Okay,so there's this girl at school. She's cute. Long black hair,thin glasses,blue eyes...She looks like she just jumped out of a manga. I like her a lot,she doesn't know,but for some unknown reason,my friend hates her. Me and him are tight,know each other since kindergarten. I told him about her and he got PISSED. He's not talking to me anymore,and everytime I pass him in the halls,he ignores me. The most recent time that he spoke to me was last week. I mangaed to get a couple words out of him. I asked why he was so mad at me and that she was just a girl,no one to get mad over,but that just made him even more pissed. He went on about me picking her over him and that I would be breaking our friendship if I asked her out. I was like,"WTF? Why are you going on about our friendship? I'm not talking about that!" He got all exasperated,then he left and hasn't spoken to me since.
I asked the girl out just this week. Now my friend is doing everything he can to avoid me. I don't know if I should just give her up and make my friend happy,or stay with her and lose my best friend? HELP-ME.
I asked the girl out just this week. Now my friend is doing everything he can to avoid me. I don't know if I should just give her up and make my friend happy,or stay with her and lose my best friend? HELP-ME.