Re: KH3D/KHIII info in Famitsu.
I think that this game is going to be a pice of shit because it's on the 3DS which isn't that good because if you are not looking directly at the center of the screen the game get so blured you cant even see what's on the screen and has the worst control setup of almost any 3ard person fighting game because you need to use the pen to change your view and after an hour your hand starts to cramp up and you need to stop playing. And what I don't get is why sora and riku went back to there original clothing the look the bonking ten year olds in there old clouths when they are 15 and 16 years old. This game is going to make no sense what so ever unless they go back in time and become little kids again which I am pretty shure is not going to happen. What ever kingdom hearts game for the 3DS the are working on they need to trow everything out and start over from scratch and make the game for the ps3 or xbox 360 because those are the only systems that have the controls and graphics to support a game like kingdom hearts.
3D is Optional. And, you don't have to look at the center of the screen. You have to just have the screen aligned with your eyes.
By "3ard person fighting game" I assume you mean a First Person Shooter. Well, you are dead wrong their. If you've played Ocarina of Time 3D, you'd see that aiming with the gyroscope gives you a greater (and more realistic) control that feels surprisingly un-gimmicky. For an FPS, the touch screen would be great for ammo/weapons selection. The 3DS is not identical to the DS, and surpasses it greatly.
KH3D takes place directly after KH2. So, their ages didn't change, just their appearances. Once more information for the game is released we will know why. The game will start with Sora and Riku's KH2 appearances.
Out of all the BBS-Days-Coded trilogy, Re:coded is arguably the most fun gameplay-wise. It's on DS which has less controls than the 3DS, so, yeah, your wrong. And, if you think Re:coded wasn't fun (which would also mean you're an idiot), every can agree that BBS was. The 3DS has more controls than the PSP. Any control argument you throw out is moot.
Graphics on the 3DS are better than that of the PS2. And, KH has never, ever, in it's entirety been a graphically demanding game.
And the day Xbox gets a KH game will be the day KH goes multiplatform.
Last edited by Wtf9097; July 14, 2011 at 09:29 PM. Reason: Grammar