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Fanfiction ► Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 68 posted)

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Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 37 posted)

It's finally time to introduce the fourth party in the mix and reveal the identity of the hooded figure first introduced in chapter 8 together with Braig and Isa. ;)

XXXVII. New complications

The hooded figure dispelled the dark communication sphere he had holding up and turned to Ienzo.
"We have an additional assignment, can you keep up the illusion while walking?"

The teen's visible eye flared up with a questioning stare.
What? How can he get an assigment from someone? He's the boss...
Ienzo was clearly confused, with who had the hooded figure spoken just now?

"Didn't you hear me?" The figure asked now, a bit colder.

"Y...Yes, it's all ok now. I am used to this kind of illusion now and can keep it up without any problem."
"Good. Then let's move out. The Dark Depths aren't far from here and we have to fetch something from there."

"It's not neccessary that you understand the task. Only that you keep up and help complete it. Be alerted, we might encounter some Heartless."
The figure brushed off Ienzo's lingering questions, already stepping forward with determination.

As they crossed the Great Maw already the hooded figure turned his head around several times.
"It's strange. Normally it should attract Heartless like moths, yet not a single one is here. Did the reconnaissance department mess up...or...?"

"What is it?" Ienzo asked with a puzzled expression, his lexicon already under his arm.
"A shard, a shard filled with dark and light energy." The figure answered as they turned around the last rock wall to reach the Dark Depths overlooking the remains of Villain's Vale.

"Ah...who's that?" Ienzo stopped, noticing another person already standing there.
The hooded figure snorted shortly and the teen now noticed the stranger holding a shard of dark metal.

The person wore a very tight-fitting suit in the color of light grey with dark green lines and certain silver patches distributed on certain places like knees, elbows and around the waist.
The outfit was completed by a thin, black belt and half-length black boots lined with the same dark green.
Ienzo could clearly spot by the body form that they had a young male standing before them, apparently aged between 13 and 16 as he could observe.

The boy's face was not identificable as he wore a broad, dark purple cape over his shoulders which had also a hood that was kept closely over his head. The hands of the strange teen were covered by somewhat odd black gloves with white palms.

He had not noticed Ienzo and the figure yet as he was busy blasting three Heartless apart with a Thundaga spell that was way more powerful than Ienzo had ever observed, the lightning crashing down a bright purple-blue hue instead of the usual yellow.

A neoshadow now started a jump attack with its claws which the boy barely avoided with a sidestep, finally noticing the newcomers.
Swirling around he kicked the neoshadow off the cliff before letting the shard slide into his back pocket.

"That's a bad idea, little boy!" The hooded figure said in a low, threatening tone now, stepping forward and extending his right hand towards the strange teen. "Hand over that piece of metal!"
The boy didn't answer, he only stepped backwards slowly towards the cliff.

"Don't be foolish!" The figure shot at him. "You won't be harmed if you quietly hand over that shard."

Shifting his body around the teen still didn't answer.
Observing calmly from his position Ienzo assumed the kid was evaluating if he should flee or attack.

He's a tad insecure, maybe I can force him into submission with another illusion?

The hooded figure now crossed slowly the distance between him and the boy in the skintight suit, almost hovering over the floor.

"Don't waste my time, boy. Defying won't lead you anywhere but to obliteration."

"The one to get obliterated is YOU, sucker." A high, but sarcastic sounding voice interrupted, the hooded figure jumping back to avoid the jumping swordslash of another person coming right at him.

"Agent L! Right on time!"

That was the first time the boy actually spoke, now performing a cartwheel away from the cliff shooting a silver-white energy projectile at Ienzo and the hooded figure.
Dodging it, Ienzo turned to take a quick look at the newcomer. It was obviously a female, as she wore the same type of tight-fitting clothing as the boy, showing her features very blatantly, even in the same color scheme and also the dark purple cape with hood was exactly the same model, only several sizes bigger.
He estimated her age to be between 19 and 23, at most.

"Agent H, didn't I tell you to take the thing and then immediately return to base?" The woman snapped at the boy, swinging her futuristic looking saber-like sword around into a battle stance.

The boy adressed with 'Agent H' cringed shortly at that outburst before straightening himself.
"But-but there were just too many Heartless to safely open a way back to base without bringing some with me."

The woman called 'Agent L' hissed angrily. "How many? H?"
The boy shrugged. "About thirty or forty, didn't count them while striking them down, then these two fellers suddenly popped up."

"So it's true, the Grand Mistress was right. These shards are a danger to world order." The woman whispered that more to herself, now taking a stance that would allow her to immediately cover the boy if an attack would be directed at him.

The hooded figure stepped forward again.
"You will give up that shard to us. We know exactly what to do with it."

Do we really?
Ienzo thought unsure.
We don't even know what that is!
"No, correction: I don't know, but that hooded guy who I thought up to now is the boss seemingly knows. Who is he?

"Yeah right. Like I would believe some strange guy clad in black who reeks of evil. You don't seem very trustful."
The woman pointed her saber at the hooded figure.

"Says a pair of strange warriors who are disguised as well...tsk. I would rather say we are on equal terms. But unlike you, I know exactly what you are handling here. Answer me this: What do you want to do with that thing?"

"That's nothing of your concern, back off. We won't allow worlds to be overrun by the forces of darkness again." The boy interjected before the woman could answer.

The hooded figure made a sweeping arm gesture.
"But on the contrary, this shard is of very big concern to us because we need to bring it to the place were it belongs, and that is not a world in the Realm of Light. If you won't surrender it willingly I am afraid we will have to use force."

"We need to take that thing and examine why it attracts creatures of the dark, so I am afraid surrendering it is out of the question." The woman, Agent L, answered in a serious tone.

"But, if they know where it belongs!?" Agent H sounded a bit doubtful.

"Listen to your heart, H, we need to follow our path, not the seemingly easy one out which will sabotage our cause." She hissed back without looking at her partner.

"Heart?" The hooded figure asked in a bit of a dreamy tone, surprising Ienzo.
"Ah yes, the vast power of hearts, truly marvelous. My heart, my own heart, if it even is one already, ah?"
He tilted his head.

Agent L, Agent H and Ienzo all shouted out, equally confused about the weird behavior of the hooded figure.

"Well, that doesn't matter right now, only your two hearts matter. And they have led you to obliteration! Ienzo!! Take the shard from that boy, I don't care if you kill him in the process!" The figure shouted in a thundering voice, kicking the woman back with a fast roundhouse-kick.

"You crazy maniac, you will go down!" Agent L shouted charging at the hooded figure with her saber raised high.

Ienzo was way too surprised by the sudden turn of events to react properly as Agent H raised his hand with the black and white glove and fired a whole salvo of five fire spells at him.

Barely dodging, Ienzo saw Agent L suddenly flicking her saber around mechanically transforming it into a gun starting to fire rounds of bullets at the hooded figure which was already a stunning feature of her weapon, but his 'ally' shocked him even more.

The figure first raised a square energy shield blocking the bullets, dropping the hood of his black coat to reveal messy silver hair then crossed his arms with red energy blades flashing from his palms.

Wha, wha, what? XEMNAS? How is this possible!
Tumbling backwards he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

A crackling sound forced him to turn his attention back to Agent H. The boy had now brandished a big boomerang that was loaded up with blue electricity.

Damn, from where the heck did he pull that thing? It's almost one and a half times as big as his whole upper body.
"Take this!" He shouted, hurling the boomerang at the black coated teen.

Ienzo dodged the weapon first, expecting it to fly back, but it instead changed course and came flying from the other side.
"What the?"
Jumping over it he barely avoided an electric discharge, dashing aside immediately after to avoid a third attack.
I see, he can remotely control that boomerang loaded up with thunder energy. Bothersome.

Flipping open his lexicon Ienzo put his left hand between three pages, one between each finger.
Three energy pages manifested which he threw at Agent H in a fluid motion, dodging another diving sweep from the electrified boomerang.

Agent L had by now switched her weapon back to sword mode, parrying a barrage of Xemnas's energy blades.
Bringing some distance between them with a backflip she quickly raised her free hand.

A bigger silver-white energy projectile was shot out of her hand.
Xemnas readied to block it, but it exploded before into a bright silvery white explosion of neutral-elemental energy which threw him back slightly.

Agent H had dodged the energy pages and countered now with three fast water-spells while still remotely controlling his electrified boomerang.

Clearly a mage-type that little bugger, with the boomerang as an extra. Ienzo snorted annoyed. This boy was more trouble than necessary.

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Actress/Healer in Persona: Icebound
Aug 29, 2012
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 37 posted)

The freak?! Xemnas?! And what is this about him having a heart?

Agent H and L... Heh, it's Hope and Lightning!! :D I could tell from their weapons.. Nice one, Selphy! :D

Gee, this is surprising turn of events!

Zero Dozer

New member
Dec 22, 2012
Santo Andr?, SP, Brazil
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 37 posted)


Man, what is REALLY going on? Because time travel is out of question here, so, this had become quite the huge puzzle.

Oh, and Lightning and Hope are finally into actual action...


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 37 posted)

The freak?! Xemnas?! And what is this about him having a heart?

Agent H and L... Heh, it's Hope and Lightning!! :D I could tell from their weapons.. Nice one, Selphy! :D

Gee, this is surprising turn of events!

Tehehehe, quite a surprise? Who did you actually suspect to be the hooded figure?
That's a mystery for now, but I will reveal already that the things Xemnas says here, several instances of "weird" stuff that happens to Roxas, the presence of Ansem, Seeker of Darkness and this statement of Xehanort
Eraqus sending his Heart into Terra’s and the two still opposing me internally actually served to further validate one of my other theories, one which I suspect Sora and Ventus will help me prove for good.
are all connected.

Not really that difficult, huh? Well, it wasn't intended to be a secret, the not-so creative callsigns have in-story reasons that cannot be talked about yet. When they are among themselves in their faction without outsiders listening they use their real names.

And it will get steadily more intense I can promise. ;)


Man, what is REALLY going on? Because time travel is out of question here, so, this had become quite the huge puzzle.

Oh, and Lightning and Hope are finally into actual action...

Yeah, not a single one of Xehanort literally. *ggg*

What is really going on? Lol, you have a tendency to react exactly like some of the characters in-story. First in the Vanitas-issue with Terra and now your reaction is exactly like Ienzo's, as you will see in the following chapters.
It is quite the puzzle, but don't fret if you cannot make much sense out of it yet as several pieces are still missing.
One thing I can reveal though is that it has to do with the things I already mentioned to Roxas1563 above.
There is a definite secret behind all this that is concerned with the nature of hearts and how they are created.
Lea is actually also involved in this, or rather, the weird memory-problems he experiences right now.
Kairi and Naminé are involved too, but in their case there are less "problems" than for, i.e. Roxas, Lea, Ansem or Xemnas because of Kairi's natural pure light heart.

Just curious, did you expect them to appear? ^__^


Zero Dozer

New member
Dec 22, 2012
Santo Andr?, SP, Brazil
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 37 posted)

Well, since that strange flashback on Kairi's heart, I would expect that Lightning would appear. And the initials gave pretty much the identity.

But, well, that Gunblade did quite the rest of the work.


Actress/Healer in Persona: Icebound
Aug 29, 2012
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 37 posted)

Tehehehe, quite a surprise? Who did you actually suspect to be the hooded figure?
That's a mystery for now, but I will reveal already that the things Xemnas says here, several instances of "weird" stuff that happens to Roxas, the presence of Ansem, Seeker of Darkness and this statement of Xehanort

are all connected.

Not really that difficult, huh? Well, it wasn't intended to be a secret, the not-so creative callsigns have in-story reasons that cannot be talked about yet. When they are among themselves in their faction without outsiders listening they use their real names.

And it will get steadily more intense I can promise. ;)

Yeah, not a single one of Xehanort literally. *ggg*

What is really going on? Lol, you have a tendency to react exactly like some of the characters in-story. First in the Vanitas-issue with Terra and now your reaction is exactly like Ienzo's, as you will see in the following chapters.
It is quite the puzzle, but don't fret if you cannot make much sense out of it yet as several pieces are still missing.
One thing I can reveal though is that it has to do with the things I already mentioned to Roxas1563 above.
There is a definite secret behind all this that is concerned with the nature of hearts and how they are created.
Lea is actually also involved in this, or rather, the weird memory-problems he experiences right now.
Kairi and Naminé are involved too, but in their case there are less "problems" than for, i.e. Roxas, Lea, Ansem or Xemnas because of Kairi's natural pure light heart.

Just curious, did you expect them to appear? ^__^


Well, I was thinking Marulixa, but Xemnas was an surprise, lol.

I'm so looking forward to the next chapter, Seplhy! :D


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 37 posted)

Well, since that strange flashback on Kairi's heart, I would expect that Lightning would appear. And the initials gave pretty much the identity.

But, well, that Gunblade did quite the rest of the work.

Oh, that was it, lol, but true, the appearances of Sazh and Serah in that painting would somewhat hint at some involvement of Lightning. Yeah, like I said, the callsigns are not meant to conceal their identity from the readers, they have solely in-story reasons.

I was actually conflicted if I should put in her changing the weapon form that early, but then decided that it would make the fight more diverse.

Well, I was thinking Marulixa, but Xemnas was an surprise, lol.

I'm so looking forward to the next chapter, Seplhy! :D

Marluxia? What brought you to the theory that it might be him?
Be ensured that Ienzo is also quite surprised by these turns of events, and I can already reveal that except Isa, Braig and Even no one in Xehanort's faction knows yet about that Xemnas and Ansem SoD exist alongside Master Xehanort as independent persons.

Since the next chapter is two weeks away, but we have right now at least one member of each faction introduced, I am contemplating to provide another "Intermezzo" post with additional material on the Universe of HiU like I did with the character of Beatrix after chapter 22.
Only this time the topic would be about the four main factions/parties involved in the conflict of the story.


Actress/Healer in Persona: Icebound
Aug 29, 2012
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 37 posted)

Oh, that was it, lol, but true, the appearances of Sazh and Serah in that painting would somewhat hint at some involvement of Lightning. Yeah, like I said, the callsigns are not meant to conceal their identity from the readers, they have solely in-story reasons.

I was actually conflicted if I should put in her changing the weapon form that early, but then decided that it would make the fight more diverse.

Marluxia? What brought you to the theory that it might be him?
Be ensured that Ienzo is also quite surprised by these turns of events, and I can already reveal that except Isa, Braig and Even no one in Xehanort's faction knows yet about that Xemnas and Ansem SoD exist alongside Master Xehanort as independent persons.

Since the next chapter is two weeks away, but we have right now at least one member of each faction introduced, I am contemplating to provide another "Intermezzo" post with additional material on the Universe of HiU like I did with the character of Beatrix after chapter 22.
Only this time the topic would be about the four main factions/parties involved in the conflict of the story.

I would think it's the wordings.. it had the effect of how Marluxia would say, you know? But I was proven wrong, lol.. Is there any chance of him appearing along with Larexene, but with being back to a Somebody, you know? Maybe either on TO.13 or helping Sora and the gang.

Ooh, I love some insight of the Universe of HiU.. lol, I just love looking inside everything like I do with Marvel Cinematic Universe. xD


Son of a Mage!
Sep 25, 2010
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 37 posted)

Another impressive chapter, Sephy. :D

It was a really cool surprise to see Hope and Lightning show up. I actually thought L was Larxene for a little bit until the weapon was revealed. On the other hand, it's fantastic to see Xemnas! I wouldn't have expected him at all and boy, is he demanding. I didn't really have any guesses who it was back when you first started this fic, Sephy. Izeno feels like he's lost with all this happening at once.


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 37 posted)

I would think it's the wordings.. it had the effect of how Marluxia would say, you know? But I was proven wrong, lol.. Is there any chance of him appearing along with Larexene, but with being back to a Somebody, you know? Maybe either on TO.13 or helping Sora and the gang.

Ooh, I love some insight of the Universe of HiU.. lol, I just love looking inside everything like I do with Marvel Cinematic Universe. xD

I see, well, it isn't that farfetched as Marluxia and Xemnas have a similar way how to word things more "sophisticated". ;)
If Marluxia and Larxene, or rather their original selves, will appear or not I won't yet reveal. If they do though, don't expect them to have a very big role.
TO.13 stands for "True Organisation 13" I presume, but such a faction doesn't exist. As Rudol said to Riku in chapter 15/16, the Organisation was destroyed and is now defunct.

I'll see that I give another small intermezzo then, may also help with keeping track of the introduced characters so far.

Another impressive chapter, Sephy. :D

It was a really cool surprise to see Hope and Lightning show up. I actually thought L was Larxene for a little bit until the weapon was revealed. On the other hand, it's fantastic to see Xemnas! I wouldn't have expected him at all and boy, is he demanding. I didn't really have any guesses who it was back when you first started this fic, Sephy. Izeno feels like he's lost with all this happening at once.

It's always reassuring to come to know that I can keep the quality. ^__^

I hoped these two would stir up some surprise, and they are completely on their own side too. They oppose Ienzo and Xemnas right now, but that doesn't mean that they'll ally with Sora's faction. Since they're part of the fourth, neutral party, they follow their own goals which may not exactly go hand in hand with what the good guys want.
Hehe, yeah, Lightning can be as bitchy as Larxene, so the similarity, although I admit unintentional on my side, can throw off readers.

She's as much the "tough mentor" for Hope here as she was in the original Final Fantasy XIII, with the sole difference that they both know each other far longer and therefore understand each other way better than in their FF-incarnations.

Who would have guessed Xemnas? *ggg*
I wonder if one would re-read all appearances of the black coated figure starting from chapter 8 if he/she would find a definitive clue towards him.
Yep, Xemnas acts pretty demanding and with a no-nonsense attitude. I won't reveal too much, but this has also to do with the rambling he did about the heart that "may not yet be one" and that he has some traces of Eraqus, who's also pretty strict and demanding. ;D

If Ienzo comes over that way it's good, since that's exactly as it is intended to be. Ienzo is pretty confused right now, even more because he cannot grasp why Xemnas is still around in a physical form.


Now on to that intermezzo. ^__^

Intermezzo: Supplementary information about the different factions and character alignments in HiU:

With the latest chapter and the introduction of Lightning Farron and Hope Estheim we finally have at least one member of each of the four main "factions" in the story introduced.
Since we have quite a broad cast of characters it may be a good opportunity to show off where each so far introduced character stands right now.

Let's first take a look at the "good guys", Sora's faction or should we rather say "Yen Sid's faction" since he's the de jure leader?
To avoid confusion since this group does not have an official name I will just call them the titular "Hearts in Unison" right now.

1. Faction "Hearts in Unison"

The main characters all fall in this faction, with their end goals being those Nomura has claimed to be the main points of KH III:
- save the suffering characters
- prevent Xehanort from messing up the universe and defeat him for good.

The main members so far are:
01. Yen Sid
02. Mickey Mouse
03. Sora
04. Riku
05. Kairi
06. Donald
07. Goofy
08. Queen Minnie
09. Daisy Duck
10. Huey, Dewie and Louie
11. Chip and Dale
12. Scrooge McDuck
13. Gyro Gearloose

Further members planned to be added, the seven in torment who need to be saved:

14. Namine
15. Roxas
16. Xion
17. Terra
18. Aqua
19. Ventus
20. Ansem the Wise

For additional allies, they can count on the Restoration Committee from Hollow Bastion later on when they are informed of everything.
Those would be in detail:

01. Leon/Squall
02. Yuffie
03. Cid Highwind
04. Aerith
05. Tifa
06. Beatrix
07. Balthier
08. Fran
09. Merlin


The second faction would be Xehanort and his cronies, the main "bad guys" of the story.
This faction, although not yet named in-story, is named "The Pantheon".

2. Faction "The Pantheon"

This group drives the main conflict of the story and despite Xehanort himself right now trying to lay low, he is definitely the most dangerous adversary out there.

So far they consist of:

01. Master Xehanort (commandeering Terra's body, therefore looking like Apprentice Xehanort, but with golden eyes and MX's clothes)
02. Ansem, Seeker of Darkness
03. Xemnas, Superior of the In-between
04. Braig
05. Isa
06. Rudol Baccarat
07. Even
08. Emyd
09. Dilan
10. Ienzo
11. Aeleus


The third faction, aptly named the "Triumvirate of Terror" is Maleficent's new party which she forms with Hades and a third, right now unknown antagonist as partners.
These three villains jointly form the leadership of that faction, and I can already ensure that they will be more than just a nuisance, much more!

3. Faction "Triumvirate of Terror"

Not so many characters for this group are revealed already:

01. Maleficent
02. Hades
03. Pete


Now on to the fourth faction, of which we know only Lightning and Hope so far. This faction has exactly 18 members who form a hierarchical order to reach their goal which right now is still a mystery, although their name might already give a clue.

4. Faction "Order Preservers"

Since for this faction there are even less characters known than for Maleficents group I will go a bit more into their hierarchy here.
The Order itself is headed by a powerful person called the "Grand Mistress" which Lightning already mentioned in the chapter. Directly below the Grand Mistress ranks the Deputy Mistress, who is responsible for everything that pertains to the safety of their own base and for stealth and secrecy.
The third highest position is held by the General of the Order, which acts practically as a Chief of staff and oversees every mission. Below that position, leading the missions directly in the field are the Field Commander and Deputy Field Commander, who also split the lowest positions, the Field Agents, of which there are exactly 13, into pairs to to a mission. One of the 13 is also paired with the Field Commander himself (which one varies depending on the requirements of the mission) while the Deputy Field Commander nearly always works alone.

Lightning (No. 1) and Hope (No. 4) are actually two of those 13 Field Agents and the whole faction is made up of Final Fantasy characters, so there are quite some more surprises to come. ;D


Now, after tackling the factions you'll notice that I forgot some characters, well, those are unaffiliated with any of the main factions and therefore can be treated as "wildcard characters" right now.

Those characters include, but are not limited to:
- Vanitas
- Sephiroth
- Lea

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Actress/Healer in Persona: Icebound
Aug 29, 2012
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 37 posted)

Ooh, that's a nice full bucket of info to chew on. :)

If you don't mind me giving you some help on this, how about calling Sora and Co. "The Guardians of Light" with maybe, I don't know, wearing some White Cloaks to equal the Black Cloaks? Just a idea/suggestion. :3

Zero Dozer

New member
Dec 22, 2012
Santo Andr?, SP, Brazil
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 37 posted)

Well, after reading that Intermezzo, I am chewing on the information.

I am sure that Lea will drift over to Sora's team quite quickly. Once he gets wind of Roxas' memories and the fact of him being inside Sora, he will immediately get to him.

This is what he did on Nomura's timeline, and I am sure that this is what he will do on your timeline.

As for the Pantheon, I like this name. Doesn't sound like the XIII, but kinda like serves the same purpose.

Now, for the Keepers of Order team. That's a faction I didn't expect for. Surely they know things that Sora and Cia don't.

Well, I suppose that the next chapter on next week will have the second part of Lightning and Xemnas' confrontation. I am curious to see a perfect explanation on how different versions of Xehanort exist without time-travelling. As well as an explanation for the Unknown, which I bet that you will insert into this whole mess.

EDIT: Let me guess about that purple creature Riku fought some tens of chapters ago: an Unversed.


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 37 posted)

Ooh, that's a nice full bucket of info to chew on. :)

If you don't mind me giving you some help on this, how about calling Sora and Co. "The Guardians of Light" with maybe, I don't know, wearing some White Cloaks to equal the Black Cloaks? Just a idea/suggestion. :3

Heh, it's somewhat nice to throw out hints once in a while and not every little bit of info can be included in the story, as it's already enourmous as it is.

I'm not even sure they will get an official name, as they're not really an official "army" or "faction". Guardians of Light also sounds suspiciously alike to something relating to DDD.
On the topic of white coats, those do actually exist in the HiU Universe and like the black coats they have a special effect, lol, but only two people will get to wear one because of that effect.

Well, after reading that Intermezzo, I am chewing on the information.

I am sure that Lea will drift over to Sora's team quite quickly. Once he gets wind of Roxas' memories and the fact of him being inside Sora, he will immediately get to him.

This is what he did on Nomura's timeline, and I am sure that this is what he will do on your timeline.

As for the Pantheon, I like this name. Doesn't sound like the XIII, but kinda like serves the same purpose.

Now, for the Keepers of Order team. That's a faction I didn't expect for. Surely they know things that Sora and Cia don't.

Well, I suppose that the next chapter on next week will have the second part of Lightning and Xemnas' confrontation. I am curious to see a perfect explanation on how different versions of Xehanort exist without time-travelling. As well as an explanation for the Unknown, which I bet that you will insert into this whole mess.

EDIT: Let me guess about that purple creature Riku fought some tens of chapters ago: an Unversed.

That was the intention, lol.

I won't say anything on that just yet. Just remember that Lea's memories are quite messed up right now and that he is situated in the hidden laboratory which also houses the Chamber of Repose which is targeted by Braig and Isa.
Oh, he already has seen memories from "Axel" which also included a glimpse at Roxas, but he cannot make anything out of those memories at the moment.

I choose this name mainly for Xehanort's main goal and the possible roles intended for his devoted followers (if everyone who is with Xehanort right now is a devoted follower is up to debate!) as well as to drive home the fact that Organisation XIII is DEAD, destroyed, defunct as Rudol put it.

The Order Preservers indeed throw a wrench into the whole struggle and I can already say that all the other factions, especially Xehanort, did not expect for them to interfere.

The next two chapters will indeed deal with that confrontation, which is actually a parallel two-way battle: Lightning vs. Xemnas and Hope vs. Ienzo. The explanation of how Ansem and Xemnas are still around is of course one of the main points in the story so it will be revealed in due time.
After all factions are at least introduced now we will in short time go back to the fight between Terra and Vanitas as well as more stuff regarding Roxas and Ventus, with the introduction of the first main antagonist finally getting closer.
The Mysterious Figure from BBS is indeed in this mess, and of course he's also connected to Xehanort in some way, just the how is vastly different, and, as I may point out, probably somewhat chilling.

When Riku rushed to Sora's room? Yeah, those were three Flood Unversed, that was Vanitas "testing" how far his heart has already recuperated.


Actress/Healer in Persona: Icebound
Aug 29, 2012
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 37 posted)

Seriously? Lol, I can't wait to see the White Cloak at work. xD

So, seems the next chapter is full of fights, eh? I'm up for fights!


Guardian of Light
Oct 22, 2010
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 38 posted)

Seriously? Lol, I can't wait to see the White Cloak at work. xD

So, seems the next chapter is full of fights, eh? I'm up for fights!

It'll take a while, lol.

Yea, in fact, the whole chapter is just fighting:

XXXVIII. First battle with the Agents

He was one split millisecond too slow to dodge the last of the water spells; it bursting into a gust of magical water energy against Ienzo's left shoulder.

Flung around by the pressure he gasped at the pain, narrowly noticing the electrified boomerang homing in on him again and Agent H charging up another spell.
Gnn..."bothersome" is an understatement, that boy has some dangerous moves at his disposal by uniting his remotely controllable boomerang with magic combos.
But so have I...

Grinning wryly, Ienzo knew he had to go all out now. He flipped the pages of his lexicon again, coming to one of his stored mimic abilities. Or rather, one of the abilities his Nobody, Zexion, had acquired during his stay in Castle Oblivion.

Within one second a surprised outcry from the boy in the grey suit could be heard as he canceled his next spell, jumping backwards in a hurry to dodge two mirage copies of Ienzo slashing at him with two blue glowing copies of the sword Soul Eater.
The copies continued to swing their weapons at Agent H, who had to dodge continually yet still managed to control the boomerang to attack the real Ienzo.

He's decent, but insecure. The boomerang's attacks are more predictable now. As I theorized he's the typical mage, very strong in magic, but weak against physical attacks. The boomerang just adds an extra level for him to put pressure on an opponent, yet his insecurity and the easiness to disrupt his focus hampers his efficiency for a great deal.
Content with his observations Ienzo moved on to now neutralize the boomerang and finally trap the young Agent in one of his illusions, creating two more mirage copies to further throw the boy off balance.

Agent H hissed with a small flicker of fear hearable in his tone as the two additional copies closed in on him.

Confident, Ienzo turned his attention to the boomerang. If he could catch it with his book's abilities somehow he would be able to copy it.
A loud bang let him swirl around again, the boy had used his very powerful Thundaga again to simply destroy two of his mirage clones.
Bending down to avoid the boomerang again he hissed annoyed, where did the teen get the new confidence from?

Meanwhile Agent L and Xemnas had engaged in a very heated duel, both were roughly evenly matched in swordplay and agility, yet Xemnas had the advantage of two blades and greater physical strength.
Agent L however quickly realized her shortcomings in these fields and evened the odds with her transformable weapon and the seemingly unblockable spell "Ruinga" which also inflicted splash damage.

Charging at him another time she ducked under a horizontal sweep of one of Xemnas's blades slamming the handle of her weapon into his stomach before he could react.
Grunting, the Superior tumbled back two steps, barely avoiding a follow-up diagonal upward strike of her sword.

"Not bad at all. Still no match for the power of nothingness though." One blade dismissed, Xemnas instead shot a round of sliver and white nobody-thorns surrounded by a black hue from his free left hand.
Agent L dashed backwards quickly to avoid them, hindering her opponent on chasing after her with another Ruinga.

Keeping on the pressure, he conjured a swarm of smaller ethereal blades and shot them at the hooded woman, who swatted them away with swift motions from her sword, swirling aside right after it changing her weapon to a gun again and blasting a salvo of energy bullets at him as a counterattack.
Xemnas decided to return the display of awesome and instead of using his energy shield also blocked the bullets by swinging around his ethereal blade, directing some of them away in different directions as if he was using a tennis racket.

“This is gonna sting!” She shouted, turning her weapon back to sword mode and slamming it into the ground.
A bright flash occurred and a wall of yellow and blue lightning bolts crashed down on the Superior with amazing speed.

“Ugh…what power!” Xemnas cringed as the energy scored several hits, the backlash slamming him against one of the rock walls.

“H! When the opportunity arises open a corridor to the base, and don’t forget the protect bubble!” Agent L shouted at her younger companion, who just eliminated the third and fourth of Ienzo’s mirage copies by freezing them with a very powerful Blizzaga.

As Xemnas was already back in action again Agent L turned her attention back to him, slashing at her opponent with several swipes of her futuristic curved sword.
Xemnas met each strike with his ethereal blades, using one horizontal blow to glide sideways around her and kick the woman heavily in the lower back, sending her flying forward.

“Nice try.” She snorted, flipping around in the air now facing downwards, changing her weapon’s form again firing another salvo at the Superior while her feet touched now the blue rock wall.

Pushing herself off with her cape flaring out, she flew at Xemnas with high speed, performing a wide horizontal slash with her weapon back in sword mode.

The silver-haired man just teleported away, causing a surprised hiss from the female warrior.
Xemnas reappeared in the air above her, unleashing a flurry of ethereal blades in a wide half circle.

"Tss..damn." Flipping around while still in the air she barely managed to dodge the Superior's barrage.
This action however had brought her directly to the edge of the cliff, causing Xemnas to smirk.
She doesn't need to be kept around...she hasn't the shard.

"Begone!" He yelled, throwing a big sphere-shaped Nothingness-bomb at Agent L.

Again she managed to just barely avoid it with a sideways jump, however the resulting outburst of the exploding bomb threw her forwards against one of the rock walls.

Meanwhile Ienzo threw a charged ball of dark energy at his opponent, using the gained time to form two more mirage copies with blue glowing Soul Eaters.
As the electrified boomerang came from behind again he now jumped over it with a timed backflip, scanning it with his open lexicon while turning in the air.

What an interesting weapon. Normally a plain and simple normal sports boomerang you can get everywhere, yet that kid managed not only to enchant it so it is sharp like a sword but also so it can be uploaded with elemental energy to increase it's force.
It will be such a satisfying feeling to use a copy of that.

The steel blue-haired teen grinned again, noticing that the two other mirage copies had by now closed in so nearly the boy couldn't use his Thundaga anymore without hitting himself.
Another slash of one of the fake Soul Eaters forced Agent H to duck down, the boy using the opportunity to knock one of the copies off its feet with a sweeping kick.
The other copy took the opening, performing a vertical downward slash, which Agent H was one split second too slow to fully dodge, the tip of the blade scraping down his whole upper arm starting from the right shoulder.

Yelping in surprise and pain the boy in the grey suit tumbled backwards landing harshly on his butt, the mirage copy keeping up its advance, the other one by now also up again and joining the first. Ienzo gave the mental order to pin the kid down on the floor.

He made his way slowly towards his fallen opponent, the lexicon still open in one hand.

The electrified boomerang now came sweeping back to the boy, annihilating one of the copies in the process. Gripping it with his right hand he blocked the next strike of the remaining copy with it, impressing Ienzo.
He blocked the strike with his now injured arm...and while sitting on the floor nonetheless. That kid has definitely potential...but, alas...

The copy performed another strike which Agent H could barely block again as Ienzo stopped his slow walk towards him, raising his free hand and firing three Dark Firagas at the boy.

Pushing back the copy he got up very fast and released an Aero spell which damaged but not destroyed the copy. The pressure of the Wind spell pushed the copy into the path of the Dark Firagas, one of them destroying it while the other two crashed into the spot where Agent H had sat just one moment ago.

"Clever little bugger..." Ienzo snorted, not without approval.

Agent H stood a tad aside of him now, the boomerang in his right hand positioned diagonally before his upper body for protection, the left hand pressed on the upper right arm where the long cut was situated.
He was panting and visibly shaking a little, yet still gave no sign of intending to back down.

Ienzo decided on another reasoning approach, wiping through the hair that covered the right side of his face partly, fixing his free eye sternly on the boy.
"It really doesn't have to go down into more violence, hand over that shard to me and I promise I will let you go without any further injury. I see you have good potential that could be activated, don't throw away your life in a battle you can't win!"

They both turned aside looking at the Nothingness-bomb exploding.

"L!" The boy shrieked.
"It would be also better for your partner, don't you think?" Ienzo added, his mouth forming into a wry smirk.

Agent H started into a run towards Agent L, ignoring now Ienzo, his own injury and also Xemnas.
"That's not really an answer..." Ienzo snorted, raising his free hand again.

A fearful scream escaped the boy's lips as he tumbled backwards and fell to the floor again, terrified by thousands of sharp thorns erupting like a wall before him.

Hah, he's so in distress now that even such a simple illusion can throw him off...
Ienzo's smirk widened.

Agent H noticed that wider grin however and suddenly jumped up in realization. Throwing a quick glance to see that Agent L had escaped the explosion, only thrown against the rock wall and was now trading blows with Xemnas again, he returned his attention to Ienzo, making a pissed sounding noise.
"I won't fall again for your tricks! Who says I can't win?" He shouted, blasting Ienzo directly with his strong Thundaga, several purple-blue lightning bolts crashing down, blowing the blue-haired teen off his feet with a pained outcry, the lexicon gliding from his hand.

"Ghhh...you stubborn little brat." Now annoyed, Ienzo tried to get up, but had to notice that this Thundaga had a certain stun effect.
More pain was in store for him as Agent H followed up with a powerful Blizzaga which tossed him across nearly the whole battlefield.

Agent L sent Xemnas tumbling backwards with a flipkick, followed by another "Ruinga".
"H!! Don't play around, we have to disengage!" She shouted again at her partner.

Xemnas fired another flurry of ethereal blades at her, a clone of him simultaneously attacking with melee strikes.

Finally snapping out of his pissed attitude against Ienzo toying with him Agent H now opened a somewhat weird looking portal to the Lanes between.
His hooded face turned around, the whole posture signalling expectation.

"Don't wait for me, hurry up!" L shouted at him, dodging Xemnas's attacks another time, revealing a glimpse of bright pink hair sticking out from her hood.

A roaring sound surprised Agent H, he jumping away from the portal in haste as a meteor of dark energy crashed down before it.
"Not so fast...you're not going anywhere before giving up on the shard." Ienzo snarled, his lexicon back in his hand and glowing with a blue aura.
He was still covered in some shards of ice and had a pained expression on his face.



Actress/Healer in Persona: Icebound
Aug 29, 2012
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 38 posted)

This was a great chapter, but this is not over.. not by a long shot, am I right? xD

I can imagine everything in my mind while reading this.. O_O too much awesomeness going on in my mind, lol.

Ready for the next chapter, Sephly!

Zero Dozer

New member
Dec 22, 2012
Santo Andr?, SP, Brazil
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 38 posted)

The fight had just begun... And the good guys are actually in disadvantage.

Ienzo's trapping Hope on the scene, as Xemnas deals quite easily with Lightning.


Dyslexic rambler
Dec 5, 2009
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 38 posted)

Great job on the story, this is a very interesting story, I’m really interested in seeing how this will unfold. I’m impressed that you managed to write over 38 chapters, introducing so much and yet it still feels like we’re just getting started. I don’t know why but reading your story kind of makes me really excited and kind of want to try and write my own.

I’m looking forward to learning how Roxas’ year of live caused pain to Ven, seems like quite an interesting idea. I really dig they’re interactions. I’m also quite found of the interaction between Kairi and Naminé, I’m also curious to see what you’re planning on doing with them. Seems like Kairi’s status as a Princess of Heart might play a larger role in her character arc.
Braig and Isa make an interesting Straight Man and Wise Guy duo. I love how Braig keeps calling Isa blueberry.

I’m surprised you included Demyx, I thought you’d leave him out seeing you dislike him just as much as I do. Also I hope you go into more details into why Luxord is working for Xehanort, he wouldn’t strike me as a guy that would stick around, he might like the thrill, but I don’t see much else that he’d feel appealing. But I do like how you tend to address these kind of questions in a very organic matter and expect you’ll answer or at least address this one in such a way.

Also how old are you planning to make Serah and Sazh, seeing Serah was described to be a young woman 9 years ago and Lighting was estimated to be 20ish, which is odd considering Serah’s the younger one and you don't usually call a nine year old a young woman. I kind of think there might be time travel involved by those facts alone also seeing that’s a big part of Serah’s story in FF13-2.

My only real complaint is all the cursing and the blood, I’m not a fan of the KH characters swearing or the fights getting bloody it just doesn’t suit the KH feel, at least not in my opinion.

All other problem I have are rather small nitpicks. Like why is Ven still in such a bad condition after 11years? He sure his heart was in a worse condition then the last time he bonded with Sora to heal but even so it shouldn’t be in such a bad shape after 11 years. My only guess here is becaue he was isolated unlike last time.
Sora not accepting his friends help even with his reasoning seems tad bit out of character for him. Also you might want to spend more time on describing the FF characters, because for people who don’t know them it can get a little confusing and I know I felt lose whenever it wasn't a FF13 character or a character not already introduced in the games. Especially seeing you seem to be including a lot of them into your story.
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