True about the thing that you can't change the fanfic story or else it would not be well...... according to the way the typist wants it to be. Thank you Kattack for saying that cause the flaming was hurting my head although I wasn't really part of the falming or was I? Well please keep the spamming down and don't try to flame a premium member for they have more experiance than others or if you have been here for a while. Sorry if this post is spamming but I just have to say what I have to say.
To Khinsider forum member: Mr., please just say a comment about it and if you like it stay, and if you don't then unsubscribe this thread from your UserCp immediatly. I am going to put your name under the list "Members who think they are High and Mighty and they think they are an Administrator". I Know thats a long title but its just the way people are.
Oh and one more thing, about your fanfic, its nice but confusing, I mean a white teddy bear and all these names with foxes at the end for the name, you could think of an original name that is a normal word but in a different language like spanish, frenceh, german, italian, japanese and others that I can name. But I still like your fanfic. Its just I have a friend who always uses shadowfox or something. Sorry for the spam and if I have said anything that offended anybody.
One more thing, how did you think of the name kattack cause it sounds like kat and attack put together or the name reminds me of kit kat. hehe, sorry if that offended you kattack.