Today's scan, discovered by our own Lissar, contains a ton of new info.

It looks like the starting world in Birth by Sleep will be the "Land of Departure", think of it as the equivalent of Traverse Town or Twilight Town where the game's events begin. Terra, Aqua, and Ven's master is revealed, whom they train under. Their master, who also wields a very unique Keyblade, senses a grave danger in the world(s), and sends Terra, Aqua, and Ven off to go stop it.

Lastly, this scan reveals that to upgrade and strengthen their abilities in the game, players will undertake a board game mini game, in which the goal is to accumulate Board Points (BP) to upgrade their abilities. Characters from throughout the main game will also appear in this board game to aid the players in various ways. Special panels can be landed on that will "activate events".

Lissar's full translation of the scan below can be found here.