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  • No! If we burn it, we won't have an example. People will forget and repeat the same mistakes...

    Maybe. In a sense, the Dark Age was started on good intentions. People wanted to be able to tell darker stories, which isn't wrong. And for some already existing characters, it could work wonderfully. The Dark Knight Returns and Watchmen started it and they were fantastic. But then big money got involved. It caught on, so everyone wanted a piece of the pie. And once everyone starts doing it, they try to outdo each other. They constantly tried to one up each other on grim backstories, gore and "edgy" names. That's how we came to the clusterdiddly of the Dark Age, where not only EVERYTHING was made dark (even that which had no business being dark), it was made grimdark, aka the idiotic machismo-laden parody of dark that actually takes itself seriously.
    Case in point: Batman. While we can fondly remember the Silver Age sillyness, it's also a character that perfectly fits the mold of Dark. It's how he started. But then they throw in breaking his back (not bad from a story potential pov) and a replacement who goes crazy with the over the top dark stuff. And then it's ruined.
    Dear Glob... Seriously, just fire those guys. And ban them from any entertainment related venue forever.

    My thoughts on this? There was a very successful comic book sere here. Has been since 1945, though it's popularity has waned the last decade. Now the guy that came up with it has been dead since 1990, but here's the thing: he not only "trained" someone to take his place (for at least 15 years), he had it legally arranged that anyone who continued the series would be limited in what is and isn't appropriate to do with it.
    I think that this is what the comic book industry as a whole needs. A set of guidelines per series that are actually followed (aside from stuff like alt universes and stuff). Not just a bunch of idiots going "hey, they haven't done X before, let's do it regardless of whether it's a good idea" or derailing characters and hide it behind "we thought the audience would love it" when it so obviously wasn't for that.

    It's dangerous to do though. While working like that is the reason that series stayed popular for so long, it's also the reason it's been in decline for the last decade. Changing society and all that. (though the less than stellar writing was also a big part of it)
    Stupid DC management. With their stupid ideas.

    I KNOW. I get a lot more enjoyment from even comic relief characters then from an unnecessary boob/ass shot.
    True! Leave the Barbara stuff for alternate universes. And flashbacks, obviously.

    I just hate it when they underutilise characters to focus more on fanservice.
    Now I feel bad xD It really was an unnecessary change though.

    I'd still love to see The Bombastic Misadventures of Gimli and Doc Brown: Time Destroyer though.
    It was pretty good to. The Japanese version even played live & learn during the final hazard battle if I remember right.
    No no, it's fine. Oracle ain't Oracle unless she's in the racing chair. :3

    Eh. The characters from that article were still under-utilised anyway.
    True. But really, it's been a couple of years now. Time to let go. She'll end up back in that weelchair sooner or later.

    Really? Not even Cyclops?
    Well, the reason for Nightwing expectations was because of a character that fit the bill. Sadly no Oracle analogue though.

    Speaking of Wolverine (again) and overrated sociopaths, this article made me feel validated in opinions. (for all entries, not just the X-Men one) 4 Supporting Characters Who Deserve Their Own Movie | Cracked.com
    Meh same difference to me. The whole cartoon vs anime debate has always been redundant to me.
    But more importantly did you watch it?
    Basically people were expecting a Nightwing movie to follow after Rises.
    I mean it's a team made by Wolverine. You don't get in if you're not one.
    Yup. A very definite ending for Bruce Wayne, but still open enough to have allowed for a sequel, but going into another direction. In any case, Wayne's character arc was done and settled at the end.
    He kinda is.
    Do they credit him for it? Seems strange.

    Nope! I love it! Kinda ridiculous because of how it's treated, but I never feel awkward!
    Yup. Band wasn't my thing. I despise time limits. I should be allowed to learn however lazily I feel like. Therefore: I was not cut out for it.
    Not really. Only the Dark Knight trilogy springs to mind right now. Most just fade into suckiness. But I keep thinking there wasanother one.
    Black-ops X-Men team consisting of psychopaths. What's not to like?
    Aaah, drums. Nothing like a good base line. I shoulda tried percussion vs the flute in middle school. Percussionists are excellent with tempo!
    That's a good point. If his love songs were more famous, it stands to reason he was remembered by them.

    Well, it IS a real instrument. But since it's so portable and easy to learn (like a recorder), there's a lot of toys you can buy.
    Mine's not a toy, it's clay. But I really like it. It's fun to mess with and there's no pressure for me to learn anything.
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