O_O.......Coldman and Lectori, and I'm being totally serious, but you guys almost figured out the way to kill away Nefero's lives that I never told to anyone! (He has nine lives though....remember....? >_< ) You have to stab, shoot, or blast him simultaneously to his head and heart - and those blows have to be killing blows, two simultaneous killing blows to the head and heart, that's the only way to take him down. (Or is there..?)
Anywho....those hits were not at the same time.....
Shonen Bat: How could they possibly shoot him at the same time in the first place? They're posting one after another! It's a trap! - BAM.
Anywho, if he's had a near death experience, he goes into a mode that like a Berserker Evangelion unit (think when Eva Unit 1 became self aware....Yeah) Like.....how he is now. And thus I will start running for my life, and i suggest anyone with 100 meters to do the same, he can't differentiate too well between friend or foe in this state - everything must be destroyed! D:<
SA: Oh yay! I'm alive again! *SPAKSJDSOKOSJIAJDIEJDNDSVSHDWJUNDADJFJF*.......Ow.......*Dies, again.* [Angel form]: Just leave me Cef and save yourself! Run! Everyone RUUUUNNNNN!!!! *Sees white out* This may be the only way! - SOMEONE! CATCH THIS BOTTLE WHICH I WILL BLOW INTO THE AIR WITH MY WINGS! My hands are currently transparent. By the way Eva, even though I am your avatar, is there some kind of message you're sending with you always dying? Does it have to do with what's in your name?
Talking to myself. My insanity is reaching it's peak.
Wow, we've taken this fight pretty far.....*Seritouge still sits in silence* Who's gonna end it? (Not me...at least not now, I think I just started it up again.....)
Coldman, be careful with double posting, you can get in trouble for it, I know I've done it, but I've been lucky so far >_< I don't want you to get in trouble TT.TT
Anywho, I really enjoyed this filler,
especially the way you caught Dendjue, you get a golden cookie for the line "Milkshake me."
>X3 I just love, love play! Ragiel being so cute defending Lorenia, I bet he was just waiting to get that moment - and the scene with Ven and Aqua, so much love, so much heart was in this filler, I love it to death. Family talk, a kiss scene, a lover defending his girl, you pulled out all the stops. Bravo, Coldman, really, really, good job.

The cat of praise comes out! =^.^=
And if you need anymore info from me, please don't hesitate to ask :3 Or remind me -_-