Re: HD Remaster/Remake Discussion Thread
Birth by Sleep had trophies also, and DDD does have them. Quite a few actually.
I actually kind of prefer the KH versions of trophies, in that they aren't meaningless points or just a tiny little picture, but that they take the time to design really awesome looking, legit trophies just for their game.
I imagine porting DDD would be pretty difficult from DDD to PS3 seeing as how DDD takes some advantages of the 3DS, such as the bottom screen, the attacks you can do with Dream Eaters, interacting with them like Nintendogs, etc.
I wouldn't be surprised if Trophies were added though. I played the Prince of Persia HD collection and it had Trophy support, and SE has been doing Trophies for the newer games in FF and KH (or at least Re:coded, no clue about DDD).
Birth by Sleep had trophies also, and DDD does have them. Quite a few actually.
I actually kind of prefer the KH versions of trophies, in that they aren't meaningless points or just a tiny little picture, but that they take the time to design really awesome looking, legit trophies just for their game.