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KH3D/KHIII info in Famitsu (Full translation in the opening post!)

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Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
Re: KH3D/KHIII info in Famitsu.

On another note, do we have any information on the full results of the survey as to see where other important characters like Xehanort, Ansem SoD, Riku and Ventus are placed in that poll?

Not that I know of, no.

I can believe Sora and Roxas that high, even Terra and Aqua...but Axel? Come on now...Axel may be a major player, but he's not a that much important protagonist...I would have expected at least Riku to beat him by miles...and maybe also Aqua, Terra and Ventus as they are by far more important than him.
With the TAV-Trio it may however also be because they are relatively new to the overall cast though.

Yeah, I have this feeling people still have this confusion over Ven. I know many still call him a Roxas clone, but honestly I end up calling Roxas "Ven" at times.

@Ethnic Woman:
Lol, about wanting an easier game I think I can remember that a staff member of the team (not Nomura) once revealed that they made KH 2 so much easier because there where many complaints about the difficulty of both KH 1 and the original CoM.

I remember that too. Those people that complained were silly. Now the games will always be somewhat easy instead of being slightly hard. I know I had problems with KH1 when I played it the first time, but I still enjoyed it more than I have the other KH games (minus Re:coded) because of the difficulty.

About KH 2 being voted the most popular I can only laugh...at "our" nostaliga-elite community though, as it quite clearly shows that KH 2 isn't that loathed and "bad" as it is sometimes portrayed here...at least not in the entire fandom.

It isn't bad to a lot of people. I know many review sites gave it 9.0s and praised it...that doesn't mean it is the best game in the series. I'd put CoM above KH2 before saying KH2 was the best. KH2 was enjoyable when you play it, but it shouldn't have been such a breezy ride.

No one shall put too much emphasis on this survey either however, as I would say that the results of this one also only display a fraction of the whole worldwide fanbase.

Yeah, they are them. We are us. -shrug- You go to another KH community and they will have their own opinions on the series that vary from ours.


As for the new information in Nomura's interview...most has already been said.

Ain't it sad? I'm pretty sure an exec told him beforehand to only repeat known info and give like a progress update and maybe one story hint.

The two "mystery" characters in Traverse seems to be one of Nomura's mind games again...as they're either two characters we know but would never expect to show up there (no, Xemnas and Ansem SoD don't count) or someone "new" that has to do with the "shocking" elements.

I bet they are really simple. (Not counting Riku, Sora, Xemnas, and Ansem SoD) Like Leon and Cid or something. But he said shocking so I'm still gonna hold on to my belief one of them will be Master Eraqus (we won't be shown his face, though)

I thought Riku was at least more popular than Roxas. :/ I mean, Riku has the best development in the entire damn series! I am disappoint fanbase.

Yeah. -sigh- I know others see it, but when a fanbase contains 70% mental fangirls and 20% KHIII complainers and 10% people like us, then I guess we are the minority.

I think I mentioned something like that as well, though not as spiffy since I don't know architecture students. :p I mentioned how the recent games are severely lacking in story line that ties them into the rest of the time. I mean, even in KH1 when it would be just glimpses of Kairi or mentions of Riku... that was a great driving force. That minimal effort is so much better than what's been happening. But I mean, even in Monstro, we got a great scene of interaction between Riku and Sora in KH1... DO IT AGAIN NOMURA.

Please do, Nomura. ;A;

Yeah, we are. :/ And I adore the games, but I have my issues with them... I want them to be addressed instead of Nomura just getting continual pats on the back for KH2. I cannot begin to describe how difficult Ansem SoD is compared to EVERY other final boss (except Marluxia ;___;). I mean, really... Xemnas is no challenge. Xion is no challenge, Vanitas is no challenge, Master Xehanort was easy once I figured out his move set, Terranort I didn't die once against, Roxas/Heartless was super easy. And then ASoD... damn.

Ansem: SoD still makes me nervous when I play. The entire End of the World segment of the game was like nightmare fuel as a child. o_o Everything was extremely hard and the final boss was impossible. TWTNW was like...simple. You have all of these Shadow Heartless then like one or two Neo-Shadows. Then in the castle it was all of those stupid Nobodies....Then Xemnas fights were like "spam X" And they tried that cinematic reaction thing over the skyscraper but it was really hard to activate so that first Xemnas battle wasn't even all that fun. And he spammed Guard and Reflect too much. -_-

I agree, it's one of those games where I go through fairly calm for most of it because it doesn't cause me to stress at difficult battles (since there aren't many~)
Yes! I'm sad that DDD, Riku seems to only be playable because they're apart. :/ I want a unified front, no more fighting. They need to be bros from here on out.

Yeah. I like being stressed out over a battle. It makes the feeling of winning more exciting after. I didn't feel all that much excitement in KH2. Maybe against Saix...but that was it.

Yeah. :( Unified would be much more entertaining than not. There would be a lot more story and character development if they were together. Also, that game mechanic where you switch back and forth between Sora and Riku randomly would be smoother if they were actually together.

THAT would be nice. The trailers are ridiculous... I refused to watch the BBS ones, because I was afraid of spoilers. And I hate that I'll probably have to forgo DDD trailers from here on out due to spoilers. D:

Yeah. I really hate it as well. I bet the DDD trailers are going to be awesome too. but once the news start to really trickle in, I'm hanging out in FI or taking a short hiatus. I really don't want to be spoiled. I want to see if watching trailers can effect that magical feeling I used to get when I played KH1 and CoM.
May 16, 2007
Re: KH3D/KHIII info in Famitsu.

Well, hold on, are the three X's an indicator that the names of these individuals are both three letters long?

If that's the case, then, assuming it's returning characters (which I see no reason why it wouldn't be), then it's almost certainly Isa and Lea.
They're the only two original characters with three letter names, I believe.

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
Re: KH3D/KHIII info in Famitsu.

If it is an indicator.

Okay, so KH3D will have a different kind of pacing/style of cutscenes? Cool. I like that. Thank you Sakaguchi! THANK YOU. Please, don't let Nomura simplify things. Everything is already too simple (even if people complain about how convoluted the game is)

And interesting companions? I have this feeling he'll be chillin' with bears, hunchbacked men, and a fox. :3


New member
Jun 25, 2010
Re: KH3D/KHIII info in Famitsu.

I hope to GOD that xxx's are indicators!! Cause we all know what that means!!! Axel and Saix sombodies!


New member
Mar 10, 2011
Moogle Army HQ
Re: KH3D/KHIII info in Famitsu.

Well, hold on, are the three X's an indicator that the names of these individuals are both three letters long?

If that's the case, then, assuming it's returning characters (which I see no reason why it wouldn't be), then it's almost certainly Isa and Lea.
They're the only two original characters with three letter names, I believe.

If that's true, then it sounds like Isa and Lea may have survived the Radiant Garden attack and became Axel and Saix at a later date. Didn't Cid build a ship that got a number of people out of Radiant Garden before it fell to darkness? Or Isa and Lea could have escaped through one of those wormholes.

I'm not gonna lie, I've started writing a story based on this idea. XD

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
Re: KH3D/KHIII info in Famitsu.

If that's true, then it sounds like Isa and Lea may have survived the Radiant Garden attack and became Axel and Saix at a later date. Didn't Cid build a ship that got a number of people out of Radiant Garden before it fell to darkness? Or Isa and Lea could have escaped through one of those wormholes.

I'm not gonna lie, I've started writing a story based on this idea. XD

o_o Or it means their Nobody and Heartless were killed and now they are Somebodies again?

And I had more of an idea that they were stuck in RG/HB after the Darkness invaded and survived for awhile before getting attacked by a Heartless and becoming a Heartless and Nobody.

I find it likely that they would just find there way to Traverse Town naturally after becoming Somebodies again because that is a hub for lost travelers/people who have lost their world.

I like yours though :3
Last edited:
May 16, 2007
Re: KH3D/KHIII info in Famitsu.

If it's Isa and Lea, there are two possibilities as I see it:

1. It's the actual Isa and Lea, returned to wholeness after their Nobodies were destroyed.
2. It's just memories of Isa and Lea. 3D is focusing on the data in Sora's heart, which leaves a good chance that they'll actually be searching for that data in a very literal sense. Digging through Sora's heart probably means we'll see some of Ven's memories too (and Roxas', explaining Twilight Thorn).

localorange, your idea works well too, though bear in mind that it sounds like time travel.


Jun 12, 2009
Re: KH3D/KHIII info in Famitsu.

Well, hold on, are the three X's an indicator that the names of these individuals are both three letters long?
In my opinion, very unlikely. And even if they were, they would be representing three phonetic characters in Japanese, not three letters in English. Isa (アイザ) could fit, but not Lea (リア).


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Re: KH3D/KHIII info in Famitsu.

Ethnic Woman said:
Not that I know of, no.

Too bad...as I would really be interested in Riku's, Ven's and Xehanort's placement.

Ethnic Woman said:
Yeah, I have this feeling people still have this confusion over Ven. I know many still call him a Roxas clone, but honestly I end up calling Roxas "Ven" at times.
Gosh...and that is something I still fail to get since it has been stated so often by now that they are different characters with only the same looks.
It's not like this did not happen in fictional works before...and I can't remember there being so much confusion about Riku and Repliku...who also looked the same yet were very different. They even interacted in the same scenes with each other, which Roxas and Ven up to now didn't.

I have also no real difficulties to tell them apart...except if it is only a headshot which doesn't show the neckline. If shown with neckline Roxas is always identificable by either blank skin (org coat, Ven has a high necked black shirt) or his four-pointed star-zipper on his jacket.
Full body shots are even easier...*ggg*.

Ethnic Woman said:
I remember that too. Those people that complained were silly. Now the games will always be somewhat easy instead of being slightly hard. I know I had problems with KH1 when I played it the first time, but I still enjoyed it more than I have the other KH games (minus Re:coded) because of the difficulty.

It isn't bad to a lot of people. I know many review sites gave it 9.0s and praised it...that doesn't mean it is the best game in the series. I'd put CoM above KH2 before saying KH2 was the best. KH2 was enjoyable when you play it, but it shouldn't have been such a breezy ride.

I had more problems in KH 1 with the crappy camera, the annoying jump passages (this is not donkey kong or mario, dammit) and the sometimes horrible collision detection, less with the difficulty itself.
Seems like a lot of people thought it as too difficult though...our KH 2 would not have been nerfed that much.

The "best game of the series" is and will always be a subjective view anyways...on that I won't build my opinion on any poll.
As is the sometimes really going overboard bashing here...not only for KH2*ggg*.

Ethnic Woman said:
Ain't it sad? I'm pretty sure an exec told him beforehand to only repeat known info and give like a progress update and maybe one story hint.
It surely is...yet still I wondered several times about if SE and/or Nomura also keep an eye out on the overseas fanbases and are aware of the many whiners and complainers...as the japanese fanbase seems to be much friendlier to the series in general than "we westerners"

I certainly like Grass's idea about them being Isa and Lea though...although I would wonder if when they are together if Isa is really in league with Xehanort or not.

Ethnic Woman said:
Yeah. -sigh- I know others see it, but when a fanbase contains 70% mental fangirls and 20% KHIII complainers and 10% people like us, then I guess we are the minority.
Huh? I was always on the impression that the KH-fanbase is overall a pretty even mix...maybe with the male fans in a slight majority.

If one speaks about "fangirls" I always wonder which type is meant here...the just obsessive fan (from this type there are also fanboys...like crazy FF7-fanboys), the bearable yaoi-fangirls(and boys, *ggg*) who are not that offensive or the real crazy, obsessive, drooling yaoi-fangirls who to nothing but drool over pics of male characters making out and turn every slight body contact between two boys in a sexual oriented love-story.
In the last type however I also heard there's quite a bunch who didn't even play the games, lolwut?

With other tidbits I can only agree...especially that Sora-Riku-bit.
Please, we already had Sora vs. Riku in battle soo often...don't need a repeat of that again.

Hamster Lord

Atrocity Exhibition
Sep 27, 2008
Neo Kobe City
Re: KH3D/KHIII info in Famitsu.

i hope if they made this HD collection they make it available worldwide on march 28th because the games are already dubbed and translated i don't see any reason for them to keep it till september 2012 :/

Then again, the extra cutscenes could just be subbed. But that's only if they do the FM's. I think all the new cutscenes in the FM's weren't voiced before, so maybe they might call the VA's back in for it, which could lead to it being pushed back to September for 'Merica.


New member
Jul 10, 2011
S?o Paulo, Brazil
Re: KH3D/KHIII info in Famitsu.

You're right, probably the japanese fonetics are the one that counts, so that would mean Lea and Isa would not be the ones. That is, if the xxx really does mean something...


New member
Mar 10, 2011
Moogle Army HQ
Re: KH3D/KHIII info in Famitsu.

o_o Or it means their Nobody and Heartless were killed and now they are Somebodies again?

And I had more of an idea that they were stuck in RG/HB after the Darkness invaded and survived for awhile before getting attacked by a Heartless and becoming a Heartless and Nobody.

I find it likely that they would just find there way to Traverse Town naturally after becoming Somebodies again because that is a hub for lost travelers/people who have lost their world.

I like yours though :3

Thanks. =)

The idea is based with the mindset that Isa and Lea in Traverse Town is before KH1, which means that we'd be looking at memories of Isa and Lea - most likely Lea, since it has been indicated that we haven't seen the last of Axel.

And isn't Traverse Town supposed to be gone at this point? All the worlds have been restored. If we see Axel as Lea, wouldn't he be transported to the new Radiant Garden and meet Leon and the gang?

In my opinion, very unlikely. And even if they were, they would be representing three phonetic characters in Japanese, not three letters in English. Isa (アイザ) could fit, but not Lea (リア).
Are there any other Organization members that are represented by three phonetic characters in Japanese?
May 16, 2007
Re: KH3D/KHIII info in Famitsu.

In my opinion, very unlikely. And even if they were, they would be representing three phonetic characters in Japanese, not three letters in English. Isa (アイザ) could fit, but not Lea (リア).

Well, it wouldn't be the first time Nomura had the English writing in mind. After all, he chose the names "Eraqus" and "Xehanort" because of their English anagrams. But, yeah.

Just checked wiki for the hell of it to see who had three phonetic characters in their names in Japanese. Aside from Isa, it only appears to be Aqua, Kairi, and Namine, so, yeah, that doesn't make a whole lot of sense, pairing any combination of those characters up.

Out of curiosity, does the actual interview even have three X's?

Key to Truth

Sep 22, 2009
Spain, Ibiza
Re: KH3D/KHIII info in Famitsu.

Well, it wouldn't be the first time Nomura had the English writing in mind. After all, he chose the names "Eraqus" and "Xehanort" because of their English anagrams. But, yeah.

Just checked wiki for the hell of it to see who had three phonetic characters in their names in Japanese. Aside from Isa, it only appears to be Aqua, Kairi, and Namine, so, yeah, that doesn't make a whole lot of sense, pairing any combination of those characters up.

Out of curiosity, does the actual interview even have three X's?

Lea is Ri-a (2 kanas), it could perfectly be one of them. Isa has 4 (a-i-za).

I'm also wondering... Where did you get the Xs thingy from?

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
Re: KH3D/KHIII info in Famitsu.

Thanks. =)

The idea is based with the mindset that Isa and Lea in Traverse Town is before KH1, which means that we'd be looking at memories of Isa and Lea - most likely Lea, since it has been indicated that we haven't seen the last of Axel.

And isn't Traverse Town supposed to be gone at this point? All the worlds have been restored. If we see Axel as Lea, wouldn't he be transported to the new Radiant Garden and meet Leon and the gang?

Was that ever really confirmed? Traverse Town had it's own Heart, didn't it, so wouldn't that make it its own world technically? It may becomprised of pieces of worlds lost to the Darkness, but I doubt every world could really be saved even after Sora stopped Ansem: SoD. I'm sure there were worlds lost to the Darkness a long time ago that can never be saved.


Dream eater ally.
Dec 23, 2005
Re: KH3D/KHIII info in Famitsu.

I wonder who these "Strange Companions" are ?
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