It was okay to me. I'm forcing myself to give this a chance because of how much I enjoyed the other two MCU shows, even though I really don't like Hiddleston's Loki. It's nothing personal, really, It's just that being a teenager when tumblr was at it's peak did numbers to how much I can endure staring at the dude's face.
(Plus, the only versions of Loki I actually vibe with are the Kid and post YA versions of the character in the comics. Not really a fan of the chaotic villain myself).
Like Chaser said, there was too much exposition with little pay off in terms of actions, but I think it was important going further to stablish not only who Loki is, but who he is going to be. Talking about how he feels towards hurting people is critical to anti-hero Loki, so I'm interested to see how the show is going to develop.
Still, this is probably going to be my most interesting experience with anything MCU-related so far as I have very little comic knowledge of the plot points this is going to deal with nor any real attachment to the characters, so it's going to feel fresh. With WandaVision I picked it up two episodes before it ended, while with TFATWS I binged the whole thing when the final episode aired, so watching this weekly is going to be cool.