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Who do you prefer to play as in Kingdom Hearts 3D?

Sora - 100%
Riku - 0%

Total votes: 1, but the poll doesn't work yet

Go back to Gameboy MIDI files

Pokemon Gold Silver

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azalea town 11.97 KB
badge acquired 902 B
bug contest 8.55 KB
burned tower 14.30 KB
celadon city 6.18 KB
champion battle 9.02 KB
cherrygrove city 5.73 KB
contest 1st place 682 B
contest 2nd place 680 B
contest 3rd place 491 B
contest entrance 1.98 KB
credits 13.80 KB
dark cave 14.38 KB
dragon s den 12.48 KB
ecruteak city 7.30 KB
ecruteak dance theater 2.85 KB
egg received 499 B
elm s lab 7.66 KB
evolving 4.83 KB
female trainer encounter 1.57 KB
female trainer encounter 2 3.74 KB
game corner 19.38 KB
goldenrod city 9.96 KB
gym 10.35 KB
gym leader battle 13.32 KB
gym leader defeated 9.65 KB
hall of fame 7.65 KB
hm tm acquired 683 B
indigo plateau 11.04 KB
intro part 1 2.35 KB
intro part 2 1.82 KB
item found 667 B
kanto gym leader battle 7.52 KB
kanto trainer battle 10.29 KB
kanto wild pokémon battle 13.28 KB
key item received 496 B
kimono girl encounter 2.42 KB
lavender town 8.47 KB
leaving machine slot 768 B
level up 451 B
magnet train 1.46 KB
male trainer encounter 1.52 KB
male trainer encounter 2 2.00 KB
menu 3.42 KB
mom 958 B
move deleted 626 B
mt moon 17.00 KB
national park 10.93 KB
new bark town 4.76 KB
oak s pokédex evaluation 531 B
oak s pokédex evaluation 2 593 B
oak s pokémon radio 3.42 KB
oak s theme 3.90 KB
officer encounter 1.47 KB
olivine lighthouse 6.60 KB
pallet town 4.98 KB
phone number received 493 B
poké flute 1.76 KB
pokécenter 6.69 KB
pokémaniac encounter 2.24 KB
pokémon healed 518 B
pokémon lullaby 2.64 KB
pokémon march 7.55 KB
pokémon traded 613 B
radio tune 1.08 KB
riding the bike 8.22 KB
rival battle 10.98 KB
rival encounter 6.31 KB
route 1 7.05 KB
route 10 8.46 KB
route 12 6.34 KB
route 27 8.44 KB
route 29 7.93 KB
route 30 10.69 KB
route 36 10.74 KB
route 38 13.45 KB
route 42 15.65 KB
ruins 895 B
s s aqua 17.84 KB
saffron city 9.78 KB
sage encounter 1.17 KB
show me around 4.87 KB
sprout tower 3.94 KB
surfing 9.27 KB
team rocket 10.55 KB
team rocket battle 12.24 KB
team rocket encounter 3.46 KB
team rocket hideout 11.50 KB
the end 1.79 KB
tin tower 7.54 KB
title screen 7.95 KB
trainer battle 19.35 KB
trainer defeated 3.12 KB
union cave 22.56 KB
vermilion city 6.61 KB
victory road 5.76 KB
violet city 8.61 KB
viridian forest 8.55 KB
wild pokémon battle 9.22 KB
wild pokémon caught 669 B
wild pokémon fainted 2.39 KB

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