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[ Sea of Souls ]

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New member
Mar 11, 2005
A happy universe filled with bunnies.
Heh. Well, we got quite a few new additions in the last few hours. So then, THE LIST IS UP! :D Up there at the first post *points upwards* is a list of all the current players in the RP. If you signed up but your name isn't on the list, you either don't have your template finished, or your template didn't meet the standards as far as being of literate posts I set for the game.

If your template's not done but you still want to play, get it done and jump into the RP whenever. I'll add you to the list then. If you still want to join but don't have a template yet, feel free to make one and jump on in yourself. We're always open for new players. I love people. People are love.

So if all goes well and I don't miss my alarm in the morning, I should post the starting post in... *counts* ...Five hours. Thank you all for being patient, and if you have any questions, just comment or PM them to me. Thank you~!

*goes to sleep*


New member
Jun 2, 2004
In that place where I cook things
"tango with a mango" and a side of cookies for the supreme one ^_^ I imagine that'd be quite hard to tango with though.....

Name: Original Name: Jon Kilyu Lab Name: Experiment 17M

Gender: Male

Age: 56, due to experiments, he has obtained the appreance of a 20 year old

Race: Blootine, mix of Wolf, Cheetah, Rat, and Human

Time Period: The not so far future where genetics are finally taken from other creatures besides household pets.

Home World: Earth in it's Half eaten state. It got that name when a meteor wiped out half of the planet.

Appearance: He appears as a chimera most of the time. His legs having the long brown fur of a wolf, but the slenderness and red spots of the almighty cheetah. The upper half seems to bulk up as it progresses, but then leads the beholder to the skinny nose and ears, a deeper brown than the legs. His tail is bushy as soft to the touch. Most of the creatures body is covered in very torn clothes, which consist of a white tee shirt and khakis with many pockets. In the few times he is human again, he appears as a 20 year old skinny white male with long messy brown hair that matches his brown cat like eyes. His clothes often look as though they'll fall off of him with the slightest breeze. Both around 6" in height and have a clear scar that trails thier left arm from the shoulder down to the wrist.

Weapons: As a human, he has only a long 1"5' mithril dagger with a strangely green hilt, made for quick attacks. As a chimera, he use his claws, which are about as long as the dagger, and his powerful brute strength.

Powers: Transformation between his human and chimera state is his only power.

Items: He only has his dagger, given to him by the military that made him what he is today (including dead). It has a small insignia on the hilt.

Personality: He is like a military sargent. He keeps things formal with people he doesn't know by saying sir and madam unless instructed to otherwise. He is very polite, and very open with people that he allows himself to trust. He if very often times confused, trying to understand why people do things, but is open to ideas. He does wish to open up sometimes, and tries the occasional humor, but it was dissmissed in the military. He is one to often analyze the situation at hand, even if there isn't one. He is quite straight forward with his answers, and doesn't beat around the bush unless ordered too.

Strength: Jon has been trained in a military-like facility, and can move pretty easily around any environment. He thinks and acts like an assasin. He is also quite good at cleaning and carrying out orders given to him. His senses as chimera highten automatically. He gains superior hearing, smelling, and running capabilities.

Weakness: Other than defending himself, he does not know how to act on his own accord. He has been raised to follow orders, and will follow them out till the task is done. If he is left alone, he will simply wait for someone to give him an order. Basically, he's like a robot. He also has an increased pain output in his tail as a chimera.

Death: After too many vitamin inputs, and because his cells had broken down and were unstable enough, his insides gave up on him, not being able to handle the strain of so many vitamins coming into his body.

Bio: Jon was a mistake. His parents had never meant to have im as a child. As soon as he was born, he was put into an orphanage. At the age of 3, Jon was taken from that orphanage in order to have new technology tested on him. The labs he was sent to were testing pure wile animal genetics with that of human ones. The tests were quite successful, so he was then raised in a military encampment where he was either known as "Blootine" or "Experiment 17M". He grew up honing his skills, learning deadly assasin techniques, and having continuous tests preformed on him. He carried many missions that evolved infiltrations and assasinations. He never once questioned anything done to him or by him, for he accepted being a mistake long ago. He figured this was his way of thanking those that saved him. Before he had died, he experienced great confusion in seeing some of the doctors crying as he lost conciousness.

Other: Even though he mainly acts like a robot, he has always shown a slight smile when eating meat. He cannot explain where the smile comes from, but he accepts that as well. He also is quite questionable with some of lifes basic rituals and morals.


OOC: When shall we begin the RP?

+ This kind of remids me of Lost, except in the more fantasy, more fate kind of way xD

The Midnight Channel

My Photoshop Just Died TT_TT
Jan 18, 2006
OOC: I guess stiky missed her alarm XD. Well Im ready for her to post her first one whenever =]


New member
Mar 11, 2005
A happy universe filled with bunnies.
OOC: I obviously fail at being on time. XD
But you can start now! I'm just gonna post my character template here for posterity, so if anyone wants to go at it, then postity post post! Let's get this crazy party started! :D

(And thank you again, for being patient. ^__^;)

Now to Tango with a Mango. :D

Name: Alexa Morgance
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Race: Human
Time Period: Present Day
Home World: Modern Earth, specifically in Seattle, Washington, USA.

Weapons: None
Powers: She can turn any picture, doodle, drawing, painting, sculpture, ect, that she herself created into a real-life thing. For example, if she sketched a picture of a bat, she could make it come alive off the page. It would still look like something someone sketched, however.
Items: Her sketchbook and pencil. She also has a bag to put them in.

She's got a pretty cheerful personality. She's imaginative, creative, and pretty clever if you give her enough time to think. Around people she's light, bubbly, and happy, but in a quiet sort of way. Around boy's she's totally independent--after all, it's not like she needs some male to make her life worth living, right? She's polite to people she doesn't know, and is very patient besides.
Strength: She isn't scared of anything (with the exception mentioned below). Spiders? They're okay. Snakes? Nifty. Heights? Not a problem. Suspended on an old bridge over a boiling lake of acid? A little worrisome, but nothing to be afraid of.
Weakness: The only thing she IS afraid of, is fire. She has an irrational and overwhelming fear of flames of any kind, because of her death. If there's a candle burning in the room, she'll stay as far away from it as she can, even pulling other people away a bit as well sometimes. If it's a larger flame, she might start to freak out or go into a sort of mental shock for a while. Fire is very traumatizing for her.
Death: She burned to death in an unfortunate Gas Station accident.

Bio: She lived a pretty normal life. She went to elementary school, made some friends, played happy childhood games, and so on. Highschool was much the same as it would be for any other highschooler. Reports, boys, getting a job, looking for volunteer work and joining sports only to look good to colleges, and so on. Sometime during highschool, she was just doodling in the middle of math class and was able to, while she wasn't really thinking about it, pull a scribble off the page and make it tumble across the desk.
She had no idea how she did it, or why she'd never been able to do it before, but after a bit more experimentation in the comfort of her own securely locked room, she found that she could bring all sorts of her art to life. But after almost setting a 4-foot tall monster (she couldn't find any bigger paper) on her brother and almost locking herself in her own landscape painting, she decided it was best if no one knew.
She was suddenly very secretive, and her relationships suffered a bit. Eventually she opened back up to other people a bit because she was sure she wouldn’t be found out, but the damage had been done to her family. Her mother and she had been having a spiraling relationship ever since that day. Eventually, right before her highschool graduation, they had a falling-out. The reason that triggered it? Her mom wanted her to go to a technical college or become a lawyer. Alexa had her heart set on an Art's college. Funny, such little things bring out the worst in all of us?
She left home as soon as she could. She got a car and left for her college, but she never got there, ironically enough. She got caught in a horrible accident involving a gas station and lots of explosions. Stuck inside the building, she burned to death and nothing was left but the remains of her body and a couple of loose sketches that had escaped the flame.

Other: Her favorite class is art, and her least favorite class is Gym. She's not a physically fit person--it's all brains, really.

Hazen Gregory

doWnloAd ProgoNOSKES 99% cOMplETeD
May 10, 2006
Galbatorix Zeal rolled over and opened his eyes half expexcting ot be on some table in a lab again. Then Galbatorix remembered. He was dead. He'd been blown away.....literally. The sky didn't look quite right. It seemed like something out of a daydream he'd once had. Then Galbatorix yawned and stood up. There was a sea in front of him and it could only be described as beautiful.

With all the advances in Tethe'alla, there was no need for open water sources anymore., so a body of water was fascinating to him. "Where am I?? What is this place?? Am I really dead??" He began to ask himself these questions over and over while touching the spot on his chest that should have a very large hole. None of this made any sense at all.........even if he was still alive, who were all of the people lying on the ground?? Some of them appeared to be coming to, but they might be dangerous. Anyone of them could be waiting to kill him as he walked by. "What if this is a trap??". Galbatorix said aloud.

There was only one thing on his mind now......survival. For that he was going to need power, and his own. Galbatorix turned towards the sparkling water and moved his hand up. A swell of water rose up and came crashing down onto the beach, getting some of the people..if that's what they were wet. He sighed, "I should be able to create a tidal wave with my telekinesis, but it looks like my powers have weakened.......oh well. I worry about this later." It looked as if someone else was getting up a few feet away from him..........


Vampire Fish
Jan 1, 2005
Fleet Street
The first thing she heard was water. The rushing sound of deep, salty tides rushing up onto a bed of sand was a familiar, soothing sound. It made her want to prolong her slumber and just drift back into that hovering, unchartable darkness. The smell of salt drifted up her nostrils, which she was just begining to realize were awfully itchy.

Still refusing to open her eye lids, her lashes fluttering every few seconds, Nox brought her hand up to her face to brush away the countless grains of sand. A mewl slid up from her throat as the sand stuck to her hands, clinging to her flesh like a dillouted blanket. She liked sand as much as the next guy, but the way the grains stuck to her and got everywhere just irked her already cranky attitude. "Freakin' sand..."

Opening her eyes, bleary and subdued, she realized that the last time she recalled being able to see was in a bleak white room. She remembered the straps that held her arms down and the way they turned her skin raw with friction as she thrashed. Spinning around, half expecting to see a syringe spring from the calm atmosphere, Nox sat up into an Indian style position. Her slender brows were furrowed in suspicion as her molten amber eyes scanned the area. Since when was there a beach here?

Suddenly, a dark wave of despair broke over her, the crest enveloping her upper torso. "Thats right. I died." Her eyes darkened with sorrow and fury, sadness at losing the life she loved and fury at the miserable excuse for a homicidal doctor. Flipping her arm over, she could see on the sensetive flesh that there was still a small, pin-point puncture wound. The feeling of metal sliding into her delicate flesh and puncturing the series of veins made her sick. Yet, she was too itchy to be sick...

"FREAKIN' SAND!" Her voice was loud, loud as it had been in life, and she didn't care that she shreiked that out for the whole afterlife to hear. Brushing at her hands like a maniac, she stood up and began kicking the endless phlanx of sand. "Yeah, take THAT," She snarled kicking at the sand, but promptly falling back, her shoes sinking into that ever so ruthless sand.

"Death shouldn't be this uncomfortable...," She groaned, a pout forming on her flushed face. "Nor so SANDY." She glared at said assailant before crawling towards the water like some crab. Gingerly dipping one finger into the dull green waters, she found it to be quite refreshing. Nox hated the cold and she detested cold water, but despite her dislike of cold water, she would go in anyway. Spewing lines of profanity as she went. "So, this is the afterlife?" Her eyes swallowed the landscape, noticing just how like her home it was. Less vibrant and busy, but there was a certain curtain of emptiness hanging over the sky.

Dipping her feet into the cool water, she strode out a few yards, letting the water break against her legs. She didn't have to remove her clothes, for there seemed to be no waves in this serene, yet somewhat boring ocean. Breathing in the scent of the sea, Nox remembered the times as a child when she and her family had gone to the beach. She'd been small the first time, and without thinking she'd rushed out into the surf, waves breaking over her delicate little cranium. She missed those days.

With her decreasing hope, the temperature seemed to drop as well. For a moment, a dull scarlet aura pulsed around her body, turning the water a diseased orange. Her body emitted some form of heat, which bubbled around her knees, warming the water encompassing her. "Wait a second..." Her eyes grew wide, some flicker of hope glistening near the corner of her iris. "If this is death...then maybe Aara is.." Swiveling around in the water, looking for signs of intelligent life, Nox had half a mind to shout out, "WILL THE REAL HUMAN-WITCH, PLEASE STAND UP!"

Feeling the weight of her chakram against her thigh and the light gravitation of her necklace, Nox knew that she brought some part of her with her when she died. Hopefully her pyrokinesis as well. Glancing at the beach, the white sand marred by a few pieces of driftwood, Nox glared at the wood. In an instant, a bright blue flame erputed from the splinters, towering towards the depressed sky.

"THANKYEW!" She yelled, spinning around in joy, a wave of flames enveloping her body, but her skin did not blister.

Hazen Gregory

doWnloAd ProgoNOSKES 99% cOMplETeD
May 10, 2006
Galbatorix rolled his eyes as he looked at show the girl was putting on. How could someone be so happy about being dead?? What was wrong with people these days?? He started briskly walking towards her, but slowed down when she used some form of power to burst driftwood on the beach into flames. "Geez what am I getting myself into?? Hopefully she isn't hostile..."

He wrapped himself in a shell on telekinetic energy just in case and continued walking until he reached her. Galbatorix has never been good with any kind of females and this would prove no different. "Umm hi.......I'm Galbatorix Zeal." He noticed the look of satisfaction on her face, but wasn't going to go any closer due to fact that she was surrounded by flames.


shoot dope frig the cops
Dec 13, 2005
As he opened his eyes, Leon "Taz" Horando realized what he was lying in. Something he hadn't felt since he was about two years old. A very, very clear memory.

He was laying in sand.

He jerked his head upwards, half-expecting to be at the Farin Beach, but, instead, he was greeted by an unfarmiliar environment. The ocean didn't seem to be the same colour as the water he'd known when he was alive. It was a blueish-green, instead of the pure blue he loved.

"That's right. . . I died. But, where am I? And how long has it been since I died?", he thought to himself, almost as if a voice would tell him the answers. But, alas, he didn't recieve the answers he craved. Sighing, he looked around. There were others here.

"Well, wherever I am, I'd better check it out. . . maybe I'll find something, or someone that can tell me where I am." he murmured, and stood up. He looked at his arm; a few static volts emitted from it, but they subsided quickly. His eye scanned around; it didn't read anything. "Is it broken?" he wondered in thought, but just shrugged it off.

He could see a jungle nearby, and further away, a. . . city? Yes, it appeared to be like that. It even looked somewhat like Noriwan, like his home. He felt tears well up in his eyes, but he fought back the urge to cry, and walked towards the ocean. Leon wondered what it was; was it actual water?

He touched it with his hand. It didn't feel real, but, it felt strangely like water, just. . . different. Leon couldn't put his finger on what exactly could be different about water, but he just shrugged. Turning around, he suddenly felt weight on his back.

Cocking his head over his shoulder, he saw the handle, and a part of his Blast Blade. "Well. . . I guess I kept this thing with me when I died? I thought that you lost all materials, except your clothes, when you died. Well. . . that's what the stories were anyways." he said aloud.

"Maybe I kept my speed and jumping? I hope so. . .", he said, and quickly appeared twenty feet away. "Yep, I sure did." he grinned widely. He jumped up twenty-five metres, and landed with a soft thud on the sand. "Kept that one too." he said, his smile widening further.

"I guess I'd better explore this place a bit further. . .", he said, and he ran towards the jungle, darting between people. A few of them gasped, others sighed, and a few yelled at him. He was running at about seventy-five miles per hour, about 40% of his full speed. He neared the jungle. . . when, he looked behind him. He noticed a girl light a log on fire, and a man approach her.

"Maybe they have some answers?" he wondered aloud, and turned around quickly, running back towards the beach. "This place really sucks. . . I wish I was still alive. . . ", he thought, and felt pain in his heart when he remembered Maria. He continued towards the two, as quick as he could at the moment. He sped up to ninety miles per hour, and suddenly, realised he was going too fast to stop. "This isn't going to be good. . . ", he thought.

He neared them, and skidded to halt before them, kicking up sand as he did. It floated into the water, making very, very soft spalshes. He smiled. "Hello. My name is Leon Horando, but you can call me Taz." he said to the girl, and the man, extending a hand to the man. He looked, and also noticed a man, seemingly about to wake up. "Hey, are you alright?" he called to him.

OOC: I hope this is okay. ^_^
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New member
Jun 2, 2004
In that place where I cook things
Jon sat up on the soft and sandy beach. His shirt hung on his shoulder as he breathed softly. He could hear the not so distant sounds of the ocean. Another simulation, let's see then. He tried to get up, but still felt a little wozy. Lets see. What was the scenario for this simulation? As he looked around, something was wrong. He noticed that he still had sand hanging onto his sweaty palms, the sky did not twitch with glitches in the system, and the smell was absolutely genuine. He was almost lost in the sweet aroma of the sea, when he snapped himself out of it.

That's right. The vitamin input had killed me. That's why the alarm sounded while the test were happening. He sat down, crossing his legs, looking at his hands, and noticing that he was just fine. Wait, this is wrong. The government wouldn't throw me outside if i had died. It is strict procedure to burn any evidence of highly advanced experiments. Perhaps i was now considered common. No no, that doesn't fit either. They wouldn't let me out into the world. He looked back at the plains. It was quite vast, most definately a specticle to behold. He stood again and noticed that his pants were hanging down a bit as tough something were pulling on them. He reached into his back pocket, and was astonished to find his dagger inside.

There's no way I can be dead. Every professor there had taught me that the brain no longer functions when death takes over. It must be a dream. But then again, it's too real. He took his dagger and made a small cut into his thumb. He could feel the knife sinking in. He stopped and walked to the water to put his wound in. He winced a bit as the salt water went into his open wound. This is real. There is no doubt about this anymore. He began to walk the vast white sanded beach near the water, thinking of what to do next. No orders. This will be my first time on my own. All I can do now is..... He stopped and looked out to the vast sea. He looked at it as though he were trying to see something. His fist clenched to his sides as he thought. I must survive now. I must survive so that i may figure out all that has happened. Once that is done I will go back and serve my purpose.

Jon continued to walk, thinkging he could see someone else lying on the ground.

The Midnight Channel

My Photoshop Just Died TT_TT
Jan 18, 2006
Terran awoke with his feet dipped in cool water. He slowly sat up grains of sand falling of of him. He opened his eyes and yawned slightly. A giant ammount of the most beautiful water he has ever seen stretched before him. He took a small ammount in his hand and drank. It was perhaps one of the most
vile things he had put in his mouth. It tasted strangely like salt, yet showed no sign of having salt in it.

Suddenly a woman's voice yelled rather nearby. Infact less than ten feet. "WILL THE REAL HUMAN-WITCH, PLEASE STAND UP!" she yelled. This was to be the first thing he heard on this side? Well it wasn't much to his liking already.

He deicieded to let her be for now, and just attepmt to figure out where he was. Two white haired men were walking towards her. Another man was slowly himself towards Terran. He stood up himself, and walked towards the man.

"Hello sir. I am Terran Stromrider, Commander Magus. May I ask who you are?" Terran said in his calm tone. Terran simply met halfway with the man... creature... whatever it was. He awaited an answer as he looked up towards him.

[OOC:] I may reply later, but I have to go watch a movie with my mom. I will be back in about an hour.
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New member
Jun 2, 2004
In that place where I cook things
Jon looked at the person who had adressed him. Sir? That's the title I was always told to give anyone else male that I encounter. What do I do now? He took a closer observation, looking at his features. Short, but still looks somewhat human. His hair is.....blue? He almost felt threatened at his appearence, but soon remembered that he was without anyone else around here.

Perhaps he could tell me about where I am, or maybe why I was placed here and taken out of my military facility. Jon cleared his throat and stood attention. "My birth name is Jon Kilyu. I am new here, though I am not certain as to why I am here. Could you perhaps inform me as to where we are Commander?" He felt that was as good a greeting as any in his mind.
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Vibrant Fervor

Bronze Member
Jun 14, 2005
Somewhere over the raindow
Meanwhile, in the universe known as the Magian Domain, a giant figure known as Magia appears in the front of Planet Suptechnia. Magia looked around at the billions of planets and said in a god-like voice” It’s been five billion years since I created this massive wonder I call the Magian Domain. I have watched year after year civilizations come and go and populations sky rocket. I have seen many villains try to take control but failed. I have met the heroes who defended this universe time after time. However, what make me angry is that you are trying to replace me with machines . There is only enough room for one God and that is me. You all have come too advance for your own good and it is time to return this universe back to what it was five billion years ago. Once I cast my spell, all living things will not exist anymore which includes spirits.
Big Crunch!!!”

The universe began collapsing and all matter clumped together into a massive large sphere with Magia in the middle of it.Purg woke up and found himself on a mysterious beach located in some kind of dream world. Purg got up and said to himself,” What in the world is this place and why am I here? Am I died or still alive in what seems to be the dimension of Imaginasha? It can’t be because the universe was destroyed by its own creator. since that happened, I should not exist yet I do so was I speared or am I inanother universe?” Purg started to walk around avoiding the water and he noticed many people just as confused as him.
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New member
Mar 11, 2005
A happy universe filled with bunnies.
OOC: You know, she never actually said, "WILL THE REAL HUMAN-WITCH, PLEASE STAND UP." She just said she'd like to say it. ~

The first thing she noticed? It was cold and wet.
Her second thought was something along the lines of, 'why the hell is there water all over my mattress?' and then something like, 'The blankets must've been shoved to the end of the bed. It's freezing...'

Without bothering to open her eyes, she reached down her body for the quilt. But she felt nothing but air and her own damn clothing. Then she reached down and was surprised when her hand met something grainy. Something wet and grainy. Like wet sand.

Then she opened her eyes and realized that she wasn't in her bed, but on a sandy beach, her body half-submerged in the tide. This realization made her jolt into a sitting position. She looked around, quite surprised, at her surroundings. The landscape looked like something out of a dream, and the other people on the beach looked, for the most part, like cosplayers from some sort of Anime convention.

"Nnng... What the hell did I hit my head on...?" she mumbled to herself, holding her head in a hand. She had a headache. She honestly wondered for a moment if this was some sort of Senior prank that she had ended up in the middle of. Ha ha, very funny.

Then the chick next to her was suddenly on fire.

Her memories returned to her in a flash. The flame, the building, the noise... She remembered everything. The pain, the screaming... She was... She had...

Dead. She was dead.

She squeaked in fear and scrambled backwards, away from the fire. She didn't care if she was getting deeper into the freakish green water, she needed to get as far away from that flame as humanly possible. The girl seemed perfectly fine with being surrounded by fire, but Alexa was positively terrified.

Somewhere in the process of moving backwards, she fell on her back and realized that there was something in her lap. She sat up again, and after a quick glance to see if the fire was coming closer, she saw that it was a bag. Her bag, from back on Earth. She hugged it close to her, thankful that it was dry, and backed up a little more for good measure.

There was someone approaching the girl. Why weren't either of them getting burned? She bumped into something behind her during her backwards approach. She spun around only to find herself looking up at a very tall... Something that looked like several animals and a person all mixed into one. He was talking to a very short man with bright blue hair. She scrambled up onto her feet and said,

"S-sorry! I didn't mean to run into you, I just--" she looked around at the flame in a paranoid fashion, then scooted herself behind the two men so that they were between her and anything burning.

"Please don't move until the fire's gone..." she pleaded quietly, looking at flaming girl all the while.

OOC: I hope Jon's in his animal form, or else I feel silly and should fix the description immediately. ^__^;


shoot dope frig the cops
Dec 13, 2005
Jon looked at the person who had adressed him. Sir? That's the title I was always told to give anyone else male that I encounter. What do I do now? He took a closer observation, looking at his features. A scar. Normally a sign of strength or success in battle. His arm is also quite strange, are those wires? Must be part of some new robotics project. He almost felt threatened at his appearence, but soon remembered that he was without anyone else around here.

Perhaps he could tell me about where I am, or maybe why I was placed here and taken out of my military facility. Jon cleared his throat and stood attention. "My birth name is Jon Kilyu. I am new here, though I am not certain as to why I am here. Could you perhaps inform me as to where we are Commander?" He felt that was as good a greeting as any in his mind.

OOC: Are you talking to me? Because I didn't approach you. . .

But, if you are, I'll edit >_>

I'll edit this post after this is cleared up.

Sorry if you think this is spam. ^_^

EDIT #1: I edited my first post, so you might want to check it out, BMAP. =D

The Midnight Channel

My Photoshop Just Died TT_TT
Jan 18, 2006
OOC: He was talking to me... I think he accidently mixed us up.

"Madame, are you okay?" Terran said strangly as she scrambled across the sand. She hid behind Terran and this dear Jon man. He looked back at Jon to say "I'm sorry. I don't know where we are. That was simply my status before I died..."

Terran turned back to the lady. Her face showed severe terror. Was it because of Jon? Because he looked quite beastly, yet seemed gentle. Or maybe because of the woman on fire?

"If you tell me whats wrong, I can try and help you." Terran leaned over as he spoke, extending his tiny hand in comparison to everyone else's.


New member
Jun 2, 2004
In that place where I cook things
((OOC: Don't worry everyone, i am in my animal form. And i was talking to Frozen Inferno))

"I see. You have died." He began to stroke his chin.He died as well he says? That can't be right.....

Jon looked down at the scared women, then realized what his mistake was. Dang. Rule one. When out in public, remain in human form. Well, not much to do about it now. He slowly began to make himself revert back into his human form. His fur seemed to meld into one with his skin, his tail shrinking til it was no longer there. Though he still held his same height, he held out a hand to the young lady.

"Forgive me ma'am. I am.....new to being in this environment. May I help you up?" I believe ma'am is the correct term.


Mar 8, 2006
Deep in the hundred acre wood where Christopher Ro
Haruka woke up on a sandy beach. She looked around and saw some figures. "... what the hell is this-- oh...right...Emeth..." she stood up. And she saw the flame. AND the person burnt in it. "Oh my gosh, is this somekind of prank?? If it is, this is definitely NOT a nice one..." she thought.She's just not the fantasy type.Oh well, nevertheless... she peeked into the charm she got chained on her neck. "AND WHAT THE HELL DID YOU PUT IN MY AMULET DAD???" She yelled as she saw the..."thing" in the amulet her dad gave her. She finally have a chance to peek in it, and now she regrets it.

"Man, if this is death i shouldn't have learn that algebra-thingy or whatever..." She mourned slowly before she saw some figures... a little bit faraway. Those figures looks like some animals, mixed up with human--except a few of them. Well, she is a mix of human and dragon clan but...

She walked closer to them, want to ask about their identity and whatsoever, but when she approached them, she accidentally stepped on...midget something. It got blue hair. "Eh? What's...this? S-sorry! I..i didn't see you..." then she snapped out of it and remembered her main objective of approaching these...'people'. "Oh, i nearly forgot... my name's Haruka...what are your names? And if any of you know...where is this?"

The Midnight Channel

My Photoshop Just Died TT_TT
Jan 18, 2006
Being kicked was less fun then it sounded. Another person, didn't noticehim, and she also convientently left his foot on him. It hurt, but he just crossed his arms and looked up at her. Sh reliezed what she had done, and apologized. She introduced herself.

"Hello Haruka. We're trying to help out this terrified woman." Terran returned to trying to help the woman return from a near tramautized state. He then remembered one thing and looked up. "And next time please avoid stepping on people. It's much more painful than it looks." Terran kept on trying, but it was to no avail.

"I'll stay with her." Terran stated, going into his old Military self. "One of you please go check on the woman on fire. If nesacarry splash some of that vile liquid on her." Terran sank down into a sitting cross legger on the ground. He closed his eyes, going into deep thought. He was still tired, and he remembered wakeing up for a mere second to see the sword in him. And to see the traitor smiling at him. He truly was dissapointed in his sister for that.


Darkrooms and safelights
Mar 19, 2005
Sitting inside the viewfinder of a camera, watchin
Alcheraa didn't have an ocean.

It was pure metropolis, smelling of stray magic and smoke and metal and people. There was no sea, no beach.

So why, when she sat up, was there sand sticking to the side of her cheek where she had lain and white grains threaded into her hair, and why where the tips of her boots damp from the gentle brush of clear waves?

Aara rubbed the side of her face and shook out her auburn hair, scattering sand. She blinked, looking around with an odd mixture of sorrowful anger and puzzlement in her grey eyes, though she wasn't immediately sure why.

Her fingers absently dug into the paler sand beneath her hands, raking her nails through tiny bits of sun-bleached shell. Lifting one hand from her ministrations, she shielded her eyes from the day's glare and turned towards the horizon, where lances of sunlight glittered off of several kinds of spire-like edifices. Like knives of cold ice thrust into the sky, like the glint of light on a dagger's edge, and that was the last thing she remembered before the darkness.

Aara inhaled sharply, bringing her hand down to her neck, tracing the edges of a scar. Her birthday, the break-in, the dagger through her throat.

Her death.

Colder than the touch of the crytalline waves around her was the knowledge that she had been killed.

"I'm ... dead," she choked out bleakly, gaze unfocused as she registered it as a fact, while still praying fervently that this was just a terrible nightmare, that she'd wake up warm in her bed with a tear-stained pillow.

But if there was one thing she never did in life, she would never do in death; and that was deny the inevitable. She was dead, there was no waking up.

Aara curled into a tighter sitting position, clenching her eyes against the salty sting behind them. A single sob broke out, cut off as she bit her lip.

I've left everyone behind.

The sorrow threatened to well up in her, but she pushed it ruthlessly down. She'd had her brief bout of despair, but she wasn't going to sink in it. This was ... the afterlife, after all. It was bright, sunny, even beautiful, and not the terrifying darkness that she had dreaded ever since she had seen the flicker of lamplight on a cold blade.

The redhead stretched out her legs, uncircling her arms from her knees. As she stood up, she became aware of something small and heavy moving against her back. Reaching one hand behind her head, her fingers felt into the folds of her hood, stopping as they touched against smooth scales. Grief and relief, both flared and faded in Aara's face as her little draconic familiar, Sylph, shifted out of the protective cloth and fluttered on her human friend's shoulder. Her black eyes were blinking furiously, her white wings trembling in distress. She didn't like it here, and Aara was upset. She didn't like that either.

Aara stroked the little dragon's swaying head, murmuring reassurances. She recalled how the first stray dagger had speared Sylph through, and sure enough, a faint scar marked her hide.

"Sorry, little one," she sighed. "We're not going back home."

Sylph cocked her head a few times, calmer now but still with the traces of fear coloring her persona. Shivering, she flapped up and lighted on top of Aara's reddish head, curling up in her accustomed perch. Even in death, life went on.

And ... she was not alone. Farther down the beach, there were a few figures. But none stood out so clearly to her as the smallest one, wreathed in flames, spinning along the beach like a carefree fire fairy.

Aara swallowed against the lump in her throat as a faint, yet unmistakable voice reached her ears. Her Anima, riding on the waves of her torrential emotions, rushed through her veins and made her skin tingle ominously.

And then she was running down the beach, crashing through the tips of the waves, sending sparkling drops of water around her legs. Already enveloping her, she didn't need to call forth her Anima as she approached the flames.

"Ward!" she cried, knowing that it would work, not even worried as she plunged into the flickering fire. As expected, the spell she had conjured worked so well that she barely felt the flame's heat as she crashed into the figure within them, hugging the younger girl tightly.

"Noxie, I'm so sorry!" she said without loosening her grip. She couldn't believe that the girl who had grown up like a little sister had died, her life-spark extinguished. "Oh Nox, what happened?"
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