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KH3D/KHIII info in Famitsu (Full translation in the opening post!)

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New member
Mar 10, 2011
Moogle Army HQ
Re: KH3D/KHIII info in Famitsu.

Was that ever really confirmed? Traverse Town had it's own Heart, didn't it, so wouldn't that make it its own world technically? It may becomprised of pieces of worlds lost to the Darkness, but I doubt every world could really be saved even after Sora stopped Ansem: SoD. I'm sure there were worlds lost to the Darkness a long time ago that can never be saved.

I don't know to be honest. That's the impression I always had. I could be wrong. I like your idea though; that Traverse Town is still around because there are worlds that were lost to Darkness a long time ago that can never be saved.

That brings me to the next question: Will Lea and Isa remember their time as Axel and Saix if we see them in their original forms?
May 16, 2007
Re: KH3D/KHIII info in Famitsu.

I'm also wondering... Where did you get the Xs thingy from?

Kingdom Hearts 3D, Final Fantasy XI, Dissidia and More in Famitsu

It seems to be directly quoted.

That brings me to the next question: Will Lea and Isa remember their time as Axel and Saix if we see them in their original forms?

I would imagine so, though I think it would be more a case where they feel like it's someone else's memories. Like, they can remember what Axel and Saix did, and why they did it, but it doesn't feel like it was them.


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Re: KH3D/KHIII info in Famitsu.

As Traverse had a keyhole, it must also have a heart.

It may have been a newborn heart that was created by the remnants of several other worlds coming together...forming something that is "enough" to initialize the birth of a heart.

After all, if you mix different things you get something new from it.

As for Lea and Isa...that I think would depend on how the "reassembling" of the somebody happens and what happens with the memories of the nobody after he/she fades into darkness.
We know that memories can never truly destroyed, so when the nobody fades maybe only the nobody's mind and consciousness goes to the RoD while the memories find their way back into the original being once it reforms.
If these memories are accessible however, is another story, as they are technically not really Isa's and Lea's, but Saix's and Axel's memories.

Memory Master

Gold Member
Nov 28, 2008
Re: KH3D/KHIII info in Famitsu.

The most interesting points:

"You'll be able to work your way up to the rooftops" - Sora and Riku scaling the side of Notre Dame anyone?

"The Hidden Data in Sora" - Perhaps we'll be able to switch between the real world and some dream world inside of Sora and Riku where they have to slowly uncover the myseries of the data left in Sora. Anyone think Ansem might have told Riku a little about the data and Riku is going along inside the dream world to help Sora find it?

"XXX and XXX in Traverse Town" Oh my how naughty! Seriously though if it literally means the characters names are 3 letters long then it may very well be Lea and Isa which if it is I could totally imagine those two being party members in that world.

"KH3D is 40-50% done" - Excellent! Last summer is when they announced KH3D so they obviously have been working on it since then. So if they are 50% done with it this summer then we can expect by next summer they will be 100% done with it so a summer 2012 release is very likely for Japan and that means a winter 2012 release is likely for North America. KH3D for next Christmas everyone! Make sure to tell Santa! lol

"A Secret Movie" - Good! Since KH3D is so heavily tied to KH3, that means this Secret Movie will likely be the first look we get at KH3. At last we'll have something solid to discuss regarding KH3!

"Sora will be fighting alongside some interesting companions" - Baloo the bear, Quasimodo, Buzz and Woody anyone?

"He currently has a framework of some form in place for the continuation of the series after KH3" - Glad to hear Nomura is thinking ahead about the series after KH3 that way he'll have some time to think over the plans for the future of the series and have plenty of time to develop some plot before he has to bunker down and get to work for the eventual KH4.

"Possible HD remasters" - I'm excited of course but I wont get too excited until I hear the final mixes will be the versions they use for the HD remixes. Hopefully we'll get BBSFM, KH1FM, KH2FM, and Re:COM remastered and if we're extremely lucky maybe remakes of Coded and 358/2 Days will be included in the HD remaster. With all those games though the price is going to be high but it will be worth it.

All in all this interview has got me excited for the future. It's definately a welcomed drink in this news drought and hopefully we'll hear more at TGS. I would this is a very good interview all except they forgot to ask Nomura if KH3D would be at TGS. But given that it's alread 50% done and will likely be between 55% and 60% done by the time TGS is here I would say it's almost a given that KH3D will be at TGS.


Jun 6, 2010
Re: KH3D/KHIII info in Famitsu.

This can't even be considered news, come on. We already knew it was ''mysterious'', we basically seen Sora jumping as high as the ceiling of the buildings in TT, so climbing on top of them was a massive surprise..We could guess that it would contain a secret movie, he said before it was on par with a main title. We could've guessed that the game was half way through development seeing as how it could possibly be in development since after the Japanese BBS release. He had said before that it will lead into KH3, so obviously there would be clues in 3D for it. And worst of all, no mention of BBSV2 or TGS.He didn't even tell us why KH didn't show up at E3, or comment on the survey results. About the HD remake, he had said before he had interest but simply didn't have time so that's nothing new either. Dumb interview. ANGER!

Hamster Lord

Atrocity Exhibition
Sep 27, 2008
Neo Kobe City
Re: KH3D/KHIII info in Famitsu.

I think climbing the rooftops is cool... they're bringing the platforming back.


cameo lover
May 17, 2007
Re: KH3D/KHIII info in Famitsu.

hopefully it won't be terrible platforming with horrible level design like KH1

Memory Master

Gold Member
Nov 28, 2008
Re: KH3D/KHIII info in Famitsu.

This can't even be considered news, come on. We already knew it was ''mysterious'', we basically seen Sora jumping as high as the ceiling of the buildings in TT, so climbing on top of them was a massive surprise..We could guess that it would contain a secret movie, he said before it was on par with a main title. We could've guessed that the game was half way through development seeing as how it could possibly be in development since after the Japanese BBS release. He had said before that it will lead into KH3, so obviously there would be clues in 3D for it. And worst of all, no mention of BBSV2 or TGS.He didn't even tell us why KH didn't show up at E3, or comment on the survey results. About the HD remake, he had said before he had interest but simply didn't have time so that's nothing new either. Dumb interview. ANGER!

Yes there was a lot of stuff in there that we already guessed at but now it's been confirmed so it gives some comfirmation and I think that is better than nothing. And last time I checked no one guessed where it was in development so the 40 to 50% done thing was much welcomed news and it confirms my predictions for KH3D's release dates.


Jun 6, 2010
Re: KH3D/KHIII info in Famitsu.

Yes there was a lot of stuff in there that we already guessed at but now it's been confirmed so it gives some comfirmation and I think that is better than nothing. And last time I checked no one guessed where it was in development so the 40 to 50% done thing was much welcomed news and it confirms my predictions for KH3D's release dates.
Well, if someone were asked how much in % how much do you think DDD is coming along I don't think they would've been too far off the half way mark, considering it's been in development for a year now. Still, it's nice to have a confirmed percentage.

Memory Master

Gold Member
Nov 28, 2008
Re: KH3D/KHIII info in Famitsu.

Well, if someone were asked how much in % how much do you think DDD is coming along I don't think they would've been too far off the half way mark, considering it's been in development for a year now. Still, it's nice to have a confirmed percentage.

Exactly, the the confirmed percentage is nice. That's why we shouldn't complain about it. Now we have a good idea of when we can expect to see KH3D released.


Jun 6, 2010
Re: KH3D/KHIII info in Famitsu.

Exactly, the the confirmed percentage is nice. That's why we shouldn't complain about it. Now we have a good idea of when we can expect to see KH3D released.
That was the only thing we couldn't really predict prior to the interview though. This was only one tibit of news from the entire interview, and that is disappoint.


New member
Nov 4, 2010
Re: KH3D/KHIII info in Famitsu.

Well, if someone were asked how much in % how much do you think DDD is coming along I don't think they would've been too far off the half way mark, considering it's been in development for a year now. Still, it's nice to have a confirmed percentage.
Considering Square has never been the best at managing development schedules, 40-50% is actually a bit surprising, especially when you factor in a lot of other things:

- Being developed on new hardware
- Since we know that every Disney World is going to be new, that means that a significant amount of texture/modeling work has to be done.
- Only started full development in September (after the Team Osaka battle director finished helping to supervise Re:Coded development and the people who programmed BBSFM's content were finished on their ends as well)

Being the pessimistic person that I am, I would have only thought it'd be about 25-30%, so confirmation that they're almost ready to record lines as well as being halfway done is sort of big deal. Especially considering by the time TGS rolls around, enough of the game will be finished for them to start regularly releasing media.


Jun 6, 2010
Re: KH3D/KHIII info in Famitsu.

Considering Square has never been the best at managing development schedules, 40-50% is actually a bit surprising, especially when you factor in a lot of other things:

- Being developed on new hardware
- Since we know that every Disney World is going to be new, that means that a significant amount of texture/modeling work has to be done.
- Only started full development in September (after the Team Osaka battle director finished helping to supervise Re:Coded development and the people who programmed BBSFM's content were finished on their ends as well)

Being the pessimistic person that I am, I would have only thought it'd be about 25-30%, so confirmation that they're almost ready to record lines as well as being halfway done is sort of big deal. Especially considering by the time TGS rolls around, enough of the game will be finished for them to start regularly releasing media.

One thing, that thing about development only starting in September isn't really confirmed. Yeah I guess so, thanks for re-assuring me.

Memory Master

Gold Member
Nov 28, 2008
Re: KH3D/KHIII info in Famitsu.

One thing, that thing about development only starting in September isn't really confirmed. Yeah I guess so, thanks for re-assuring me.

True. If memory serves me right then I believe we first got word of the BBS development team signing on to work on another project back in May 2010. Then at E3 KH3D is revealed. And it was confirmed that the BBS team was working on KH3D, so it's most likely development started back in summer 2010. This is summer 2011 and the game is 50% done so next summer it should be 100% done.


New member
Nov 4, 2010
Re: KH3D/KHIII info in Famitsu.

One thing, that thing about development only starting in September isn't really confirmed.
Well yeah, but it's a logical assumption considering that the Re:Coded Ultimania interviews say that Re:Coded was a joint project between h.a.n.d. and the Osaka team (The Osaka team dealing with the electronic communications aspects) And it was confirmed that Re:Coded wrapped development around early September, so I guess somewhere around September would have been a logical point to move onto full KH3D production.


New member
Feb 3, 2011
Re: KH3D/KHIII info in Famitsu.

Nomura, its too late to save us from an overly drawn-out plot. You've already drawn the plot out beyond despair. In what COULD have been a simple Saga:

KHI: The beginning
KHII: Organization XIII
KHIII: The Conclusion

You've instead thrown in a lot of gobbly gook.

It sounds like some new characters are being suggested for KH3D. (i.e. Sora fights alongside some 'mysterious' characters)

Seriously, in what could have been a very simple 3-part game, (OK, maybe Chain Of Memories was a necessary spin off), we suddenly have like a hundred freakin characters, not including the Disney crew.

Enough's enough.

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
Re: KH3D/KHIII info in Famitsu.

Nomura, its too late to save us from an overly drawn-out plot. You've already drawn the plot out beyond despair. In what COULD have been a simple Saga:

KHI: The beginning
KHII: Organization XIII
KHIII: The Conclusion

You've instead thrown in a lot of gobbly gook.

It sounds like some new characters are being suggested for KH3D. (i.e. Sora fights alongside some 'mysterious' characters)

Seriously, in what could have been a very simple 3-part game, (OK, maybe Chain Of Memories was a necessary spin off), we suddenly have like a hundred freakin characters, not including the Disney crew.

Enough's enough.

Yeah, go complain about drawn out plots elsewhere...

And it isn't "new" characters. He said "interesting" did he not? Sora usually fights with Disney characters so obviously he is referring to party members, and I bet they will be humanoid or toys, which are, in fact, interesting.

I know you don't like 3D, but chillax~


New member
Feb 3, 2011
Re: KH3D/KHIII info in Famitsu.

Yeah, go complain about drawn out plots elsewhere...

And it isn't "new" characters. He said "interesting" did he not? Sora usually fights with Disney characters so obviously he is referring to party members, and I bet they will be humanoid or toys, which are, in fact, interesting.

I know you don't like 3D, but chillax~

I love 3D, lol.

I'm just saying..I fear another new trio of characters.

I liked and accepted Xion, Aqua, Ventus, and Terra, but I'm kind of done with the new characters.

Nomura can save that for post-Xheanort Saga. [laughs]

Oracle Spockanort

written in the stars
Staff member
Jul 13, 2008
Re: KH3D/KHIII info in Famitsu.

I love 3D, lol.

I'm just saying..I fear another new trio of characters.

I liked and accepted Xion, Aqua, Ventus, and Terra, but I'm kind of done with the new characters.

Nomura can save that for post-Xheanort Saga. [laughs]


I doubt we'll be getting any more trios. That was why I opened that other thread about "New Characters". Considering how many characters Nomura has on his plate now, there is only a small chance of him introducing new characters that are important to the plot. He'll probably work with the ones he already has. I can see like one or two new NCP that serve as something like HPO, but nothing on the level of TAV.


New member
Feb 3, 2011
Re: KH3D/KHIII info in Famitsu.


I doubt we'll be getting any more trios. That was why I opened that other thread about "New Characters". Considering how many characters Nomura has on his plate now, there is only a small chance of him introducing new characters that are important to the plot. He'll probably work with the ones he already has. I can see like one or two new NCP that serve as something like HPO, but nothing on the level of TAV.

I think it depends if Nomura takes his common sense pill the morning he throws together the plot. : I
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