. She was pretty sure it was coming from downstairs.

"Hrm... I like this song." she said, starting to hum along. She would have liked to sing along to it, but had never thought her singing was that great, "But anyway. What'd you think? Should we make a run for the food court or should I meet you for dinner as an apology for crappy planning on my part?"

Hazen Gregory

doWnloAd ProgoNOSKES 99% cOMplETeD
May 10, 2006
Tavish was a little surprised that he didn't have any classes until much later on. He'd been sitting in his dorm staring into space for the past few hours, desperately trying to control his intake of emotions. he was not faring well with this and didn't have the power to shield himself from it. " Wow I really need to practice I feel like......" Talking out loud had always helped Tavish concentrate and this would be no different.

" I feel like. I am now in control. That is must better. Good then......balance restored." He stood up and left the dorm with his laptop. Tavish sped through the halls while chomping on a piece of gum. He slowed down and noticed 2 girls in the hallway that seemed to in some sort of argument. For now he wasn't feeling particularly evil, so he looked at them and concentrated.

Suddenly the taller girl who had just looked as if she was going to lay out the other smiled and said...." Oh Ronnie!!! I'm soo sorry. I didn't mean it I swear. Let's still be friends." Ronnie laughed. " Sure that's great sounds go to me!!!! Let's not fight all the time." They skipped off down the hall. ' Well looks like I've got it back, though they seemed a little TOO happy afterwards.

A familiar tune drifted to his ears and Tavish new after a few seconds that it was the song that Anthony used to play. Tavish hurried up and walked around the corner into a room. A man was sitting at a piano and was playing a beautiful tune. It was who he thought it was. " It's been awhile. So what have you been up to Anthony??"

The Midnight Channel

My Photoshop Just Died TT_TT
Jan 18, 2006
Terran was extremly dissapointed. You know, to the fact where he had been waiting for Liz to get up all day, so they could go get lunch, only to have forgotten that this was her off weekend where she had class.

"It's... it's okay. I'll just...ummm... Go look for something new, maybe a shirt or bracelet or something." Terran was purposly showing his dissapointment, just to tease Liz. "So yeah, dinner will be good. Althoug now, its my pick." Thats when Terran got an idea. He knew of this resturant in the middle of the nearby lake that he had been wanting to go with Liz for awhile now. And she didn't even know it existed. "And where we're going is a surprise. I think you will have alot of fun. So just meet me at the gates at 8 o'clock sharp, mkay?"


Bronze Member
Mar 10, 2005
As Anthony was playing the piano, he heard someone talking to him, it was his old friend Tavish. "Hey Tavish, how you doing?, its my first day here, and cant seem to find my class" said Anthony. Suddenly Anthony looked at his watch and saw that he had only one minute left to class. "i'm about to be late for class, maybe we can catch up later?, well I'll see ya" said Anthony to tavish. And then Anthony went to search for his class, "hmm its room 305, i cant seem to find it." said Anthony to himself. Suddenly he saw a girl who wore a flowery shirt and asked her where to find his class..

Ashes Remnant

It's All Crazy! It's All False!
Sep 10, 2005
Bryan was almost done with the sketch. He was currently putting the final touches on her hair. He watched her carefully, and closed his eyes. He opened them, and carefully stroked. He whispered to himself, "Almost done..." He carefully pressed harder on the paper. He sent one last stroke, and stopped. He erased some of the rougher parts, and studied it, for any flaws. Looks just like her...

Byran sighed, and got up. He grabbed his stuff, and went to the door. He opened it, and left into the hallways. Music came from the lower rooms, Without even knowing, he was tapping his fingers on his notebook in tune. Nice song... Maybe I will like this school.


New member
Mar 11, 2005
A happy universe filled with bunnies.
Tavish, love love love to you, but remember what I said about powers, eh? They're really weak and difficult to control? So you may want to tweak that a bit in the future. After all, 50 years into the future isn't much time for human kind to become that powerful, methinks. ;)

"Awww..." Liz sighed, "Not the puppy-dog routine... You know it's impossible for anyone to resist that!" she giggled--full of giggles this morning, it seemed, "But I really am sorry about that, Terran."

She listened intently to his proposal about dinner. A mystery location, eh? Sounded a bit like that old board came. Clue. Colonel Mustard in the Kitchen with the Candlestick and all that. As long as there wasn't an actual murder, she was sure she'd have a grand time. "Sounds like a date! 8:00, I'll be there!"

She ran off, sort of turning backwards when the went around the corner to wave before slipping out of sight. Soon she was half-running, half-walking through the hallways. She tried to remember what class she was going to. She chided herself for being such a scatterbrain in the mornings. Her brain never really started working until after she'd had a good cup of coffee...

She turned another corner and nearly bumped into another person. Two in one morning? She didn't recognise him, so she assumed he must be a newer student. He asked her where to find his class. He seemed polite enough. She smiled,

"Room 305 is right down those stairs and to the left. Here, I'll show you since I'm headed there too." she led down the stairs, taking them two at a time (she'd been keeping count in her head and realized that they had about fourty seconds to get in that classroom) and down the hall a bit. Sure enough, there was room 301. She held the door open for her new aquantance.

"After you." she said, noting how many people were in the classroom as she did. It was a reletivly small class, actually. Not many people at Blackwing were up to taking classes on the weekend.


New member
Apr 12, 2006
a pale blue dot
Naya focused hard on the tiny object between her legs for a bit. For a second, Naya thought it moved slightly. But she wasn’t sure. Suddenly, as if some mental alarm had been set, Naya slowly raised her head. Her eyes took a while to refocus. They were red, and the bags under her eyes were quite visible. She picked up her bag and stood up. A small ball of rolled up paper was visible. She left the room without saying a word . She turned down a hallway and walked to a row of lockers. She walked to one and placed her thumb on the lock. With a beep the lock opened . Naya opened the locker and took out a worn but sturdy black jean bag. She lifted it up and threw it over her other shoulder, the one her messenger bag was on.. She walked to her first class, her mind sill seeming out of focus. She stop suddenly and held her head.

‘Damn! So close.’ she thought as she put her backpack down. She reached into the side pocket and pulled out a pill, which she swallowed dry. She picked up her stuff again and continued to class. ‘I almost did it that time.’ She thought tightening her fist as she went. It struck her that she hadn’t eaten at all today, nor had she taken the medicine she was supposed to take. She made a mental not to do so at lunch. As she was just about to turn the corner to the room, she noticed two other people go into the room she was headed for. She didn't recognize the first one, but she remembered the second as the girl who was acting out something in study hall.

Naya went in a bit after the other two and took a seat silently inn the far corner. 'Perfect view' she thought. She had perched herself to have a good veiw of everthing and everyone. SHe took out her laptop and turned it on, all without saying a word.

OOC: two things. First of all, what class is this if we are going to the same one, which we should seeing as this is a role play.
Second. It is important to know how far into the year we are, thus defining how familiar we are with people and things. People seem to have different ideas. We are all literate role players and we can adjust things in order to stay in the same time
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Hazen Gregory

doWnloAd ProgoNOSKES 99% cOMplETeD
May 10, 2006
Tavish grabbed the sides of his head as he felt a wave of nausea rush over him. He knew what had happened earlier had to be a fluke. All those years of torment weren't about to be fixed. It seemed he was stuck with this now. " Geez now I'm weaker than ever and have virtually no defense from this. I guess from now on I'll just have to be really careful."

He sighed and rubbed his temples before leaving the room. He gasped. " Oh God!!! I do have a class!!! How could I forget??" Tavish had been doing this a lot lately. " Geez I'm like 10 minutes late already." He turned down the hall and ran full speed until he turned the corner He tried to stop right in front of the doorway, but tripped and fell into the classroom.............Tavish looked up and was thankful he was black.

If it hadn't been for that his face would be all kinds of red. There was a beautiful girl in a flower dress at one of the desks. She caught his eye immediately. "Whoa........"

Ashes Remnant

It's All Crazy! It's All False!
Sep 10, 2005
Bryan sat in front of his laptop. He typed quickly, and clicked, and dragged. On the screen was Photoshop, and the sketch of Liz was on it. He was carefully coloring it. He glanced at the time, and noticed he was late. He finished, and it looked like a photo instead of a drawing. He noticed a cut on his arm was beginning to bleed. "Crap, not now..." He grabbed the nearby bandages, and wrapped his arm quickly.

Bryan wandered out of his dorm room, sleeves rolled up. Under his sleeves were bandages covering cuts. He slowly walked forward. He passed a clock, and looked at it. 20 minutes late? Oh well...Slow printer... He made his way to the classroom, and opened the door. He had his head down, and staggered in.


The Midnight Channel

My Photoshop Just Died TT_TT
Jan 18, 2006
OOC: Its at the start of a new year. People 18 and younger are usualy in their first year. The only exception (I believe) is sticky where her character had skipped a grade. 18+ should know most unless they are new. Liz and Terran, for example, are at the Acadamey for their second year.
IC: Terran waited till she turned the corner, keeping a sharp eye on her until she did. And the second she did, Terran turned himself and sprinted down the hallway and out the front hallway. Terran ran through the garden, passing students sitting in the garden. Terran burst through the gates and sprinted down to the harbor.

As he arrived, he was completly and entirely out of breath. He huanched over, breathingly deeply. For a minute, he remained like that and he slowly looked around searching for the ticket booth. He spotted it.

A lady was sitting there flipping through a girly magazine. "You seem to be enthusiastic about this job." Terran said as he walked up to her. "Yeah, whatever. Do you need something?" Terran was taken aback. Normally people these days were nicer, but she was obviously one of those people who wanted to do nothing for alot of money. Essentially, lazy bums.

"Uh, yeah..." Terran looked around for another ticket place, but there was none. He sighed. "I need two ticets for a ferry crossing at 8 pm and a table for two at "Fountain Lake." She turned to here nearby computer and typed all of it in. Reservations made and I need $8 for the ferry tickets." She said all of it in one of the most bored tones ever. Terran pulled out $8 and handed them to her, who in return handed him two tickets.

Terran walked off to dins the other thing e was looking for, but something caught his eye. A flower shop. With his favorite flower. Lilies. "Can I have five purle lilies..." Terran browsed through the other flowers seeing the perfect other one, "And a single white rose in the center of them."

He arranged them and said simply "$19 please" as he handed Terran the bundle and Terran handed a 20 dollar bill. Terran was glad he had been saving his weekly money supplied by the school. He walked to his favorite rental store where Blackwing students got free rentals. Terran walked in, hearing a little jingle. He walked to the back already knowing the one he wanted to rent. "Can I rent a mopeg and sidecar?"

"Of course, let me see your I.D." Terran flashed it and the man took it. "How long will this rental be for?" He asked as he typed in information.

"Just tonight. I'll have it back tommorrow afternoon."

"Okay, meet me at the side door please outside." He walked into the back, doing his average routine. Terran walked outside and waited at the side door. And waited. And waited for about 20 minutes, until finaly he came back out. With a... pink mopeg and sidecar... Well at least Liz would like it. Terran looked at a near by clock. It was only 2:30... Terran had time to kill. And he decieded to take a quick ride and look around. He planned on going on a ride and get ack to the Acadamy in about an hour, lock up the mopeg, and take a nap.

And with that, Terran was off on his little ride.


Bronze Member
Mar 10, 2005
As anthony asked the girl where his class was, he noticed how beutiful she was, "woah, should i ask her out?..right now its not the time, but i'll ask her later..." said Anthony in his mind as he waited for her reply. The girl knew what class he had cause she had the same class as well. She guided him thru down the stairs and thru the hall. Finally they made it to there destination and entered the classroom. Anthony took a seat next to her, and before the teacher began giving his lecture, Anthony opened up his laptop and opened up his recording program so he could record everything the teacher was saying, because Anthony didnt feel like paying attention....

-I had writers block..-

The Midnight Channel

My Photoshop Just Died TT_TT
Jan 18, 2006
OOC: Hey guys, remember. You must have two paragraphs. If not, sticky will kick you out. I wanted to make sure you all knew this.


New member
Apr 12, 2006
a pale blue dot
Naya watched the boys, now two of them. She nearly laughed. ‘What is this, numbers 3 and 4? It doesn’t take much still to see this.’ Naya almost felt bad or the girl. Maybe she liked it or maybe she had no idea. She opened up her laptop and clicked on a folder. A window popped up asking for a password. She typed in a 20+ character password, using characters that weren’t even on the keyboard. He friend had taught her how. In the folder various icons were arranged in some non decipherable pattern. She clicked on one and a document opened up. Boys… she began, No matter the increase in brain capacity and overall intelligence, cannot master the products of their own endocrine glands. Thank Darwin girls don’t suffer such a “hard” fate. She smirked at her clever joke, quickly saved the document and x-ed out all windows.

‘Might as well not waste time’ Naya thought as she reached into her backpack and pulled out a thick book. The cover read ‘Languages of World influence’ She opened the book to somewhere near the middle, and began translating the Chinese characters slowly. She much preferred Romance or Germanic, but that didn’t change the Chinese political power. She tried to focus on the book but her mind kept wander off. She arranged herself on the chair so that she was balancing on the balls of her feet, knees touching her chest. She felt a strange buzzing feeling in the back of her neck, a feeling sheknew better than she would like ‘Damn’ she cursed in her head in anger over forgetting her medicine in the morning. She sat utwardly calm, waiting for the class to start

Hazen Gregory

doWnloAd ProgoNOSKES 99% cOMplETeD
May 10, 2006
Tavish stood up and looked for a seat. There was another very nice looking girl seated away from everyone else. There were 2 seats open and he took one next to her. He was glad that seemingly nobody had really been paying attention when he fell into the room, but the teahcer seemed to be annoyed. " Well Mr. Wilso I see you are trying to make quite an entrance. Don't do this again."

He was about to say something very rude, but decided against it. Tavish needn't get into any trouble this early. he turned to the girl next to him and smiled at her. " Hi my name is Tavish.........what's yours??"



Fear the Mist
May 25, 2006
Shifting through the spaces like only Mist can.
Roand stops typing to give his fingers a break and notices the time. He curses to himself and quickly saves the document. He then gathers his stuff and runs out of the room and to room 305. He looks inside as the teacher gets onto another student so he tries to make a quiet enterance. He walks behinde the desk and goes for the other wall when his foot gets tangled up in something.

By the time he notices it, he is already on the floor with the teachers computer bag wraped around his feet. He blinks as he hears the teacher clear his throat so he slowly looks up. He smiles weakly and walks to his seat.
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