Re: HD Remaster/Remake Discussion Thread
HD remasters are notoriously hard to do, so you can throw days and coded out the window. Birth by sleep is too new so I wouldn't get my hopes up on that. The most likely would be I and II with memories if they're feeling generous. They'd probably outsource the work to another company as well, that's how it usually works for hd remasters
Birth by Sleep is definitely not too new to warrant a port in the form of an HD remastering, though. I've one of the God of War PSP games being treated like this, and it came out roughly the same time as BbS.
Also, Days wouldn't need to really be an HD remaster. Just have it ported over and call Re: Days. Most of the material is there for a port so really, it's not that out of the question. Throw in the fact it has the Organization as the centric characters, the multiplayer possibilities, Nomura expressing having wanted to create Days with analog control, and it's not entirely out of the question. It's less likely to come out Before a KH1FM/KH2FM/BbSFM HD Remaster yes, but not out of the equation. Throw in the possible fan demand and the fact Nomura has stated he wants to do something about having all the games spread over consoles, it's really that far of a stretch.
Re:coded is out of the question. I find it to be the best entry in the series equal to CoM/Re:CoM, but it's not gonna happen. Maybe after every other title (including DDD, which also isn't likely to happen for awhile) is ported over, but not anywhere in the next five years, I'm guessing. Re:CoM I can't see being ported/HD remastered until after the three main games have already. But that one is more likely to happen sooner than Re:coded, not sure if it would beat out a Re: Days for the possibility though.
And if that's how it works for HD Remasters to outsource, it isn't out of the question seeing as how SE has already started outsourcing and is going to continue doing it from here in out for shorter development times.
Either way, whether or not it's an HD Remaster or a simple remade port ala Re:CoM, Days is not that far out of the question.
Besides, SE has already taken on FFX to HD Remaster, and with Nomura still expressing interest in KH going HD, it's likely that there could be an HD collection soon. Hell, It would serve over as a good intro for new gamers and also for casual KH fans to realize BbS wasn't a side story/spin-off if it's included in such.