Outsider Orochimaru > Stay-at-world Naruto - he would get monkey stomped and I bet the Kyuubi would stand there and laugh at him.
I've settled on the ending song for ah what's gonna go down soon, feel free to check it out if ya wanna~ ->
This is Home
As sad as I'm gonna make things, I swear it'll all come out alright in the end ^^; - O_O -
Jess~! Moar previews -
MOAR~!!!...Kinda, I'm gonna do a, an FMR - which is a fanfic-music-read....basically a play off of what an AMV is, 'cause in no way in hell can I animate, yet, nor do I have any clips of the anime's or kingdom hearts boo~ to make an amv (except for Ouran

- but I digress) and as for that, the writing is quite flat relying on the push of the lyrics. >>;
EDIT: As for anyone who has read the most recent chapter of FMA - OMFG.....mwuahahahaha, a spring of story fodder of awesome possumness, and sadness, not surprised there....but,
damn O_O.....
It's a preview/review - blargh it is what it is, enjoy~ Fill in the blanks with your own thoughts :3
This is Home - oh noyoudidn'tjustpostthesamesongagainyesyesIdid -
Water in cool translucent pond rippled in tunes like that of piano keys, playing with Sora's reflection....
I've got my memories...always inside of me.....
His grip...
But I can't go back, back to how it was...
...around his bracelet tightened:
Edward traced his finger -
I believe now...
- through the history of the stars, pages so old -
I've come too far,
- he slammed the book shut.
No I can't go back - back to how it was
Avera sighed in a spring breeze, overlooking Tokeio Town -
Created f~or a place I've never kno~wn,
- and overlooking Sora, and all his friends:
This is home, now I'm finally where I belong - where I belong, yeah this is home,
I've been searching for a place of my ow~n, now I've found it - maybe this is ho~me~
Yeah this is ho~me...
Abigale ran up into Mrs. Chi-Chi arms - inviting Goku for a playful bear-hug [poor Chi-Chi!]
Belief over misery...
Alone, Mewtwo flexed his would-be hand
I've seen the enemy...
Seritouge traveled alone in the dark
And I won't go back,
Nefero looked through a stained glass piece -
back to how it wa~s
- distorting his image, he walked on with the light of dawn following him -
And I got my heart set on what happens next -
Kairi clasped her hands together -
I got my eyes wide -
Riku smiled -
- it's not over yet - we are miracles
Yugi, Pharaoh, and Ed exchanged happy laughter enduced glances -
And we're not alo~ne
Slypher and Rayquaza stretched, carrying everyone off into the bright blue sky -
Yeah~ this is home, now I'm finally where I belong - where I belong, yeah this is home,
I've been searching for a place of my ow~n, now I've found it - maybe this is ho~me~ (this is home)
Yeah this is ho~m~e~... -
And now,
Goofy!Wolf jumped down -
after all my se~arching -
- racing with the wolves proudly
After all my que~stions
Edward happily smirked at Spot Tower -
I'm gonna call it home
- resting his hands on his hips, Alphonse next to him
I got a brand new mi~ndset
Shonen lightly nudged Sora
I can finally see the su~nset
Spike flicked off his cigarette -
I'm gonna call it home
- walking back to Bebop over puddles of water, rippling like the tunes of Piano keys:
Facing each other - Thantos and Eros's reared up roaring - a sudden surge of green ethereal light ensnaring all in the vicinity of Tokeio Town and beyond -
Woah~ this is home,
All the lights in the sky are stars
Now I'm finally where I belong - where I belong, yeah this is home,
I've been searching for a place of my ow~n,
now I've found it - maybe this is ho~me~
Wrapped in light Avera extended a hand out -
(This is home)
- reaching out to very dazed Sora -
This is ho~m~e~... -
- who stumbled forward, Avera bracing him with their hands clasped
Now I kno~w~!
Yeah this is ho~me
Sora opened his eyes, Avera gone, but -
I've come too far...
- he was surrounded by each and every one of them -
And I won't go back....
- ow, someone was squeezing his hand - he looked over -
Yeah, this is home
- and couldn't speak, he barely being able to mouth, "You're here...."
Only took me a little under two hours to compose everything....this short little thing XD And I know I left out a tail-load of characters, but come on
Yes this is 38-5 related:
Abigale stood glaring at the sunset, her puppy careful to keep a safe distance as her staring contest bunched her hands into fists, "He's not back yet," she spat, "He, said an hour
at the latest, 'only an hour, I promise I'll be back, don't you come after me - you know you can't be revealed' - *hic*- *hic*" She dropped down on her rear, her fist slamming the side of the house, off-setting it's foundation - the sunset now as glossy as a stained glass window, "Is this how I have to live now?" she looked at her tiny hands, one catching a tear, "Is this all I'm good for? I came back alive only to make people die? I want to be with mommy! I want to be with daddy! I don't want to make anyone die! I DON'T WANT TO DO THIS IF I CAN'T SAVE ANYONE!"
[You might be thinking Abigale is contradicting herself here, but when we get to this point, no, no she's not >>; ]
Abigale hugged herself, her puppy coming to her side, "Ragiel, *sniff* okay, I finally understand how the Masters feel."
[Thank-you FMA for getting the sad streak going DX]
More 38-5 related stuff - if this isn't my longest chapter yet, I'd be moderately surprised XD I've got a fire under my keester going and reformatting the chappie [again] with putting a lot of chips in here, resolve, we needz it, teh precious needz its :3 It's gonna be worth it, truuuuuuuuuuuuuuusssssssssssssssst meeeeeeeee XD
EDIT: Blah blah blah blah - subject to change and all, blah blah blah, although you can tell I'm at least in the ball park with this one~
- Confrontation! - A snake's eye never blinks!
you mean that?" Shonen tilted his head at the teeny black snake, it's big even-darker eyes coating a shine of innocence, flicking out a little pink forked tongue. "My god that's adorable."
Sora relaxed his stance, "But, I sensed* it - you felt it too right? An overwhelming sense of darkness, it was like it being stared at but from where I - "
The snake held it's upper half up like a cobra and match the tilt in its head to Shonen's, "Awwww~ I wonder who it belongs to, it doesn't seem to be afraid of people."
Sora scratched the end of his nose, "It is pretty cute, huh
aren'tcha little snakey?"
The wittle bwack snakey curled up tightly, snuggling its head in, keeping its big eyes ever wide, and flicking out that little pink tongue curiously and cautiously~
"Whoever that darkness was, it sure as hell isn't radiating off of this thing," Shonen rested his bat on his shoulder, "We must've forced them to retreat, come on, if we don't get back before Genkai and Vincent discover our little outing we'll be" -
"C o m
p r
o mi
A pulse like a power surge of internal electricity crushed Sora and Shonen Bat's sense of equilibrium - leveling them to their knees - "AHHUGH!"- Shonen grasping his head while Sora clutched his chest -
"*** damn it!" Shonen cursed - "It -
it's an aura attack!" - but Sora feeling his brain like a bowl of eggs getting scrambled could not comprehend further then the intense pressure in his chest and the acid trip their five senses were being molested by - oh the tiny black snake was tiny no longer, under a visual filter like that of mirrors in a fun-house from hell it grew, and grew, and grew, the great trees swaying from the pressure of the snake's expansion at their base, the beast raising itself up to that cobra stance - it's black eyes thickening as two great black suns in the sky - fangs elongated as tall as a man, no longer!- its body as thick as a black oozing river compressed into flesh,
*Oooh ooh, I ****ed up.*
The giant black serpent, despite it's bulky presence, swung a hunk of it's lower portion around Sora and Shonen Bat as dexterously as a cowboy tossing a lasso (lazily swatting several trees), creating a black wall around them.
"Aura compression, just like a spring, and then,
boing~!," came an oily voice, "My pet project has certainly paid off in terms of weaponry, just as how electronics can get destroyed by an electromagnetic pulse, so can we Astral beings of a Aureole Pulse - to be blunt, the blinding edges of our aura refined into an invisible ethereal edge to cut into others - it's quite powerful, neh?"
"Yousonofa****!" Shonen blurted out, "Th-that, that
powerbelongstoHollowCastle, th-th-theFalseStar - you -
Orochimaru hummed, "Catching onto the frequency of someone's aura is something of an animal's specialty, don't worry about your souls or your hearts getting ripped apart, my pet is being very careful disassembling you~"
Sora shut his eyes tight - cutting down on the the sense to see - he banked everything on what little focus he could spare into the sixth sense - and in one stroke - Sora whipped the light cloak around the Keyblade - swinging it up for a Hail Mary shot -
"WAKE THE NIGHT*!" - the laser shot - and splattered gunk came raining down!