Re: Kingdom Hearts: Hearts in Unison (Chapter 35 posted)
Nice to see that the interest here is still awake. ^__^
Yep, it's already two weeks later so it's time for the next chapter.
This time, after Roxas experiences some more mysterious stuff, we will finally see Rudol's journey coming to an end when he delivers the ominious shard he fetched from Destiny Islands in chapter 15 to his boss.
XXXV. Meeting the Master
Roxas had by now crossed the way between Ven's resting place and the dropped Keyblade.
For short moment he wondered why Ven hadn't dismissed it, but came to the conclusion that in his pain-trip he surely had other worries as to think about this.
Stooping down he grabbed the oddly shaped weapon with his right hand.
My observations were true, this Keyblade is specifically designed for a reverse grip.
It's also a certain bit shorter than my Oblivion or Oathkeeper.
Swinging the Keyblade around a few times in it's intended way of wielding Roxas's expression soured a bit as he scrutinized the weapon.
I could not really fight like this, but I have to say, it's also way more lightweight than my blades.
Still, the nerfed range and way of wielding it is not really my style.
His eyes flickering over to the skinny form of the sleeping other blonde again shortly before returning it to the blade, he remembered how Ven, or rather, his armored apparition, had moved while they had fought.
His battlestyle emphasizes heavily on speed and agility. From that point of view, this Keyblade is actual ideal for him, ah?
As he flicked the blade over into a forward holding stance a slightly warm, but comfortable and familiar feeling came up in his hand.
Wh-What? This-this feeling, it's very similar to the feeling of my own Oathkeeper!?
Holding up his left hand, Roxas manifested his own Oathkeeper from his memories.
That feeling, it's not similar, it's the same! What does this mean?
Roxas was torn from his own thoughts as he heard Ventus moan in his sleep.
"Huh? What?" Fear flaring up within him he hastily ran back beside his look-alike, who was slightly trembling.
"What's wrong?" He asked in a worried tone, dismissing his Oathkeeper.
"No, not now, please!" Pressing his lips together, Ven threw himself around, his right hand flying up from under the coat.
With a bright flash of light Ven's Keyblade dissappeared from Roxas's hand, reappearing in the outstretched hand of the other boy before vanishing completely.
Letting his hand fall Ventus calmed down, curling himself up under the coat again.
"Cannot allow this now." He mumbled a bit exhausted.
Calming down himself as well Roxas let out a sigh.
"So that was it, you finally noticed wasting energy by keeping your blade materialized, huh?"
While whispering this he shortly let his hand rush through his own hair.
Still why did he only notice that when I picked up the thing?I suppose there is really much, much more between us than just identical looks.
Sitting down beside his friend again Roxas let out another, more relieved sigh.
Ventus reacted to this by turning around once more, his face now turned towards Roxas with a small smile.
Additionally, he let out a small whine-sound that was reminiscent to that of a young dog, flustering the other blonde.
What is this? Can he feel when I am near him???Even while sleeping?
So confusing but at least he looks happy and relaxed.
Grinning, he shortly nudged the other boy in the abdomen, earning a low grunt.
Well then, how about I rest a little bit as well, just for a short while.
Stretching his body out beside Ventus, face also turned towards the other, Roxas now also felt his own exhaustion after all that happened since he found Ven's heart, a bit of sleep would also serve something good for himself.
The icy storms wailed around the thick, dark gray walls of the fortress standing on a hill that lead out to a cliff on the other side.
It was a compact citadel in a square shape, a big, menacing tower on each corner on the outer wall, sharp spikes on the top of the inner wall surrounding the massive keep.
A trail of old railway tracks ended at a small, wrecked station right before the main entrance of the fortress.
Rudol Baccarat moved forwards through the high snow, already stiff and weary from the long march through the 'Plains of frozen agony'.
Heading determined towards the main entrance he was relieved to finally get into something warmer.
Even coming just inside the outer court between the two walls was already a great relief. Torches were lit and a welcome opporunity to warm up.
Rudol now crossed the big gate of the inner wall and hurried into the keep, even bigger torches on the walls in the main entrance hall casting a comfortable light.
As he discarded the fur mantle, throwing it on a broad couch right beside the main door of the keep, a seemingly nervous man with long blonde hair wearing a lab coat came rushing down the main flight of stairs.
"Rudol! Rudol! Where the heck were you? You're later than late! The Master is expecting you."
"A good day to you as well, Even. Don't make such a fuss." The elegant man answered calmly, shaking some snow off his body as he also removed the hood of his black coat.
Even threw his right arm around in a fit, an eyebrow twitching.
"You don't get it! You're overdue more than three hours. Why did you take the far entrance to the world instead of the near one in the Fissure of blackened violence!?"
"Because I didn't feel like fighting bunches of Heartless. The 'Plains of frozen agony' were no comfortable landscape to journey through as well but, why are you throwing such fits anyways?"
Rudol chuckled a bit.
"After all, if the Master is gonna chop one's head off it'll be mine, not yours."
As if only realizing that now, Even calmed suddenly down quite a little.
"That's true, but still, why do you risk the Master getting upset? He's a difficult to handle guy in
normal mood already."
"Everything is a sort of a gamble in life, and I am actually sure it will pay off this time since I have what the Master wants. The mission to Destiny Islands was a success. Now, where is the Master, Throne room or Office?"
Even blinked shortly.
"Oh, uuhh, Office I think."
"Thank you colleague, and you better get back to
your work whatever it was the Master ordered you to do.
Oh, one last question: Any news from the others yet?"
"Not many, Dilan apparently managed to infiltrate the palace of Agrabah, but hasn't found the target yet, no news from Braig, Aeleus or the recon department."
"Alright." Nodding, Rudol moved past Even and headed for the main office of his boss situated at the second floor.
The corridors were lit with rows of smaller torches which alternated with old knight's armors and sometimes a painting.
On the stone floors there were long, broad carpets in the colors of either black or red, each sporting a white 'X' in the middle.
Rudol had by now reached his destination and knocked at the massive dark brown oak door.
"Come in!" A demanding voice sounded.
Opening the door he entered a wide, broad room which was partly fitted out with some devices of a more futuristic design.
Beside those, on the left side there were three couches in dark red cushion in a half-circle around a rectangular table of dark wood, a big fireplace behind one of the couches and a strange, globe-like device behind another.
The third couch was directly on the backside wall, directly beside the big panorama window that was situated across the door. Over this couch, two normal, claymore-esque longswords were crossed on the wall.
On the right side there was another door leading to another room flanked by two big book shelves and one odd capsule-like device placed before one shelf.
Right before the big panorama window stood a broad, heavy desk filled with papers, scrolls and a big petroleum lamp. Between this desk and the window stood the throne-like desk chair the Master was sitting in, its front side turned to the window exposing the back to Rudol.
The backside of the chair depicted another, stylized and very strange 'X'. Strange in the way of its coloring as one of the strokes of the 'X' was white while the other was black.
Rudol bowed formally as the Master spoke again.
"Ah, Rudol. I've expected you a bit earlier perhaps but I tend to assume you have a good explanation for that."
"Yes, Master Xehanort. One reason was that I took the long route to the base instead of the short, bypassing some Heartless. The cargo I carry attracts them like moths."
At this notion the lips of the man in the chair curled up into a devious smile.
"The second one was the occurrence that I managed to run into the Key that connects everything, and the 'Wielder of Balance' while securing the target." Rudol continued, his voice normally modulated without any fear or overboarding excitement.
"Oh, that's quite interesting." Master Xehanort exclaimed in a mildly curious tone, now turning around with the chair facing Rudol.
The standing man gulped shortly at the sight, as Xehanort's golden eyes were very intimidating.
Before him sat a young Master Xehanort apparently in his early twenties, four silver bangs framing his rather tan face which let the golden eyes stick out even more.
His silver hair was shoulder-length and largely slicked back except the bangs.
"So you met Sora and Riku not entirely surprising as it is their home world and Riku has developed a certain sensitive smell for mysterious things, especially when they involve darkness."
Xehanort explained further, his left hand twitching a little.
"Do they suspect anything yet? What have you told them?" The Master of darkness shot these questions out like spears, yet his voice remained calm and collected.
"Oh, Riku was quite wary of everything and refused to back off until I revealed my name. Sora on the other hand was pretty confused at my peaceful behavior, although he reacted a bit weird when I pulled out the target.
The way he asked what it is sounded a bit like he had a deep inner uneasiness he wasn't even aware of himself.
Still, except my name and that I travel worlds to make them safer they didn't come to know anything."
"As expected." Xehanort mumbled, another sly smile forming on his face when Rudol talked about Sora.
"well then, show me the result of your mission."
Rudol pulled out the metal shard he had acquired on Destiny Islands from the hidden pocket in his coat and put it on Xehanort's desk.
His eyes flaring up in an unsettling way that indicated severe greed bordering on obsession, Xehanort stood up and took the shard into his hand.
"Admirably done, Rudol. This is a correct one, I can feel it. Very good, another piece secured."
He's finally there, Xehanort makes an appearance, lol.