*Seritouge passes STOPGREVIGA on everyone; the Lady slips away by breaking out*
*shakes fist at thin air* Damn you Seritouge, we can defend ourselves! Look what you did! D:<
*The Lady comes back* "Now you're all frozen, what can you do now?"
O_O Man, how many times am I gonna get chopped? x.x
Seritouge: Oops......
Despell us you idiot!
Okay moving on -
Nice Coldman, very nice >:3 I've never described how South Light fights huh? Sorry about that D': But thier natures are practically spot on ^0^ I look forward to zeh filler :3
My turn ^_^
Okay, sorry no Riku here T.T, but Kairi's got lengthened a little so yay! And I promise not to edit and re-write the chappie like I did last time a day later T.T Though I think you all read it after I did that so, phew.....
Oh yeah, and sorry about the bold and, ah, slanted marks in the chappie, I couldn't move them....Slanted...wow I need to go to bed...
RECAPOLA: “Yes, for this one Kairi part, and yes, it’s me Shonen Bat, thanks for asking about the gun-shot wound.
*Gun cocks*
So! Let’s get started. Oh where did we leave off with Kairi…? Oh that’s right, she left Tenchi’s group on a big decked out train….I sense preferential treatment:
Kairi eyes had become blurry, and she quickly blinked them clear, ‘T-thank-you Sasami.’ Kairi took the gift and began to unwrap it –
‘Wait! You can’t open it here!’ yelled Sasami, and Kairi was stopped with the package half-way uncovered. “It has to be opened in a special place!” Tenchi’s group nodded, some with a hidden glance –
Kairi could kinda feel what it was – Sasami snatched it back up, wrapped it, or rather sealed it [shut] and handed it back to Kairi. ‘Keep it safe, and open it only, ONLY when you know you should open it.’
So she has a gift, okay, and what else? She also got a letter from Washuu:
‘This is a special train that Aurocile has especially activated for you,’ said Washuu, ‘It will take you automatically where you need to go, also, here’ – Washuu handed Kairi a letter, ‘this should help you on your way too.’
“Judging by the contents of the letter, you should be going to at least three worlds before you reach Tokieo Town,” said Washuu, “But who knows. You’ll be taken to where you are needed.”
Alright what else is there? Weren’t Kairi’s buddies going somewhere? :
“We’re going to meet up with the rest of the world coalition that protects the Masters in Tokieo Town. Once you get there, come by and give us a shout, one of us should be at the Lunar Café, or the Spot Tower.”
Um, that might pose a bit of a problem since the Elric brothers kinda burned down the place…Since they were the only ones there…And they left...Not to mention…Seritouge….?.....Oh who wants to bet they’re just all dead in a ditch somewhere? Ah?
*Gun cocks*
Okay! One more thing:
Then just as Kairi fell asleep, off to the left of her, a form began to wrinkle into view, and Ragiel’s transparency faded in. He walked over to the sleeping Kairi all cuddled up. *Mh, snug as a bug in a rug, *he said lightly, and a warm smile was drawn over his face. *I remember now, why I just had to help you. It’s funny how death can kinda detach ya a bit from reality. It doesn’t exactly apply to me anymore.* Ragiel took a seat next to Kairi and brushed her almost weightless red hair back; her hair about the exact same shade as his. *Our eyes could have been the same shade I bet, but I just had to have that tinge of green in them……* Ragiel moved to pick the heavy covers over her more, but they only just slightly moved as his ghostly hand slipped through them. *Heh, I can’t do it anymore…. It’s been so long since I last tucked you in at night.*
……I guess that’s self explanatory no…? Laterz”
CH 33-2
My Other Keeper: Kairi
"Blessed are those that can give without remembering and receive without forgetting."~ Author Unknown ~ [D’oh]
En Route
Kairi’s sprinting steps echoed throughout the darkness along with her gasping breath to keep up the pace for not more than a second’s time behind her – she could hear the thumping and sluggishly rhythmic pounding and breathing from a large creature chasing her down – it’s icy breath just touching her back and heels – the ground trembling under the monster’s gait –
There was nothing but darkness before her, no ground she could see – no places to hide, not that she could hide anyway – the monster was too close – its heavy tongue was trying to get a pre-emptive taste–!
“Leave me alone you disgusting – thing!” Kairi held out her hand to call Chigiri* - but no blade came – her legs were knocked out from under her with the sound of a sharp snap almost like gunfire and she tumbled head over heels forward with a quick glimpse of the monster behind her – red eyes and a mouth lined with dripping burning teeth that opened wide – she landed hard on her side and a spotlight was then on her – the monster reared up to quickly stop before any of it was revealed from the light with a thick morbid roar – ugth Kairi could smell it’s rotting breath; the monster then slammed down, the shockwave lifting Kairi a little.
Kairi looked at her legs, they were bent in awkward, twisted positions, but she felt no pain, probably because she was still in shock from the blow…Such strength so accurately aimed at a vital body part – that monster wanted her, but as long as the spotlight was on her, it wouldn’t come near her….Even though the spotlight kept her and the monster apart about by only one foot.
The monster snarled and growled, circling its prey, its breath touching Kairi’s numb legs and back. Kairi tried to call Chigiri* again, but the Keyblade still wouldn’t come.
The monster began to laugh, low, long and melodic
….“Princess of Heart….Lonely Princess of Heart…For a monster like me, such a meeting, I would accept nothing less…I have been haunting you for a long, long, time.”
The monster took a seat right in front of her, its red eyes and burning mouth fixated upon her.
“Poor princess….Poor princess…You do not know much about your past. You cannot question your past as any other living person can.”
“What are you talking about?! Of course I have a past! I am a living person!”
The monster rolled its eyes.
“Before you came, to Destiny Islands?”
“Don’t you realize it yet…? Your current identity started with them.”
“My….current identity?”
The monster looked back, and a little ways away behind it, another, larger spotlight, shinned down, on Sora and Riku; both of them as young children, as when Kairi first met them –
“What are you?!”
The hidden monster gave a smile that broadened
.“Misfortune. I am the Misfortune buried in you.”
“Buried, within me?”
“Poor girl…Poor lonely girl…”
“I’m a Keyblade Master! Like Sora and Riku” – Kairi stole a look at the spotlight on Sora and Riku (now the age when they first became Masters) and for the third time, Kairi tried calling Chigiri* but still, the blade did not answer; Misfortune threw its head back and laughed – Kairi looked at her empty hand – “What’s going on?!”
“You think you are a Master?! [/B]Like them?! AHAHAAA!”
Kairi looked back at Sora and Riku, now at their present age.
“Look at yourself!”
Kairi looked at her legs, still bent awkward, and, small? Kairi felt her hair, short – her body, her arms – she was now the age when she first them, Sora and Riku –
“Just because you learned a few tricks, learned a few skills, and can wield that sorry excuse of a weapon of light” – the monster pointed at Kairi, and Chigiri* finally appeared in hand – “Does NOT mean you are a Master like them! You are nothing but a remnant, an excuse for the future to move on” –
“What are you talking about?! I know who I am!”
[B]“Do you?” the monster’s eyes narrowed,
“Or is that what you’ve led yourself to believe? Can you identify your existence without them?”
Kairi looked once again at Sora and Riku still at their current age; Sora waved happily to her –
“Can you ever once identify yourself when you were not with them? Not a part of their lives, not a hindrance on their lives?”
“Hindrance?!” Oooh if Kairi could only stand up – “I never was a hindrance to them! If there was anything I could do” –
“But there was nothing you could ever do,” the monster hissed,
“Except get kidnapped. Hindrance to them, ha, didn’t you even at one point wanted to abandon Riku and sail away with Sora, ‘member that?”
“I was just…playing…”
“Of course you were. Riku has done a lot for you, but I never heard a thank-you from you to him.”
“Hey –“ Kairi grabbed her head, “You stay out of those memories!”
“So when are you going to abandon Sora? You almost abandoned Tenchi and his lovely girls, and they were only trying to give you a head start” –
“I’m sorry! I was, I was scared for Sora! And Riku!” –
“You are a very selfish girl underneath that pink exterior, little girl. Perhaps abandoning people runs in your family….How do you know that you, yourself, weren’t abandoned on Destiny Islands?”
Kairi looked dead on at the monster.
“Despite what you so wish to believe, you will never be the kind of person they are.” The monster motioned to Sora and Riku; Sora waved again, and Riku blindly smiled.
“You will never be what they are, because they became what they are, for you.”
Kairi felt her chest get heavy and her lips tremble.
“They worked themselves to the death for you.”
Kairi blinked her tears back, and looked to Sora and Riku again – Sora as a heartless, and Riku in his form when possessed by....um (a.k.a Xehanort’s heartless) –
“What have you ever done for them, that can be measured in the scope of what they’ve done for you?”
Kairi held herself…… “Nothing,” she breathed, “I’ve done nothing….”
“Lonely Princess Kairi…You have it before you, your tool of destiny.” Kairi looked at her Keyblade on her twisted legs, a few of her tears dripped off onto the cool metal, onto her reflection.
“If you don’t take control of your destiny, your past, your potential, before it takes control of you…..they will pay the price. They will have no choice, because, they’re doing it for you.”
Kairi looked once again at Sora and Riku and gasped, a red Lady was standing behind them with her arms over their shoulders, holding them close….. “Is that…” Oh what did Tenchi and the girls tell her…. “Is that, the, Lady?” The red Lady nodded and smiled back, that sharp smile – her claws growing long around their necks –
“Stop!” – but Kairi’s legs were still twisted –
“You’ll have to decide, if they won’t pay the price for your existence, then” – the Lady’s hands suddenly grabbed Kairi by the neck from behind – cutting off her windpipe –
Kairi snapped awake – jumping up from her bed; her heart in her throat. She felt her neck, no abrasions, she got up to go take a peek at the decorated mirror above the marble dresser. Nope, there were no marks on her neck; the lone sound of the clicking tracks reassured her that she was in fact, alone in the sleep car (really this sleep car was more of a royal bedroom). “I’m…okay,” Kairi said out loud holding her neck, “I’m okay.” Although she could still feel her jugular pumping blood extra hard through her veins. Adrenaline gave one last surge throughout her body, and her Keyblade jumped out of her hand, responding to her last tingle.
Kairi let her hand lightly glide over her blade, over the cool metal, she grabbed it and closed her eyes, thinking hard of their faces, all of their faces, “This Keyblade belongs to me, only to me. And I will, use it to control my own path. I won’t rely on them anymore, for now, they can rely on me.”
Kairi thought she heard a small laugh…….And she thought how much it would suck if this train was haunted…..But it’s not, I mean, *It’s just a big empty train….Big and, empty; except for me….With a lot of pretty Royal antique stuff….Creepy antique stuff…* Oh stop the train was gorgeous….
Now Kairi wished wherever she was going that she would get there just a little bit quicker….At least for the presence of another human being….She crawled back to center of the emperor sized bed, and into her nest of covers (still holding her Keyblade).
The stars still floated silently by the twin windows in the sleep car; the tracks still ever going clikity-clack underneath the wheels. Her eyes wondered over to the marble dresser, to her letter and gift, and the warm feeling of being with Tenchi and the girls wrapped around her like one of the blankets…She knew she spent adequate time with them, but it all still felt like, such a short time. But if their words are true, she would meet them again in Tokieo Town, they were going to meet up with others of that group they were a part of…
Uh oh.
“Yes, I will meet them again. I will, we promised we would.”
Again, Kairi thought she heard a faint laugh in the background; she gripped her blade – “Shut up,” she said sternly, and the laughing stopped.
In the corner of the sleep car room, there the whole time, was Ragiel’s Ghost….
No, he wasn't laughing....
*Yeah,* said Ragiel, *This is something you have to do on your own I guess…You can’t see me anymore….Pfft, I guess it was true, we really were nothing but shields for you guys for the Key Brawl…Nothing but tools…Be strong Little Red, I don’t know what’s going on, but you’re going to have to face it head on.* Ragiel began to pull his energy back, *I’m going to go be with Lorenia now, you’ve never met her, but I bet you would have liked her, when we were little, remember I always needed your approval? When we were little, you remember that, right?* And he was gone. Kairi’s Keyblade gave a tingle and she opened her eyes. She suddenly had the strange feeling that someone she knew had just left, but, she couldn’t remember his name, like the time she forgot Sora….She sat up – she hated that feeling, forgetting Sora, who was this person – wait, wasn’t she the only one on the train?! She looked at Chigiri, maybe it was just responding to her memories, Keyblades do that right? It was just responding to a memory; she told herself.
But no matter what Kairi told herself, she couldn’t get back to sleep for over an hour, her mind lulling over what Misfortune said, her Keyblade tingling, then after some time her mind found itself thinking of all those clothes she bought for Sora and Riku back on Destiny Islands, they never got a chance to wear them…at least, she was still able to give them their bracelets….Kairi looked at her bracelet…It hasn’t hurt in a while…The times it did, she felt Sora was in trouble….
Maybe Sora’s fight with the Death General didn’t count…What’s up with those bracelets anyway? Didn’t Euphoria say they were gonna be Charms? Or was that Seritouge who helped pushed that notion….?
Kairi left the cool metal of the bracelet on her cheek, only then did her eyes finally close, leading her to dream that she was back on Destiny Islands with Sora, and Riku.
There was sunlight on Kairi’s face. “Hmmmh, it’s early…(*GASP*) Early?!” Kairi once again snapped up from her bed and looked at the sunlight that was shinning in both the twin windows! Off her mirror! The train was stopped, she heard no clikity-clack – she recalled her blade and ran to the door of the train, passing window after window of sunlight, oh beautiful sunlight! She found the door, and stepped outside – her skin welcoming the warm sunlight rays….the door slammed shut, and the train began to move –
“Oh no wait! My letter and package! WAIT!” but the train kept on going, disappearing car by car into a golden portal. “Ouw…You better come back….Washuu said you were my mode of transportation….You better come back….Er, who closed that door? Next time I’m on you, I’m doing a full sweep!” she said looking at the disappearance of the train, a….window….? A very large paned window – Kairi’s surprised reflection was staring back at her, she looked all around discovering she was in a
hallway. A hallway full of sunlight no less though.
Deciding not to think too much on the matter of a luxurious train such as hers fitting into, and then disappearing from a hallway…Okay it was a pretty big and well decorated hallway too, rather it was a corridor of marble with a pale pink shade, so pale it was almost unable to see with the naked eye. Kairi decided to proceed to walk down it, as at the present time, there was nothing much she could do. The large windows she passed by showed a large courtyar, elegant enough for royalty, and a pointed clock tower that apparently looked to be attached to another structure of the current building she was in against a beautiful blue midday sky. “Geeze, I should’ve taken the letter with me, at least it probably could’ve told me something about what I’m supposed to do…Most likely I’m supposed to lock* this world, but maybe that letter could’ve given me a hint or something…? I have no idea where I am.” She stopped at the end where two double doors were. She could have turned down to another hall, but she looked up and read, “Music Room Three.”
Chigiri* gave a tingle. “In here?” Chigiri didn’t respond again, but, “Whelp, here goes nothing.”
Kairi gripped one of the handles of the double doors, and opened it – she was almost taken back by the sudden breeze fused with the scent of rose petals (and actual rose petals) as the aesthetic wind gave her a feeling of utter content to a point where she blushed, *Wow, maybe I can pick up gardening from this place if I have the time,* Kairi giggled within.
There in the center of the large open (well refined) room, were seven boys (seven really handsome boys), one sitting in a classy chair with the other six around him, “Welcome.” All of them were dressed in the same uniform of light pale blue formal jackets (with ties and a white shirt underneath) with a school patch on the upper left of their chest, and dark pants, but the similarities ended there as they ranged in the height scale (except for the orange haired twins) and looks; good, good looks…. <3
[Please not that SA is currently swooning over an Ouran poster….Google it]
“Our first customer of the day, and what a special way to
start this bright beautiful new morning,” said the blonde haired (second tallest) blue eyed young man getting up from the classy chair, “You’re a new face around here, are you lost, young princess?” He extended his hand to Kairi, which might’ve made more sense if he wasn’t ten feet away –
“Uh….” *Well this is good, they know I’m a princess, maybe Washuu contacted them, I bet they knew I was coming here.*
[No, no, and nope.]
“Don’t be shy, please come in. Oh, I get it, you’re a transfer student right?” said the blonde getting ever closer…. “I believe I’ve seen that style you’re wearing from some far off island.”
[You mean Jaaaaaaaa-pan?]
*They even know about my home, Destiny Islands?!*
[ -_-]
“Don’t worry, I can tell you’ve traveled from afar, you can rest here my dear lady. We’ll be sure to make your stay extra,
comforting.” He was suddenly holding up a rose in front of Kairi’s face. “Welcome to our little Host Club.”
“Umm….” Kairi could feel her face burning red.
“She’s a shy one huh Milord?” said the twins together – “You’re probably scaring her.”
“Oh no, ah, um, I’m not a transfer student, though,” said Kairi gaining her composure, and pushing her hair back.
The rose drooped, “You’re not?”
“Nope, but you’re right in the fact that I’m actually from nowhere near here – ”
The rose picked back up, “Then may I ask where you are from? Oh! Are you an international student?”
“She would still be a transfer student Milord” –
“Eh, more like an intergalactic student,” Kairi chuckled, “But actually, I’m – *I guess there should be no harm in showing them, they know this much about me right? Such fine gentlemen, this world should be a piece of cake* -
[What you are about to read was conceived innocently]
Kairi straitened up, “I’m – (*she called out her blade with a flash of light*) a” –
“WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTCHHHH–!” In one second, the blonde was before her, and in another – [after she called her blade] – he shot himself into midair, landing right in front of the sixth tallest brown haired big eyed boy (if not almost directly on the poor thing) –
“Wow! A magician!” the shortest cute blonde boy (with big light brown eyes) clapped, “A real live mag” –
“How did you do that?
That’s incredible!” said the sixth tallest boy peeking out from behind the tall blonde – he was then promptly grasped by the twins –
“She’s the witch from the clock tower Milord!” they yelled –
“I’m not a witch, I’m a Keyblade Master, and this is a Keyblade that I am holding!” defended Kairi.
[Kairi has not been well informed of the oh so sacred world borders….Not that there are anymore…]
The dark haired third tallest young man (with dark eyes to match behind his glasses) calmly walked up to Kairi shifting his notebook to his other hand and patted the Keyblade with his pen to ensure its authenticity while the bickering chaos from the others ensued –
“Her Keyblade is definitely real, and the craftsmanship on it is absolutely astounding.”
“Thank-you,” smiled Kairi, *So there are normal people here*–
how can you be so calm?!” the blonde haired young man called to the young man in front of Kairi, “For all we know (*dramatic point*) –
she could be from another world!”
“I am from another world” –
“ALIEN!” the twins cried hugging the sixth tallest boy tighter –
“Enough! Quick egging Tamaki-sempai's nerves on!” the sixth tallest yelled at the twins–
“I’m not an alien!” Kairi yelled losing her temper –
“Run Haruhi!” cried the blonde to the young man behind him, “The Host Club will defend you as you escape from this intruder! Hikaru, Kaoru – take her somewhere safe!”
They didn’t need telling twice –
“Don’t you guys know about the Keyblade Masters?!” Kairi yelled at the top of her lungs; everyone froze. “You!” Kairi pointed at Tamkai (the tallest blonde) and he reacted as if he had been stabbed, “You knew I was a princess, and even about my world!”
did?” he squeaked.
“He’s the king of the Host Club, he treats every girl with such romanticism,” said the twin with his hair parted to the right; suddenly calm.
“He about calls every girl a princess, so excuse him for actually getting it right for once,” said the twin with his hair parted to the left; suddenly calm.
“Forgive us young lady, but there seems to be a great deal of confusion about just
who and
what you are,” said Kyouya pushing his glasses up.
“I’m a lady,” Kairi growled silently –
“But, this matter can all be settled easily with a simple introduction from you, Miss…?”
“My name is Kairi, and I am a Keyblade Master, and also,” she called back her blade (the tallest blonde fainted with the tallest young man catching him)… “A Princess of He” –
“You’re a real live Princess?!” said the shortest, cutest blonde hopping in front of her, “And you can do magic tricks! A magical real live princess! Just like from all the shoujo manga!”
“Mitsukuni, you shouldn’t interrupt,” said the tallest (and deepest voiced) young man with short wild hair and dark eyes to match; Tamaki was still out in his arms –
“Oh, sowy,” said Mitsukuni with big apologetic eyes, holding his pink stuffed bunny close – (yes he has a bunny, which somehow, “magically” appeared in his arms) and he quickly shuffled back by the tallest young man –
“Really, there’s no need to be so, far away,” said Kairi….
“I agree,” said Kyouya, “Perhaps we still have a few minutes before our morning customers arrive; why don’t we serve ourselves some, tea, to refresh and calm ourselves” –
“Ah, no, you know what, I’m sorry, my mistake for coming in here,” said Kairi, “I shouldn’t have bothered you all, I’ll go,” Kairi turned to leave, but Chigiri within her gave a short vibration in her heart that startled Kairi - she quickly grabbed her chest –
Kyouya quickly went to Kairi’s aid, but even though he was right next to Kairi, Tamaki (revived by the way) was there quicker and took Kairi’s hands – “Princess, are you” – Chigiri gave a stronger beat and Kairi sank to her knees, Tamaki scooped her up – “I’m taking her to the school infirmary” –
“No, no, no I’m fine! I’m fine!” said Kairi struggling to get down –
“Don’t be silly, you just collapsed to the ground!” said Tamaki, but Kairi’s struggling forced him to put her down anyway, he took her hand as her other was on the door handle, “Please, I can’t allow you to just leave without getting checked out by one of our school nurses” –
“I’m fine said Kairi, my, heart just, gave a weird beat” –
“Miss, please,” said Kyouya, “I insist you get checked out by one of our nurses here at Ouran” –
“Ouran?” said Kairi.
“Yeah, our school, Ouran Academy,” said the twin with his hair parted to the left.
“Don’t you know where you are Miss?” said the twin with his hair parted to the right.
“Uh, no, I don’t know where I am…”
Tamaki bent really close to Kairi, still holding her hands, “Princess please, I’m begging you to see our school nurse.” He genuinely looked afraid for her life….Chigiri gave another vibration, but Kairi stiffened her body and closed her eyes tightly holding her breath; she felt Tamaki tighten his grip on her hands.
Kairi let loose her breath, “Okay.” And on que, Tamaki picked up Kairi once again, Kyouya opened the door, and he carried her to the infirmary.
“Please get well Princess!” Mitsukuni called holding his bun-bun close.
Kairi just settling and racked her brains on what she was going to do….Perhaps, this world had been spared the dark touch of the Emotionless, so then, they wouldn’t know anything about, Kairi…. Well that made things just a little more difficult, but, Sora did it on his own before right? Oh, right, he had Donald and Goofy, but, he did it never-the-less. Kairi may be on her own but, she had her confidence….
“Well my dear, you’re as healthy as a horse,” said the school nurse moving the stethoscope away from Kairi’s heart, “Now, you say your heart gave an irregular heartbeat?”
“Yes m’am. *Although you can’t diagnose what’s in me.*”
“Describe for me this heart beat.”
“Well, it just sort of, came all of a sudden.”
“Was it like, a racing pulse, a” –
“It was more like an, extra beat.”
“An extra beat?”
“Um, yeah.” Kairi was trying to play it cool, the nurse was so nice, but she looked quite uncomfortable, and the nurse took notice.
“Okay. Well dear, the heart can do unusual things when put under pressure. By what you’re telling me though, you had what’s known as an extrasystole, an occasional extra heart beat, and for the most part they are benign, but I’d like to run a more extensive test search to find out just what’s wrong with your little ticker. I understand from Mr. Tamaki you wondered into the Host Club, and collapsed on your knees; you also gave a statement that you didn’t know where you were.”
*That’s all he said about me? He didn’t mention my Keyblade?*
“Can you tell me where you’re from dear?”
…..Kairi got a spur of the moment idea – “No m’am, I, I don’t know, my last memory is wondering the halls of the school, and then, I met the Host Club.” Kairi knowing she was lying only made her appearance even more uncomfortable, which was excellent to sell her story –
“You can’t remember anything at all?”
“No m’am, nothing.” Kairi got her eyes to whelp up with tears.
Tamaki walked through the infirmary door, “Nurse, I’ve come to check up on” –
Kairi looked at Tamaki with her big, frightened, teary, dreary, confused –
Tamaki walked over and placed his hand on her back, taking her in close – Chigiri gave another tickle but Kairi managed to pass it down without so much as a wince – *What is with this guy?* Kairi hissed internally focusing the energy elsewhere, *I can take care of myself!*
“What’s her diagnosis?”
“She’s healthy,” the nurse replied, “Although she has been under heavy amounts of stress” –
*You can say that again,* Kairi remembered Misfortune, and, all the misfortune she’s run into.
“And I want to check into her heart more just to be safe.”
“Very well, please report any and all health expenses to me, I will take care of them.”
If there was a record playing Kairi’s indifference to Tamaki, it stopped.
“I understand Tamaki,” smiled the nurse, “Now Kairi” –
“Yes?” Kairi squeaked.
“Since you have no recollection of yourself, or family, before you came to Ouran Academy” –
“Is that right?” Tamaki asked looking directly at Kairi.
“Well, that certainly won’t do, having a young lady without a home, or a loving family,” said Tamaki, “Princess, I would like to offer you a place to stay until, we can get you back to your real family.” Kairi’s eyes widened. “I’m sure that there is a loving family out there that misses you very much. We’ll figure out your situation, don’t you worry, Princess.” And Tamaki gave a warm, warm smile.
“Really Tamaki, you’re too kind,” smiled the nurse writing something down.
*You, said it lady, I mean, just before, I scared the living daylights out of him, and now, he’s paying for my medical bills and even offering me a place to stay….Like none of that even happened….Oh yeah, he even called me a witch!*
“Princess, I’ll be right back,” said Tamaki getting up to leave, “I have a class I need to go to now, but when I come back I’d like to show you around our school formally” –
“Oh, um but, don’t you have, um *what’s it called* – “Ho-Host Club responsibilities? In fact, I don’t want to cause any more trouble today, so, for today, if I may, just, aid with, with your club? To-to help pay you back! You’re doing so much for me, please sir,” Kairi bowed.
The nurse looked to Tamaki and shrugged, but Tamaki merely smiled. “If you insist, princess, how can I refuse?” and he left (*a beautiful bell began to chime*) –
OH NO! I’ve got only a minute to get to the other side of campus –!” And he sprinted off.
In the wake of his absence, Kairi was left to wonder….Her hand went to her chest, Chigiri was reacting to something…Her heart tickled whenever…*Nah it couldn’t be, I mean the guy freaked when he saw my Keyblade…Hmp….I don’t get him, but he can’t be all bad, maybe he’s not bad at all, I mean he does call every girl Princess* – It hit her, and Kairi gasped internally, *Could there….could there be such a thing,
as a Prince of Heart?*
“Would you like to take a nap, princess?” the nurse smiled.
“Um, no thank-you, in fact may go out to the courtyard?” *I can smell sarcasm you mean lady* –
“Of course, pin this pass on you.”
Kairi pinned the visitor’s pass on and walked out.
Prince of Heart.....One word - bishonen........*runs* Oh come on! How could you not see that pitch coming?! *0*
Here's a link to Ouran whoo!:
OURAN!!! It's the funimation website >>;
Ah, now my new semester starts TT.TT Damn you Block, darn yooouuuuuuuuu.....!
Peace and Cloverfield!
P.S: I know I said the Reaper was the last "Out" character, but Misfortune is kinda just in Kairi's head....so that doesn't count....>>;