• Hello everybody! We have tons of new awards for the new year that can be requested through our Awards System thanks to Antifa Lockhart! Some are limited-time awards so go claim them before they are gone forever...


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  • spend one sleeping and the other cleaning and then its like, where is my time for playing the sims in my underwear??

    hmm not really. ive been invited to some end of term parties by teachers, which i'm kind of excited about! and im thinking of going on a trip sometime over the summer, maybe to kamakura or somewhere with cool history.

    got any summer plans?
    Hey Cecily, it's thewanderinghero from Tumblr, I wanted to message you here on the forurms saying I forgot to say XL Mens! XP
    Apparently people (aka, two persons, hence peoples) need like big giant uber-esque backstory to a game that has, for the most part, been really simplistic. Like why even

    Do they not get that the original World was actually Disney World/Land? Because hell, if not, that's pretty sad or just really DuMB because what else would all those worlds put together equal?!?!?

    ono somedays I feel like I should emerge from hibernating in RP Section and proceed to take over FoKH/discussion related sections, but then I have to deal with icky people
    i have been pretty good!! so looking forward to the holidays though omg. the weekends need to be like a day longer i swear.
    how have you been??
    Hey, I linked my facebook and what not for you. Also, I noticed certain members have asterisks next to their names? What's up with that?
    Geez, he must have ground the gears of more people than I thought he has. Glad it's not just me. :p In any case, thanks.
    This guy has a tendency to derail threads with his... quite esoteric, and sometimes unnecesary, remarks, and it's getting pretty annoying by now since he does that often. Has anything been said to him?
    I know, right? Time sure flies now! It feels not too long ago that I left. xD

    I been great, though! Thanks for asking~ How about you? How is the site treating ya? Been awhile since I researched anything KH oriented. :>
    :eek: ?

    Well, I never thought I'd come back to KHI... xD Heyoooo Cecily. I missed you!
    Busy with class and putting my improved works on Deaventart. Also made a Zelda Abriged show called Link's Bitching Adventures.
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