@Cef: O_O....Girl, that would be like dividing by zero - the universe wouldn't be able to take it! ACK! My brain is about to have an an...an....an.....an.....an....an.... XDDDDDD
And also such a chapter is beyong my writing capabilites ^^; I don't think I could pull it off, pfft
@Coldman: Spring Break looks like a charm for this story here.......LALALALALALALALALALA~! >>; I'll do my best! It comes when it comes, and it'd been baking rather well! ^_^
@Shadow Love:........;_______________________;
Why does god hate us.........From author to author, we'll do our best Jason within the rules of the forum. You take care of yourself and Nicole okay?
It's like the great divide, but at least, the sky never breaks......;_______;
Yay more 38-5 rough bits~ Rough format lalalalalalala~ And no I'm not spilling everything, muahahahahaha~
"I'll knock you to the Other Side if you even think of following me!"
"Little -! ow," -
Abigale went to to grab him - "Wait!" - but he was already in shadow form - pointed from Abigale to Sora - and disappeared through his portal -
"That snake - it's too powerful!" said Abigale - "I can feel it's aura from here! There's, something trying to crawl in it - something is filling inside it!"
"I have to go - I can use my powers" -
"NO!" shouted Chi-Chi, "You can't go Abigale - you're needed here - they'll take you away!" -
"It'll take them away!"
Bulma grabbed Abigale,
"We have to trust that they'll come back" -
- she yanked her hand away -
Sora grabbed her hand, "You'll, make their sacrifice, for nothing," he breathed, he squeezed her hand, "It's, painful...it's really painful, but..." the pain ended his breath, doubling him over, grabbing his neck - Abigale put her hands over his.
"Abigale," said Bulma pushing two rolls of quilt together with Chi-Chi under Sora, "You're not doing nothing - you're here to protect too, just like you wanted, right? We're entrusting you to protect everyone here."
Abigale watched the green glow under her hands, "But, I...." Her puppy nudged her.... "I can do something now, I can, it's all up to me now" -
"Please, we need you, here," said Chi-Chi.
"We're all in this together," said Bulma.
Abigale's hands trembled.
"I'm sorry sweetie..." -
"That's not fair," said Abigale, "(*Hic*) To decide who means more" -
"Don't you dare say that," say Chi-Chi, "Be a big girl and look at your responsibility" -
"My responsibility is what I want to do -
and I want to fight - !"
"Abigale, heh," came back Sora's voice, "We know we can't stop you, if you want to go, then by every means go."
Clearly an audible gasp from Chi-Chi and Bulma could be heard.
"But," Sora continued, "I really, really don't want to die just yet, I need you to help me. The village needs you to help defend it. We need you to help us fight against the Lady. Everyone is doing what they can do, what they want to do, what they have to do - sometimes those choices are the same, and sometimes they're not, and, we have to be strong through the choices we don't want to do."
"If we could be out there, you bet your tail we would."
*Those two were able to stand on their own. Those two did what had to be done, even she understood that.*
*Those two, she - who are you talking about?!*
*That one knew but couldn't tell, that one saw but didn't hear, she could hear and see and speak, and saved that boy as well~*
*Who?! What are you talking about? Who saved who?*
*She used her purpose to save him. She understood she was a tool of destiny.*
Kairi stood impatiently folding her arms.
*'Never forget, that's the truth.' Never forget Kairi, what you are, what your purpose is-that price to fullfill.*
*How can I when you're beating it into my head?* she spat.
*Never forget...I'm going to make you disappear, just like she did.*
*As if! - Who are you talking about Misfortune?!*
*The value she held is the same as yours, you're just a jumble of memories, you can't stand on your own - just like her, just like her, just like her, (*Just like who?!*) just like her, just like her, just like her* -
Poor Riku has to wait to get some love again
Riku: Don't worry, when my time comes again.....when it comes again, I will rocketh.