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Film ► Marvel Cinematic Universe - RIP Chadwick Boseman


Favorite MCU film?

  • Iron Man

    Votes: 2 2.6%
  • Iron Man 2

    Votes: 1 1.3%
  • Thor

    Votes: 1 1.3%
  • Captain America: The First Avenger

    Votes: 1 1.3%
  • The Avengers

    Votes: 10 13.2%
  • Iron Man 3

    Votes: 1 1.3%
  • Thor: The Dark World

    Votes: 2 2.6%
  • Captain America: The Winter Soldier

    Votes: 26 34.2%
  • Guardians of the Galaxy

    Votes: 23 30.3%
  • The Avengers: Age of Ultron

    Votes: 9 11.8%

  • Total voters


Silver Member
Feb 15, 2012
United States
Yeah, so I am dead lol.
They literally killed like everyone I didn't expect lol. But that also sorta makes it obvious the snap victims at least are all coming back. As a large amount of them have movies in phase 4. If anything this feels like a set up so some of the OG members can save the universe one last time, cuz I really don't see them all making it and their deaths would stick for good.... Black Widow is like the only one I think is safe since she finally has a movie coming out in phase 4 I think?

But yea, even knowing they will all come back, except maybe Gamora :( , that scene still made me stomache drop. Like I was unhappy for quite a while lol. But yea Gamora's shit hit me more. Cuz one, she doesn't deserve to be some sacrifice to her shit dad who she hates, and two, I really wasn't expecting it and I think it could stick... I'm sad about Vision as well, but I was fully expecting his death so I was prepared.

I feel really bad for Tony, Rocket, Okoye, and Steve. They had to like watch some of the most important people to them like disintegrate in front of them...and then Nebula lost the only person who cared for her too. I think all of them will have a lot of drive to murder that California Raisin though.

Did I mishear shit in the movie or did they say that half of the Asgardians survived the destruction of the ship? Like, did they escape in escape pods? Am I misremembering? I mean tbh the main reason I am concerned is for my girl Valkyrie BUT I feel like I remember hearing that in the movie.

Also, Tony Stank and Nebula as a duo? I never saw that coming and I'm actually really excited to see how shit goes from there following those two, though there's a LOT of other stuff I'm excited for in the squeakquel as well. I'm guessing Part II will feature them bringing everyone together with everyone who also was absent (Valkyrie, Ant-Man, the Wasp, boring Hakweye) to fight against Thanos?

I kinda really liked the ending and tbh wasn't quite sure that's the direction they would have gone but they did.

Them and Captain Marvel yeah. I think Valkyrie has to be alive too, there is no way she would be killed off screen with like no mention....right? I would be irate tbh. Though, I guess I dunno how far back they are going to reverse things in the next movie. Like, maybe even before Thanos gets any of the stones so they would all come back? Though Loki can stay dead, quite frankly lol.

I am interested in that duo as well, but real talk, I don't know if I see either of them making it through the next movie alive...mostly cuz I'm surprised they made it through this one. Both of their narratives have been leading them to clash with Thanos for a while now, and now both have someone I think they would trade their lives to bring back: Gamora and Peter.
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Sep 11, 2015
Just watched.

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Dad of Boy
Jun 30, 2008
The good: This movie was long enough to get me through more than a couple glasses of Cabernet.
Drax is cute. <3

The expected: Everybody's nerf'd so Thanos seems strong. He doesn't do anything special or anything the MCU hasn't shown before, but OK I guess all the heroes forgot how to handle "magic" even though several of them are wizards/gods.

The unexpected: Black Widow is really no big deal in this movie. That's a good thing. Also I actually liked Scarlet Witch.

The bad: I made a list: The last few minutes are 100% narrative contrivance. Nothing will stick. The movie has no consequences. It's an extended commercial for Avengers 4 and Captain Marvel. Stark living is unforgivable. Did you really have to hire Idris Elba for that. Where's Thor's badass Valkyrie gf. Did Gwyneth Paltrow turn into LCL or is she contracted for another 5 minute scene in Iron Man 4 aka Spider-Man Graduation. The list goes on.

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Art of War
Jul 22, 2009
I saw Infinity War last night. I'm definitely going to watch this in theaters again.


an old man plaguing the site like a phantom
Apr 22, 2007
The thing is, I actually like the plot element of the snap because of the fact that it also takes away the obvious element that these people will be alive after Part 2 and thus adds tension because we KNOW everyone who is left is now officially up on the chopping block. I mean, excluding Okoye and Black Widow who have films/potential films coming. This is obviously a set up film, which I don't know why some people are still surprised by considering it was originally advertised as a two-part event AND the next one is literally one year away.

However, it's gonna be REAL grating if the next film doesn't somehow include at least Quake and Ghost Rider considering they're the strongest in the MCU tv-wise and easily on Avengers leves.

And considering Valkyrie was included in the photoshoot for Infinity War, I guess it's kinda obvious she'll be in part two? Hopefully.

I'm hella pumped from Captain Marvel tho.


Silver Member
Nov 28, 2005
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an old man plaguing the site like a phantom
Apr 22, 2007
Tbh I'm pretty sure the only way that they could/would revive Gamora via some sacrifice Nebula makes using the Soul Stone (if that is even possible but the movies do their own thing so like this is kinda a possibility). GotGV3 being Rocket, Nebula, Kraglin & a new cast actually sounds pretty dope. Tho tbh I feel like they could do more with Mantis so I would hope she comes back.

And tbh I kinda wanna see at least one more T'Challa BP film before the mantle gets passed down to Shuri, unless the Okoye trilogy Feige teased are somehow replacements for the series.

That being said, I wouldn't mind there being consequences/no easy fix to the snap so that way it isn't completely erased like it never happened.


Hell yeah
Jul 5, 2015
Bruh. Bruuuuuuh. I don't care that most of those dusted heroes are probably going to come back. Killing THAT many, even if temporarily, and leaving no obvious hints to how they might be revived? And ending on a pretty somber note where the bad guy completely succeeds? That took guts. I mean, George Lucas was worried that Empire Strikes Back would traumatize the kids. This movie straight-up vaporized more than half the heroes and the only sign that the movie gives that things won't stay like this forever is that Captain Marvel hint in the post credits scene.

I got friends who aren't even that big on Marvel movies distraught about Spider-Man. Good grief...


Silver Member
Feb 15, 2012
United States
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Eh, I mean I get what you are saying but I don't feel satisfied with the way many of those arcs just abruptly ended.

It seems like a waste in terms of character interactions and romances and arcs, less than actually in the overarching plot. Like sure, they can just "pass on the mantle" to anyone, but that doesn't sound very satisfying imo. This is kinda why I didn't want them to kill a bunch of people to start lol. I think killing 1 or 2 people and making it stick is sometimes better than just going on a spree and reversing it all eventually cuz all your popular characters are gone lol.

The movies have always opted for the former till now. Also I dunno, I don't think death always needs to stick for the effects of it to matter in a fictional universe. But part of that is also me being a little tired of this post-Game of Thrones and Walking Dead era where a lot of media seems to think it needs to kill people to be "gritty" or "realistic" or sometimes just milk it for views lol. Like not everything needs to be that way.

Tbh I'm pretty sure the only way that they could/would revive Gamora via some sacrifice Nebula makes using the Soul Stone (if that is even possible but the movies do their own thing so like this is kinda a possibility). GotGV3 being Rocket, Nebula, Kraglin & a new cast actually sounds pretty dope. Tho tbh I feel like they could do more with Mantis so I would hope she comes back.

And tbh I kinda wanna see at least one more T'Challa BP film before the mantle gets passed down to Shuri, unless the Okoye trilogy Feige teased are somehow replacements for the series.

That being said, I wouldn't mind there being consequences/no easy fix to the snap so that way it isn't completely erased like it never happened.

This is sorta what I am thinking as well about Nebula. Like, either she dies and Gamora comes back or Nebula may make it out of this and she just joins the guardians. The worst timeline would both getting killed by their horrid dad lol. Like pls no.

Shuri becoming BP sounds amazing but T'challa really deserves more time. Also, I just don't wantto see him die tbh. I missed these implied Okoye films, so that sounds hype af, but I doubt they would replace anything. She seems to be built more and more, I am hoping she fights with the remaining heroes next time tbh. And doesn't just chill in Wakanda.
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an old man plaguing the site like a phantom
Apr 22, 2007
Tbh, I know we've talked in the past how villains like the Vulture or Killmonger had good points, but honestly a part of me sort of sides with Thanos' way of thinking? The only thing that makes me very, very, very skeptical that shot wouldn't for sure change is if the people in charge of each planet that had people starving and shit didn't change their ways and still had people starving and shit. From what Thanos claims, the world's got better after he killed 50% AND took over to establish a new control. I'm actually really glad this is the route they went for him instead of him trying to woo Death/Hela.

I think we can all rest assured that Peter Parker will be back. Regardless of what Marvel might think they could do with the other Spideys, no way in hell is Sony gonna let go of the Peter/Tom formula anytime soon considering how popular and how well it works rn. At the end of the day, Sony still owns him and therefore can still veto that shit. I don't see them axing Peter until at least 10 years from now, though that doesn't mean we can't see a new Spidey before that (and tbh I kinda wanna see several Peter/Miles duo films that aren't just universe hopping).

As much as we may want Marvel to stick to these deaths, I really don't think most of the snap deaths will stay that way. Especially since there is still a lot of potential left in several characters whereas most of the cast who lived have more or less completed their arc/arcs. Cap and Tony are either gonna die or retire, Bruce may stick around or disappear (or go off in space with Thor when/if he leaves), Rhodey... is pretty much just kinda there to be there, Hawkeye has nothing really to contribute at this point, and as much as I love Paul Rudd, I could see Wasp taking over his place as Ant-Man (but I would much rather he retire than die).

Tho leaving Star Lord, Gamora & Drax dead doesn't sound too bad even if it is very sad. I could... really care less about Strange. I like how he and Tony played off of each other but don't really find myself that into the character.

And wait, wasn't there supposed to be a Skrull of some sort? I remember hearing there was supposed to be someone among all the Avengers who was a spy or something? Is that in Captain Marvel/IF Part 2 or...? Maybe I'm hallucinating.

Either way, I do kinda hope they clean house with these characters since Phase 4 will hopefully be reintroducing the X-Men to the MCU after whatever reboot/reset/restructure the Universe endures.

I'm also convinced Nebula will live, considering James Gunn expressed interest in doing a Nebula film either when promo for Guardians Vol. 2 started or right after the film came out. Tbh,I think that character has a lot of potential and would also be a fun addition to a potential A-Force team.


Hell yeah
Jul 5, 2015
Tbh, I know we've talked in the past how villains like the Vulture or Killmonger had good points, but honestly a part of me sort of sides with Thanos' way of thinking? The only thing that makes me very, very, very skeptical that shot wouldn't for sure change is if the people in charge of each planet that had people starving and shit didn't change their ways and still had people starving and shit.
On one hand, most well-intentioned extremists who try to cull populations to reduce suffering and overpopulation often have a somewhat decent point even if their ethics are questionable.

On the other,


Sep 11, 2015
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Also could someone please tell me how to do the black highlighted text. xD


Silver Member
Feb 15, 2012
United States
Tbh, I know we've talked in the past how villains like the Vulture or Killmonger had good points, but honestly a part of me sort of sides with Thanos' way of thinking? The only thing that makes me very, very, very skeptical that shot wouldn't for sure change is if the people in charge of each planet that had people starving and shit didn't change their ways and still had people starving and shit. From what Thanos claims, the world's got better after he killed 50% AND took over to establish a new control. I'm actually really glad this is the route they went for him instead of him trying to woo Death/Hela.

I think we can all rest assured that Peter Parker will be back. Regardless of what Marvel might think they could do with the other Spideys, no way in hell is Sony gonna let go of the Peter/Tom formula anytime soon considering how popular and how well it works rn. At the end of the day, Sony still owns him and therefore can still veto that shit. I don't see them axing Peter until at least 10 years from now, though that doesn't mean we can't see a new Spidey before that (and tbh I kinda wanna see several Peter/Miles duo films that aren't just universe hopping).

As much as we may want Marvel to stick to these deaths, I really don't think most of the snap deaths will stay that way. Especially since there is still a lot of potential left in several characters whereas most of the cast who lived have more or less completed their arc/arcs. Cap and Tony are either gonna die or retire, Bruce may stick around or disappear (or go off in space with Thor when/if he leaves), Rhodey... is pretty much just kinda there to be there, Hawkeye has nothing really to contribute at this point, and as much as I love Paul Rudd, I could see Wasp taking over his place as Ant-Man (but I would much rather he retire than die).

Tho leaving Star Lord, Gamora & Drax dead doesn't sound too bad even if it is very sad. I could... really care less about Strange. I like how he and Tony played off of each other but don't really find myself that into the character.

And wait, wasn't there supposed to be a Skrull of some sort? I remember hearing there was supposed to be someone among all the Avengers who was a spy or something? Is that in Captain Marvel/IF Part 2 or...? Maybe I'm hallucinating.

Either way, I do kinda hope they clean house with these characters since Phase 4 will hopefully be reintroducing the X-Men to the MCU after whatever reboot/reset/restructure the Universe endures.

I'm also convinced Nebula will live, considering James Gunn expressed interest in doing a Nebula film either when promo for Guardians Vol. 2 started or right after the film came out. Tbh,I think that character has a lot of potential and would also be a fun addition to a potential A-Force team.

I mean yeah of course he has a point lol, its a very real problem we sorta have also. But mass genocide just sorta decided by one dude doesn't fly. If he really wanted to help, maybe he would look into better resources and such...and if he wants to kill anyone at least like kill the people who refuse implement solar energy cuz it would lose them money, or the people who buy water in poor countries and charge people to drink it. Not just snap his shitty finger and end millions of innocent lives lol. But yes, this was way better than him just trying to get his purple dick wet for sure.

I also was thinking I would just prefer Miles or Spider-Gwen showing up without needing to get rid of Peter. We just got him basically, so yeah.

I honestly don't see how they could just undo some of the snap victims anyway, like it sorta sounds all or nothing to me. So I definitely think they are going all. I kinda want more of them to retire than die myself lol. Like I think Tony had major death flags with the whole marriage and baby thing. Steve isn't even Cap anymore so its not like he has to die for someone else to take up his mantle...but he still very much could. I don't see Thor dying, just leaving yea. He could take Bruce with him lol. I could see Rhodey or Clint dying as well, and real talk I would be able to live with it hahah. I feel like we have gotten like nothing with this Ant-man tho, like yea Wasp could replace him since she is just him but better lol, but idk. I'm kinda fine with them being a duo who stick around for a while longer.

I guess I could live with Drax being dead as well, as much as Guardians 2 improved him for me. Idk, something about Peter and Gamora dying rubs me the wrong way, like I dunno. I really like Nebula, I guess...I am starting to become okay with her sorta replacing Gamora, I just also think when I think about their current arcs it really just made more sense for Nebula to die fighting Thanos. Gamora had a lot more going for her. I would clearly be open to Nebula getting more of a role than just wanting to kill her dad tho lol.

Yeah Dr. Strange is meh. I don't care about him either lol. But he is probably useful to keep around. The Skrulls are the villains of Captain Marvel I believe. I haven't heard anything about them in either Avengers movie, but maybe?

Ugh, as much as I love the X-men I am unsure how I want them to go about this ha, like do they go slow and introduce a few of them and build them up, or are we gonna get like a bunch at once? Either way, I sorta expect them to stay somewhat separate from the others for a little while. Like the Guardians did. Hopefully when they do crossover, they don't all get killed except 1 of them lol.

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Also could someone please tell me how to do the black highlighted text. xD

Well yea lol, I think we all sorta thought that way ha. I was fully prepared for the older members to die and it was the opposite. Definitely intentionally made that way lol. I assume at least like 2 will die, and then yea a few more retire. I don't see the need to just kill them all or anything, like if by the end of these 2 movies 5 or so important characters are permanently dead, that's still quite a few... adding too many more just feels forced to me tbh. Like these aren't super sad movies, so I'd rather they not try to be all of a sudden. It should end relatively "satisfyingly".

You just go [ spoilers ] [ /spoilers ] but without the spaces. So very similar to the spoiler box lol.
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an old man plaguing the site like a phantom
Apr 22, 2007
The Skrulls are the villains of Captain Marvel I believe. I haven't heard anything about them in either Avengers movie, but maybe?

I'm blaming the fanbase then, since I'm guessing the reason I took that as a fact is because of theory videos (which would actually be my fault but might as well Tony Stark it up and blame everybody but myself).

Ugh, as much as I love the X-men I am unsure how I want them to go about this ha, like do they go slow and introduce a few of them and build them up, or are we gonna get like a bunch at once? Either way, I sorta expect them to stay somewhat separate from the others for a little while. Like the Guardians did. Hopefully when they do crossover, they don't all get killed except 1 of them lol.

Ideally, I would love for them to have someone like an adult Phoenix Force Jean show up at the end just to help end Thanos alongside Captain Marvel (and potentially Thor since lowkey he seems like the strongest out of everyone now?) but realistically we're probably gonna get a hard reboot moreso than a soft reboot for the X-Men characters. I kinda would like for them to go the Spidey route where we don't REALLY need their origins since, like, everyone knows who the X-Men are for the most part now, but I suppose they would need to go out of their way to explain why mutants are here now and weren't before (just blame one of the Infinity Stones, lol).

But at the same time, a modern reboot of the original X-Men team sounds fun and I'd be down with that since I imagine it would be in the same vein as the current time-displaced teen versions of Jean & co. in the comics who are in the "future" aka the current time period. But we do run into the issue of how will they be introduced. I could 100% see a Storm cameo in BP2 if we get nothing mutant related in an end credits scene for Avengers 4, since I really doubt any of the mutants will actually be in Avengers 4 due to the timing of Disney acquiring Fox. Tbh I would want them to wait to have the whole X-Men team crossover into the main Avengers films until we've gotten a few X-Men movies, like they did with the Guardians.


Dad of Boy
Jun 30, 2008
i mean those rocks have some serious time and reality altering mojo so explaining why mutants exist wouldnt be that hard


Dec 14, 2011
somewhere near Marseille
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Sorry for the late response, it's been a busy weekend haha.

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idyllic dream
Nov 13, 2008
Sorry for the late response, it's been a busy weekend haha.

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I didn't have access to a dictionary or thesaurus and I'm using my phone to type, sorry.


Dec 14, 2011
somewhere near Marseille
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A boy in a playsuit.
Oct 28, 2005
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DarkGrey Heroine

How much closer could I be?
Jan 29, 2015
[I][(((((about Tony and Nebula)))))] [/I]Both of their narratives have been leading them to clash with Thanos for a while now, and now both have someone I think they would trade their lives to bring back: Gamora and Peter.

I like this reply, it points out a possible key that might be used in Part 2 to bring back some of the dead characters. If this "trade one life for another" thing will indeed start happening, it might not only affect Tony and Nebula, but everyone who feels responsibility and sacrifice fall heavily on their shoulders, as their duty.

I don't really want the "equivalent exchange" card being pulled in Part 2, but then again, this would make me feel genuine sadness for the loss of characters, while Infinity War didn't let me slip into deep sadness since the friend I went to the cinema with was so extremely optimistic that everyone will come back anyway aka Infinity War didn't give me serious reasons to believe these deaths are permanent and should hurt me for real. This character revival thing in comic books... It really makes character deaths feel pointless, doesn't it? I very much dislike it when a serious matter like death feels completely pointless in works of fiction.

Bruh. Bruuuuuuh. I don't care that most of those dusted heroes are probably going to come back. Killing THAT many, even if temporarily, and leaving no obvious hints to how they might be revived? And ending on a pretty somber note where the bad guy completely succeeds? That took guts. I mean, George Lucas was worried that Empire Strikes Back would traumatize the kids. This movie straight-up vaporized more than half the heroes and the only sign that the movie gives that things won't stay like this forever is that Captain Marvel hint in the post credits scene.

I got friends who aren't even that big on Marvel movies distraught about Spider-Man. Good grief...

Now this is a thing I liked, though. In contrast to the negative point of character deaths feeling pointless and reversible, killing so many characters - really important ones too - and showing the villain really succeed... this thing feels amazing. Previous MCU movies always presented the Good defeating the Bad successfully, not without sacrifice or high costs of other kind, but nonetheless the Good wins. But here? The Good is such a small force and by now carries so many inner and outer scars, the traumatizing experiences reach deep, deep in the characters' hearts. Some are more affected than others. I am constantly concerned for "Earth's best defender", Tony, who is no genetically-modified muscular man, nor a god or extraterestrial species, nor an AI or a perfect agent trained to be a killing machine from birth. Tony is just a human trying his best, trying to protect what he cares about on the deepest level: everyone. He cares about everyone. Yet he's really just a smart human with some suits. It felt so good to hear Thanos saying Tony earned his respect. Tony, out of all beings.

Thanos won for now and it has to be this way, trusting the Doctor's words. To me, it makes everything all the more interesting. And terrifying.

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From the moment we saw that Thanos was actually a c t u a l l y capable of love, specifically after seeing the contexts of the GotG movies and Infinity War, I thought that this confirms that Thanos is not your general "evil to the bone" supervillain, otherwise he would indeed erase all his traces and never give any openings to anyone who opposes him. He doesn't do that, for whatever reason, but from his expressions and moments of hesitation and contemplation through the second half of Infinity War, I think this self-consciousness of his will indeed let him let himself die when the moment comes.
That last scene with him seeing child!Gamora broke my heart. Those are the waters that will symbollically erode his motivations. He will forever regret the sacrifice of the Soul Stone.

Ok but other that that I gotta say the biggest WTF moment in the movie for me was seeing Red Skull as the "guardian" of the Soul Stone there, maaaaan everyone at the cinema around me almost stood up being caught off-guard xD

And I am so so so so satisfied to have seen that one scene between Rocket and Bucky, it was short but amazing and amusing, not to say badass. Man, so many good moments in this movie though

Also, Bruce was the voice of the audience in this movie. All his "OHHH YEAH" moments, like when Thor came back to Earth, clearly expressed the audience's reactions and I connected so well with the adorable scientist dork, I really like the direction his character went through these movies