Well we have a reassured US release, that's for sure.But yeah, I'm just happy that we are pretty much reassured that we'll have a US/UK release
Well we have a reassured US release, that's for sure.But yeah, I'm just happy that we are pretty much reassured that we'll have a US/UK release
Well we have a reassured US release, that's for sure.
You now remember what most have forgotten*. Use it wisely, my child.Does the UK use different voice actors? Because I wouldn't see why they wouldn't release the game if it was practica....... *remembers Re:CoM*
You now remember what most have forgotten*. Use it wisely, my child.
*I thought that was pretty clever since the game had Sora and co. forget their memories 8D
I'm sure the PS4 will be backwards compatible anyway.
Hopefully in the beginning it will, but if the PS3 is any indication, that won't last long -__-
The PS3 backwards compatibility issues were due to the terrible PS2 emulator they put into the system. The hardware was expensive to produce, so it was removed. PS3 is not an indicator of anything.
A PS3 emulator on PS4 should realistically be a lot cheaper and work a lot better. If Sony wants to build a strong user base for the PS4, they would have to include backwards compatibility. Considering the uproar it caused with the PSV not being able to play UMDs, this would be a positive thing for the PS4.
Why would it be cheaper and work better?
I really hope Sony realizes that it's better of having backwards compatibility than without it. I'm actually surprised they haven't made something to allow people who own a PSV or even a PSPGo to stream their UMDs to the gadgets, maybe it's too expensive to do so.
Well, for one, it's assumed that the PS4 will work with Blu-Rays as well. This alone would make backwards compatibility a lot easier.
Well yeah, but I doubt the different format really had was that big of a problem seeing the ps3 can play DVDs as well.
It has nothing to do with the format. It has much more to do with the architecture of the PS4. If it's really different (and rumour has it that it is) it will be really hard to emulate PS3 games on it. PS2 games will be doable, if Sony is willing to do so. A solution like including PS3 parts inside PS4 is probably a no-go, since it would drive up the price.
Anyway, we know that Sony has been working on and thinking about backward compatibility add-ons, which would allow you to play PS2 games on the PS3 or PS3 games on the PS4 without having to buy the entire console.
Another possibility is that somehow Sony will utilise Gaikai's streaming features to provide backwards compatibility.
I'm voting on the add-on.
Does the UK use different voice actors? Because I wouldn't see why they wouldn't release the game if it was practica....... *remembers Re:CoM*
Anyway, we know that Sony has been working on and thinking about backward compatibility add-ons, which would allow you to play PS2 games on the PS3 or PS3 games on the PS4 without having to buy the entire console.
That is what I was wondering if they were going to do. Even if they did remove the PS2 backward compatibility feature because it was too costly, I don't see how they couldn't have made a cheaper one all this time later at the rate technology improves, which they clearly are thinking of based on the add-on they patented. However, I haven't heard anything about that recently and I know Sony patents a lot of things that never come to fruition so I really am hoping they make something for PS2 games, perhaps they are saving it for the PS4.