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New Picture Of Braig.

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spams bombs, not posts
Dec 22, 2007
I was fairly certain that it was Braig. However, I'm not liking that scarf-thing all too much, even if boy scouts wasn't the first thing to come to mind. I mean, it wasn't for the attire, I might think otherwise. After all, seeing the crossbow-like thing and the bandanna-like scarf thing, if it wasn't for his attire, I'd link him to a cowboy long before a boy scout. Think about it.. if you change his outfit into a cowboy outfit and replaced the crossbow with a six shooter.. and maybe re-add the eye-patch. Hell, even with the crossbow instead of a six-shooter, he looks a bit cowboy-ish imo.


New member
Aug 6, 2008
So, it is Braig. Glad that's cleared up. I thought so but wasn't sure. Now we need to find out who the other character is from that scan.

He seems like he'll be really important in BBS. Good, I like him and his sarcastic personality.

He also kinda looks like Auron.


The Smiling Man
Staff member
Feb 14, 2006
Re: New Picture Of Briag.

Maleficent invades 9 years before KH1, yes, but there is nowhere at all that states Xehanort had cleared out before Maleficent arrived. We know that Xehanort must have opened the door before Maleficent arrived, because she brought Heartless with her, but we don't know that Xehanort definitely concluded everything in that one year.

Xemnas was the one that banished Ansem, so, at the least, we know Xehanort had become a Heartless and Nobody before Maleficent took over. Also, had Maleficent took over somewhere in the middle of the ARs timeline, I'm sure Xehanort would have written something about it, especially due to the fact that he created the Heartless.

Another thing is that Xehanort never explains how he came to be an existence of only the Heart. His reports jump straight from sending Kairi out to Destiny Islands to him stating "I have transcended to an existence of only the heart."

The two reports were written by two people, the first being Xehanort and the second XH. If XH really doesn't have memories and is using the ARs as his memories, then he wouldn't have been able to say how he became to be, as it happened while he was Xehanort and Xehanort never wrote it down.

Because he goes on to say that he should have become a Heartless, it can be assumed this happened upon being attacked by the Heartless, likely those brought by Maleficent.

Why? XH didn't become a Heartless, so I don't see why this would be tagged at the same time of Maleficent's arrival.

2. Maleficent attacked Radiant Garden 9 years before KH1.

Actually, Leon and Cid said that was when they lost their world, not when it was attacked. Also, from how it sounded, it happened in one day.

Where did it ever say that all of that MUST have happened BEFORE Maleficent attacked?

The fact that Kairi was still present at RG, and didn't escape like everyone else, would imply that, at least, AR11 happened before Maleficent's take over. Then, in AR12, we see Xehanort become a "heartless". Since it was Xemnas who banished Ansem, it would mean AR12 happened before Maleficent's take over as well.

Grace Assassian said:
Were that the case, it gives better incentive, imo, to hire some muscle and not use your own apprentices for protection.

Might not have been anyone else that could be good guards.
Hell, Braig, Dilan, and Aeleus could have volunteered to be guards. Judging from how Xigbar acts, I could see Braig volunteering.

Putting said apprentices in the front line of potential danger jeopardizes that purpose.

Like I said, might not have been anyone else that could have done it.

You could argue that he's doing that because he can afford to (what with Even and Ienzo to rely on should the others perish), but that just begs the question of why the guards are even apprentices in the first place (since they do, after all, have apprentices already working behind the lines).

They might not have been initially guards. Like I said, they might have only become guards recently due to recent activity.

Igshar said:
Also, has it ever even been said how the lot of them lost their Hearts?

I believe Ansem said they walked through the door to the heart of the world.

It's possible they became Heartless/Nobodies after the invasion reached the castle.

Except Xemnas banished Ansem.

Kairi is the same age as Sora, and the scene in the trailer when Terra is watching Sora and Riku play together, Sora seems to be 6-8 years old.

Sora looked four to me and Riku five...

Igshar said:
How you make it seem, Maleficent invaded Radiant Garden and took it over overnight.

Well, Cid did say:

Cid said:
One day, a swarm of Heartless took over our world!

Plus, considering we are dealing with Heartless, I really doubt the citizens of RG could do much to oppose them.

I highly doubt this would happen, especially if its the world from which many Final Fantasy characters hail. Cloud, Cid, Squall, Aerith, Sephiroth, Tifa, etc, etc all were there.

All of which were nine years younger and probably didn't have the means to fight a whole army of Heartless.

You're saying they'd just stand there and let the Heartless run rampant?

No, more likely they got the hell out of there.

Memory Master

Gold Member
Nov 28, 2008
Re: New Picture Of Briag.

How you make it seem, Maleficent invaded Radiant Garden and took it over overnight. I highly doubt this would happen, especially if its the world from which many Final Fantasy characters hail. Cloud, Cid, Squall, Aerith, Sephiroth, Tifa, etc, etc all were there. You're saying they'd just stand there and let the Heartless run rampant? Yeah, Squall fled due to feeling powerless to stop them, but it doesn't mean they didn't try and, subsequently, slow down the attack. Without Keyblades, they couldn't stop the attack, but they could have slowed it.

Maleficent also set up her group in Villains' Vale, not the Castle, so it's possible she didn't take over the Castle itself right away. You're being far too closed-minded about this.

And as for not recognizing them, when is there anything at all saying whether she does or does not recognize them? :\ Also, according to everything I said, I never even said Maleficent would have met any of them, only that her Heartless would have seen and consumed them all, including Xehanort.

Okay I am just going to explain this with a timeline.

Here are the events from begining to end as I understand them to have happened over the course of the year between BBS and the heartless invasion of HB:

1. Ansem the wise finds young Xehanort and brings him to the castle. Soon he makes Xehanort an apprentice.
2. Ansem begins his research on the darkness of the heartless and Xehanort volunteers to be his firts subject.
3. Xehanort and the other apprentices become corrupted with experimenting with darkness.
4. Mickey arrives in RG and speaks to Ansem the wise, Ansem ends his research. Xehanort however continues his research in private along with the other apprentices.
5. Xehanort sends Kairi to DI to find the keyblade master.
6. Xehanort and the apprentices dive into darkness becoming nobodies, afterwards they return to RG.
7. Ansem discovers Xehanort's/Xemnas' secret research and confronts him, leading Xemnas to sending Ansem into the realm of nothingness.
8. Xemnas and the others allow the heartless to overrun RG while they go to TWTNW to continue their research and form Organization XIII. Leon and the others are forced to leave their world on Cid's Gummi Ship due to the overwhelming number of heartless.
9. Maleficent arrives soon after and renames the world Hollow Bastion setting up her base here.

That is how the events went during the year between BBS and the heartless invasion as I understand it.


New member
Nov 13, 2009
They hadnt actually given him a weapon thats why his was released after the others.

I know, I know, because there wasn't a fight with him iin the original CoM ^^°
I'm just curious and impatient, that's all xD""


Oct 23, 2007
The realm of Sleep
So, it is Braig. Glad that's cleared up. I thought so but wasn't sure. Now we need to find out who the other character is from that scan.

He seems like he'll be really important in BBS. Good, I like him and his sarcastic personality.

He also kinda looks like Auron.

I betcha the other person is Ven, cuz we have already seen ven being stopped by Dilan and Ealaus(how the hell do u spell this mans name!) so he might have beaten them and infiltrated, but Braig apparently finds the intruder and stops them. Remember that Ven in his bio and other pics that he always gets himself into trouble(something like that) and well....now we know how Xigibar got the scars on his face. Of course Terra could be the person since in the beginning trailers we have seen the 2 talking where the 1000 heartless battle took place. I'm anxious 2 see who iz the person Braig iz trying to stop.:35:
May 16, 2007
Re: New Picture Of Briag.

Might not have been anyone else that could be good guards.
Hell, Braig, Dilan, and Aeleus could have volunteered to be guards. Judging from how Xigbar acts, I could see Braig volunteering.

Like I said, might not have been anyone else that could have done it.
They might not have been initially guards. Like I said, they might have only become guards recently due to recent activity.

In an entire world populace, AtW could not find someone suitable or at least potentially suitable for the position of a guard aside from his own apprentices?


?The Jack of all Trades?
May 22, 2007
Fillory and further~
The two reports were written by two people, the first being Xehanort and the second XH. If XH really doesn't have memories and is using the ARs as his memories, then he wouldn't have been able to say how he became to be, as it happened while he was Xehanort and Xehanort never wrote it down.
Effectively the same person, also he kept all of his memories. He stated as much. He simply never explained how it happened. See below.

Why? XH didn't become a Heartless, so I don't see why this would be tagged at the same time of Maleficent's arrival.
"I have transcended to an existence of only the heart. I should have come back as a Heartless, but there is no sign of such a transformation.
My body has surely perished. However, I am different from the other Heartless, keeping the memories of before, and I have not taken on the form of a Heartless. "

The fact that Kairi was still present at RG, and didn't escape like everyone else, would imply that, at least, AR11 happened before Maleficent's take over. Then, in AR12, we see Xehanort become a "heartless". Since it was Xemnas who banished Ansem, it would mean AR12 happened before Maleficent's take over as well.
Or Kairi was sent away under the guise of saving her from the invasion while the reality of it being an attempt to find the Key. Also, why does it follow that Ansem's banishment must have happened before the Heartless invasion? No one ever mentions that Maleficent was behind the Heartless invasion much at all. They all state simply that the Heartless overtook the world. In SAR 3, Ansem states "Chaos affect not only this world, but many other worlds besides." which could relate to this event.

I believe Ansem said they walked through the door to the heart of the world.
Did Ansem see this happen? No. He simply assumed. Ansem calls himself a fool later, talking of how much of what he had thought was false. Taking Ansem's words as fact is not something which can really be done, as much of what he discusses in those secret reports were not directly seen by him.

Except Xemnas banished Ansem.
Again, why did this have to occur before the invasion?

All of which were nine years younger and probably didn't have the means to fight a whole army of Heartless.
I didn't even consider the age difference there. >>;

Okay I am just going to explain this with a timeline.

Here are the events from begining to end as I understand them to have happened over the course of the year between BBS and the heartless invasion of HB:

1. Ansem the wise finds young Xehanort and brings him to the castle. Soon he makes Xehanort an apprentice.
2. Ansem begins his research on the darkness of the heartless and Xehanort volunteers to be his firts subject.
3. Xehanort and the other apprentices become corrupted with experimenting with darkness.
4. Mickey arrives in RG and speaks to Ansem the wise, Ansem ends his research. Xehanort however continues his research in private along with the other apprentices.
5. Xehanort sends Kairi to DI to find the keyblade master.
6. Xehanort and the apprentices dive into darkness becoming nobodies, afterwards they return to RG.
7. Ansem discovers Xehanort's/Xemnas' secret research and confronts him, leading Xemnas to sending Ansem into the realm of nothingness.
8. Xemnas and the others allow the heartless to overrun RG while they go to TWTNW to continue their research and form Organization XIII. Leon and the others are forced to leave their world on Cid's Gummi Ship due to the overwhelming number of heartless.
9. Maleficent arrives soon after and renames the world Hollow Bastion setting up her base here.

That is how the events went during the year between BBS and the heartless invasion as I understand it.
Eh, there's nothing to definitively state that 5-7 must have happened before the second half of 8. Also, with 6, there's a significant lag between when they become Nobodies and when they return to Radiant Garden, otherwise Xemnas and Xehanort's Heartless would have met each other.

I also can't find anything that says when Maleficent went to Radiant Garden.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
...In America

Yes, the costume does make his look like a Confederate. But with the bandana, he looks like a cowboy....yehaw!

Other than that, the way his position is it looks like he's being a smart-a$$. I mean, doesn't he just look like he's beggin' for a kick to the pants. And that's why I believe he's Braig.


New member
Nov 16, 2009
Re: New Picture Of Briag.

By the way, there was a text near the image:

シリーズ最古の世界を描いた注目作、PSP版『KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep』。今月号では、3人の主人公が訪れることになる新たなワールドが判明! そこにはシリーズファンなら見覚えのある、あのキャラたちもいると か…? その他、合計500名の豪華ソフトプレゼントも必見だ!

Here's what I could translate:

That man with the recognition appears to the new world which a chief character visits!? [KINGDOMHEARTSBirthbySleep] for attention product, PSP which I described the series oldest world in. With the current issue, the new world which three chief characters will visit becomes clear!If it is a series fan there, that character たちもいるとか …? others with the recognition, 500 luxurious soft presents in total are unmissable!

and another translation:

That man who has recognition in the new world which the protagonist visits appears!? The attention work which draws the series oldest world, PSP edition 'KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep'. This month with the number, the new world which means that the protagonist 3 visits is ascertained! If there the series fan there is a recognition, when that [kiyara] it is…? In addition, total 500 also the luxurious software present which is necessary is seeing!


New member
Nov 11, 2009
land of departure
accidently???? that should be an accident u found it its not bad
btw damn briag looks hot... no homo
and younger than i thought he'd beis like probably 53 as xigbar here he's like under 45 years idk his real age :p


New member
Aug 6, 2008
I know it's kinda small, but can anyone translate what Braig is saying in that screen?

El Coqu?

General ShinyMog here!
Dec 26, 2007
in my backyard laying down on the grass
i concieve defeat. I thought the other scan wasnt him but it looks like it is. Also its pretty obvious Ven may give him his scars because: 1. So far ven is the only one to have contact with the apprentices & 2. When xigbar saw xion as Ven he was taken back and said "you always used to give me a smug look".

I agree with him looking a little worse too. I mean he doesnt even have any features like xigbar aside from his stance and maybe if nomura makes braig say "as if" every 2secs. Crossbow its understandable since each apprentice will have a weapon attributed to them. But we still havent seen even's shield (though hes a scientist first) and ienzo (who will prolly always have a book in his hand). Wow braig looks wack i think


Haha sweet! Braig!!!! i cant wait for this game it looks soooo interesting!


"There's always money in the banana stand."
Staff member
May 9, 2007
The End of Time
Fighting Braig as Ven will feel like fighting Young Ocelot as Big Boss on Snake Eater XD


New member
Aug 20, 2008
omg. No scarface or pirate eye patch. Someone must have did this to him to make him look like his somebody. This is so wierd on what I thought about Braig. The only thing I got was right was his weapon. This is so freaky...


New member
Nov 11, 2009
This is incredible news! In my opinion, Braig looks pretty sweet without the scars and eye patch (but it feels so awkward). He also looks a lot younger!

This makes me wonder...

How old would you think Ienzo is at this time? Maybe Eleaus, Dilan, and Braig weren't Ansem the Wise's apprentices yet, while Even was...I don't know...

I just can't help but feel that Ienzo will be a little younger as well...


All right, don't have a crap attack
Nov 11, 2007
Really nice find. Thank you for this. It's interesting to see how much he'll have to change in BBS to take on his nobody counterpart.
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