55%, that's better than nothing. I can't wait till the new chapter comes out, finally something to satiate my K.h.a. withdrawl.
And as promised, here's my new filler.
Filler 3
Memories Reborn
Chapter 1
Riku! Where's Kairi?
Let's get going.
You're nothing but a puppet.
There were these black things. I couldn't see I couldn't-
Let's see what you look like under that hood.
I can't believe I flew, wait till I tell Kairi.
We're friends, right?
This is what's best . . . for everyone.
I had a great time today at the beach.
The darkness will destroy you.
My friends are my power!
You're a tough little Poppet.
Remember what you said before, I'm always with you too.
Take care of her.
But, who will I have icecream with?
"WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM!!?? . . . You both . . think you can do whatever you want. Well I'm sick of it. Go ahead! You just keep on running! BUT I'LL ALWAYS BE THERE TO BRING YOU BACK!!"
Our numbers have never been more than thirteen.
. . .
Memories. It's said that as you die, you relive all the memories ingrained most on your heart. But what if you have memories, with no heart. What if there was nothing of you to be left behind, not even memories of you. Would you still experience those memories? Would anything, anyone, remember you, even in the slightest?
Who's there?
Cold darkness. Endless nothingness. Everything around, nothing but darkness and emptyness.
What's going on?
Light. Warm and welcoming. Something reaching through the nothingness. Something inviting, latching on to the last bits of what remains.
This is . . . nice.
Consciousness, coming back. Memories, returning to what they were. The missing section, coming back.
Where are they? Where are my friends?
*Yawn* Riku laid back on his makeshift bed in the middle of a platuau. A fire burned to his right, spreading light and warmth to the area around it in contrast to the cold, dark, desert. The ground underneath his blanket was hard and packed, but it was bareable compared to jousting and jolting of the zoid he had been piloting for the last two days. Or perhaps, trying to pilot, was a better term for what he had been doing.
*Tired already?* Dendjue asked floating above the young master, his hands behind his head and a smug smile on his face.
"Well, y'know us 'living' need sleep. It's one of the those necissary things that keeps us from ending up like you." Riku shot back, not opening his eyes.
*Hey, that hurts.* Dendjue said faking a pout.
"Deal with it." Riku turned over. He wasn't usually this cold, but Dendjue's constant mockery of his lack of piloting skills quickly wore his nerves out.
Riku knew Dendjue was a good person, but he had a somewhat grating personality. He liked to poke fun at sensitive subjects, and people's lack of skills.
How he got picked as a Keyblade Master, Riku would never know. Appearently the Anime Masters were far more skilled than he and Sora had had to be, maybe that was a primary factor. But still, of all the people, the keyblade had to pick him.
"WHAT!?" Riku snapped back, no longer able to ignore Dendjue's prodding.
*Someone's watching you.*
Riku sat up and let his senses run free. He didn't have a grasp on Sense* yet but those little hairs on the back of neck worked just fine for the moment. Someone was deffidently watching. After a few seconds he could hear footsteps coming at him from the darkness fo the desert. Even steps, they weren't in a hurry and deffidently not worried or scared.
As the person came into view Riku saw long black coat, the hood pulled up to hide the face, with two silver chains hanging down from the neck. They stopped at the edge of the light and stood still. Riku didn't waste a moment and jumped to his feet, summoning his keyblade to his hand and taking a stance.
*Friend of yours?* Dendjue asked floating close to Riku now.
"Not really." Riku whispered back.
"I'm not here to fight you." said the figure, a male voice coming from him.
"Yeah right." Riku shot back, "Personally I thought Sora and took care of the Organization. I didn't know there was a fourteenth member."
"It depends on who you asked. But I'm not the fourteenth member. That's beside the point anyway, I just need you to come with me." the figure waved it's hand and a dark corridor appeared.
"I'm not going anywhere." Riku said deepening his stance.
"She's waiting for you." the figure said getting a confused look in return, "But if you won't come willingly, then I'll take you by force."
"No . . . . . more." Ed groaned as she, Sora, Ash, Yugi, and Shonen Bat laid sprawled out on the ground.
Genkai and Vincent had brought them all to a river to rest and have lunch after training, very intense training. Ed's zombie look had returned and Ash and Yugi looked just plain dead. Sora was face down on the ground, not even a poke from a sharp stick could move him.
"Any progress on your part?" Vincent asked Genkai as he took a drink from a bottle of water.
"A bit." Genkai took a drink from her's, "They're developing well but not as quickly as I'd hoped. How about you?"
"They're doing well, but he still has a ways to go." Vincent looked over at Sora, "That keychain the Emotionless gave him hasn't reacted to anything yet. And that bit it said about him having been an Emotionless is still unclear."
"LUNCH TIME!!" came Chichi's cheerful voice. She came from a path through the forest accompanied by the Sailor Scouts, each carrying an armful of food.
With a groan the group began dragging themselves over to the large cloth spread on the ground for the food. As they finally reached it the food had been laid out in an appitizing manner. Somehow the group managed to the strength to feed themselves and halfway through they were all full of energy again.
"Wow, you guys must've worked up an appitite." Serena said as she looked at the dished left behind, not a scrap of food left.
"Yeah, but guess who's cleaning it up." Mina said dizmally.
Meanwhile Ed, Ash, and Yugi were lying in the shade of a tree to enjoy the rest of their break while Sora finished washing his hands in the river. When he looked up he saw something that surprised him, a small area by the river was sand. After thinking for a second he walked over, took off his shoes and socks, and stepped on the sand. It was warm from being in the sun all day, and very grainy. Sora smiled to himself as memories of home came back and walked to the edge of the water. He sat down and stuck his feet him the water, closing his eyes as he put his hands behind his head. Something was on his side was he thought back cause a wind blew strongly, rustling the tree's just right to where they sounded like waves.
"What's with Sora?" Mina asked as she looked over and saw him smiling.
"Hmm?" Ray thought for a second, "Well I remember the Destiny Islands was some sort of tropical world, I guess he must have spent a lot of days lying around at the beach."
"He must be back home right now." Mina said wistfully.
"I could use a beach vacation right about now too." Serena said as she finished packing up a load of dishes.
"Couldn't we all." came a voice drawing everyone's attention.
They all looked over to see a figure in along black coat leaning against a tree. As everyone saw him he stood up and walked out towards them. Vincent and Genkai were quickly infront of him, Vincent with his gun drawn and pointed at the newcomer.
"Who are you?" Genkai asked, her tone implying that she'd better get an answer.
"I'm an old aquaintance." the figure motioned to Sora who had just gotten his shoes back on and was rushing over.
"I don't remember being friendly with anyone in the Organization." Sora said harshly, summoning his keyblade.
"Oh really?" the figure removed his hood to reveal red, hedgehog hair, green eyes, and a mark under each eye.
"Axel!?" Sora's jaw dropped in surprise.
"Hey kid, s'up." Axel grinned at Sora
"But you're . . . I mean . . I watched you." Sora couldn't put together a sentence from everything that was going through his head.
"Yeah, it's a bit of a story." Axel scratched the back of his head, "And I don't really have time to explain. I'm just here to pick up Roxas."
"Hold it." Vincent rushed up and stuck his gun against Axel's forehead, "I don't know what you're planning to do but it won't involve Sora."
"Would you just relax." Axel smiled at Vincent, "I'm not gonna sick Heartless on him again, I got a simpler process this time. He's only gonna be gone for the rest of the day, you'll get him back tomorrow."
Vincent didn't say anything and pulled the hammer back on the gun. As it clicked Axel's expression went from friendly to pissed off.
"Get that thing out of my face!" Axel snapped and grabbed the gun, pushing it off to the side. A shot rang out as Vincent pulled the trigger, but it missed and put a large hole in a tree.
Everyone began to move to either protect Sora or get Axel. Axel jumped into the air, not high, and a chakram came to his hand. He threw it and pinned Vincent's gun to the ground then summoned two more chakrams to his hands. As Genkai reached him he crossed and blocked then pushed her back. He nimbly dodged as Vincent grabbed his gun and started firing at him, all the while getting closer to Sora.
As he finsihed dodging the bullets he jumped over the Sailor Scouts, who had formed a protective wall infront of Sora, and as he landed he put his hand on Sora's head.
"Don't worry, it's not going to hurt or anything." Axel said as a blank look came over Sora's face.
All the strength seemed to drain out of Sora and he began to fall forward. Halfway to the ground he was enveloped in wisps of darkness, like a dark corridor opening up. As the wisps went away Roxas dropped to his knees, his hood pulled up and hiding his face. At first he just looked down at his hands, turning them over and over, then he looked up at a smiling Axel.
"Axel?" Roxas asked standing up slowly.
"Hey." Axel said with a smile at his old, only, friend.
"SORA!!" Ed yelled out worried drawing the two Nobodies attention.
"Uh, I'll explain everything in a second." Axel said taking a step back, "But right now I think we need to get out of here." then stuck out his hand for a dark corridor.
"Hold it!!" Serena yelled sending a strong spell at Axel. It didn't hit but it exploded close to him, distracting him.
"Oh crap!" Axel yelled, the dark corridor dropping and opening up on the ground, sucking in the two Nobodies and the Sailor Scouts.
Unfortunately the corridor closed before Vincent or Genkai could reach it. A strange calm began to settle over everybody as they all asked themselves what just happened, and more importantly, what had that man done to Sora?
*Sigh* South Light let out a long breath as she lazily strolled through the halls of Hollow Castle. The Lady was healing in her bedroom, Nefero was out doing something, and Riders were traveling to the Royalties of each System, she was the only one with nothing to do.
She stopped for a second infront of a door with an armored skeleton on it. She opened the door a crack to peek inside. It was littered with table of open books, potions, chemicals, and other such expiramental objects, but the main attraction was the dark figure chained tot he wall across the room. Heavy breathing could be heard from him. South Light dawned a kitty smile as she saw the figure and moved to step in the room. Just as she set a foot in she stopped and a confused look came to her face.
"That's some magic." South Light said to herself as she began to trace back what she was feeling to it's source. Her kitten smile grew bigger when she located it, "I'll play with you later sweetheart." South Light called out to the figure as she closed the door and opened a portal.
She'd found something to entertain herself for a while.
Okie dokie, how was that everyone? Personally I like to think it was good. I hope to get another chapter out soon, wish me luck. Oh, and yay for Riku finally appearing again.