Wow. You must not really be observant at all if you're 200 Days in and you think the only humour so far is Xigbar.
ok maybe I exaggerated, but I'm having the biggest mental blank and I really can't think of anything other than quotes of Xigbars that was funny. Please enlighten me
He's clearly not one of your favorite characters if seeing him being himself is making you angry. What kinds of missions does Roxas do? What kinds of missions would Demyx NOT do? Gosh, you people and your fake hero worship. I loved the fact that Demyx was always sitting around like a lazy ass. xD
Lol. Yeah I guess so. I know that it's what he does and it was cute for awhile, but I want more interaction between him and the other characters. He's personality is funny and stupid and I want to see more of it.