Here's the build I'm putting together. Added Windows 8 to it since you had that selected in your build (though I despise it with a passion, Windows 7 is bae) This will run just about anything you slap on it. The two extra fans are for installing in the top of this particular case. Put it together correctly and etc, it'll run without a hiccup. Odds are you'll never hear it make a damn sound. It's the same price as a Macbook Pro, but with ten times the power and quality; it'll also (provided you don't smash it with a sledgehammer or something) run like a dream. You won't need to replace the Graphics Card for five-six years, seven-eight depending on when Windows 10 and DirectX12 releases.
AMD motherboards are cheaper but run hotter, same with processors; Intel processors run cooler and are more power/energy efficient. If you're gonna get a Solid State Drive, Samsung is the best, and 250GB will fit the programs you need (use it for booting and for the programs that take awhile to load, like PSD, etc). The ASUS motherboard has zero issues with reviewers, and RAM is RAM. CPU Cooler is to keep the processor/motherboard cool (hurr durr), and the power supply is enough to power what's in the build + have a little extra just incase, for when you might upgrade parts, etc. The NZXT H440 is a beautiful case, and its got plenty of room for all the parts in the build, and then some. It's gotten great reviews for its build quality, because it's not a cheap plastic fiddly with some cheap LED lights that you can put on yourself for like $10 and a Youtube tutorial, and the window is that good good kind. The GTX 970 card is around $350 (you can poke through the 970s on pcpartpicker and find one). At the moment, its the best card for what you get in terms of power + price. It's got probably triple the power of the 730 (if not more), and is more efficient, etc.
Highly recommend this, it'll run all the stuff you want, gg days of slow load. 10/10