And now, you have new nickname ^_^ Coldy....It sound cute :3
*In a deep double voice* :" It's is too late for them now..."
Woah, where did that come from....? O_O
"Close to?" Eww! Ah just kidding ^_^ I don't remember if I talked with you Cef how Spirit Kids are made...It's kinda a weird process I suppose....Hmmmmm, meep, but yeah the Lady is someone's kid, I just hope I didn't make it as obvious as I did for the last Sovereign Royalty....That really was an accident >_< Stupid Stewards! Why do ya'll talk so blunt in my head! >o< But anywho, y'all are right on step as always....I can't put nuthin' over you guys, you're too sharp, and I just suck at hiding secrets >>;
Just remember that there are seven spirits, and she could be anyone's kid.....Really, she could - anyone! Stop looking at Seritouge! Ah, dammit >_<
Poor Seri....You're hated by everyone now.
P.S. That was not a confession........