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  • *claps you on the back* I'd be Bronze already but I lost internet a couple times for long periods.
    I remember the manga books for G.U. coming out shortly after the games. I don't remember if they ever completed it, because it only had three volumes out at the time. :3 But that's great you've seen everything in regards to .Hack! I've seen some of the episodes of .Hack//Roots but, never went through the trouble of completing it. xD I wonder if you can still find the ones you need on Amazon. I remember years ago, they were put on sale because, the PS3 games were coming in and weren't going to be around for much longer in stores. Hmm, I think it's hard to find playthroughs for the games, because of how long it's been. *is impressed there still would be. Dang, five years is a really long time! Same here. .Hack//G.U. is somewhat similar to KH in that regard, and that's what I found likeable about it too. Did you ship Haseo with anybody? What do you think of the games soundtrack? *u*
    You're welcome. =D Yeah, there's a few of us around. I believe Sephiroth812 happens to be a .Hack fan as well. Awesome! I started with .Hack//Legend of Twilight too! I loved the openings! did you ever see .Hack//Sign? ooh, it's cool you got Mutation and Outbreak. I haven't played those, but I have played .Hack//g.u. Rebirth, .Hack//g.u. Reminisce, and .Hack//g.u. Redemption. Have you see the movie for .Hack//G.U. btw? What two games are you looking for to complete your collection? :D
    I know and unfortunately, its not just here. It's everywhere. People forget that Google would be nothing if weren't for us filling the web with information. That's the whole purpose of joining different communities and pages. Forums are really special too for insight information. If people wanted Kingdom Hearts help, this a good SOURCE you know (I know its a fan base too)? And such and such; keeps building up.
    I hope all is getting better with your daily life. <3 I've been doing pretty well, school has been slowing down lately but it's starting to kick back in to 11239th Gear again. /.\ However I have a lot on my plate that I'm excited for by the end of the month consisting of. The Relay for Life, Job Shadowing at a Graphic Design Studio, Spring Break, and Morp.
    The only name of those that I recognize is Dairy Queen. And that's just because of pop cultural osmosis (and dragonball abridged), there's none of those here.
    Ugh, I hate those kinds of time crunches. My entire monday consists of stuff like that. It usually spills over into Tuesday too. The rest of the week is more managable, but it's still too much. I'm really looking forward to my vacation in a month. It's been 1.5 years, the closest thing I've had was a 4 day trip to London last summer.

    Dammit. That sucks though, what else has you busy aside from work?

    Sounds rough. Is it a big bakery? Because nowadays I know all about not having enough employees. -_- Because some people had such a big workload (forcing them to stay hours after quitting time just to get everything done) some of that work came to me. I'm pretty much swamped all the time. And then someone quit (she's still here, but only for another month) and our boss decided it's not necessary to hire someone new. Just divide all of her work amongst the rest as well. BECAUSE OBVIOUSLY THAT WILL WORK OUT FANTASTICALLY (sorry, didn't mean to shout...)

    I HATE YOU FOR THAT ;~; Keep track of how many times you watched it. I aim to keep up xD

    I just watched Kingsmen. It was pretty great. :) Kind of like old school James Bond but with better action sequences.
    Ooh, are they teaching you to make tasty stuff? :3 So many big stuff, kind of makes me feel stupid for having no big stuff happen xD (unless you'd count my ps4)
    Yeah I saw (bug couldn't immediatelly reply because I had to leave for work. On a break now). It looks adorable :3 don't have the movie on bluray yet, we only got it in theatres last month (when usually Disney movies are pretty much released at the same time)
    Hey Chibi! How's life been treating ya?

    I think you're really smart and a really cool individual. =D I have a hard time imagining you being any different.
    I imagine a lot has happened, since Christmas. My bad on that. Really am sorry about that. I've been studying a lot of math lately. Always nice to have a place to yourself though. This week, I'll be having the house to myself while the rest of my family is on vacation. Is there anything you like to do, when you're home alone? :3
    I wish Tolkien had made more stories. :c Glad the Shadow of Mordor is awesome! I haven't played it, but I've played one of the old Lord of the Rings games on Xbox a long time ago. Do you have any favorite characters from the series? What kind of medieval fantasy stories, movies, books and ect. do you like?

    Definitely will. I'll have to see if they're selling any frappes at my local McD's. =3 Haha, my poor teeth don't want to eat something so hard.
    Wait, you can enter tournaments for pokemon! Let me know what that's like! It sounds cool!
    Is your cat Buffy named after the television show Buffy the Vampire Slayer? (Couldn't help asking. xD)
    So, I made you a super sexy tag. You're going to freaking love it.

    Here's the avatar as a palette wetter ;)

    My first ever forum is going to be 11 year that I have joined. It's based on TCG and mostly anime and such. It was a great time for teen years. I'm also part of this two basketball forums; one is a place where you can troll and the other is where you have the actual fans to talk and stuff. I'm part of also PlayStation Universe forums. The rest I really haven't been putting too much input on like the Insomniac Games forums, Android Central and some Final Fantasy forums. I've always laid eyes on this board since the mid 2000s and it wasn't until last year when I joined.
    Ok, so basically, part of our new year's bonus are these cheques. They're government mandated and are meant to be used to purchase electronics that have been deemed economically friendly. We just call them eco-cheques xD (cheque is the same word here) As for why I'm waiting for them when I'm planning to buy a PS4, there's a store that doesn't care about how to use them (they kind of are a pain to use tbh, the devices that they're usable on are mostly big expensive devices like refridgerators, air conditioning units etc, stuff you don't necessarily buy every year) and accepts them for everything xD (then they just use some creative accountancy to make it appear they were used for the right stuff)
    A glitch can make or break a game :3

    lol. That really does sound cute. (Wait, love seat? xD )

    Night at the Museum 3 isn't here yet -_- But soon...
    Well, they were just re-released here last week. They got delayed though, they should've hit the stores back in November (and at least 1 of the movies that were listed for then is still missing, and it's one that I love: The Great Mouse Detective)
    Haven't watched it yet. I've added so much stuff lately...
    Allo! Allo! was the best. The backdrop was the war, but the story got ridiculously insane xD Basically there's a cafe-owner called Ren? who's bar is often frequented by the occupying Germans (most of whom are portrayed as rather nice, if incompetent). They keep asking him to do stuff for them (either legal or illegal) under threat of getting shot. In the meanwhile, the French Resistance does pretty much the same. Hilarity ensues. Some of the longer plotlines involved an expensive stolen painting that everyone was trying to get their hands on and a couple of English Airmen who were kept hidden in the bar until they could get them back to England. And terrible over the top accents. Even the English accents. (it's supposed to represent people speaking their own language). The show revelled in how ridiculous the story could get. And those accents.
    That's fine lol. I'm not very far in Pok?mon Alpha Sapphire anyway, so it's not like I could prove worthy in battle or have good stuff to trade. :(

    Cool ^^ I might check it out then~
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