If he doesn't spoil the story soon all his thunder will be gone since the Japs are 100% gonna stream the entire game as soon as it comes out in Nippon. They did it when both BBS and DDD came out and they are most certainly gonna do it again.
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"No help ever came."
"I wandered the shadows endlessly."
"Surely they've abandoned me." / "Shouldn't have abandoned me." (can't hear this one)
"I've waited for so long."
"Now you can share in the terror I felt."
"You don't know what true loneliness is."
Why is he such a consistent liar?
Spoilers as the fight happens. False
You can synhesize orichalcum+. False
Ultima is awesome, I have used it already. False
The extra boss is too easy (uses kupo coin) False
No disney bosses. False
He just posted a pic of the death screen and I'm curious what the retry means for the final death total. Especially the retry and prepare one.
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lol you people love jumping on the "he's a liar!" train. He said there would be spoilers in the second half of the Aqua fight - if you rewatch the battle, at the end there is the "attraction flow" symbol on Aqua. That means he could have activated "something" on her, which could have easily been a small, in-battle cutscene with actual spoilers in it. He even said it in the YouTube comments when someone pointed out that "there are no spoilers": he replied that "there are reaction commands in the fight." This excites me a lot, because those extra commands (that seem completely optional) can make battles as cool as they were in KH2 by letting you trigger special phases or cutscenes in the fight.
Anyway, my point is: instead of just hating on the guy and always, always calling him a liar, pay a little more attention yourselves.
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lol you people love jumping on the "he's a liar!" train. He said there would be spoilers in the second half of the Aqua fight - if you rewatch the battle, at the end there is the "attraction flow" symbol on Aqua. That means he could have activated "something" on her, which could have easily been a small, in-battle cutscene with actual spoilers in it. He even said it in the YouTube comments when someone pointed out that "there are no spoilers": he replied that "there are reaction commands in the fight." This excites me a lot, because those extra commands (that seem completely optional) can make battles as cool as they were in KH2 by letting you trigger special phases or cutscenes in the fight.
Anyway, my point is: instead of just hating on the guy and always, always calling him a liar, pay a little more attention yourselves.
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There was an Attraction Flow symbol a bit earlier too. It just gave him the Pirate Ship.
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lol you people love jumping on the "he's a liar!" train. He said there would be spoilers in the second half of the Aqua fight - if you rewatch the battle, at the end there is the "attraction flow" symbol on Aqua. That means he could have activated "something" on her, which could have easily been a small, in-battle cutscene with actual spoilers in it. He even said it in the YouTube comments when someone pointed out that "there are no spoilers": he replied that "there are reaction commands in the fight." This excites me a lot, because those extra commands (that seem completely optional) can make battles as cool as they were in KH2 by letting you trigger special phases or cutscenes in the fight.
Anyway, my point is: instead of just hating on the guy and always, always calling him a liar, pay a little more attention yourselves.
This guy is just playing us into thinking there are spoilers.Spoiler Show
reaction command popped up. The only things that he could use was Second Form, Rage Form, and the Pirate ship attraction flow.
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There was an Attraction Flow symbol a bit earlier too. It just gave him the Pirate Ship.
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My thoughts on the new Aqua quotes (thank you to “Zul" for providing some of them):
“I wandered the shadows endlessly.â€
“Until I reunited with and was saved/reassured by my closest friends who I'd actually already been fighting to reunite with up till that point before purposefully throwing myself back into the RoD in order assist said friends in once again saving the RoL.â€
Doesn't sound like much "wandering" to me; more like she had a real goal and made a lot of progress with it.
And she totally wasn't last seen sitting down at the Dark Margin in the comfort of her new companion, being informed of her inevitable rescue & waiting for said rescue, all while seemingly dealing with no heartless until Ansem SoD showed up (and the writers totally didn't decide to strip her of her Keyblade because she would've been able to beat him otherwise, which would further contribute to how unnatural it feels).
How am I supposed to take that seriously? Like, I'm "seriously" trying to, but it just feels increasingly forced the more I hear her speak.
“Now you can share in the terror I felt.â€
Umm, what “terror†if I may ask?
The terror of not knowing the fate of your friends? No, cause you said yourself that Terra would “beat his darknessâ€, and that you “hid Ven well†and he apparently “can't wake up unless I'm there with him.†Nevermind the fact that Terra himself reassured you that he and Ven were “safe in the outside world.†You were also told the RoL was continuing to be saved by Sora in your absence, and unless you baselessly doubted him/them, or believed someone who was actually lying (and therefore couldn't substantiate their claims) you shouldn't be under the impression that anything has changed much.
Perhaps you meant the terror of being attacked by these “dwellers of darkness� Nooo, we've seen you outclass literally everything thrown at you since you first ended up in the RoD (defeating Red Eyes despite being vexed, confused, and caught off guard; soloing the Demon Tide despite the fact that you literally just struggled against it with an ally by your side; destroying Phantom Aqua [multiple times] despite being emotionally and physiologically prodded and ridiculed the whole time which you responded to with fervent refutation; etc.).
Maybe the terror of never being able to get out of the RoD? Nooo, because 0.2, Blank points, and this ↓
“Join me in the darkness!â€
Truthfully, I cringed so hard when she said this.
So much for being there for being the “light shining in the darkness.†Ya know, the way Mickey and the others were supposed to find you in the first place?
This line implies that she's actively choosing to stay in the darkness (which I guess is the reason she hasn't left using a corridor). Why? Didn't she want to help her friends (specifically Ventus, who she promised to return to and wake up no matter what) in the RoL? Or does she only care about the fact that her other friends “abandoned her†(which, no matter how you look at it, was an assumption she was in no position to make given her previous interactions with them) despite the fact that Mickey explicitly told her it wasn't easy getting into the RoD? I just… don't understand. If she's clearly not in her right mind/not thinking rationally (which is likely the case at this point), and her motivations are based on exaggeration and hyperbole, then why am I supposed to care about her fall to darkness at all?