Wow, hot off the press form his last interview, Kingdom Hearts Director Tetsuya Nomura comes into the spotlight again with another interview, this time with Japanese Gemanga Magazine. discusses the interview below. This interview reveals loads of new information, it is quite a read!
Nomura talks more on Kingdom Hearts - Gemanga Magazine (FROM IGN):
Tetsuya Nomura is in the Japanese press yet again, sharing a few new bits of info on Square...
A few exciting things today! First, Japanese Dengeki Magazine features the new Kingdom Hearts Games! However, Xaldin from KHV has speculated that we will more then likely not be getting new information from this. Nonetheless, I wish I could pick that cover!
Next up, something a little more exciting, that I really enjoyed listening to! EGM Magazine sat down for their weekly podcast and spent almost half an hour discussing the new Kingdom Hearts Series! There is a lo...
An exciting weekend treat from Famitsu, seventeen new high quality screens for all three games! It is important to note that these are all screens we have seen before, just in high quality, I actually noticed a few things I did not notice before, and it is easier to make out the strange new enemies in the PSP version. To view the screens, click read more!
Source: Neogaf
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To view, click the thumbnails below to enlarge!
This Week's Picture
With all the amazing news coming out of the Tokyo Game Show, we have not had a caption contest in awhile. No matter how much news is coming out, it's always great to take a breather and have some fun. It's time for the KHInsider Caption Contest, Tokyo Game Show Edition!
Here is the caption contest! It is very simple: just caption the picture above and submit it, using the comments system by clicking read more. Next time, we will announce the winner...
Yesterday, Japanese Magazine Famitsu revealed loads of new information and media on the new Kingdom Heats games. Color Me Evil has cropped out all of the screenshots from these scans for view or use. There are tons of screens on each of the three games! (Kingdom Hearts: Coded, Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, and Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days). In total there are 50 Screens!. Click read more to view.
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To view, click the thumbnails below t...
As mentioned before, Tetsuya Nomura, director of the Kingdom Hearts Series, took the time to have an interview with Japanese Magazine Famitsu. Here is the last part of today's interview, discussing Kingdom Hearts: Coded! (Courtesy Xaldin and FF7ACReunion).
Nomura Interview - Kingdom Hearts: Coded (Mobile Phones):
Interviewer: The gane is played on a horizontal screen, even though the game is for mobile phones, why is this?"
Nomura: This is not just the lengt...
How exciting! Tetsuya Nomura, director of the Kingdom Hearts Series, sat down with Japanese Magazine Famitsu to discuss the brand new Kingdom Hearts Games. Courtesy of Japanese Website FF7ACReunion, and the translations of Xaldin from KHV, a portion of the interview is available! I have cleaned up the interview a bit to make it easier to understand. Enjoy, quite a bit is revealed from it!
Nomura Interview - Birth By Sleep (PSP):
Interviewer: Can you tell us a b...
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