Holy Mother F***ing S***, that was my first time watching an MF fight. (I was saving it but then I asked myself ''Why?!''). Now I know my impending doom.....
MF is incredible. <3
Yep. I would know; I was there that day... ironically MF was born on the world's very first Friday the 13th. Bad Luck ensued for all but him. ;D
Seriously though, I've only seen one non-infinite health video, and the guy never won (though he claims he later DID win >>Terra runs up to MF -> Gets 1HKO'd by MF -> Cycles over and over again. Here's the video for everyone.
MF is incredible. <3
Oh dear lord. He RAPED Terra. I know I will be having a hard time with him. But I'm going to use Aqua and that is that.
Aqua probably won't do any better.