I like everything inside the box, but it always confuses me as to why Square seems insistent upon using slate grays. The box itself just looks so unremarkable. They could have made it a nice, deep blue or something, even a classic black and white design, but it's always this same timid steel pattern. It's for this same reason that I have no interest in the special Dream Drop Distance 3DS.
I also feel that they should have a less expensive version of the box with just DDD as a game, not Days and re:Coded, that way everyone wouldn't have to go through the hassle of returning games and trying to balance out the price that way. Most of the people who will be seriously considering purchasing this box are existing KH fans who have those titles already. I'm not sure why Square felt it was necessary to include them, in the first place, but it would be nice to see an alternative provided.
All that said, I would probably buy this if it came here and I was looking to drop that much money. The postcards would go well with my Days' cards and the 3DS cover is at least something a little bit unique.