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Politics Hey Americans...


2 quid is good

Driving around Quadratum in a Toyota
Apr 27, 2018
Sorry about today, I really hope your situation improves sooner rather than later, it's surreal seeing these images come from America of all places


Well-known member
Mar 27, 2012
I didn't sleep all of last night because Georgia. Now again because of the possible removal of that maniac.

Harsh time difference for us here in the UK.


A boy in a playsuit.
Oct 28, 2005
First you impeach the shitheel so he can't send out any more pardons and lock him out of running again, then you prosecute and lock up everyone you can get. This is treason and sedition, plain and simple. I'm not an american, but you don't need to be to see that. Remove the Republicans that voted against Biden, because they are compromised. And for god's sake reform the police department. Some got hit doing their job, but there were plenty that didn't mind letting them through.
And don't forget to find a way to make sure his crotch spawn can't get into power themselves.

The confederate flag got into the capitol. That's closer than it ever did during your Civil War. Ban that shit to the level of nazi symbols (because at this point there really isn't much of a distinction anymore) and undo the brainwashing of his base that started ever since Fox News came on air. Because just locking up Trump and some of ringleaders here isn't gonna cut it: you basically have a terrorist organisation at this point. "Ya'll Quada" wasn't far off the mark.

If there is any justice left, Trump would only be able to look outside through bars for the rest of his life.


New member
Jan 5, 2021
First you impeach the shitheel so he can't send out any more pardons and lock him out of running again, then you prosecute and lock up everyone you can get. This is treason and sedition, plain and simple. I'm not an american, but you don't need to be to see that. Remove the Republicans that voted against Biden, because they are compromised. And for god's sake reform the police department. Some got hit doing their job, but there were plenty that didn't mind letting them through.
And don't forget to find a way to make sure his crotch spawn can't get into power themselves.

The confederate flag got into the capitol. That's closer than it ever did during your Civil War. Ban that shit to the level of nazi symbols (because at this point there really isn't much of a distinction anymore) and undo the brainwashing of his base that started ever since Fox News came on air. Because just locking up Trump and some of ringleaders here isn't gonna cut it: you basically have a terrorist organisation at this point. "Ya'll Quada" wasn't far off the mark.

If there is any justice left, Trump would only be able to look outside through bars for the rest of his life.

Agree, I can't believe how fallen some of the people have been to attack the capitol building just for a protest and for Trump? I rest my case.


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
It is strangely reminding of the 1923 Beer Hall Putsch attempted by Hitler & co. and the discrepancy of the reactions of the security forces is so obvious it isn't even funny.
People protesting for equal rights and the end of power abuse by some of the police force got beaten with batons and tear-gassed in several places, including Washington D.C. itself once so that shithead Trump could march to a church across the street while these bigots and Nazis are allowed free reign in the parliament building of the whole Union for almost four hours?

Here in Germany there was the saying that some/many of the authorities in the Weimar Republic were "blind on the right eye", meaning that right-wing extremists could get away with unethical and violent acts that would have been harshly punished if they came from the other side. It was what eventually allowed the rise of Hitler.

The parallels are disturbing.
It looks almost like that now in the US, how far have they fallen to allow something like this?

Yet removing Trump alone won't be the full solution I'm afraid because of the parts of the Republican party which are already poisoned and this time it is worse than the whole "Tea Party"-business.
Then there are of course all those in the normal populace who are either enthralled by Trumps lies or are actual bigots and right-wing extremists.

There is attempted "election fraud" and a try to "steal the election" but it aren't Biden and the Democrats doing it. It's Trump himself and his entourage of scum as well as some parts of the Republican party.

I can only give kudos to those Republican functionaries in the states who refused to bulge to Trumps attempts to steal the election from Biden via manipulation and disregard for the democratic process.

That scumbag continues to lie every time he opens his mouth and keeps whining about how apparently 74 million americans voted for him? More than 81 million voted for Biden which means 5 million more votes against him.
The FBI should apprehend Trump and everyone involved in this farce of what amounts to a Mafia-presidency coddling with right-wing extremists and conservative radicals.


Well-known member
Mar 27, 2012
There is attempted "election fraud" and a try to "steal the election" but it aren't Biden and the Democrats doing it. It's Trump himself and his entourage of scum as well as some parts of the Republican party.

Not just some parts. The GOP cling on to power throughout states and in DC by blatant cheating that exists nowhere else in the Western world.


A boy in a playsuit.
Oct 28, 2005
At this point, if things end up resolving without further problems and Biden in the Oval Office, I wonder in what capacity the republican party will continue to exist.
It's clear that most of the republicans have been toeing the line for the past 4 years and don't actually care for Trump. It's clearly evidenced by how his continued deranged actions caused him to lose more and more party support, culminating in 4/5 out of the 10 senators originally planning to object to Biden no longer doing so.
To Trump's base, anyone who doesn't kiss the ground the Fanta Menace walks on is an automatic traitor and a RINO (lol at that accusation). Not everyone has a long memory, but some of these old guard republicans probably can't count on Trumps base anymore for a vote. Parties have split up for less.
It's too soon in this clusterfuck to predict anything, but depending on who's running I'm guessing the next couple of election cycles will make clear just exactly how large Trump's base was compared to the republican voter that just votes anything with an R next to the name.

Alpha Baymax

On a scale of α to ζ.
Sep 5, 2015
United Kingdom
Despite all this chaos and conflict, you'll still get people who think that Hillary Clinton would have been a worse President. 🙃

The United States treats its political parties like sports teams, it's embarrassing how confrontational politics has become.

the red monster

Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
I still find it mind blowing how an internet meme from 2015 about trump becoming president became reality. and then blew at everyone's face.


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2015
Holy shit, I'm American and had no idea this happened. I've been too busy with recent stress and too exhausted and distracted to even hear about news like this anymore. It's shocking how crazy it got.

Not to forget or be callous towards the people who lost their lives in any way by saying this, but the only good to come out of this is; it erases any doubt about what these kind of people are capable of and how violent they can be, and without a shadow of a doubt how traitorous Trump is to the country, he has finally shown his true(er) colors once he had nothing to lose.

Edit: reading more and I've gotten more furious about it, especially for the lack of police/military force stopping and preventing this. What more has to happen for these people to be considered a terrorist group and for Trump to be labeled an enemy of the state? Also I have no grief over the people who stormed the captial dying over it, full callousness towards them I have no guilt over.
Last edited:


Active member
Feb 10, 2018
I wonder what the goal of the Trump Supporters was. For me it seems, they just wanted to cause chaos.


Be Wiser Than the Serpent
Nov 4, 2012
Yesterday was guaranteed to come ever since Russia managed to install him into our highest office. Thanks again Comey, for f***ing this country over. I am grateful to God though, I really didn't think there would be any way to stop him from rigging his re-election. I thought there would be four more years of this before the time came he'd finally have to leave office. It was always apparent he would refuse to leave (in either 2021 or 2025), but maybe he would've been able to pull off a coup after he'd had four more years to further devastate our government? Who knows. Thank you, God!

I hope Trump, Ivanka, Kushner, Jr., Flynn, DeVos, DeJoy, etc. etc. etc. all get some manner of jail time. That's better than traitors deserve, but it's something.


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
I wonder what the goal of the Trump Supporters was. For me it seems, they just wanted to cause chaos.

The immediate goal was likely general intimidation and to force especially moderate Republicans to support the attempt of Trump to steal the election for himself.

Tbh I was actually surprised that figures like Mike Pence and also that enabler and bootlicker in-chief Mitch McConnell do seem to have a spine and at least some respect for the US constitution so that they didn't go along with Trumps ugly game.
I don't like either of them but for this they deserve some recognition even if it comes very late.

Much actually hangs now with the moderate conservatives in the USA.
Back in 1933 Hitler got to power in Germany (and stayed there) because of the active support of radical conservatives and the silent enabling behavior of moderate conservatives, it remains to be seen now if these folks in the USA can manage to definitely distance themselves from the radicals around Trump for good, even if that means a split of the Republican Party.

China, Iran, Russia, Belarus, Turkey and all the other dictatorship-infested countries are surely laughing their asses off right now.
Trump in fact does behave like a wanna-be dictator just like Erdogan in Turkey or Lukashenko in Belarus.
Not even Nixon was as dangerous and detrimental to the US government and the whole country as this narcissistic crook.

One can only hope that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have the long-term stamina to stabilize things and we won't see Trump return in 2024.


Be Wiser Than the Serpent
Nov 4, 2012
One can only hope that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have the long-term stamina to stabilize things and we won't see Trump return in 2024.
No worries. Pelosi *will* Impeach him again in the next two weeks, which will ensure he can never run for office again whether or not the Senate will remove. Hopefully NY arrests him not long after he leaves office on state-level charges. Long-term, the plan post-presidency (which was the same if he'd lost four years ago) is going to be to start his own news channel so he and Russia can keep his cult brainwashed for years to come and displace the U.S.'s stability further.


Dyslexic rambler
Dec 5, 2009
As an abroad living and born American, this is so friggen upsetting. I worry a lot for my family living in the states, with all this stuff going on.

The inaction of the police is so disturbing, they even removed the barrier to let them get to the building, took selfies with them and helped a frail old bigot down the stairs.
This is only made worse with the knowledge of how the American Police acted this summer, when people were protesting for civil rights. When they would happily turn up the aggression even when the protests were completely peaceful. Treating every protest as if they were violent rioters.
They treated the protester of this summer as if were dangerous, yet treated these guys as if they were harmless, despite the protesters being unarmed and these traitors being armed to the teeth and trying to break into our congress building.

The smug look on these guys face is probably one of the things that gets under my skin the most. They knew they'd get way with this. That they knew they weren't going to be harmed and that the police wouldn't really hurt them.

Trump needs to be impeached and the senators and governors that actively tried to undermine the democracy need to be held accountable. Trump and his supporting Republicans have been acting like wannabe dictators and this is the consequence of it. The people that stormed the congress building and tried this coup need to be identified and charged. This isn't a simple protest or even a riot, this is treason.

I hope Trump, Ivanka, Kushner, Jr., Flynn, DeVos, DeJoy, etc. etc. etc. all get some manner of jail time. That's better than traitors deserve, but it's something.

I hope they get charged with treason and have to serve as felons. All his pardons need to be voided, he's proven to be a criminal trying to take over the countries and those were the pawns he used to try and get away with it.


A boy in a playsuit.
Oct 28, 2005
Coming back because this shit, despite not being an american citizen, has gotten me riled up.
I've already said it to my friends today, but I'll say it again: I didn't expect to be vindicated on my statement 4 years ago that Trump was an demagogue authoritarian wannabe dictator waiting to happen. Especially not this late in the game. At first I did of course, otherwise I wouldn't have said that back then, but then the 4 years of incompetence hit and I started thinking he won't manage it.

Despite Trump's inability to be a competent president it's been clear for a while now that everything he's been doing was making sure he'd be able to get around an eventual loss by placing the right people in the right positions (like stacking the courts), only to find out said people have just been using him to get a leg up in their career and didn't care for helping him when no longer necessary. Egging his base on is basically a desperate attempt to still get what he wants.
The US (and the rest of the world, for that matter) is incredibly lucky that, once again, they were too incompetent this time around to succeed. Giuliani wanted a senator to stall congress for over a day but the miserable ghoul called the wrong number. Just imagine if he had called the right number.

It cannot be overstated how the US is dealing with an enormous statewide cult.
"We love you. You are very special." Those are the words of a cult leader addressing his followers. I guess we finally found 1 thing Trump is good at. But cults tend to not end well. You have to stop them and mentally free them before more people get hurt.
Reinvest in education in all red areas. The better educated people are, the less likely they are to fall for this.

And Trump needs to be made an example of, legaly speaking. If you don't do that you might as well hold the door open for the next one. And believe me, the next one is going to be more competent.


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
No worries. Pelosi *will* Impeach him again in the next two weeks, which will ensure he can never run for office again whether or not the Senate will remove. Hopefully NY arrests him not long after he leaves office on state-level charges. Long-term, the plan post-presidency (which was the same if he'd lost four years ago) is going to be to start his own news channel so he and Russia can keep his cult brainwashed for years to come and displace the U.S.'s stability further.

That is possible? One can be prohibited from running again? Isn't that the call of the political party to make?

Tbh I wasn't exactly sure why they now cry for a second impeachment because there are less than two weeks left before this crook has to leave anyways so it would only be symbolic.
They should have already thrown him out when the first impeachment was running, it's one of the main reasons why I don't like this slimy McConnell guy, that one seems to be even more dangerous than Trump and he was always covering for his stupid actions, not to mention him being a total hypocrite when it came to the judge nominations.

Eh, I'd prefer it if Trump vanished out of public entirely, but even then his person is not the root or the cause of the overall main problem at hand.

As an abroad living and born American, this is so friggen upsetting. I worry a lot for my family living in the states, with all this stuff going on.

The inaction of the police is so disturbing, they even removed the barrier to let them get to the building, took selfies with them and helped a frail old bigot down the stairs.
This is only made worse with the knowledge of how the American Police acted this summer, when people were protesting for civil rights. When they would happily turn up the aggression even when the protests were completely peaceful. Treating every protest as if they were violent rioters.
They treated the protester of this summer as if were dangerous, yet treated these guys as if they were harmless, despite the protesters being unarmed and these traitors being armed to the teeth and trying to break into our congress building.

The smug look on these guys face is probably one of the things that gets under my skin the most. They knew they'd get way with this. That they knew they weren't going to be harmed and that the police wouldn't really hurt them.

The biggest farce is that it took them more than 4 hours to get things under control and apparently they only managed to gain the upper hand because the National Guard of Virginia and Maryland was mobilized to restore order, and it was Vice-President Pence who did the call.

There are already questions asked, mainly by US athletes of differing sports, if the reaction time of the authorities would have been this lackluster if the intruders had been PoC or left-wing radicals.

Trump needs to be impeached and the senators and governors that actively tried to undermine the democracy need to be held accountable. Trump and his supporting Republicans have been acting like wannabe dictators and this is the consequence of it. The people that stormed the congress building and tried this coup need to be identified and charged. This isn't a simple protest or even a riot, this is treason.

I hope they get charged with treason and have to serve as felons. All his pardons need to be voided, he's proven to be a criminal trying to take over the countries and those were the pawns he used to try and get away with it.

The main question I have here is what use that still is? In less than two weeks he has to leave anyways. All the damage of a full 4year presidency is already done with this attack on the capitol only a disturbing finishing event of what already was quite a disaster all around.

The bigger problem at least on my radar are those Republicans, especially in the Senate, who helped Trump get away with so much. Can you impeach a Senator? Maybe get people like that McConnell-guy for treason against the Constitution?

Didn't Trump do most of his shit only through Executive Orders so Biden can annul them all the day he takes office?
Is there a way to get rid of these bigoted judges Trump nominated for the Supreme Court?

If there any charges put forward I doubt it will amount to much, especially if there are still compromised Republicans in positions powerful enough to blockade things.

Biden and Harris really need to use the two years they have both the House and Senate in the bag to renew effective checks and balances and, essentially "clean house".


Dyslexic rambler
Dec 5, 2009
The biggest farce is that it took them more than 4 hours to get things under control and apparently they only managed to gain the upper hand because the National Guard of Virginia and Maryland was mobilized to restore order, and it was Vice-President Pence who did the call.

There are already questions asked, mainly by US athletes of differing sports, if the reaction time of the authorities would have been this lackluster if the intruders had been PoC or left-wing radicals.
I do wonder what the official excuse will be for them not mobilizing. This was an armed attack at a key govermental building and they didn't react. Representatives of the US goverment could have been killed in the time they needed to react.

The protest of this summer pretty clearly answer that question. They would have been there and most likely more than just one person would have been shot for attempting this.

The main question I have here is what use that still is? In less than two weeks he has to leave anyways. All the damage of a full 4year presidency is already done with this attack on the capitol only a disturbing finishing event of what already was quite a disaster all around
To my knowledge impeaching him would prevent him from being able to campaign again or take any electoral position. That's why I'd want it.

The bigger problem at least on my radar are those Republicans, especially in the Senate, who helped Trump get away with so much. Can you impeach a Senator? Maybe get people like that McConnell-guy for treason against the Constitution?
Yes, Senators can be impeached. I agree the senate needs to be cleaned up and those that enabled Trump need to go. But I'm not naive enough to think it'll really happen or that they wouldn't just be replaced by people of similar moral character. The people that got them in most likely didn't change their stances.

Is there a way to get rid of these bigoted judges Trump nominated for the Supreme Court?
Sadly to my knowledge there isn't. The only thing Biden can do is try to add more judges, but that too seems tricky.

If they were decent and of moral character they'd step down by themselves after this, but they won't. I have the feeling they are fine being the judges appointed by the traitorous president.

If there any charges put forward I doubt it will amount to much, especially if there are still compromised Republicans in positions powerful enough to blockade things.

Biden and Harris really need to use the two years they have both the House and Senate in the bag to renew effective checks and balances and, essentially "clean house".
That's kind of the problem unless they can get over their party mindset and see this for what it is. I doubt we'd get the votes needed.

Biden and Harris have a lot of cleaning up and patching to do in the coming 2 years. Trump show cased how faulty the current checks and balances are.