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Maybe I’m so used to all the outrageous things that the secret ending feels very tame. In my opinion the Epilogue is more interesting.
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That coat character is in so far interesting as it could be just another form/body of Luxu, but also Blaine or Ephemer for every diddly given.
I think the only thing that safely can be taken about the coaty is that it is a boy.
That "Yozora" dude is supposed to be a video game character in the Toybox world but if there is anything we learned from both Re: Coded and KH 3 now it is that in the broader KH universe data characters can have their own hearts and hearts from non-data characters can be somehow stored in a data environment.
When the video first started I thought that Sora might be in the world that is depicted on the cover art of KH 3, but then I noticed the familiar landmarks from TWEWY and went "the diddly is this Shibuya"?
I was half expecting the character sitting on that rooftop to be Neku or Joshua as well lol, certainly didn't expect it to be "Yozora" from the Verum Rex game in Toybox.
The blue/red heterochromatic eyes somehow reminded me of Loki from Warriors Orochi though.
It is made in the vein of the old concept-esque secret endings from KH 1 and 2 rather than the deep story-involved ones BBS, Re: Coded and DDD had.
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That coat character is in so far interesting as it could be just another form/body of Luxu, but also Blaine or Ephemer for every diddly given.
I think the only thing that safely can be taken about the coaty is that it is a boy.
That "Yozora" dude is supposed to be a video game character in the Toybox world but if there is anything we learned from both Re: Coded and KH 3 now it is that in the broader KH universe data characters can have their own hearts and hearts from non-data characters can be somehow stored in a data environment.
When the video first started I thought that Sora might be in the world that is depicted on the cover art of KH 3, but then I noticed the familiar landmarks from TWEWY and went "the diddly is this Shibuya"?
I was half expecting the character sitting on that rooftop to be Neku or Joshua as well lol, certainly didn't expect it to be "Yozora" from the Verum Rex game in Toybox.
The blue/red heterochromatic eyes somehow reminded me of Loki from Warriors Orochi though.
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If this is the same here? And so, why Riku is there? I know KHIV should cover the disappearance of Sora, not to mention utilize the storytelling of Union Cross. But, what does this have to do with Riku being there as well? And why Shibuya? And why Verum Rex—damn it Nomura. XD Here's to hoping the development of FF7 doesn't hamper the progress on KHIV or whatever it'll be called.
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Verum's Shibuya
Sounds good.
Lol, the secret ending. Though, the KH1 and 2 (final mix included) endings were something that was discovered to be an actual moment expressed in the story, albeit not fully the same of course. I'm curious:
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If this is the same here? And so, why Riku is there? I know KHIV should cover the disappearance of Sora, not to mention utilize the storytelling of Union Cross. But, what does this have to do with Riku being there as well? And why Shibuya? And why Verum Rex—damn it Nomura. XD Here's to hoping the development of FF7 doesn't hamper the progress on KHIV or whatever it'll be called.
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Verum's Shibuya
Sounds good.
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"Yozora" is actually the Master of Masters and the red eye he has is a cybernetic implant because, y'know, his other eye is embedded in the No Name Keyblade.
As for Riku being there...well, maybe he's the one send to look for Sora in "another worldline" while Mickey, the BBS crew, Roxas and the others keep their own safe in the meantime.
Maybe they'll go a two-pronged way with KH games in the future with one set of games centered about Sora's and Riku's adventure in that "other worldline" while the second deals with the remaining main characters in the current one we know from the Xehanort saga with switching protagonists each game.
Luxu, the Foretellers and Maleficent would then somehow wreak havoc in both worldlines.
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honestly, I don't think there's anything that disappointed me as much as this secret ending did. I was already heavily underwhelmed by the game's ending (as in the whole thing after the Disney worlds, not just the actual ending) and was hoping the Secret Ending could spark some new light into this, but what we got instead was ANOTHER instance of SoRiku (as if they hadn't gotten enough spotlight by this point), a new character in Yozora and what seems to be the Master of Masters, since he does the same "camera shot" move with his hands as he did in Back Cover.
I'll probably write a proper rant later with my thoughts on all of this, but as of now my feelings with KH is that this could have been a perfect game if the important parts were spread throughout the other spin offs we had instead of shoving half-assed rescues into the final showdown just to keep all the hype for KH3.
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Are Riku and Sora in the same world? It looks like they aren't because Sora's environment is brighter whilst Riku's seems to be darker. And what about that Yozora character? Is KH saga going to finally tie with FF worlds?
The Black Coated figure is MoM, right?
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Something about that secret movie felt really lackluster. Like, Sora, Riku, and that guy from Verum Rex all looked like they were in a realistic looking city. Why, or what exactly this movie is trying to convey, I have no idea. The figure at the end also didn't really peak my interest. It was just... Boring honestly. I mean I wasn't expecting a some huge fight scene or anything like that, but it was just the characters staring of into every direction for a whole 2 and a half minutes. Really underwhelming man.
My knowledge on the subject matter is limited, but Sora looks like he's in Shinjuku near the 109 department store (though it looks like a 104 if you asked me). Riku stands near the Tokyo Metropolitan Building, the place where the Master of Masters stands atop. Horay for being a Digimon fan so you can know all these landmarks.
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Thats definitely the same 104 building from TWEWY (unless Nomura decided to make a new one for the KH universe).
Oh yeah, and Yozora’s there for some reason.
So we gonna be stealing the Declaration of Independence with good ol' Nic Cage?So with that secret ending in mind....
I could see KH4 or whatever game it teases taking place in worlds based on live action Disney properties. With the Caribbean, Nomura said they wanted to prove they could successfully adapt a live action property to KH, so it could have been a test for what he wants to do with the next game.
what if nomura going to kh into other media like cartoon like witch or even gargogles becuase it seems it getting even darkerSo with that secret ending in mind....
I could see KH4 or whatever game it teases taking place in worlds based on live action Disney properties. With the Caribbean, Nomura said they wanted to prove they could successfully adapt a live action property to KH, so it could have been a test for what he wants to do with the next game.
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I know it's the 897349587349th time that stuff seems to focus on Riku and Sora, and don't get me wrong, I would've loved to see some focus on other characters, too, but at the same time, I love all the times they fight with and for each other, so this thing was still interesting to see them depicting two sides of one medal again, or so it seemed. I also love the realistic setting, and honestly, if the plot shifts from Disney to something else, then I won't deny that I won't mind. :'l It's been a good time, but I'm ready to move on.
PS: If that Yozora-guy with his red and blue eye combo isn't a purple gay, I will throw a tantrum. No, I'm not serious about that Or am I??
The original Kingdom Hearts 1 was conceived as a crossing of Final Fantasy with Disney. Perhaps the new saga will see a crossing of Disney with Final Fantasy.